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Battlefield Stats

bfbcs.com stats are finally working for console users. Here’s my donnchaoc stats and xeer2000 stats. It’s interesting to see that I had a higher win/loss ratio while defending rather than attacking. I suppose it’s not surprising since you only have to win one round as a defender to win a game, but have to win 3 or 4 rounds to win while attacking.


First impressions of Halo: Reach

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7-Otpi5K1-0 Seananners http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hK_Ao4cu2t4 Dead Pixel http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xo2NF4Gx9-g Obviously Jesus Machinima Respawn is full of Halo Reach videos, ish. The beta is due tomorrow and I will probably be pulling out my ODST disk to take part. The videos above remind me of Quake 3. The clean architecture, the futuristic setting, energy weapons. I’m showing my age now aren’t I? Some more Halo: Reach links. A link dump really: How Bungie Has Changed The Controls In Halo: Reach Interview with Luke Smith, designer on the game. Joystiq podcast on the beta Dissecting the visuals by Digital Foundary The Guardian on Halo: Reach […]


Had a few good games of Bad Company 2 to…

Had a few good games of Bad Company 2 tonight with strangers. Nobody used a mic which is frustrating. We lost a few games and won some more. I was quite proud of my last game attacking on Isla. In the last base we took Bravo fairly quickly but Alpha was more problematic. I almost set the bomb there once but got hit by the heavy MG in a tower. I came back as a medic with the SAW and watched one of my team mates set Alpha. He ducked into cover to the side but was killed by the […]


Centre before aiming

I’ve read many times that you should be facing where the enemy is before aiming down the sight in first person shooters. If the single player campaign in Bad Company 2 or Modern Warfare 2 is good for anything it’s for practicing this. Disable aim assist and face your enemy before bringing the sights up. You’ll aim and kill faster. Once you get used to it anyway, as I’m still learning. Leading on from this is the obvious advice that you need to know where your enemy will be in any situation. This of course only applies to medium to […]


Shotgun Montage BF:BC2

Great shotgun montage by TheXBLJMOR, but what I wanted to draw your attention to was his quick reload of the weapon. When reloading, once your ammo count has increased change weapon and back again and your weapon will be reloaded. Here’s a forum thread on the technique: Reload Wait until your ammo counter says the gun is reloaded (the animation won’t be finished yet) Interrupt the reload (ie swapping out weapons, etc) Kill something Run out of ammo in magazine Repeat (via)