oplim77 posted a great Bad Company 2 SDM match with strategy tips for White Pass.
Why is it that I always join a game of B…
Why is it that I always join a game of Bad Company 2 defending on Nelson Bay when I play alone? I just “rage quit” when I joined a game where the final Bravo crate was all lit up. I didn’t even enter the game, just turned back and quit. Later… Conor and Dave got online afterwards and we had a few games. Won maybe 2 of them, and lost badly on Laguna Preza. Dave has more on his blog. It’s really disheartening to join a game right at the end of the match. I spent almost an hour looking […]
Had a few mostly forgettable games of Ba…
Had a few mostly forgettable games of Bad Company 2 on the Xbox this afternoon. On all but one game I ended up on teams that were being hammered and usually on the last or second last base. Last one was pretty good though. We were defending on Isla and stopped the enemy on the first base. We got best squad and I got the second highest score in our team. Thankfully one member of my squad was a medic who revived me a few times. At other times there were 2 recon and as usual standing well back. Again […]
Avatar 2 Trailer
A brand new trailer for Avatar 2 has just been released and it’s amazing. If you thought the first film was stunning you’ll be blown away by this one!
Quick game of Bad Company 2 there on the…
Quick game of Bad Company 2 there on the Xbox. Played against a stronger team on Port Valdez. We lost but I got a share of kills and a decent KDR. I don’t like the F2000 so I stuck to the XM8 Prototype. I so want to unlock the AN-94 there too… I did unlock the M93R handgun, the red dot sight for engineers and assault, and the 4x rifle scope for assault too, or maybe not. I noticed I got a shotgun pin, and I didn’t use the shotgun at all this time. I mustn’t have looked at those […]
Dave worried about the effect some types…
Dave worried about the effect some types of games might have on younger people but I bet he didn’t think of this. (Make sure you hover over the cartoon!)
That last base in Arica Harbour is a b*t…
That last base in Arica Harbour is a b*tch to take. The defenders were made up of medics using M60s and MG3s, tough going up against them with the AN-94 close range. I was never so happy as when I got behind that last base. I think almost the whole squad spawned on me. Even if the other two didn’t have mics, they were at least listening. I did get a long streak a few times and positive (or nearly) KDR in each game. Great games with Conor. Some rounds were easy, some hard, but we won a load of […]
Half Life 2 comes to the Mac
I’m downloading Half Life 2 through Steam on my Macbook now. I don’t expect it to run any better than Portal did however. Glad I have the Orange Box on my Xbox if I want a decent game of either! (Thanks giantbomb!)
Revive and get your kit on!
Err, get your kit back I mean! In Bad Company 2 you can revive a medic by grabbing his kit and reviving him but you’ll be stuck with his kit then. That’s not usually so bad but if you want your kit back you can press “E” while reviving. On PC anyway. Does the same thing work on consoles? I imagine it probably does but I haven’t tried it.
The A-Team The intro to the insanely popular 80’s hit show, The A-Team, BC2 style. Shame there’s no Cylon in it but I guess they’d be hard pressed to get a robot out of the game!