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Showing latest 50 of 53 images tagged with Damp Ground tag.

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J3370 : Damp ground, the Lagan Meadows, Belfast (2) by Albert Bridge Damp ground, the Lagan Meadows, Belfast (2) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3370
An area of damp ground, colonised by meadowsweet, near the Lagan towpath.
J3370 : Damp ground, the Lagan Meadows, Belfast (1) by Albert Bridge Damp ground, the Lagan Meadows, Belfast (1) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3370
An area of damp ground, colonised by meadowsweet, in the middle part of the Lagan Meadows.
J3370 : Wood anemone, Lagan towpath, Belfast (1) by Albert Bridge Wood anemone, Lagan towpath, Belfast (1) by Albert Bridge
for square J3370
Some of the damp (and very damp) ground between the towpath and the Lagan... (more)
J4681 : Damp ground, Crawfordsburn by Albert Bridge Damp ground, Crawfordsburn by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J4681
Dampish ground, in a field on the western side of Crawfordsburn Country Park,... (more)
SP2865 : Collapsing trees, northeast corner of Priory Park, Warwick by Robin Stott Collapsing trees, northeast corner of Priory Park, Warwick by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2865
Soft damp ground by St John's Brook has favoured willows, poplars, alder... (more)
SP2865 : Willows in the northeast corner of Priory Park, Warwick by Robin Stott Willows in the northeast corner of Priory Park, Warwick by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2865
Soft damp ground by St John's Brook has favoured willows, poplars, alder... (more)
J2458 : Damp spot, Hillsborough forest by Albert Bridge Damp spot, Hillsborough forest by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J2458
A damp spot, close to one of the paths, among the conifers and ferns of... (more)
NS5671 : Damp ground beside Templehill Wood by Richard Sutcliffe Damp ground beside Templehill Wood by Richard Sutcliffe
geograph for square NS5671
Looking towards the new houses at Kessington Gate. Beyond, the top of Boclair... (more)
J4482 : Stagnant pool, Helen's Bay (June 2019) by Albert Bridge Stagnant pool, Helen's Bay (June 2019) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J4482
A pool of stagnant brown water, in very soft and damp ground, beside the North... (more)
Tags: top:CoastalX   Damp Ground   type:GeographX   place:Helens BayX   North Down Coastal PathX   PoolX   subject:PortX  
J3473 : Fungi, Ormeau Park, Belfast (October 2017) by Albert Bridge Fungi, Ormeau Park, Belfast (October 2017) by Albert Bridge
for square J3473
Growing, in very damp ground, beside the Ormeau Embankment.
J2890 : Boardwalk, Sixmilewater Park, Ballyclare (January 2017) by Albert Bridge Boardwalk, Sixmilewater Park, Ballyclare (January 2017) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J2890
An elevated boardwalk, across damp ground, at the entrance to the Sixmilewater... (more)
Tags: place:BallyclareX   subject:BoardwalkX   BoardwalkX   Damp Ground   type:GeographX   ParkX   top:Park and Public GardensX   PathX   top:PathsX  
J3370 : Forget-me-not, Lagan towpath, Stranmillis, Belfast (August 2015) by Albert Bridge Forget-me-not, Lagan towpath, Stranmillis, Belfast (August 2015) by Albert Bridge
for square J3370
Water forget-me-not LinkExternal link... (more)
SJ3510 : Damp ground between the railway and Lower Hayford Farm by Christopher Hilton Damp ground between the railway and Lower Hayford Farm by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square SJ3510
J4482 : Yellow (flag) iris, Helen's Bay - June 2014(1) by Albert Bridge Yellow (flag) iris, Helen's Bay - June 2014(1) by Albert Bridge
for square J4482
The distinctive flower of the yellow (flag) iris... (more)
J4668 : Celandine, Comber by Albert Bridge Celandine, Comber by Albert Bridge
for square J4668
One of the signs of spring - lesser celandine... (more)
J4173 : Mossy trees, Dundonald by Albert Bridge Mossy trees, Dundonald by Albert Bridge
for square J4173
Mossy trees, growing in very damp ground on the south western side of the Comber... (more)
