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Received: 9 October 2017 / Accepted: 12 June 2018 / Published online: 29 June 2018
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2018
To detect pulmonary abnormalities such as Tuberculosis (TB), an automatic analysis and classification of chest radiographs
can be used as a reliable alternative to more sophisticated and technologically demanding methods (e.g. culture or sputum
smear analysis). In target areas like Kenya TB is highly prevalent and often co-occurring with HIV combined with low
resources and limited medical assistance. In these regions an automatic screening system can provide a cost-effective
solution for a large rural population. Our completely automatic TB screening system is processing the incoming CXRs (chest
X-ray) by applying image preprocessing techniques to enhance the image quality followed by an adaptive segmentation
based on model selection. The delineated lung regions are described by a multitude of image features. These characteristics
are than optimized by a feature selection strategy to provide the best description for the classifier, which will later decide if
the analyzed image is normal or abnormal. Our goal is to find the optimal feature set from a larger pool of generic image
features, –used originally for problems such as object detection, image retrieval, etc. For performance evaluation measures
such as under the curve (AUC) and accuracy (ACC) were considered. Using a neural network classifier on two publicly
available data collections, –namely the Montgomery and the Shenzhen dataset, we achieved the maximum area under the
curve and accuracy of 0.99 and 97.03%, respectively. Further, we compared our results with existing state-of-the-art systems
and to radiologists’ decision.
Keywords Tuberculosis · Chest x-ray · Automatic chest x-ray analysis · Feature selection · Neural networks · HOG ·
Automatic TB screening
Tuberculosis (TB) – according to the 2017 WHO report
This article is part of the Topical Collection on Advanced [41], is considered one of the major life threats beside
Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing in Medical HIV (human immunodeficiency virus), with a mortality
rate of 1.3 million people among the 10.4 million people
Szilárd Vajda developing the disease each year. Cure rates over 90% have been described in clinical studies. However, it still remains
Alexandros Karargyris a major challenge due to the presence of TB in tandem with HIV in 1.7 million cases out of the reported 10.4 million
Stefan Jaeger
George Thoma
K.C. Santosh
Sema Candemir 1 Central Washington University, Ellensburg, WA, USA
2 IBM Almaden Research, San Jose, CA, USA
Zhiyun Xue
3 University of South Dakota, Vermillion, SD, USA
4 National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health,
Sameer Antani Bethesda, MD, USA
146 Page 2 of 11 J Med Syst (2018) 42: 146
ones. Among the population contracting the virus, 90% are Our objective with the feature selection [17] imple-
adults, 65% are male, and 56% are coming from only five mented for our CXRs classification scenario was three-fold:
countries: Indonesia, Pakistan, India, the Philippines and i) improve the prediction performance of the underlying
China. classifier, ii) provide an optimal feature set suitable to
TB is an infectious disease caused by the bacillus describe abnormalities such as TB in the lung, and iii) pro-
Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which typically affects the vide a direct comparison of our results with those published
lungs. It spreads through the air when people with active TB by Jaeger et al. [23]. In addition to the main goal to find an
cough, sneeze, or otherwise expel infectious bacteria [52]. optimal feature set providing high classification accuracy,
TB is most prevalent in Africa and Southeast-Asia, where our secondary goal was to select a fast and well performing
widespread poverty and malnutrition reduces resistance to classifier such as an artificial neural network [3, 53]. Such
the disease. The most common method for diagnosing TB a network is able to define complex non-linear decision sur-
worldwide is sputum smear microscopy (developed more faces necessary to distinguish TB cases from non-TB cases
than 100 years ago), in which bacteria are observed in relying only on features. The feature selection will also
sputum samples examined under a microscope. Following make possible an overall shorter processing time due to the
recent developments in TB diagnostics, the use of rapid fact that only a reduced number of features is to be extracted
molecular tests for the diagnosis of TB and drug-resistant and used in the classification process.
