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J3268 : Drumlins, Barnett Demesne, Belfast by Albert Bridge Drumlins, Barnett Demesne, Belfast by Albert Bridge
for square J3268
Malone House J3269 : Malone House, Belfast sits on top of a drumlin in the Lagan valley. This view... (more)
J3066 : Fields and trees near the Drum Bridge and Dunmurry by Albert Bridge Fields and trees near the Drum Bridge and Dunmurry by Albert Bridge
for square J3066
A typical scene in the Lagan valley – trees and fields south east of the Drum... (more)
J3067 : Giant butterbur, Dixon Park, Belfast (2) by Albert Bridge Giant butterbur, Dixon Park, Belfast (2) by Albert Bridge
for square J3067
A plant which is widespread in the Lagan valley... (more)
J2967 : Seat, Lagan towpath, Ballyskeagh/Lambeg by Albert Bridge Seat, Lagan towpath, Ballyskeagh/Lambeg by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J2967
A seat, beside the Lagan towpath, overlooking this part of the Lagan and the... (more)
J3370 : Giant butterbur, River Lagan, Belfast by Albert Bridge Giant butterbur, River Lagan, Belfast by Albert Bridge
for square J3370
Prolific along the banks of the Lagan... (more)
J3370 : Landslip, River Lagan. Belfast (2011) by Albert Bridge Landslip, River Lagan. Belfast (2011) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3370
A landslip by the Lagan, near J3370 : The River Lagan, Moreland's Meadow, Belfast, opposite Moreland’s Meadow, now being... (more)
J3370 : The River Lagan, Moreland's Meadow, Belfast by Albert Bridge The River Lagan, Moreland's Meadow, Belfast by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3370
The end of spring and the start of summer as the Lagan flows gently past... (more)
J3370 : Ducklings, Belfast by Albert Bridge Ducklings, Belfast by Albert Bridge
for square J3370
Part of a family of mallard ducklings, on this stretch of the Lagan J3370 : River Lagan, Stranmillis, Belfast.
J3369 : River Lagan footbridge, Belfast by Albert Bridge River Lagan footbridge, Belfast by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3369
Category: Footbridge
See J3369 : The Lagan navigation restoration (18). The same bridge with a coating of heavy frost. The... (more)
J2865 : The Lagan canal at Hilden (1) by Albert Bridge The Lagan canal at Hilden (1) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J2865
Category: River
See J2865 : The Lagan canal near Hilden. The Lagan Navigation (looking towards Belfast) at the Hilden... (more)
J3370 : Boundary Post, Belfast by Rossographer Boundary Post, Belfast by Rossographer
for square J3370
Old boundary post on the Lagan Towpath in south Belfast. Previously seen in... (more)
J3369 : Boundary Post, Belfast by Rossographer Boundary Post, Belfast by Rossographer
for square J3369
Old boundary post on the Lagan Towpath in south Belfast. Previously seen in... (more)
J2866 : The Lagan towpath, Ballyskeagh by Albert Bridge The Lagan towpath, Ballyskeagh by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J2866
The summer leaves almost hiding the view, from the footbridge J2866 : Footbridge, Ballyskeagh beside... (more)
J3370 : River Lagan, Stranmillis, Belfast by Albert Bridge River Lagan, Stranmillis, Belfast by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3370
The approach, heading upstream, to lock no 2 J3370 : Lock no 2, disused Lagan Navigation (right) with the spring... (more)
J2865 : The Lagan canal at Hilden (2) by Albert Bridge The Lagan canal at Hilden (2) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J2865
The disused Lagan canal at the Bridge Street/Hilden Road bridge. A seasonal... (more)
J2866 : Trees, Ballyskeagh (1) by Albert Bridge Trees, Ballyskeagh (1) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J2866
A line of trees, seen from near the Ballyskeagh Road, marking the course of the... (more)
J3370 : Nettles, Belfast by Albert Bridge Nettles, Belfast by Albert Bridge
for square J3370
Part of a considerable growth of nettles close to lock no 2 J3370 : Lock no 2, disused Lagan Navigation on the... (more)
J3370 : Old boundary post, Belfast by Albert Bridge Old boundary post, Belfast by Albert Bridge
for square J3370
A Belfast municipal boundary post, beside the towpath, close to lock no 2... (more)
J2866 : Disused Lagan canal at Lambeg by Albert Bridge Disused Lagan canal at Lambeg by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J2866
A partly-overgrown section of the disused Lagan canal, on the Lisburn side of... (more)
J3067 : Footbridge near Drumbeg (2) by Albert Bridge Footbridge near Drumbeg (2) by Albert Bridge
for square J3067
Category: Footbridge
See J3067 : Footbridge near Drumbeg. The bridge today with the Lagan (flowing from right to left)... (more)
J3269 : Boundary Post, Belfast by Rossographer Boundary Post, Belfast by Rossographer
for square J3269
Old boundary post close to Shaw's Bridge by the River Lagan in Belfast.... (more)
J3269 : Boundary Post, Belfast by Rossographer Boundary Post, Belfast by Rossographer
for square J3269
Old boundary post at Newforge Lane on the bank of the River Lagan in Belfast.... (more)
J3268 : Signs of autumn, Minnowburn, Belfast (2) by Albert Bridge Signs of autumn, Minnowburn, Belfast (2) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3268
The view from the Sandpit Field J3268 : The Sandpit Field, Belfast (1), across the Giant’s Ring Road... (more)
J3067 : Footbridge near Drumbeg (4) by Albert Bridge Footbridge near Drumbeg (4) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3067
The same footbridge, from the eastern side, surrounded by summer growth. Taken... (more)
J3067 : The River Lagan at the Drum Bridge (4) by Albert Bridge The River Lagan at the Drum Bridge (4) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3067
This April view J3067 : The River Lagan at the Drum Bridge (3) showed wild mustard and butterbur growing along the... (more)
J2766 : Swan and cygnets, Lambeg by Albert Bridge Swan and cygnets, Lambeg by Albert Bridge
for square J2766
See J2866 : Swans, Lambeg. Five cygnets accompanied by one adult, on the old canal, on... (more)
J2866 : Water lilies, Lambeg by Albert Bridge Water lilies, Lambeg by Albert Bridge
for square J2866
There is a growth of water lilies, on the Lagan, on the northern side of the... (more)
J2967 : Wild mustard near Lambeg by Albert Bridge Wild mustard near Lambeg by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J2967
A yellow flower, which might be wild mustard, growing beside the Lagan towpath.... (more)
J2967 : Trees near Lambeg by Albert Bridge Trees near Lambeg by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J2967
A small clump of trees, growing beside some damp ground, on the south western... (more)
J2866 : Wolfenden's Bridge, Lambeg (2) by Albert Bridge Wolfenden's Bridge, Lambeg (2) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J2866
See J2866 : Wolfenden's Bridge, Lambeg. The view across the bridge, towards Lambeg, from the... (more)
J2865 : Fungus, Hilden by Albert Bridge Fungus, Hilden by Albert Bridge
for square J2865
Growing on a trees, by the towpath, close to J2865 : The Lagan canal at Hilden (2).
