Now, I knew that Battlefield 4 has had a rough start. It crashes a lot, it’s hard to find games, bugs in the game stop it being enjoyable but the latest Amazon sale tempted me for a few minutes until I scrolled down.. I’ll buy it in a year or two, perhaps. Anyone for a game of Bad Company 2?
Yes, finally fixed the SSD freezing my computer!
TL;DR If your computer is freezing after installing an SSD change from AHCI to IDE mode in the BIOS. Argh! This has been driving me slightly mad for a while. I bought a Samsung 840 SSD a few weeks ago to make things a bit faster. It does too, mostly to the boot up (which I rarely do, this machine is on 24×7) but it feels smoother in day to day tasks too. I keep the Lightroom catalogue on the SSD, Windows 7 is on there too but most apps, all games and all photos are on other drives. It […]
It’s fun on Minmus
Minmus is a tiny moon orbiting Kerbin in the game Kerbal Space Program. There’s a closer moon, Mun, that I’ve visited in the past but this was my first time getting to Minmus. This moon is so small it has a tiny gravity. A Kerbonaut can jump 10 metres with a single bound! ‘Course, sometimes that leap can land him in trouble.. On a previous attempt to land I noticed my solar panels weren’t working. I couldn’t believe it when I saw the sun was blocked by the Mun, how was that possible? Damn, a lunar eclipse, what are the […]
Android 4.3 finally on my Galaxy S4
OK, so I really didn’t put Kitkat on my S4 but I did put Android 4.3 on there. Most people will be able to upgrade the S4 with an OTA or KIES update but if you’ve modified your phone by rooting it then that doesn’t work without intervention. That intervention relies on flashing a “stock rom” on the phone which is just as risky as flashing the new rom so I decided to wait until it appeared here and then grabbed the file, backed up my photos, music, settings from various apps and with some trepidation fired up Odin. Odin […]
Kitkat on the Samsung Galaxy S4
While the rest of the world is waiting for or installing Android 4.3 on their Samsung Galaxy S4 phones I decided to skip ahead and put KitKat on my S4. In the end it wasn’t too hard either. Meanwhile, if you’re not able to upgrade but you’ve rooted your phone you can use the photosphere function in the Google Camera from the Nexus 5 to shoot great 360 degree panoramas. Here’s one I shot near Blarney Castle this morning. You’ll need the camera APK from here and since it will likely force close go here and download that zip file. […]
Fix file (644) and directory (775) permissions in Linux easily
A few weeks back I was sorting out the drives on my Linux server and as some of the directories were created through various configurations of Samba by Windows clients the permissions were a bit odd. Some archive files were executable, some directories were rw only for the owner. You get the idea, it was a mess. How do I fix them quickly? I’d like all the files to be 0644 and directories should be 0775 please. Oh, and I’d like all that done with the minimum of fuss through a Bash shell, with or without a cherry on top. […]