TB is increasing, as highlighted in WHO’s reports [40, 41]. In this paper, we propose an end-to-end system
In countries with more developed laboratory capacity TB capable of detecting different lung abnormalities from
cases are also diagnosed via culture methods (the current CXRs analysis using only image processing and machine
reference standard). However, these methods are currently learning. The rest of the paper is structured as follows:
rather expensive, and not easily applicable in low-resourced “Related work” gives a brief overview of the state-
regions such as Africa. In these areas chest X-ray (CXR) is of-the-art, “Methods” discusses the methods in use, –
still the most prominent TB detection method in use. involving lung segmentation, features description, features
Tuberculosis is exhibited in CXR images in form of selection and classification. “Experiments” provides a
cavitations, consolidations, infiltrates, blunted costophrenic brief description of the used chest X-ray collections, the
angles, opacities, pleural effusion and thickening, pneu- evaluation protocols and the different results. Finally, a brief
monia, horizontal fissure displacement, hilar enlargement summary highlighting the strengths of our paper is provided
and small broadly distributed nodules [52], among other in “Conclusion”.
radiological manifestations. These changes can often be
detected in CXRs in the form of corrupted and/or deformed
lung profiles [27], disruptions in the lung shapes, intensity Related work
changes in the lung tissue [23], texture abnormalities [8],
etc. Some prominent TB manifestations can be observed in Recently, we note an increased focus on automatic chest
Fig. 1. Besides the design and development of a deploy- radiography [2, 11, 24, 25, 28, 29, 31, 44] due to the more
able and reliable CXR screening system, our major aim is to affordable prices for X-ray machines, and the huge potential
select the best and complementing features. These specially residing in the automatic image processing [16]. Such tools
selected characteristics will help the underlying classifier to analyze these digital images without any external human
produce a complex decision surface necessary to distinguish involvement [30]. Even though, in the last few years many
normal CXRs from the abnormal ones. papers have been published in computer-aided diagnosis
(CAD) targeting chest x-ray images [26], there are only a segmentation [1], rib supression or histogram equalization
limited number of systems which can accurately read chest [23] have been implemented. The perceptual errors commit-
radiographs [14, 31]. ted by human readers can be corrected with focused analysis
Due to the uncontested success of deep convolutional using systematic search strategies, coning devices, etc.
neural networks, in the recent years different works Depeursing et al. [10] proposed a study to compare
appeared in the medical image analysis field [2, 22, different classification methods involving five different
28, 29, 31]. Instead of using the traditional feature classifiers applied to three types of feature groups: gray-
extractions followed by classification, the researchers level histograms, air components and quincunx wavelet
in this new paradigm tasked the networks to extract frame coefficients with B-spline wavelets. Similar attempts
automatically [18] the separating characteristics from X- have been proposed by Jaeger et al. [23] involving classifiers
rays, MRIs, etc. However, such methodologies need very such as SVM, multi-layer perceptron, decision tree and
large training samples [21] and some small deformations linear regression. In both cases SVMs provided the best
like calcifications or infiltrates might not be detected performances. The work [54] presents a rather small scale
properly [2]. Do to this fact we focused our current experiment (77 images) only for nodule detection involving
research on the classical solution, where well defined image feature extraction. The features – mainly intensity values,
characteristics can describe the different abnormalities and wavelets, Gabor coefficients, multi-scale Hurst features,
is usable for reduced size data too. etc, in total 67 different characteristics were selected
Nodule detection is becoming one of the popular research using a genetic algorithm (GA) by minimizing the overall
focuses, due to the very well defined aspect of the classification error. With the method they managed to
problem. Even some commercial systems are available on reduce the features number to 25. However, there is no direct
the market [46] helping radiologist to localize and diagnose comparison showing the importance of the feature selection.
lung cancer [19]. However, nodules are one of many In general, there is no clear understanding why some
representations of TB, besides consolidations, infiltrates, features perform better than others and there is no clear
blunted costophrenic angles, opacities, pleural effusion and view how those image features can actively contribute
thickening, pneumonia, horizontal fissure displacement, or in the classification. Therefore, a clear understanding of
hilar enlargement. Due to the high complexity of the the features and their combination is a necessity in order
problem to detect these different type of TB manifestations, to provide a well defined framework in the future for
recent studies concentrate more on specific topics, such pulmonary disease detection and classification.
as lung segmentation [5, 8], temporal subtraction for bone
scans [47], or other aspects such as detection of catheters
and pneumothorax, texture analysis or shape analysis [15]. Methods
To overcome human involvement in lung cancer detec-
tion addressed by the seminal work of Lodwick et al. This section describes the different processing steps of
[33] by converting the visual images of roentgenograms the system: starting with lung segmentation using atlas-
into numerical sequences, the current research shifted the based segmentation, the feature selection, and finally the
focus to more sophisticated and automatic feature extraction classification which provides the user with a confidence
methods. These features are able to describe the differ- measure for each analyzed image belonging to the normal
ent phenomenons encountered in the different CXRs. Van or abnormal cases.
