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Showing latest 50 of 158 images tagged with Moira (Northern Ireland) tag.

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J1561 : Moira station (August 2014) by Albert Bridge Moira station (August 2014) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J1561
The down platform at Moira station seen from the new footbridge J1561 : New footbridge, Moira station - August 2014(1).... (more)
J1661 : Peter Savage drain cover, Moira by Albert Bridge Peter Savage drain cover, Moira by Albert Bridge
for square J1661
The Moira roundabout is well provided with drain covers made by Peter Savage... (more)
J1561 : Victorian wall box, Moira station by Albert Bridge Victorian wall box, Moira station by Albert Bridge
for square J1561
VR wall box (BT67 18) on the up platform at Moira station. Previously seen in... (more)
J1661 : Direction signs, Moira roundabout (October 2016) by Albert Bridge Direction signs, Moira roundabout (October 2016) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J1661
Direction signs at the Lisburn exit from the Moira roundabout. They include a... (more)
J1561 : Route confirmatory sign, M1, Moira by Albert Bridge Route confirmatory sign, M1, Moira by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J1561
Category: Road signs
Route confirmatory sign (westbound) after the Moira on-slip J1561 : The M1 near Moira (1).
J1860 : Downshire estate boundary post near Moira by Albert Bridge Downshire estate boundary post near Moira by Albert Bridge
for square J1860
The Downshire estate J2458 : Main Street, Hillsborough (1) covered a large part of Co Down much of which... (more)
J1561 : The M1 near Moira (2) by Albert Bridge The M1 near Moira (2) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J1561
Category: Motorway
See J1561 : M1 Moira (2) and J1561 : The M1 at Moira. This is the view towards the former from the... (more)
J1661 : M1 Moira (1) by Albert Bridge M1 Moira (1) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J1661
Category: Motorway
The M1 between Sprucefield and Lurgan opened in two sections in late 1965 and... (more)
J1561 : Roundabout sign, Moira by Albert Bridge Roundabout sign, Moira by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J1561
The sign, on the Lisburn Road J1561 : The Lisburn Road, Moira, approaching Moira roundabout from the... (more)
J1561 : The M1 near Moira (1) by Albert Bridge The M1 near Moira (1) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J1561
Category: Motorway
See J1561 : M1 Moira (2). This is the view towards Dungannon from the Station Road bridge... (more)
J1561 : Moira roundabout by Albert Bridge Moira roundabout by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J1561
Category: Roundabout
The roundabout at Moira is where the road from Belfast International Airport... (more)
J1561 : M1 Moira (2) by Albert Bridge M1 Moira (2) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J1561
Category: Motorway
The M1 runs from Belfast to just outside Dungannon. The section between... (more)
J1665 : Traffic counter, Ballylacky, Moira/Ballinderry (May 2017) by Albert Bridge Traffic counter, Ballylacky, Moira/Ballinderry (May 2017) by Albert Bridge
for square J1665
A solar-powered traffic counter beside the Moira Road J1665 : The Moira Road, Ballylacky, Moira/Ballinderry (May 2017).
J1661 : The M1, Moira (June 1980) by Albert Bridge The M1, Moira (June 1980) by Albert Bridge
for square J1661
The M1, looking towards the Moira roundabout and Dungannon, from the bridge on... (more)
J1560 : Biblical message, Moira by Albert Bridge Biblical message, Moira by Albert Bridge
for square J1560
A Biblical message, close to the entrance to Moira Baptist church, on the Clarehill Road.
J1460 : Moira gospel hall by Albert Bridge Moira gospel hall by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J1460
Moira gospel hall, at the Main Street end of the Old Kilmore Road. It seems to... (more)
J1459 : Letter box, Moira by Albert Bridge Letter box, Moira by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J1459
Post-mounted EIIR letter box (BT67 41) on the Lurgan Road. Officially known as... (more)
J1561 : Motorway slip-road, Moira (3) by Albert Bridge Motorway slip-road, Moira (3) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J1561
Traffic, at the end of the east-bound off-slip J1561 : Motorway slip-road, Moira (2), waiting to join the... (more)
J1561 : Motorway flyover, Moira by Albert Bridge Motorway flyover, Moira by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J1561
The flyover carrying the western side of the Moira roundabout across the M1.... (more)
J1561 : Motorway slip-road, Moira (1) by Albert Bridge Motorway slip-road, Moira (1) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J1561
The westbound (Dungannon and Portadown/Armagh direction) on-slip at the Moira roundabout.
J1462 : Road markings at the Soldierstown bridge near Moira by Albert Bridge Road markings at the Soldierstown bridge near Moira by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J1462
Category: Road markings
See J1462 : Soldierstown Bridge disused Lagan Navigation (3). The bridge is preceded by “road narrows” and “hump bridge”... (more)
J1561 : Closed signal cabin at Moira by Albert Bridge Closed signal cabin at Moira by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J1561
Category: Signal box
See J1561 : Level crossing and signal cabin, Moira. Another look at the disused cabin, in its proper setting beside... (more)
J1561 : Motorway slip-road, Moira (2) by Albert Bridge Motorway slip-road, Moira (2) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J1561
The east-bound off-slip on the M1.
J1561 : Red lights, Moira roundabout by Albert Bridge Red lights, Moira roundabout by Albert Bridge
for square J1561
Flashing red lights warning against going the wrong way on the eastbound... (more)
J1561 : Footpath, Moira roundabout by Albert Bridge Footpath, Moira roundabout by Albert Bridge
for square J1561
There is a footpath only on the western side of the roundabout (visible in... (more)
J1661 : Motorway telephone, Moira (October 2016) by Albert Bridge Motorway telephone, Moira (October 2016) by Albert Bridge
for square J1661
An emergency telephone, beside the Belfast-bound lanes, between the two flyovers.
