Welding PDF
Welding PDF
Welding PDF
Parts are joined together by Fusion. Fusion is
brought about by a combination of heat and
pressure between parts being joined. In normal
welding processes very high temperatures and
little or no pressure is used.
Welding conditions
• Smooth joint surfaces that match each other
• Surfaces clean and free from oxides, grease and dirt.
• Metals to be joined have same microstructure
Welding conditions continued….
• The metals should be good quality (no internal
Welding Preparation
• Before starting a weld, the joint edges should be
carefully prepared.
• Beveling large edges
• Cleaning (Chemical/Mechanical)
Weld Joints Weld defects
Welding Symbols Welding Techniques
Weld Joints - Parts of a Weld Joint
• Joint root
• Groove face, Root face and Root edge
• Root opening and Bevel
• Bevel angle, Groove angle and Groove radius
Weld Joints - Types of Weld Joint
• Butt Joint • Corner joint
• Lap Joint • Edge Joint
• T Joint • Splice Member
Joint Root
is that portion of a joint to be welded where the members
are closest to each other
• Root opening is
the separation
between the
work pieces at
the joint root
• Bevel
(chamfer) is an
angular edge
Bevel angle, Groove angle and Groove
Butt Joint
butt joint
butt joint with
joint filler
Basic components of a WELDING SYMBOL
Types of Welding
• Electric Arc Welding • Friction Welding
• Gas Welding • Robotic Welding
• Resistance Welding
Electric Arc Welding
The heat for fusion is supplied by an electric arc
repair work, structural steelwork,
Touch electrode against
work withdraw
electrode to establish
arc. Heat of arc melts
base metal, the
electrode’s metal core,
and any metal particles
in electrode’s covering.
Heat also melts,
vaporises, or breaks
down chemically
non-metallic substances in covering for arc shielding.
Mixing of molten base metal and filler metal from
electrode produces coalescence required to effect
• Used with many electrode types & sizes
• Used in all positions
• Used on great variety of materials
• Flexibility in operator control makes it the
most versatile of allwelding processes
• Low cost of equipment
• Rod becomes shorter & periodically needs replacing
• Slows production rate (% time welder welding)
The Electrode and Coating
High AC +
230V DC
Low AC
Voltage 10-
A transformer converts AC current at one
voltage to AC at a higher or lower voltage
Sheet and Heavy plate, production
welding by robots on cars
MIG is similar to
MMA in that heat for
welding is produced
by forming an arc
between a metal
electrode and the
workpiece; the
electrode melts to
form the weld bead.
The main difference
is that the metal electrode is a small diameter wire fed from a
spool and a sheilding gas is used. As the wire is continuously
fed, the process is often referred to as semi-automatic welding.
• Large gaps filled or bridged easily
• Welding can be done in all positions
• No slag removal required
• High welding speeds
• High weld quality
• Less distortion of work piece
Equipmnt used in MAGS
Three major elements are :
Shielding Gas
Welding torch and accessories
• The welding torch guides the wire and shielding gas to the
weld zone.
• Brings welding power to the wire also
• Major components/parts of the torch are the contact tip,
shielding gas nozzle, gas diffuser, and the wire conduit
Welding control and wire feed motor
Main function is to pull
the wire from the spool
and feed it to the arc
Controls wire feed speed
and regulates the starting
and stopping of wire feed
Welding power source
Used in joining magnesium and
Aluminium, stainless steels
for high quality welding
Thin sheet material
In the TIG process the arc
is formed between a
pointed tungsten
electrode and the work
piece in an inert
atmosphere of argon or
helium. The small intense
arc provided by the
pointed electrode is ideal
for high quality and
precision welding.
The electrode is not consumed during welding. When filler metal
is required, it must be added separately to the weldpool. There
are two currents one for starting the arc the other switched on
using a trigger or foot pedal, this is a high frequency current
to maintain the arc, this is generated by a separte unit.
SAW welding taking place in the flat
position. Ideal for heavy workpieces
Carbon-manganese steels,low alloy
steels and stainless steels
Submerged Arc Welding (SAW)
The process uses a flux to generate protective gases and
slag, and to add alloying elements to the weld pool. A
shielding gas is not required. Prior to welding, a thin layer
of flux powder is placed on the work piece surface. The arc
moves along the joint line and as it does so, excess flux is
recycled via a hopper. Remaining fused slag layers can be
easily removed after welding. As the arc is completely
covered by the flux layer, heat loss is extremely low. There
is no visible arc light, welding is spatter-free and there is no
need for fume extraction.
Equipmnt used in SAW
SAW is normally operated with a single wire on either AC or
DC current. Common variants are:
• twin wire
• triple wire
• single wire with hot wire addition
• metal powdered flux addition
All contribute to improved productivity through a marked
increase in weld metal deposition rates and/or travel speeds.
Fluxes used in SAW are granular fusible minerals
The flux is specially formulated to be compatible with a
given electrode wire type so that the combination of flux
and wire yields desired mechanical properties. All fluxes
react with the weld pool to produce the weld metal
chemical composition and mechanical properties
Gas Welding (Oxy-acetylene)
A number of welding processes use a flame
produced by burning a mixture of fuel gas and
oxygen. The gas usually used is Acetylene but other
gases are also used.
Separate cylinders and
a hose pipe from each
cylinder transports the
gases to a torch.
Gas and fuel mix in
the torch
burns @ 3100°C.
During the welding heat from the flame is
concentrated on the joint edges until the metal
melts and starts to flow. When the molten metal
from both sides melts it starts to fuse, when the
metal cools down the two parts become
Permanently joined
Additional Filler
Metal is fed in by
hand into the weld
pool, at regular
intervals where it
becomes molten
and joins with the
parent metal.
The Oxy-acetylene welding Flame
Reducing or Carburizing Inner Cone
Excess acetylene (0.9:1)
(Alloy steels and
aluminium alloys)
Max. Temp.
Oxidizing Zone
Excess oxygen (1.5:1)
(Brasses, Bronzes, copper)
Secondary Combustion
Equal acetylene & oxygen
(low carbon steel, mild
steels). Acetylene
The Oxy-acetylene welding Flame
Carburising Neutral Oxidising
The Oxy-acetylene welding Flame
The oxy-acetylene flame has two distinct zones.
The inner zone (Primary combustion Zone) is the hottest part
of the flame. The welding should be performed so as the point
of the inner zone should be just above the joint edges.
C2H2 + O2 2CO + H2
CO + H2 + O2 CO2 + H2O
Automated welding of motor vehicles
skeletel frames and bodies.
Robotic welding Terms
Lead through programming Teaching robot movements
through guiding it manually through a sequence of
operations. These are recorded to memeory
Machine Vision Area of vision robot has, limits which
robot sensors can operate
Working enevelope The area within which a robot can
operate. Where the work is caried out by robotic arm
Yaw left and right movment of robotic arm
Roll rotation of robot about one of its axis
Degrees of freedom These are the number of
independent movements of the arm joints( or actuators)
the robot has.