Volume 149: Machine Learning for Healthcare Conference, 6-7 August 2021, Virtual
Editors: Ken Jung, Serena Yeung, Mark Sendak, Michael Sjoding, Rajesh Ranganath
Model Selection for Offline Reinforcement Learning: Practical Considerations for Healthcare Settings
Proceedings of the 6th Machine Learning for Healthcare Conference, PMLR 149:2-35
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Knowledge Graph-based Question Answering with Electronic Health Records
Proceedings of the 6th Machine Learning for Healthcare Conference, PMLR 149:36-53
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Uncertainty-Aware Time-to-Event Prediction using Deep Kernel Accelerated Failure Time Models
Proceedings of the 6th Machine Learning for Healthcare Conference, PMLR 149:54-79
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Directing Human Attention in Event Localization for Clinical Timeline Creation
Proceedings of the 6th Machine Learning for Healthcare Conference, PMLR 149:80-102
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CheXbreak: Misclassification Identification for Deep Learning Models Interpreting Chest X-rays
Proceedings of the 6th Machine Learning for Healthcare Conference, PMLR 149:103-125
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Understanding Clinical Collaborations Through Federated Classifier Selection
Proceedings of the 6th Machine Learning for Healthcare Conference, PMLR 149:126-145
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Deep Generative Analysis for Task-Based Functional MRI Experiments
Proceedings of the 6th Machine Learning for Healthcare Conference, PMLR 149:146-175
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Detecting Atrial Fibrillation in ICU Telemetry data with Weak Labels
Proceedings of the 6th Machine Learning for Healthcare Conference, PMLR 149:176-195
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Read, Attend, and Code: Pushing the Limits of Medical Codes Prediction from Clinical Notes by Machines
Proceedings of the 6th Machine Learning for Healthcare Conference, PMLR 149:196-208
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Power Constrained Bandits
Proceedings of the 6th Machine Learning for Healthcare Conference, PMLR 149:209-259
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EVA: Generating Longitudinal Electronic Health Records Using Conditional Variational Autoencoders
Proceedings of the 6th Machine Learning for Healthcare Conference, PMLR 149:260-282
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Intraoperative Adverse Event Detection in Laparoscopic Surgery: Stabilized Multi-Stage Temporal Convolutional Network with Focal-Uncertainty Loss
Proceedings of the 6th Machine Learning for Healthcare Conference, PMLR 149:283-307
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Model-based metrics: Sample-efficient estimates of predictive model subpopulation performance
Proceedings of the 6th Machine Learning for Healthcare Conference, PMLR 149:308-336
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An Interpretable Framework for Drug-Target Interaction with Gated Cross Attention
Proceedings of the 6th Machine Learning for Healthcare Conference, PMLR 149:337-353
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Medically Aware GPT-3 as a Data Generator for Medical Dialogue Summarization
Proceedings of the 6th Machine Learning for Healthcare Conference, PMLR 149:354-372
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Risk score learning for COVID-19 contact tracing apps
Proceedings of the 6th Machine Learning for Healthcare Conference, PMLR 149:373-390
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MIMIC-SBDH: A Dataset for Social and Behavioral Determinants of Health
Proceedings of the 6th Machine Learning for Healthcare Conference, PMLR 149:391-413
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In-depth Benchmarking of Deep Neural Network Architectures for ECG Diagnosis
Proceedings of the 6th Machine Learning for Healthcare Conference, PMLR 149:414-439
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Hierarchical Information Criterion for Variable Abstraction
Proceedings of the 6th Machine Learning for Healthcare Conference, PMLR 149:440-460
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Multi-Label Generalized Zero Shot Learning for the Classification of Disease in Chest Radiographs
Proceedings of the 6th Machine Learning for Healthcare Conference, PMLR 149:461-477
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Incorporating External Information in Tissue Subtyping: A Topic Modeling Approach
Proceedings of the 6th Machine Learning for Healthcare Conference, PMLR 149:478-505
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Mind the Performance Gap: Examining Dataset Shift During Prospective Validation
Proceedings of the 6th Machine Learning for Healthcare Conference, PMLR 149:506-534
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A Generative Modeling Approach to Calibrated Predictions: A Use Case on Menstrual Cycle Length Prediction
Proceedings of the 6th Machine Learning for Healthcare Conference, PMLR 149:535-566
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Approximate Bayesian Computation for an Explicit-Duration Hidden Markov Model of COVID-19 Hospital Trajectories
Proceedings of the 6th Machine Learning for Healthcare Conference, PMLR 149:567-613
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A New Semi-supervised Learning Benchmark for Classifying View and Diagnosing Aortic Stenosis from Echocardiograms
Proceedings of the 6th Machine Learning for Healthcare Conference, PMLR 149:614-647
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Dynamic Survival Analysis for EHR Data with Personalized Parametric Distributions
Proceedings of the 6th Machine Learning for Healthcare Conference, PMLR 149:648-673
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Deep Cox Mixtures for Survival Regression
Proceedings of the 6th Machine Learning for Healthcare Conference, PMLR 149:674-708
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Stool Image Analysis for Precision Health Monitoring by Smart Toilets
Proceedings of the 6th Machine Learning for Healthcare Conference, PMLR 149:709-729
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Back to the basics with inclusion of clinical domain knowledge - A simple, scalable and effective model of Alzheimer’s Disease classification
Proceedings of the 6th Machine Learning for Healthcare Conference, PMLR 149:730-754
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MedAug: Contrastive learning leveraging patient metadata improves representations for chest X-ray interpretation
Proceedings of the 6th Machine Learning for Healthcare Conference, PMLR 149:755-769
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Point Processes for Competing Observations with Recurrent Networks (POPCORN): A Generative Model of EHR Data
Proceedings of the 6th Machine Learning for Healthcare Conference, PMLR 149:770-789
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