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set -o vi FTW

The Bash command line can be edited using the cursor keys but for the real power user you need to enable Vi mode: $ set -o vi Or add it to one of your Bash startup files. Now, instead of the slow interactive editing you’ll get the command and insert mode of Vi! Users of Vi or Vim will feel right at home. You start in insert mode by default so it feels the same as before. You can type new text, move left and right with the cursor keys and delete text but press ESC and you can do […]


Ten Years at Automattic

I still remember the day in 2005 when Matt asked me to come work for him. I still remember the exact spot I was standing where I took that call. It was only a couple of metres from where I sit typing this now. Ten years, time has flown. I work for an absolutely amazing company with great people. It’s hard to believe there’s well over three hundred people there now. Remember when you needed an invite? It’s a far cry from WordPress.com today. I wish I could provide an insightful comment on the challenges and rewards of working remotely […]


A Commodore 64 in Police Academy 3

I honestly don’t remember this at all. The C64 was just a prop, but it’s still nice to see the breadbox there! It’s a pity they used the arcade version of Paperboy and not the C64 conversion however.


Say Fine to the Shirt

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rrVWsYdYvdk When shopping get in there and out as quickly as possible. (Thanks Conor O’Neill for the link!) My first time seeing anything by Amy Schumer. Funny stuff! 🙂


1c and 2c coins to go (in Ireland)

Finally! These tiny coins will be on the way out if all goes to plan. I guess I should add those coins above to my small stockpile of Irish coins. Government sources have told the Irish Independent that the matter is to be brought to Cabinet tomorrow. It is understood Finance Minister Michael Noonan will bring the memo recommending the withdrawal of the coins, which cost more to mint than they are worth.


Denali – a tribute to a friend

I’ve said goodbye to two dogs in my life, and neither time was easy. If you’re a dog owner watch this only somewhere where you won’t mind being seen bawling your eyes out. It’s a beautiful tribute to a dog called Denali and his owner. Via this post and John Finn on Facebook.


Dr Emoto Water Blessings

From an unsolicited spam email: Greetings, Have you heard about Dr Emoto, who discovered that placing positive words on water bottles produced beautiful crystals in the water? We are an inspirational publishing company. Inspired by Dr Emoto we have developed Water Blessing Labels, re-usable static cling decals that you can place on any water container. Please reply to this email and we will email you our wholesale catalog and offer you a complimentary pack of decals. No obligation. Customer Service Team Pearls Of Wisdom Publishing Co. Spreading Blessings All Over The World Seems legit, but what happens if you put […]