Linear Discriminant Functions: Minimum Squared Error Procedures: Ho-Kashyap Procedures
Linear Discriminant Functions: Minimum Squared Error Procedures: Ho-Kashyap Procedures
Linear Discriminant Functions: Minimum Squared Error Procedures: Ho-Kashyap Procedures
CSE555: Srihari
Non-separable Behavior
• Perceptron is an error-correcting procedure
– Modify weight only when an error is encountered
– Success is due to relentless search for error-free
• Even if separating vector is found does not
follow it will perform well on independent test
– Any set of fewer than 2d samples is likely to be
linearly separable
CSE555: Srihari
Non-separable Case
• When design sets are large, points are most
likely not linearly separable
• How does error correction procedures behave
when points are not linearly separable?
– Corrections will never cease in an error correction
– Infinite sequence of weight vectors
• Weight vectors are bounded
– Empirical rule based on weight vector fluctuating near
a terminal value
– Averaging weight vectors can reduce risk of obtaining
a bad solution
CSE555: Srihari
Minimum Squared Error (MSE) Procedures
• Criterion function considered so far involve only
misclassified samples
• Now consider a criterion that involves all of the samples,
not just misclassified ones
• Previously we were interested in making all of the inner
products atyi positive
• Now try to make atyi= bi where bi are some arbitrarily
specified positive constants
• Thus replace the problem of solving a set of linear
inequalities with more stringent but better understood
problem of finding a solution to a set of linear equations
CSE555: Srihari
Minimum Squared Error (MSE)
Note that
Data Matrix dimensionality
is d+1
by introducing
0 sub-script
Weight vector
which we wish to minimize.
to be
Can be solved either by a gradient descent
CSE555: Srihari procedure or
a closed form solution based on gradient
MSE Solution based on Pseudoinverse
CSE555: Srihari
Example of Linear Classifier by Pseudoinverse
⎢1 ⎥ ⎜x ⎟ x1
Y =⎢
2 0 ⎥ ⎝ 2⎠
⎢ − 1 − 3 − 1⎥
⎢⎣− 1 − 2 − 3⎥⎦ ⎡1⎤
Pseudo-inverse ⎡ 5 / 4 13 / 12 3 / 4 7 / 12 ⎤ Assuming b = ⎢ ⎥
Y ∗ = (Y tY ) −1Y t = ⎢⎢− 1 / 2 − 1 / 6 − 1 / 2 − 1 / 6⎥⎥ ⎢⎣1⎥⎦
⎢⎣ 0 −1/ 3 0 − 1 / 3⎥⎦ ⎡ 11 / 3 ⎤
our solution is a = Y t b = ⎢⎢− 4 / 3⎥⎥
CSE555: Srihari ⎢⎣− 2 / 3⎥⎦
Properties of MSE Procedure
1. Related to Fisher’s Linear Discriminant
2. Asymptotic approximation to Bayes
discriminant function
3. Can be formulated as a gradient descent
CSE555: Srihari
1. MSE Relationship to Fisher’s
Linear Discriminant
• Show that with proper choice of the vector b the
MSE discriminant function aty is directly related
to Fisher’s linear discriminant
• Assume first n1 samples are labelled ω1 and
second n2 samples are labelled ω2
⎡ 11 X1 ⎤
Y =⎢ ⎥ where 11 is a column vector ni ones
⎣ 21 X 2⎦
Sw = ∑ ∑
i x∈ D i
( x − m i )( x − m i ) t
CSE555: Srihari
2. MSE Approximation to Bayes
• If b=1n MSE solution approaches a minumum mean squared approximation
to Bayes discriminant function
Bayes discriminant
However MSE
does not necessarily MSE solution
minimize probability of (best approximation in region of data points)
error CSE555: Srihari
3. MSE Solution using Gradient Descent:
CSE555: Srihari
Widrow-Hoff or Least Mean
Squared (LMS) Rule
Since ∆ Js = 2Yt(Ya - b)
The obvious update rule is
a(1) arbitrary
a(k+1) = a(k) + η(k)Yt(Ya(k)-b)
Can be reduced for storage requirement to the rule
where samples are considered sequentially:
a(1) arbitrary
a(k+1) = a(k) + η(k)(b(k) - at(k)yk)yk
CSE555: Srihari
Widrow-Hoff or LMS Property
• Relaxation procedures
need not converge to a
separating hyperplane
even if there exists one
• Widrow-Hoff does
• However solution need
not give a separating
vector even if one exists
CSE555: Srihari
Ho-Kashyap Procedures
• Procedures considered so far:
– Perceptron and relaxation procedures finding
separating vectors if samples are linearly separable,
but do not converge on non-separable problems
– MSE procedures yield a weight vector whether
samplesa re linearly separable or not, but no
guarantee that vector is a separating vector
• Criterion function is Js(a)=||Ya-b||2
– Subject to constraint b > 0
– How to obtain both a separating vector a and a
margin b?
CSE555: Srihari
Ho-Kashyap Procedures
CSE555: Srihari
CSE555: Srihari
Ho-Kashyap Rule
Error vector
Part of
Error vector
CSE555: Srihari
Ho-Kashyap Algorithm
CSE555: Srihari
Ho-Kashyap Conclusion
CSE555: Srihari
Linear Programming Algorithms
• Perceptron, relaxation, Ho-Kashyap are gradient descent
procedures for solving simultaneous inequalities.
• Task can also be approached with LP
• Minimize objective function z = αtu subject to constraints
Au> β
• Simplex algorithm
Surfaces of constant z are shown in gray
While constraints are shown in red
Simplex finds the extremum of z
CSE555: Srihari