Ginneken et al. [15] identified these possible features as
being texture related as patterns are diffuse. The analysis Lung segmentation
of pixel neighborhood intensities can reveal certain spe-
cific characteristics. As the authors mention it, is hard for a In our system, we use an atlas-based lung segmentation
radiologist ”to get a clue” why these image features relate algorithm. The atlas is a set of CXRs from several
to certain diseases. However, to mimic the radiologists’ patients and their expert delineated lung boundaries. The
reading habits, computer scientists should transcribe the system first chooses the most similar models to the
reading knowledge in a more formal way. The extraction patient X-ray by measuring the lung shape similarities.
of all types of image characteristics (intensity, shape pro- Then, it warps the selected models to the patient X-
files, wavelets, etc.) should be followed by feeding these ray using a registration algorithm. This algorithm uses
characteristics into sophisticated classifiers such as neural the scale invariant feature transform (SIFT) flow (i.e.,
networks, Support Vector Machines (SVM), etc. The noise SIFT-flow) registration approach [32], which computes the
– caused by the image acquisition or size of the lung region corresponding pixels of image pairs according to their SIFT
of the analyzed subject, etc. [36] can skew the results. To feature similarity. The average of the registered models will
reduce these type of artifacts, different methods such as rib constitute the patient-specific lung model. The system then
146 Page 4 of 11 J Med Syst (2018) 42: 146
combines the CXR intensity values and lung model with extracted from the segmented lung regions. In particular,
an objective function to decide for the final boundary. The the following descriptors were considered: Color Layout
segmentation solves the objective function with a graph-cut Descriptor (CLD), Edge Histogram Descriptor (EHD)
energy minimization approach [4]. from MPEG-7 standard [34], Color and Edge Direc-
The system produces state-of-the-art results on a tion Descriptor (CEDD) [6], Fuzzy Color and Texture
public set (c.f., JSRT set [45]) reaching 0.954 ± 0.0015 (FCTH) [7], Tamura texture descriptor, Gabor texture
coverage. Similar scores were reported for the Montgomery feature [20], and other texture features such as primitive
collection, where 0.941 ± 0.034 coverage was obtained. length (PL), edge frequency (EF), and autocorrelation
For more details about this stage, we refer to the work by (AC) [48]. This feature set is larger, comprising 595
Candemir et al. [5]. features.
Set C: Is a focused feature collection involving only shape
Features description measurements calculated from the lung shapes provided
by the standard MATLAB implementation. For our
To characterize normal and TB suspicious CXR lung purpose size, orientation, eccentricity, extent, centroid,
segments, we considered three different feature sets. The and bounding box were considered. The dimension of
feature Set A is inspired from object detection [16, 37] and this feature set is 12. For each lung segment 6 different
was used with success in a previous work [23]. The feature features were extracted and later concatenated. For
Set B has been utilized with success by Rahman et al. [42] details please refer to the help provided by MATLAB’s
for a medical CBIR system. Finally, we considered basic regionprops1 .
shape features, which can also be powerful to characterize
abnormalities. For pleural effusion the lower part of the lung Set C contains only similar types of features, while set
is not visible due to the accumulated fluid in the thoracic A and B are a mixture of all sorts of features, as they were
cavity, thus producing a blunt costophrenic angle [35] and a used separately for different pattern recognition tasks [16,
considerably modified lung shape [52]. 37, 42]. Therefore, we have not seen the necessity to classify
All features have only been extracted from the lung the features based on their properties and nature.
