Here’s a nice little dos 4k demo, I like it and it runs very nicely in dosemu too! Version 0.1.3 of the ALSA driver has been released. (I had /dev/dsp probs with it though..) Besides that, nothing much else. I had lots of fun getting Linux to run on an 8meg 386SX16 without a harddrive. Almost got svnc to run too. No mouse though 🙁
2 down and 4 exams to go. I ev …
2 down and 4 exams to go. I even mentioned Linux in my graphics exam when asked about graphical effects in movies. I just _couldn’t_ resist Titanic and Linux 🙂 I had a slight problem compiling PTC yesterday. I downloaded instead of source.tar.gz (I was going to try it in VC5 as well..) There’s a shell script and makefile included but they wouldn’t run. That’s solved (MSDOS characters..) but even with source.tar.gz it complained. Here’s what you do: In the source directory, before you do anything, type: mkdir ../library mkdir ../library/linux mkdir ../library/linux/gcc and then sh ./linux and everything […]
Not bad, I lasted just over te …
Not bad, I lasted just over ten days without updating. Only lasted a day though without the modem.. ho hum! I added a page with a screenshot of my WindowMaker desktop. You might like to have a look at it. I’m running two demos at the same time in two xdos sessions.. 🙂 There’s a news server dedicated to demo scene discussion groups now open at They have a group called coders.os.linux which I posted a message in last week. Not many replies though even considering what I posted 😉 You all probably know that ALSA has gone up […]
I'm unplugging the modem in m …
I’m unplugging the modem in my computer at home for the duration of my exams. This means that any emails will go unanswered until I check my email in college (Wednesday week or so). This also means that I’ll go completely mad at home, but there you go 🙂 On the news front, Version 1 of the ALSA driver has been released! I want to try this because I couldn’t get the last release to work with my AWE64.. 🙁
A new page for TSN has been do …
A new page for TSN has been done up. Follow the link on the left.
Minor release of TSN. I forgot …
Minor release of TSN. I forgot one perl script, “”, in the dist package so it’s now included and the licence in each perl file was placed incorrectly. Get the new package: tsn-1.0.1.tar.gz I’ll write up a proper page for TSN tommorow. Wow.. my head’s spinning, I need to get some sleep.
Source code for my project, TS …
Source code for my project, TSN is now available! Click on tsn-1.0.0.tar.gz to download the 137k package. Make sure you read the INSTALL file though! Comments are very welcome at!