A Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics 3
A Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics 3
A Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics 3
Teachers’ Activity Pupils’ Activity
A. Preliminary Activity
a. Greetings
b. Prayer:
Before we start, Let’s have our prayer Let’s put our hand together and close
for today, please lead the prayer Naty. our eyes.
Before you sit kindly arrange your (pupils will arrange their chairs and pick
chairs and pick up all the dirt. all the dirt)
c. Checking of Attendance
Is everybody present? Check if your (pupils will check if their seatmates are
seatmates are there. present)
d. Review
= 12
Very good Fiona. Who among you got
the correct answer? (Pupils will raise their right hand)
Very good Jake. Who got the perfect
score? (Pupils will raise their right hand)
e. Motivation
B. Presentation
C. Discussion
Yes Joan?
- Solid figure is shape that has
length, width and height.
Very good, let’s take a look and read the
definition of solid figure. - Solid figures are basically three-
dimensional objects, which
means that they have length,
Well done! Joan is right. It has length, height and width.
D. Generalization
Let me see. What is our topic for today? - Solid Figures (cube, prism,
pyramid, cylinder, cone and
Very good! In solid figure there are face, - The flat surface that makes the
vertex and edge. What is meant by face front of an object is called a face.
E. Application
Instruction: Give the Face, Vertex, and Edge of the following solid figures.
V. Draw an object that you can see inside of your house and identify what solid figure
does the object belong.
Prepared By:
Rona C. Lucas