regions detected by the atlas-based segmentation method
(see “Lung segmentation”) preceded by a histogram Feature selection and classification
equalization to enhance the overall contrast of the analyzed
CXR images. In many systems devoted to better CXR analysis [8, 14,
23, 24, 27], the authors do not specifically motivate their
Set A: Is a versatile and compact feature set combining selection for the particular features in use. Rather, they
shape, edge and texture descriptors. The final feature rep- just borrow well-known features from image processing
resentation is built by concatenating the different descrip- [16]. Without any specific motivation, – excepting color,
tors (histograms) extracted from the segmented lung edges or texture, which are applicable to all kinds of object
regions. In particular, the following shape and texture detection tasks [37], content based image retrieval (CBIR)
descriptors were considered: Intensity Histogram (IH), [42] works do not consider particularly crafted features
Gradient Magnitude Histogram (GM), Shape Descriptor to characterize abnormalities such as TB. While some
Histogram (SD), Curvature Descriptor Histogram (CD), features can complement each other, – by improving the
Histogram of Oriented Gradient (HOG) [9], Local Binary discriminating power of the descriptor [50], some features
Pattern (LBP) [39]. A modified multiscale approach pro- might work in the detriment of others, thus the selection
posed by Frangi et al. [13] is considered to compute of features from a larger pool is necessary and useful for
the eigenvalues of Hessian matrix needed for the shape further consideration.
and curvature descriptors. The Hessian describes the For our purpose we considered a wrapper type feature
second-order surface curvature properties of the local selection model [43, 49]. Instead of aiming to reach a
image intensity surface. The normalization makes these certain accuracy level, – often used as selection criterion, we
descriptors intensity invariant. Jaeger et al. [23] deter- conducted an exhaustive search among the different feature
mined that quantizing these features into 32 bins provides combinations. Given n different features, the number of
good discrimination performance. The size of the feature possible combinations is:
descriptor is 192.
n n n
Set B: Is a rather diversified and low-level feature collec- N= + + ··· + = 2n − 1 (1)
1 2 n
tion involving intensity, edge, texture, color and shape
moment features. The final feature representation is built
by concatenating the different descriptors (histograms)
J Med Syst (2018) 42: 146 Page 5 of 11 146
In Table 1. is to be observed the discriminative power Table 2 Area under the curve (AUC) measures reported for the
of the feature set A, involving less features than set B. The different feature representations for different data collections
intensity histogram, the local binary patterns, the histogram Dataset Set A Set B Set C Set {A,B,C}
of oriented gradients, etc. seem to be more powerful than the
features borrowed from MPEG-7 standard. Similar trend is Montgomery 0.87 0.72 0.71 0.79
to be observed in the work proposed by Jaeger et al. [23]. Shenzhen 0.99 0.90 0.77 0.97
The increased scores in our cases suggest also the fact, that
the neural network is able to better estimate the decision
surface than a support vector machine (SVM). retrieval. Nobody analyzed their particular contribution to
While the first column in the table show individual results the final recognition. Therefore, our feature selection exper-
for the different feature sets, the last column involves all iment identified some 17 different features belonging to
the features described in detail in “Features description”. Set A(#6), B(#10), and C(#1). The experiments in Tables 3
This extended feature set is focusing more on the common and 4. show those optimized feature sets which provide
representational effort of these features –by stitching them the highest accuracy, and maximized area under the curve,
together. Apparently, the combined feature set involving respectively. Our optimization criteria for the best selection
set A, B, and C can not overcome the individual results of features was max{ACC} and max{AU C}.
generated by set A, because set B and C are introducing a For feature selection each possible feature combination
certain number on confusions. was trained/tested on a 10x cross-validation basis, and the
Due to the the limited number of blunt costophrenic angle average scores were reported. The scores for the optimized
appearances in the analyzed collections, the shape features feature collections (see Tables 3 and 4.) are way more
have only limited description power. The majority of the accurate than the results obtained by the original features
CXRs available in our collections have TB manifestations (see Tables 1 and 2.) obtaining a net ACC gain of 6.45%
inside the lung regions, and not that much along the (Montgomery) and 1.46% (Shenzen), respectively. The
boundaries usually involving severe shape deformations. AUC net gain goes up to 4% (Montgomery), while for
However, shape features (Set C) can be still considered as the Shenzhen data the same AUC has been achieved, more
a reliable source to separate abnormal CXRs from normal precisely 0.99, – a result which is acceptable considering the
ones, when the TB manifestation is to be observed on the importance of the correct classification of the true positive
shape such as pleural effusion [35, 52]. cases (abnormalities).
