Ha! almost a day gone without updates! It’s busy here at work. I picked up my tickets and I’m heading back to Chicago on Saturday! Anyway, for all your BlogShares users, here’s a tip I’ve noticed other players doing. Buy all the stock of a blog. If you like, buy the last 250 in more than 1 step. That increases the price of the blog slightly. When it comes to selling time, sell off 44 shares first and you’ll see the stock price rise about $1. Now sell the rest of your shares in that blog!
Linux & POS
Owen Kelly just called from a POS show here in Cork. They suffered a power cut for a few minutes. As the lights and machines came on again Owen spotted some weighing scales booting up. At closer inspection he noticed Linux boot messages and mentions of Red Hat scrolling up the small screen! When booted, the scales have a touch screen interface and also display movies of food being cooked. I presume the interface allows the user to select the food being weighed, which dictates the movie shown. Internet on your toaster anyone? Nah, that’s old news! Movies on your […]
Xwrits again
I’m using Xwrits again. My hands are falling off me by the end of the work day and I need to force myself to take regular breaks. 🙁
PHP5: Coming Soon to a Webserver Near You
harry Fuecks has written a very long article on PHP5 at sitepoint. It’s been a very busy day so I haven’t had time to look at it, but after a quick scan it looks like a good read.
The Parking Lot is Full
Lots and lots of cartoons here. I have to admit I never came across this site while it was still active. 🙁
Strange photos and images
This image and this this one are very likely to make your eyes water. You’ve been warned!
GIMP 1.3.17 is out
I read this on the GIMP-Users mailing list but as their archive is broken now, here’s the scoop via gnomedesktop.org (and thanks to Feedster for finding it for me!) The next major release will be 2.0, not 1.4. Unfortunately this means that some features slated for a 2.0 release won’t make it until later. All you print shops will have to wait a bit longer for CMYK support.
I'd love to test Mozilla Thunderbird except..
I’d love to give Thunderbird a spin for a few days but there’s a problem. It doesn’t support the Maildir format! Currently I’m very happy with Kmail and lots of my mail folders are in Maildir format. I’ve over 1GB of mail (yes Mark, I still keep almost all my mail!) so having an easy way of exporting it to another format is important. There is a feature request in the Mozilla bug database but it hasn’t seen any developer attention in a few months. 🙁 I could always start from scratch again with Thunderbird. Copy over the contents of […]
teergrubing referrer spammers
Justin Mason posted a message to the ILUG complaining about referer spam on his blog. I replied with a few ideas, and hopefully we’ll get more ideas on that thread. Unfortunately I forgot to include a link to a useful feedster search on the matter but JM will see it here I’m sure. Load up the referering page. If it doesn’t load then ignore the referer (removes private pages on intranets). Check the page for a link to your site, and in particular, checl for the url the refering ‘browser’ visited. If it’s not there, then ignore the referer. Setup […]
Mars at the Moon's Edge
Amazing photograph on APOD today. It looks like someone was flying over the moon to take it with mars rising over the horizon. Wow!