J2765 : Gatepost near Lambeg by Albert Bridge Gatepost near Lambeg by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J2765
A gate and one of its posts, beside the Lagan towpath on the Hilden side of... (more)
Tags: top:CanalsX   GateX   GatepostX   Lagan TowpathX   Lagan Valley   LambegX   top:LowlandsX  
J2765 : Fungus, Lambeg (2) by Albert Bridge Fungus, Lambeg (2) by Albert Bridge
for square J2765
See J2765 : Fungus, Lambeg (1). Another part of the same clump. This group was four inches wide.
J2765 : Fungus, Lambeg (1) by Albert Bridge Fungus, Lambeg (1) by Albert Bridge
for square J2765
Part of a large clump, beside the towpath, on the Hilden side of Lambeg. The... (more)
J3267 : Edenderry village, Belfast (September 2014) by Albert Bridge Edenderry village, Belfast (September 2014) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3267
Part of the former mill village J3167 : Edenderry village near Belfast, in its setting in the wooded Lagan... (more)
J2865 : Former Barbour's mill, Hilden by Albert Bridge Former Barbour's mill, Hilden by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J2865
Category: Mill (closed)
Barbour’s Hilden Mill opened in 1784 and closed in 2006. This was the site of... (more)
J2866 : Lichen, Ballyskeagh by Albert Bridge Lichen, Ballyskeagh by Albert Bridge
for square J2866
Growing on the footbridge J2866 : Footbridge, Ballyskeagh beside the Ballyskeagh High Bridge.
J2865 : Former Barbour's Mill. Hilden (5) by Albert Bridge Former Barbour's Mill. Hilden (5) by Albert Bridge
for square J2865
Four days later this building (on the southern side of the site) was damaged by... (more)
J2865 : Barbour's Mill, Hilden by Albert Bridge Barbour's Mill, Hilden by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J2865
Part of the premises, when still trading, seen from the Lagan towpath.
J3067 : Field, Drumbeg by Albert Bridge Field, Drumbeg by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3067
Part of a field between the towpath J3067 : The Lagan towpath near the Drum Bridge and the Ballyskeagh Road J3066 : The Ballyskeagh Road near Dunmurry (1).
J3268 : Path and gate, Minnowburn, Belfast by Albert Bridge Path and gate, Minnowburn, Belfast by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3268
A gate at the Edenderry Road end of the path from the Ballynahatty Road.
Tags: BelfastX   GateX   Lagan Valley   top:LowlandsX   MinnowburnX   PathX   top:PathsX  
J2865 : Former Barbour's mill, Hilden (8) by Albert Bridge Former Barbour's mill, Hilden (8) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J2865
The disused Hilden mill seen from the Tullynacross Road at Lambeg. The... (more)
J2865 : Former Barbour's Mill, Hilden (7) by Albert Bridge Former Barbour's Mill, Hilden (7) by Albert Bridge
for square J2865
See J2865 : Former Barbour's Mill, Hilden (6). This view is from Bridge Street, Hilden about 15 minutes after... (more)
J2865 : Former Barbour's Mill, Hilden (6) by Albert Bridge Former Barbour's Mill, Hilden (6) by Albert Bridge
for square J2865
See J2865 : Former Barbour's Mill. Hilden (5). I walked along the towpath, from Lambeg, arriving at Hilden... (more)
J2865 : Former Barbour's Mill, Hilden (4) by Albert Bridge Former Barbour's Mill, Hilden (4) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J2865
This is the best I can do to show something close to the whole site. The view... (more)
J2865 : Former Barbour's Mill Hilden (3) by Albert Bridge Former Barbour's Mill Hilden (3) by Albert Bridge
for square J2865
Category: Mill
See J2865 : Former Barbour's Mill, Hilden (2). Part of the premises seen from the Hilden Road. Well fenced... (more)
J2865 : Former Barbour's Mill, Hilden (2) by Albert Bridge Former Barbour's Mill, Hilden (2) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J2865
Category: Mill (disused)
. See J2865 : Barbour Threads Factory Complex at Hilden and J2865 : Former Barbour's mill, Hilden. The closed mill seen from the towpath.... (more)
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