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Showing latest 50 of 339 images tagged with Stranmillis (Belfast) tag.

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J3470 : The lowered Lagan at the Lagan Meadows, Belfast (November 2014) by Albert Bridge The lowered Lagan at the Lagan Meadows, Belfast (November 2014) by Albert Bridge
for square J3470
Two hours after I started I returned to find that the Lagan, upstream of the... (more)
J3470 : The Stranmillis weir, Belfast (August 2014) by Albert Bridge The Stranmillis weir, Belfast (August 2014) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3470
The downstream side of the Stranmillis weir viewed from the Annadale Embankment.... (more)
J3470 : The Stranmillis weir, Belfast (June 2018) by Albert Bridge The Stranmillis weir, Belfast (June 2018) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3470
With the current dry and very hot spell continuing there was almost no... (more)
J3470 : The Stranmillis Weir, Belfast - March 2018(2) by Albert Bridge The Stranmillis Weir, Belfast - March 2018(2) by Albert Bridge
for square J3470
The Stranmillis Weir with two of the gates raised. The Lagan was fast and... (more)
J3470 : The Stranmillis Weir, Belfast - March 2018(1) by Albert Bridge The Stranmillis Weir, Belfast - March 2018(1) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3470
The River Lagan, muddy after some 36 hours of continuous rain, at the Stranmillis Weir.
J3470 : The Stranmillis weir, Belfast (February 2018) by Albert Bridge The Stranmillis weir, Belfast (February 2018) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3470
The Stranmillis weir, looking towards the Governor’s Bridge. My reading of the... (more)
J3470 : The Stranmillis weir, Belfast - November 2017(2) by Albert Bridge The Stranmillis weir, Belfast - November 2017(2) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3470
The Stranmillis weir looking downstream. The weir will remain though the new... (more)
J3470 : The Stranmillis weir, Belfast - November 2017(1) by Albert Bridge The Stranmillis weir, Belfast - November 2017(1) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3470
The Stranmillis weir looking downstream. This area will see a dramatic change... (more)
J3470 : The Stranmillis weir (open), Belfast (February 2015) by Albert Bridge The Stranmillis weir (open), Belfast (February 2015) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3470
The Stranmillis weir gates were raised today allowing the upstream part of the... (more)
J3470 : The Stranmillis weir, Belfast (October 2014) by Albert Bridge The Stranmillis weir, Belfast (October 2014) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3470
The weir, looking downstream from the towpath, on a day when the Lagan was... (more)
J3470 : Towpath and weir, Stranmillis, Belfast by Albert Bridge Towpath and weir, Stranmillis, Belfast by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3470
An early winter scene along the towpath, near the Lockview Road, with the... (more)
J3470 : The Stranmillis weir, Belfast (2013) by Albert Bridge The Stranmillis weir, Belfast (2013) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3470
The proposal to replace this weir with a new “cascade weir”, as part of the... (more)
J3470 : The Stranmillis Gateway, River Lagan, Belfast (May 2019) by Albert Bridge The Stranmillis Gateway, River Lagan, Belfast (May 2019) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3470
The works remain closed and without a contractor. A local news website has the... (more)
J3470 : Disused lock, Lagan canal, Stranmillis, Belfast (November 2017) by Albert Bridge Disused lock, Lagan canal, Stranmillis, Belfast (November 2017) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3470
The remains of the disused lock are hidden by the grass. Access, involving a... (more)
J3470 : The Stranmillis Gateway, River Lagan, Belfast (March 2018) by Albert Bridge The Stranmillis Gateway, River Lagan, Belfast (March 2018) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3470
The Shaw’s Bridge/Lisburn end of the disused lock. Work has stopped following... (more)
J3470 : Disused lock, Lagan canal, Stranmillis, Belfast - November 2017(2) by Albert Bridge Disused lock, Lagan canal, Stranmillis, Belfast - November 2017(2) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3470
See J3470 : Disused lock, Lagan canal, Stranmillis, Belfast (November 2017). My attempt to reproduce an up-to-date version of this... (more)
J3470 : The River Lagan, Stranmillis, Belfast (November 2017) by Albert Bridge The River Lagan, Stranmillis, Belfast (November 2017) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3470
The River Lagan, looking upstream, from close to the Stranmillis weir. The... (more)
J3470 : Winter grass, River Lagan, Stranmillis, Belfast (March 2017) by Albert Bridge Winter grass, River Lagan, Stranmillis, Belfast (March 2017) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3470
The third day of spring but the grass is still in winter brown.