J3370 : Flood, Lagan towpath, Belfast by Albert Bridge Flood, Lagan towpath, Belfast by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3370
This spot, below ground level, between the towpath and the Lagan Meadows is... (more)
J1041 : Redshank/redleg, Loughbrickland by Albert Bridge Redshank/redleg, Loughbrickland by Albert Bridge
for square J1041
The wildflower redshank (also known as “redleg”)... (more)
J4767 : Coastal grasses near Comber by Albert Bridge Coastal grasses near Comber by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J4767
Coastal grass growing in the damp ground, beside this stream J4767 : Tidal stream near Comber, at the... (more)
J2458 : American skunk cabbage, Hillsborough forest (2012-8) by Albert Bridge American skunk cabbage, Hillsborough forest (2012-8) by Albert Bridge
for square J2458
This is only part of an area of very damp ground, south west of here J2458 : Culvert, Hillsborough forest... (more)
J2458 : American skunk cabbage, Hillsborough forest (2012-7) by Albert Bridge American skunk cabbage, Hillsborough forest (2012-7) by Albert Bridge
for square J2458
One of a considerable growth, in very damp ground, near the southern side of the... (more)
J2458 : American skunk cabbage, Hillsborough forest (2012-6) by Albert Bridge American skunk cabbage, Hillsborough forest (2012-6) by Albert Bridge
for square J2458
Part of a considerable growth, in very damp ground, near the southern side of... (more)
J2458 : American skunk cabbage, Hillsborough forest (2012-5) by Albert Bridge American skunk cabbage, Hillsborough forest (2012-5) by Albert Bridge
for square J2458
This seems to be the start of a new growth of the plant, close to the southern... (more)
J2458 : American skunk cabbage, Hillsborough forest (2012-2) by Albert Bridge American skunk cabbage, Hillsborough forest (2012-2) by Albert Bridge
for square J2458
One of the plants growing close to the western side of the lake. Taken, from... (more)
J2458 : American skunk cabbage, Hillsborough forest (2012-1) by Albert Bridge American skunk cabbage, Hillsborough forest (2012-1) by Albert Bridge
for square J2458
Part of a growth of the plant, in very damp ground, close to the western side of the lake.
J4371 : Fields and trees, Comber/Dundonald by Albert Bridge Fields and trees, Comber/Dundonald by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J4371
Trees, fields and some damp ground on the northern side of the Belfast Road... (more)
J3763 : Sheugh near Carryduff (February 2015) by Albert Bridge Sheugh near Carryduff (February 2015) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3763
A reasonably full sheugh on the eastern side of the Killynure Road. Most of the... (more)
J3370 : Mallard, Lagan towpath, Belfast (5) by Albert Bridge Mallard, Lagan towpath, Belfast (5) by Albert Bridge
for square J3370
One of several present in a shallow damp spot beside the towpath.
J2766 : Cuckoo flower/Lady's Smock, Lambeg by Albert Bridge Cuckoo flower/Lady's Smock, Lambeg by Albert Bridge
for square J2766
Cuckoo flower/Lady’s Smock LinkExternal link... (more)
SP2280 : Line of a brook near Marsh Farm  by Robin Stott Line of a brook near Marsh Farm by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2280
The footpath crosses a field full of Tufted Hair-grass or Tussock-grass... (more)
SP2067 : Great Burnet (Sanguisorba officinalis) by Robin Stott Great Burnet (Sanguisorba officinalis) by Robin Stott
for square SP2067
The dark red blobs are unmistakeable. "In damp meadows, local." says... (more)
Tags: bucket:CloseupX   Damp Ground   colour:Dark RedX   top:GrasslandX   plant:Great BurnetX   top:Lakes, Wetland, BogX   top:LowlandsX  
J5985 : Flag iris, Lighthouse Island by Albert Bridge Flag iris, Lighthouse Island by Albert Bridge
for square J5985
Yellow flag iris, coming into flower, in a damp spot well hidden by bushes.
J3787 : Sheep below Knockagh (March 2015) by Albert Bridge Sheep below Knockagh (March 2015) by Albert Bridge
for square J3787
Sheep, grazing on dampish ground, to the north east of Knockagh Monument J3686 : Co Antrim war memorial, Knockagh.
