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Grid reference J2967

near to Ballyskeagh, Co Down, Northern Ireland


We have 85 images in grid square J2967
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Sample images Breakdown list images taken from J2967 [1] taken pre 2000 [1]
A sample of 12 photos from 85 for J2967 - View this square in the Browser >>>
J2967 : Greyhound racing, Drumbo Park near Lisburn by Rossographer Greyhound racing, Drumbo Park near Lisburn
The dogs flying from the traps at the start of a race. Flash photography is strictly forbidden as it may distract a dog.
J2967 : M1 looking north from B103 bridge. by Brian Shaw M1 looking north from B103 bridge.
J2967 : Sandy Lane by Wilson Adams Sandy Lane
What looks like a farmers lane, is in fact, a closed lane. Sandy Lane, at one time linked the Lagan Towpath to the Ballyskeagh Rd.
J2967 : The Lagan towpath (3) by Albert Bridge The Lagan towpath (3)
The towpath (looking towards Lisburn) seen from J2967 : Former bridge, disused Lagan Navigation.
J2967 : Farmland in the Belfast Green Belt by Eric Jones Farmland in the Belfast Green Belt
Tower blocks on the city edge can be seen in the background.
J2967 : The M1 crossing the River Lagan at Dunmurray by Eric Jones The M1 crossing the River Lagan at Dunmurray
J2967 : Old lockkeeper's house near Dunmurry (3) by Albert Bridge Old lockkeeper's house near Dunmurry (3)
J2967 : Pavilion, Drumbo Park by Dean Molyneaux Pavilion, Drumbo Park
This is the impressive pavilion at Drumbo Park greyhound track ('Ballyskeagh' to most of us). It houses a restaurant and bar with views onto the track (it is never open during Lisburn Distillery football matches) - it is part of... (more)
J2967 : Farmland at Ballyskeagh on the outskirts of Belfast by Eric Jones Farmland at Ballyskeagh on the outskirts of Belfast
The image was taken from the M1.
J2967 : Disused Lagan canal near Ballyskeagh (1) by Albert Bridge Disused Lagan canal near Ballyskeagh (1)
The disused Lagan canal (looking towards Belfast) seen from this footbridge J2967 : Footbridge near Dunmurry (1).
J2967 : Greyhound racing, Drumbo Park near Lisburn by Rossographer Greyhound racing, Drumbo Park near Lisburn
The dogs are led around the track prior to the start of the next race.
J2967 : Greyhound Track, Drumbo Park by Dean Molyneaux Greyhound Track, Drumbo Park
Frequently referred to as 'Ballyskeagh Dog Track' - Drumbo Park and the idea of a night at the dogs has increased in popularity over the last few years - this being the principal venue in the Greater Belfast region.

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