J3470 : The River Lagan near the Stranmillis Weir, Belfast (April 2015) by Albert Bridge The River Lagan near the Stranmillis Weir, Belfast (April 2015) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3470
See J3470 : The River Lagan near the Stranmillis Weir, Belfast (March 2015). Six weeks later and colour has returned to the banks of the... (more)
J3470 : The River Lagan near the Stranmillis Weir, Belfast (March 2015) by Albert Bridge The River Lagan near the Stranmillis Weir, Belfast (March 2015) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3470
See J3470 : The lowered Lagan, Belfast - February 2015(1). For comparison, the River Lagan, immediately upstream of the... (more)
J3470 : The lowered Lagan, Belfast - February 2015(1) by Albert Bridge The lowered Lagan, Belfast - February 2015(1) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3470
The lowered River Lagan (see J3470 : The Stranmillis weir (open), Belfast (February 2015)) a short distance upstream from the... (more)
J3470 : The River Lagan, Stranmillis, Belfast by Albert Bridge The River Lagan, Stranmillis, Belfast by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3470
The Lagan immediately on the upstream side of the Stranmillis weir... (more)
J3470 : The Stranmillis Gateway, River Lagan, Belfast (July 2019) by Albert Bridge The Stranmillis Gateway, River Lagan, Belfast (July 2019) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3470
No sign, yet, of work starting.
J3470 : The Stranmillis Gateway, River Lagan, Belfast (February 2019) by Albert Bridge The Stranmillis Gateway, River Lagan, Belfast (February 2019) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3470
Work remains suspended following the insolvency of the main contractor. During... (more)
J3470 : The Stranmillis Gateway, River Lagan, Belfast - February 2018(5) by Albert Bridge The Stranmillis Gateway, River Lagan, Belfast - February 2018(5) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3470
The view from the Annadale Embankment. The disused lock, seen in J3470 : The Lagan navigation restoration (23)... (more)
J3470 : The Lagan towpath, Stranmillis, Belfast - February 2018(2) by Albert Bridge The Lagan towpath, Stranmillis, Belfast - February 2018(2) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3470
The towpath looking towards the weir. Part of the fenced area (left) has had... (more)
J3470 : The Stranmillis Gateway, River Lagan, Belfast - February 2018(4) by Albert Bridge The Stranmillis Gateway, River Lagan, Belfast - February 2018(4) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3470
The Lisburn end of the former lock, now infilled, seen from the towpath.
J3470 : The Stranmillis Gateway, River Lagan, Belfast - February 2018(3) by Albert Bridge The Stranmillis Gateway, River Lagan, Belfast - February 2018(3) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3470
The contractor’s access, through Lagan Lands East, to the site of the former... (more)
J3470 : The Lagan towpath, Stranmillis, Belfast - February 2018(1) by Albert Bridge The Lagan towpath, Stranmillis, Belfast - February 2018(1) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3470
The towpath, near the weir, looking towards Shaw’s Bridge and Lisburn. Part of... (more)
J3470 : The Stranmillis Gateway, River Lagan, Belfast - February 2018(2) by Albert Bridge The Stranmillis Gateway, River Lagan, Belfast - February 2018(2) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3470
The Lisburn end of the former lock, now infilled, seen from the towpath.
J3470 : The Stranmillis Gateway, River Lagan, Belfast - February 2018(1) by Albert Bridge The Stranmillis Gateway, River Lagan, Belfast - February 2018(1) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3470
Part of the former lock, now infilled, seen from the towpath.
J3470 : The Lagan towpath, Stranmillis, Belfast (November 2017) by Albert Bridge The Lagan towpath, Stranmillis, Belfast (November 2017) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3470
The Lagan towpath, between the weir and the entrance to the Lagan Meadows.
