J3067 : Flooded towpath, Drumbeg, Dunmurry - November 2014(2)
taken 10 years ago, near to Drumbeg, Co Down, Northern Ireland

Flooded towpath, Drumbeg, Dunmurry - November 2014(2)
The flooded towpath on the Lisburn side of the Drum Bridge J3067 : The Drum Bridge, Drumbeg – an area prone to flooding J3067 : Flooding at the Drum Bridge, Dunmurry (5) (October 2011). This seat J3067 : Seat and wildflowers near the Drum Bridge, Dunmurry (July 2014) is in the flood (background).
The River Lagan in flood 14/15 November 2014
Prolonged rain, during November 2014 (especially on 13 November), caused many rivers and drains to overflow, leading to extensive flooding in many parts of Northern Ireland but particularly Cos Armagh and Down. In Belfast the River Lagan (which has its source in the middle of Co Down J3145 : The source of the River Lagan) had broken its banks in several places. This is a collection of photographs taken between Ballyskeagh and Newforge on 14/15 November 2014. I have included, where possible. links to photographs showing, for comparison, the area without flooding.