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That Spam Problem

Every blog on this machine now has the the spam words from my blog appended to their own! Blog authors here should hopefully see a major decrease in the number of spam comments and trackbacks they have to moderate as I’m fairly diligent in updating my word list! More on spam trackbacks to come later including mangled links to some of my content that was robbed to create a spam weblog. Thanks guys – just the motivation I needed to update my spam fight! nah nah nah! 😛


Coming up on a new year

It’s almost 2005, I hope you’ve all had a great Christmas, whatever your beliefs or not! Normal service will resume here shortly including photos of the first white Christmas in Ireland in a long time!


Boys At Play

Pictured at Garretstown Beach last Sunday. It was freezing but many people made the most of the dry, crisp weather and enjoyed themselves!


Creating LineArt from Photos

Yet another cartoon effect to try on my photos. The examples on Creating LineArt from Photos look good, but they’re simple images. Anything with a complex background will probably make it throw a wobbler! Must try later!


Using Image Calibration Techniques to Reduce Noise in Digital Images

This is interesting, especially after reading the TNG article on astronomy this morning where these ideas are used, it’s great to see it described in such detail! Basically, noise in digital cameras isn’t as random as may it may seem, and if you have a calibration image with that noise intact, you can subtract the noise from any photo. This tutorial explains all that in more detail and could be very useful for cameras that take RAW images, but I verified that jpeg files can’t be manipulated so successfully unfortunately! No JPEG image can have its noise reduced by the […]