J3470 : The Lagan towpath at the Boat Club, Belfast - November 2017(2) by Albert Bridge The Lagan towpath at the Boat Club, Belfast - November 2017(2) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3470
The vehicular entrance to the Boat Club from the Lockview Road (hidden, left).... (more)
J3470 : The Lagan towpath at the Boat Club, Belfast - November 2017(1) by Albert Bridge The Lagan towpath at the Boat Club, Belfast - November 2017(1) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3470
The line of bollards marks the vehicular entrance to the Boat Club (hidden,... (more)
J3470 : The River Lagan, Stranmillis, Belfast - October 2016(2) by Albert Bridge The River Lagan, Stranmillis, Belfast - October 2016(2) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3470
The view downstream, towards the weir, on a mild mid-autumn day. The trees are... (more)
J3470 : The River Lagan, Stranmillis, Belfast - October 2016(1) by Albert Bridge The River Lagan, Stranmillis, Belfast - October 2016(1) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3470
The view upstream, between the weir and the entrance to the Lagan Meadows, on a... (more)
J3470 : Lagan Gateway bridge by Conor Fawcett Lagan Gateway bridge by Conor Fawcett
geograph for square J3470
The bridge was opened in September 2021 as part of the Lagan Gateway project. It... (more)
J3470 : The Stranmillis weir, Belfast (30 November 2015) by Albert Bridge The Stranmillis weir, Belfast (30 November 2015) by Albert Bridge
for square J3470
See J3470 : Depth marker, Stranmillis weir, Belfast (30 November 2015). The Lagan, high and muddy after more heavy rain, flowing over... (more)
J3470 : Depth marker, Stranmillis weir, Belfast (30 November 2015) by Albert Bridge Depth marker, Stranmillis weir, Belfast (30 November 2015) by Albert Bridge
for square J3470
See J3470 : Depth marker, Stranmillis weir, Belfast (17 November 2015). The marker, towards the northern side of the Stranmillis weir,... (more)
J3470 : Stranmillis weir, Belfast (November 2015) by Albert Bridge Stranmillis weir, Belfast (November 2015) by Albert Bridge
for square J3470
The muddy Lagan flowing over the Stranmillis weir. The river is high after a... (more)
J3470 : Debris, River Lagan, Stranmillis, Belfast (December 2013) by Albert Bridge Debris, River Lagan, Stranmillis, Belfast (December 2013) by Albert Bridge
for square J3470
Recent heavy rain (especially overnight) caused this debris and litter to... (more)
J3470 : New lock at Stranmillis by Conor Fawcett New lock at Stranmillis by Conor Fawcett
geograph for square J3470
The lock opened in September 2021 as park of the Lagan Gateway project. It is a... (more)
J3372 : Stranmillis Evangelical Presbyterian church, Belfast (December 2015) by Albert Bridge Stranmillis Evangelical Presbyterian church, Belfast (December 2015) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3372
Stranmillis Evangelical Presbyterian church, 36 Stranmillis Road, at the corner... (more)
J3470 : Depth marker, Stranmillis weir, Belfast (November 2014) by Albert Bridge Depth marker, Stranmillis weir, Belfast (November 2014) by Albert Bridge
for square J3470
See J3470 : Depth marker, Stranmillis weir, Belfast (17 November 2015). For a comparison in water levels, a depth marker, at the... (more)
J3470 : Depth marker, Stranmillis weir, Belfast (17 November 2015) by Albert Bridge Depth marker, Stranmillis weir, Belfast (17 November 2015) by Albert Bridge
for square J3470
See J3470 : Stranmillis weir, Belfast (November 2015). A depth marker on the southern side of the weir. For a... (more)
J3470 : The Stranmillis Weir, Belfast (March 2015) by Albert Bridge The Stranmillis Weir, Belfast (March 2015) by Albert Bridge
for square J3470
See J3470 : The Stranmillis weir (open), Belfast (February 2015). The depth marker today when the gates were in their usual... (more)
J3470 : Swans, River Lagan, Stranmillis, Belfast (November 2014) by Albert Bridge Swans, River Lagan, Stranmillis, Belfast (November 2014) by Albert Bridge
for square J3470
Two swans, on the muddy bank of the lowered River Lagan J3470 : The lowered Lagan at the Lagan Meadows, Belfast (November 2014), opposite... (more)
J3470 : The Stranmillis weir, Belfast (2013-2) by Albert Bridge The Stranmillis weir, Belfast (2013-2) by Albert Bridge
for square J3470
Part of the apparatus used to raise and lower the gates. The maker’s name... (more)
J3470 : The Stranmillis weir, Belfast (2013-1) by Albert Bridge The Stranmillis weir, Belfast (2013-1) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3470
The Lagan at a low level during the present long dry (and hot) spell.... (more)
J3470 : The Stranmillis Weir, Belfast by Rossographer The Stranmillis Weir, Belfast by Rossographer
geograph for square J3470
The weir as viewed from the new bridge J3470 : Bridge, Belfast. The shared description below... (more)
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