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SE2635 : Marks & Spencers Food Hall, Kirkstall Bridge by Rich Tea Marks & Spencers Food Hall, Kirkstall Bridge by Rich Tea
geograph for square SE2635
The new Kirkstall Bridge Retail Park includes a Marks & Spencers Food Hall,... (more)
Tags: top:Business, Retail, ServicesX   subject:Flood   Kirkstall BridgeX   subject:Retail ParkX   river:River AireX   subject:ShopX   top:Suburb, Urban FringeX  
SE2336 : Extreme flood on the River Aire, from Newlay Bridge (4) by Rich Tea Extreme flood on the River Aire, from Newlay Bridge (4) by Rich Tea
geograph for square SE2336
Looking downstream from Newlay Bridge, the house is at risk of flooding. See... (more)
NS3981 : Riverside, Balloch by Lairich Rig Riverside, Balloch by Lairich Rig
geograph for square NS3981
The area was flooded after weeks of rain. The orange line below the water, right... (more)
Tags: subject:Flood   top:Rivers, Streams, DrainageX  
SE2535 : Kirkstall Bridge, open after floods by Rich Tea Kirkstall Bridge, open after floods by Rich Tea
geograph for square SE2535
3 days after the Boxing Day floods, the water has subsided around Kirkstall... (more)
SE2635 : Bringing more sandbags by Rich Tea Bringing more sandbags by Rich Tea
geograph for square SE2635
The new Kirkstall Bridge Retail Park was flooded on 26th Dec 2015 only 3 or 4... (more)
SE2635 : Costa Coffee, Kirkstall Bridge, closed by floods by Rich Tea Costa Coffee, Kirkstall Bridge, closed by floods by Rich Tea
for square SE2635
The Kirkstall Bridge Retail Park opened for the first time in early December... (more)
SE2336 : Extreme flood on the River Aire, from Newlay Bridge (6) by Rich Tea Extreme flood on the River Aire, from Newlay Bridge (6) by Rich Tea
geograph for square SE2336
Half an hour after my earlier photos, at dusk. You can see that the land on the... (more)
SE2336 : Extreme flood on the River Aire, from Newlay Bridge (5) by Rich Tea Extreme flood on the River Aire, from Newlay Bridge (5) by Rich Tea
geograph for square SE2336
Taken about half an hour after SE2336 : Extreme flood on the River Aire, from Newlay Bridge (4) at dusk. Close inspection of the... (more)
SE2336 : Extreme flood on the River Aire, from Newlay Bridge (3) by Rich Tea Extreme flood on the River Aire, from Newlay Bridge (3) by Rich Tea
geograph for square SE2336
The view upstream from Newlay Bridge
SE2336 : Extreme flood on the River Aire, from Newlay Bridge (2) by Rich Tea Extreme flood on the River Aire, from Newlay Bridge (2) by Rich Tea
geograph for square SE2336
The house on the right seems to be well protected by the boards across the door... (more)
SU6051 : Prescelly Close - post flooding by Mr Ignavy Prescelly Close - post flooding by Mr Ignavy
geograph for square SU6051
See SU6051 : Flooding in Prescelly Close for a similar view during the flood. It looks as if the owner... (more)
Tags: subject:Flood   top:Suburb, Urban FringeX  
SU6051 : Grampian Way - post flooding by Mr Ignavy Grampian Way - post flooding by Mr Ignavy
geograph for square SU6051
Tags: subject:Flood   top:Suburb, Urban FringeX  
SU6051 : Recently under water by Mr Ignavy Recently under water by Mr Ignavy
geograph for square SU6051
View after the flood water have finally gone down.
