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Malaysia, no 1 for recycling

it’s fitting that I was listening to the segment at around minute 18:00 of this podcast about recycling when I was putting the rubbish bins out. Most of the recycled material in Europe ends up in Malaysia, apparently. And it sure isn’t completely recycled. An EPA report stated that, “Plastics present a serious challenge. Only 28 percent of plastic packaging waste was recycled in 2021, a long way off the 2025 EU target of 50 percent. The majority of Ireland’s plastic packaging waste is being incinerated.” If a portion of that 28% of plastics is being sent abroad, then our […]


Dorothy Vs Hitler

I’d never heard of Dorothy Thompson, but I’m glad I’m listening to this podcast about her. She’s the, “woman who warned the world”. In 1939, Time Magazine called Dorothy Thompson a woman who “thinks, talks and sleeps world problems — and scares men half to death.” They weren’t wrong. Why don’t you know about her? She saw what happened to Palestinians after WWII. She spoke out about it and faced immediate pushback from Zionist organizations and the newspapers that published her opinion pieces. We need more Dorothys now.