J3470 : Common marsh bedstraw, Belfast by Albert Bridge Common marsh bedstraw, Belfast by Albert Bridge
for square J3470
A low white flower which might be common marsh bedstraw... (more)
J4057 : Drumlin and trees near Saintfield (2) by Albert Bridge Drumlin and trees near Saintfield (2) by Albert Bridge
for square J4057
A drumlin, rising above some dampish ground, on the eastern side of the Ballynahinch Road.
NS5671 : The edge of Templehill Wood by Richard Sutcliffe The edge of Templehill Wood by Richard Sutcliffe
geograph for square NS5671
Tags: Damp Ground   type:GeographX   top:GrasslandX   top:Housing, DwellingsX   TreeX   subject:WoodlandX   top:Woodland, ForestX  
J3374 : Block "A", University of Ulster site, Belfast (April 2015) by Albert Bridge Block "A", University of Ulster site, Belfast (April 2015) by Albert Bridge
for square J3374
A dampish Block “A” site seen through the viewing space in the York Street hoarding.
SP2010 : Farmland east of Hollowbarn Farm by Christine Johnstone Farmland east of Hollowbarn Farm by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SP2010
The darker soil marks a slight valley, which is damper.
J4453 : Cow near Crossgar by Albert Bridge Cow near Crossgar by Albert Bridge
for square J4453
One of a few, in a dampish field, on the north western side of the Glasswater... (more)
J3369 : Water lilies, Moreland's Meadow, Belfast by Albert Bridge Water lilies, Moreland's Meadow, Belfast by Albert Bridge
for square J3369
Water lilies growing on this pond J3369 : Pond, Moreland's Meadow, Belfast at Moreland’s Meadow.
J3369 : Pond, Moreland's Meadow, Belfast by Albert Bridge Pond, Moreland's Meadow, Belfast by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3369
A pond with a growth of water lilies J3369 : Water lilies, Moreland's Meadow, Belfast, near the Lagan, at Moreland’s Meadow.
Tags: place:BelfastX   BelfastX   Damp Ground   top:Lakes, Wetland, BogX   top:PathsX   PondX   Water LiliesX  
J3370 : Wood anemone, Lagan towpath, Belfast (2) by Albert Bridge Wood anemone, Lagan towpath, Belfast (2) by Albert Bridge
for square J3370
SD3578 : Wet fields by Old Farm by Karl and Ali Wet fields by Old Farm by Karl and Ali
geograph for square SD3578
The land here is just above sea level and, after one of the wettest summers and... (more)
SD3478 : Wet field, Old Park by Karl and Ali Wet field, Old Park by Karl and Ali
geograph for square SD3478
Looking towards wooded Reake Hill and the distant Coniston fells.
J4767 : The Loughshore near Comber (10) by Albert Bridge The Loughshore near Comber (10) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J4767
See J4767 : The Loughshore near Comber (9). Another part of the same creek near its entrance to Strangford... (more)
J4767 : The Loughshore near Comber (9) by Albert Bridge The Loughshore near Comber (9) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J4767
The shore of Strangford Lough, seen from the Ballydrain Road, at Cattogs. The... (more)
J2458 : American skunk cabbage, Hillsborough forest (2012-10) by Albert Bridge American skunk cabbage, Hillsborough forest (2012-10) by Albert Bridge
for square J2458
One of three small plants becoming established on the south western side of the lake.
J3773 : Purple loosestrife, Orangefield Park, Belfast (September 2015) by Albert Bridge Purple loosestrife, Orangefield Park, Belfast (September 2015) by Albert Bridge
for square J3773
Purple loosestrife LinkExternal link growing... (more)
SP3476 : Open space buffer between the A444 and Leaf Lane, Stivichall, Coventry by Robin Stott Open space buffer between the A444 and Leaf Lane, Stivichall, Coventry by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP3476
SP3476 : Open space between Leaf Lane and the A444, Stivichall, Coventry by Robin Stott Open space between Leaf Lane and the A444, Stivichall, Coventry by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP3476
A buffer between a residential area and the busy A444 dual carriageway,... (more)
Tags: place:CoventryX   postcode district:CV3X   Damp Ground   top:LowlandsX   top:Park and Public GardensX   Public Open SpaceX   Rough GrassX   area:StivichallX   top:Suburb, Urban FringeX  
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