J3470 : The Stranmillis weir, Belfast (30 November 2015)
taken 9 years ago, 3 km from Belfast, Co Antrim, Northern Ireland

Stranmillis Weir, close to the Lockview Road, is currently the limit of navigation on the Lagan. There was a plan to replace it and re-open the Lagan Navigation to Lisburn A further plan envisages a new cut from Lisburn to Lough Neagh.
There is the following planning permission (25 September 2017 – application on 15 December 2015) “LA04/2016/0041/F Lagan gateway project includes: the provision of a new boat lock at Stranmillis to allow the passage of boats past the weir, new footbridge and path linking Annadale embankment with Stranmillis and paths to Belvoir Park. Works involve working in the river Lagan near an existing weir and fish pass and constructing a footbridge near a scheduled monument area (historical lock) (Environmental Statement received) Site located at the weir at Stranmillis near Belfast Boat Club BT9 5FJ”.
This approval does not envisage the removal of the existing weir.