Tags: subject:Flood   top:Suburb, Urban FringeX  
SO8540 : Flood depth markers in Upton-upon-Severn by Philip Halling Flood depth markers in Upton-upon-Severn by Philip Halling
for square SO8540
The joke is that Upton-upon-Severn was sometimes 'Upton in Severn',... (more)
SO8540 : Flood markers, Upton upon Severn by Philip Halling Flood markers, Upton upon Severn by Philip Halling
for square SO8540
The joke is that Upton-upon-Severn was sometimes 'Upton in Severn',... (more)
NS3977 : Cycle path crossing flooded field by Lairich Rig Cycle path crossing flooded field by Lairich Rig
geograph for square NS3977
Flooding is not uncommon here; see NS3977 : Cycle path crossing flooded field for a view in the opposite... (more)
Tags: subject:Flood   type:GeographX   top:Rivers, Streams, DrainageX   landmark:The Long CragsX  
SD5428 : River Darwen in flood at its confluence with the River Ribble by Adam C Snape River Darwen in flood at its confluence with the River Ribble by Adam C Snape
for square SD5428
Photo taken looking along the River Darwen from Flats Bridge at 22.45 on Boxing... (more)
SE2437 : Flood in Outwood Lane, Horsforth, Boxing Day 2015 (1) by Rich Tea Flood in Outwood Lane, Horsforth, Boxing Day 2015 (1) by Rich Tea
geograph for square SE2437
A small flood compared to others on this day, water was coming down Wood Lane... (more)
SE2336 : Extreme flood on the River Aire, from Newlay Bridge (1) by Rich Tea Extreme flood on the River Aire, from Newlay Bridge (1) by Rich Tea
geograph for square SE2336
A view of the weir from Newlay Bridge - the weir itself is usually visible, but... (more)
J3067 : Flooded towpath, Drumbeg, Dunmurry - November 2014(2) by Albert Bridge Flooded towpath, Drumbeg, Dunmurry - November 2014(2) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3067
The flooded towpath on the Lisburn side of the Drum Bridge J3067 : The Drum Bridge, Drumbeg – an area... (more)
SU6050 : Pumping on Chiltern Way by Mr Ignavy Pumping on Chiltern Way by Mr Ignavy
geograph for square SU6050
Local relative high point where much of the groundwater came to the surface.
Tags: subject:Flood   top:Roads, Road TransportX   top:Suburb, Urban FringeX  
SU6051 : Flood damaged interior fittings by Mr Ignavy Flood damaged interior fittings by Mr Ignavy
geograph for square SU6051
Tags: subject:Flood   top:Suburb, Urban FringeX   top:Waste, Waste ManagementX  
SU6051 : Almost done - Grampian Way by Mr Ignavy Almost done - Grampian Way by Mr Ignavy
geograph for square SU6051
For several weeks pumping out by tanker took place here.
Tags: subject:Flood   top:Suburb, Urban FringeX  
SU6051 : Grampian Way - post flooding by Mr Ignavy Grampian Way - post flooding by Mr Ignavy
geograph for square SU6051
Tags: subject:Flood   top:Roads, Road TransportX   top:Suburb, Urban FringeX  
SU6051 : Finally! almost dry by Mr Ignavy Finally! almost dry by Mr Ignavy
geograph for square SU6051
The flood waters closed this section of the housing access road for several weeks.
Tags: subject:Flood   top:Roads, Road TransportX   top:Suburb, Urban FringeX  
SU6050 : Last few drops by Mr Ignavy Last few drops by Mr Ignavy
geograph for square SU6050
Tags: subject:Flood   top:Suburb, Urban FringeX  
SU6050 : Sucking up the dregs by Mr Ignavy Sucking up the dregs by Mr Ignavy
geograph for square SU6050
Tags: subject:Flood   top:Roads, Road TransportX   top:Suburb, Urban FringeX  
NY2327 : Floods near Keswick in 2009 by Adrian Taylor Floods near Keswick in 2009 by Adrian Taylor
geograph for square NY2327
Considered by researchers to be the worst floods in the area for 600 years, the... (more)
SE2336 : Trees in the flooded River Aire, Newlay Bridge by Rich Tea Trees in the flooded River Aire, Newlay Bridge by Rich Tea
for square SE2336
Looking down from Newlay Bridge, these trees would normally be on the bank above... (more)
SD5328 : Flooding in Avenham Park, Preston by Adam C Snape Flooding in Avenham Park, Preston by Adam C Snape
geograph for square SD5328
SD5328 : Flooding in Miller Park, Preston by Adam C Snape Flooding in Miller Park, Preston by Adam C Snape
geograph for square SD5328