In Table 2. similar conditions were considered as in the Is to be noted that for the feature selection, – due to the
case of Table 1., but this time instead of measuring ACC, nature of the evaluation protocol (no dedicated training/test
the AUC is measured to show the real strength of the set), all the folds contributed to the selection of the best
neural classifier, –by varying the threshold applied to the feature collection, therefore the results could be biased
accuracy. The results achieved for the feature set A are very [49].
promising, achieving almost perfect scores for the Shenzhen In order to support the correctness of our choice for
data (AUC = 0.99), and promising score (AUC = 0.87) the selection, we published the standard deviation (σ ) for
for the Montgomery collection. These scores provide a real the results coming from the 10 folds. While the standard
proof that it is possible to set up a classifier which provides deviation is low for the results reported for the Shenzhen
almost perfect classification rates. Following the trend collection (see Table 4.), the spread is really high for the
discussed earlier, the feature set B and feature set C provide Montgomery collection (see Table 3.). The rather high σ
moderate results, due to their limitation describing and level for the second collection can be explained with the
capturing the specific shape and orientations of lung, ribs, relatively low number of CXRs and the unbalanced aspect
etc. The ROC curves for the Montgomery and Shenzhen of this collection. The standard deviation in this case can be
collections, involving set A are shown in Fig. 2. considered as a measure to see how far we would be in case
However, these characteristics are classical image fea- of a dedicated test set to test with.
tures used in object recognition or content based image While the results reported for the feature selection
might be biased, not only is the accuracy gain substantial,
but all features need much more time to be extracted,
Table 1 Accuracy (ACC) measures reported for the different feature
representations for different data collections
thus influencing the overall processing time of each chest
radiograph. Beside the increased accuracy/area under the
Dataset Set A(%) Set B(%) Set C(%) Set {A,B,C}(%) curve, we also would like to focus our discussion towards
the selected features. Among the selected ones is to
Montgomery 78.30 72.47 65.82 69.45
be observed a net dominance of features such as IH,
Shenzhen 95.57 81.06 70.40 92.00
CD, LBP, HOG belonging to the original feature set
J Med Syst (2018) 42: 146 Page 7 of 11 146
A. From the set B, features like FTCH, GLCM, Gabor it is still acceptable to identify a healthy lung as being
and EF were considered, showing the strength of these abnormal, none of the abnormal cases should be missed.
particular features in the overall evaluation. As one can Therefore, we show some results in Table 5. for both
see, these features describe texture, intensity, edginess, etc., collections involving recall values of 0.90, 0.95, and 0.99,
properties valuable to distinguish normal and abnormal respectively.
CXRs. Far beyond the comparison to the baseline system The false positive rate (FPR) for the Shenzhen collection
[23], our ultimate goal is to find the best possible is rather promising and acceptable. The results produced
feature combination, and deploy the system in Kenya for the Montgomery collection are more modest. One
to accurately detect TB positive patients. Therefore, for possible explanation could be the reduced number of
direct evaluation our feature selection scores are somehow samples present in the collection. It is known that for
biased, but for the upcoming chest x-ray images to be statistical classifiers such as neural networks, to adjust the
analyzed, we discovered the best feature descriptors to be different weights through the learning process a multitude
considered. of different samples is necessary [3]. This condition is more
The optimization also supports the fact that shape fulfilled for the Shenzhen collection, where the number of
features do not contribute to the classification, and their samples is over 300, both for abnormal and normal cases,
usage should be rather considered in a pre-filtering phase, respectively.
before starting a thorough analysis of the radiograph. To directly compare our results, we considered the
Such a filter beside a costophrenic angle estimator [35] system proposed by Jaeger et al. [23]. In this paper the
could help to quickly identify lung shape abnormalities authors are focusing exactly on the same data and using
which are strong indicators of different types of lung same type of experiments as we provided in this current
diseases. paper. For quality measurements accuracy (ACC) and
As our screening application is to be used in a TB area under the curve (AUC) were considered, both being
prevalent area such as Kenya, it is important to provide the adequate measures to decide about the quality of the system.
healthcare providers with a reliable tool for screening, – While the authors of the previously mentioned work report
avoiding any misclassification of the abnormal cases. While different type of results, for the sake of clarity, only their
Table 3 Results for the optimized feature set involving the Mont- Table 4 Results for the optimized feature set involving the Shenzhen
gomery collections collections
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