J1661 : Relay boxes, Moira roundabout (October 2016) by Albert Bridge Relay boxes, Moira roundabout (October 2016) by Albert Bridge
for square J1661
Four relay boxes, visible only to pedestrians, in the landscaping on the... (more)
J1661 : The M1, Moira (October 2016) by Albert Bridge The M1, Moira (October 2016) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J1661
The view towards Belfast, from the roundabout flyover, on a wet Sunday morning.... (more)
J1561 : The "Enterprise", Moira (May 2015) by Albert Bridge The "Enterprise", Moira (May 2015) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J1561
See J3271 : The 'Enterprise' at Belfast (February 2015). A five-car Irish Rail set (22 137/22 337)... (more)
J1561 : Balmoral Show special, Moira (May 2015) by Albert Bridge Balmoral Show special, Moira (May 2015) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J1561
A six-car set (3003 at the back) departing Moira with a Newry – Lisburn special... (more)
J1561 : Parked cars, Station Road, Moira (May 2015) by Albert Bridge Parked cars, Station Road, Moira (May 2015) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J1561
Moira station has four Belfast-bound departures between 07.46 and 08.46. The... (more)
J1662 : Railway at Trummery, Moira (August 2014) by Albert Bridge Railway at Trummery, Moira (August 2014) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J1662
The Belfast – Dublin railway, looking towards Dublin, at Trummery level... (more)
J1662 : Trummery level crossing, Moira - August 2014(2) by Albert Bridge Trummery level crossing, Moira - August 2014(2) by Albert Bridge
for square J1662
Trummery level crossing, from the Lisburn Road, Moira side, as the 09.35 Dublin... (more)
J1662 : Trummery level crossing, Moira - August 2014(1) by Albert Bridge Trummery level crossing, Moira - August 2014(1) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J1662
Trummery level crossing, looking in the direction of the Lisburn Road, Moira.... (more)
J1561 : Railway speed limit sign, Moira (August 2014) by Albert Bridge Railway speed limit sign, Moira (August 2014) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J1561
A 90mph sign, beside the up line, a short distance on the Portadown/Dublin side... (more)
J1561 : The "Enterprise" at Moira (August 2014) by Albert Bridge The "Enterprise" at Moira (August 2014) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J1561
The 10.35 Belfast – Dublin “Enterprise” (9001/228) running non-stop through... (more)
J1561 : Train approaching Moira station (August 2014) by Albert Bridge Train approaching Moira station (August 2014) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J1561
The view from the new footbridge J1561 : New footbridge, Moira station - August 2014(1) as the 10.45 Portadown – Bangor... (more)
J1561 : Train, Moira (2012-2) by Albert Bridge Train, Moira (2012-2) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J1561
The 11.45 Portadown – Bangor (3016) calling at Moira. I would expect this view... (more)
J1561 : Train, Moira (2012-1) by Albert Bridge Train, Moira (2012-1) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J1561
The 11.15 Portadown – Bangor (4003) departing Moira and about to pass the... (more)
J1561 : The "Enterprise" at Moira by Albert Bridge The "Enterprise" at Moira by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J1561
The 09.35 Dublin – Belfast “Enterprise” (230/9004) about to pass over the... (more)
J1561 : Footbridge (proposed site), Moira station by Albert Bridge Footbridge (proposed site), Moira station by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J1561
The platforms at the Lurgan/Dublin end of Moira station. There is an... (more)
J1561 : Railway at Moira by Albert Bridge Railway at Moira by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J1561
Category: Railway
The 11.00 Portadown – Bangor departing Moira station past a trailing crossover.... (more)
J1561 : Moira level crossing by Albert Bridge Moira level crossing by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J1561
Category: Level crossing
The level crossing at Moira station carries the Station Road across the... (more)
J1759 : The M1 south east of Moira (1) by Albert Bridge The M1 south east of Moira (1) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J1759
Category: Motorway
See J1661 : M1 Moira (1). This is the view toward the former from the bridge near... (more)
J1561 : Train, Moira (July 2018) by Albert Bridge Train, Moira (July 2018) by Albert Bridge
for square J1561
C4K set 4013 departing with the 10.00 Belfast Gt Victoria Street - Portadown - a... (more)
J1561 : Motorway bridge, Moira (May 2017) by Albert Bridge Motorway bridge, Moira (May 2017) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J1561
The view, towards Moira, across the bridge carrying the Station Road over the M1... (more)
J1560 : National speed limit signs, Moira (May 2017) by Albert Bridge National speed limit signs, Moira (May 2017) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J1560
National speed limit applies signs on the Station Road. When I checked on the... (more)
J1460 : Star petrol station, Moira (April 2016) by Albert Bridge Star petrol station, Moira (April 2016) by Albert Bridge
for square J1460
Star petrol station at the Lurgan end of Main Street. This view is from Kilmore Park.
J1460 : Maxol petrol station, Moira (April 2016) by Albert Bridge Maxol petrol station, Moira (April 2016) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J1460
Maxol petrol station at the Lurgan end of Main Street.
J1662 : Lords and ladies, Trummery, Moira (August 2014) by Albert Bridge Lords and ladies, Trummery, Moira (August 2014) by Albert Bridge
for square J1662
The verge, on the north western side of Trummery level crossing J1662 : Trummery level crossing, Moira - August 2014(1),... (more)
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