SD5328 : Flooded gazebo in Miller Park, Preston by Adam C Snape Flooded gazebo in Miller Park, Preston by Adam C Snape
geograph for square SD5328
This image shows the gazebo in more normal conditions: SD5328 : Miller Park, Preston
SD5328 : Miller Park flooded by Adam C Snape Miller Park flooded by Adam C Snape
geograph for square SD5328
After the flooding of Boxing Day 2015, Miller Park's fountain became a... (more)
SD5528 : River Darwen in flood in Walton-le-Dale by Adam C Snape River Darwen in flood in Walton-le-Dale by Adam C Snape
geograph for square SD5528
This photo was taken from Flats Bridge at 22.46 on Boxing Day, 2015. The... (more)
SD5528 : Flooding of the A6 in Walton-le-Dale by Adam C Snape Flooding of the A6 in Walton-le-Dale by Adam C Snape
geograph for square SD5528
Taken at 22.35 on Boxing day night, 2015. Houses alongside the A6, Victoria... (more)
SE2437 : Flood in Outwood Lane, Horsforth, Boxing Day 2015 (2) by Rich Tea Flood in Outwood Lane, Horsforth, Boxing Day 2015 (2) by Rich Tea
geograph for square SE2437
J3067 : The River Lagan in flood, Drumbeg, Dunmurry - November 2014(3) by Albert Bridge The River Lagan in flood, Drumbeg, Dunmurry - November 2014(3) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3067
The Lagan immediately downstream of the Drum Bridge J3067 : The Drum Bridge, Drumbeg. It had flooded... (more)
J3067 : The River Lagan in flood, Drumbeg, Dunmurry - November 2014(2) by Albert Bridge The River Lagan in flood, Drumbeg, Dunmurry - November 2014(2) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3067
The Lagan, flowing left to right, from the southern end of the Drum Bridge... (more)
J3067 : "Flood" sign, Drumbeg, Dunmurry - November 2014(1) by Albert Bridge "Flood" sign, Drumbeg, Dunmurry - November 2014(1) by Albert Bridge
for square J3067
A “flood” sign at the steps leading from the car park to the towpath. The... (more)
J3269 : Flooding, Clement Wilson Park, Belfast - November 2014(1) by Albert Bridge Flooding, Clement Wilson Park, Belfast - November 2014(1) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3269
Extensive flooding immediately to the west of here J3269 : The River Lagan in flood, Clement Wilson Park, Belfast - November 2014(1). This path... (more)
NY2327 : Bassenthwaite Lake in flood by Adrian Taylor Bassenthwaite Lake in flood by Adrian Taylor
geograph for square NY2327
Considered by researchers to be the worst floods in the area for 600 years, the... (more)
SX9290 : River Exe in flood in 2016 by David Smith River Exe in flood in 2016 by David Smith
geograph for square SX9290
The same view as in SX9290 : River Exe in flood with the river in flood, with deep chocolate brown... (more)
Tags: top:Flat LandscapesX   subject:Flood   top:Rivers, Streams, DrainageX  
SD5328 : Flooding in Miller Park, Preston by Adam C Snape Flooding in Miller Park, Preston by Adam C Snape
geograph for square SD5328
TL5292 : Flood water from the upper Ouse - The Ouse Washes near Welney by Richard Humphrey Flood water from the upper Ouse - The Ouse Washes near Welney by Richard Humphrey
geograph for square TL5292
TL5191 : Blue flood waters - The Ouse Washes near Welney by Richard Humphrey Blue flood waters - The Ouse Washes near Welney by Richard Humphrey
geograph for square TL5191
TL5090 : The Delph in flood - The Ouse Washes near Welney by Richard Humphrey The Delph in flood - The Ouse Washes near Welney by Richard Humphrey
geograph for square TL5090
TL5090 : Submerged fencing - The Ouse Washes near Welney by Richard Humphrey Submerged fencing - The Ouse Washes near Welney by Richard Humphrey
geograph for square TL5090
TL5191 : Bushes and flood water - The Ouse Washes near Welney by Richard Humphrey Bushes and flood water - The Ouse Washes near Welney by Richard Humphrey
geograph for square TL5191
TL5192 : Willows in the flood water - The Ouse Washes near Welney by Richard Humphrey Willows in the flood water - The Ouse Washes near Welney by Richard Humphrey
geograph for square TL5192
TL5192 : Willow in the flood water - The Ouse Washes near Welney by Richard Humphrey Willow in the flood water - The Ouse Washes near Welney by Richard Humphrey
geograph for square TL5192
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