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Detailed Lesson Plan in Grade 7 Science Describing Motion: Mariano Ponce National High School

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III 
Division of Bulacan 
District of Baliwag 
Mariano Ponce National High school 
Bagong Nayon, Baliwag,Bulacan



Prepared by:

Macy Lyn D. Mendoza

Pre-Service Teacher

Checked by:
Mrs. Reynosa S. Fabian
Cooperating Teacher

Note by:
Norma S. Cajigas
Head Teacher VI-Science Department

Approved by:
Julieta P. Bulos
Principal IV-MPNHS
I. Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, the student should be able to:

1. Describe motion in terms of position and time.

2. Locate the position of an object with respect to a point of reference.

3. Appreciate the importance of motion in our daily lives.

II. Subject matter

Topic: Describing Motion

Sub-topic: motion in terms of position and time
Reference: Teacher’s Guide Grade 7 Science Module pp. 5-7
Learner’s Guide Grade 7 Science Module pp. 130-132
Science Links 7 pp. 207
For the teacher:
Laptop, projector, speaker, diagrams, visual aids, chalk and board
For the students:
Cartolina, marker pen, activity sheet, pen and papers
Strategies: Guided Discussion, Student-Teacher Interaction, Group collaboration, ICT
Value Integration: Move forward to achieve your goals in life.
Concept: Motion is a change in position relative to its point of reference.

III- Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
A. Preliminary Activity (takes 5 minutes)
Everybody please stand up. (the students will stand up)
May I request _____ to lead the prayer? (the students will pray.)
Good morning class. Good Morning Ma’am Macy.
Kindly pick up the pieces of papers or any kind of (picking pieces of papers or any kind of
garbage under your chairs. garbage under their chairs)
You may now take your seat. (taking their seat)
Let us check the attendance, Group 1 is there any None Ma’am.
absent among your group?
How about group 2? I’m happy to say that no one is absent in our
Group 3, is there any absent among your group? None Ma’am.
How about group 4? No one is absent in our group.
I’m glad to hear that no one is absent today
Did I give you an assignment? Yes Ma’am.
Please get your assignments and pass it at the (passing their assignment)
center of the aisle and pass it forward.
B. Review
Class, before we proceed to our new lesson, let us
have first a recall about our previous topic.
(presenting a power point)
What is a force?
A force is simply push or pull.
Another idea?

Exactly. Ma’am force can move objects from its

original position or stop objects from moving.
I have here some pictures that show an applied
force on it. All you have to do is to give the effect
of the exerted force/s on the given object.
Let us start.

An applied force on rolling pin to flattened dough.

Change in shape.

Blowing air into a balloon will cause it to expand.

Change in size.

A goal keeper used force to catch and stop the

moving ball.
Stop a moving object.

A soccer player exerted force to move the ball.

Start a stationary object to move.

Kids in a boat race applied force to change the

direction of motion of the boat.
Do you have any questions or reactions regarding
Change direction of motion.
our last topic?
It seems that you already understood force!
None Ma’am.

C. Motivation
To start our topic for today, let’s have a game
called JUMBOLPAY. The class will be divided
into two groups. Group I and Group II. Each group
should have 3 representatives to play the game.
Choose your players. These are the mechanics of
the game, 1.) 2 representatives will make the ball
roll using a fan from the starting line until the ball
reaches the finish line. 2.) The other 1 player will
stay in the finish line and by the time the ball
reaches the finish line he will arrange the jumbled
letters posted on the board. Both groups need to
finish the game and if you’re done just press the
bell. The group that will finish first will receive a
box of prices later after our discussion.
Three representatives, kindly come here and let’s
start to play.

Are you excited to play JUMBOLPAY?

Yes Ma’am.
Okay, In a count of three, two, one, start.
The group who finished the game first is group (playing the game called JUMBOLPAY)
number ____.
Let’s give group no____ a ___ clap.
Still a great participation group no ____. (doing ____ clap)
Everybody, let’s give group no ____ three claps.
(giving three claps)
Did you enjoy the game?
Yes Ma’am.
What was the word that you have arranged?
Motion Ma’am.
Are you familiar with the word motion?
When do we say that an object is in motion? Yes/No Ma’am.
When there’s a movement.

D. Lesson Proper
1. Pre-Activity:
For a better understanding about motion, let us
perform a group activity.
The objective of this activity is to describe motion
in terms of position and time using a diagram.
The materials needed in this activity are diagrams,
cartolina, and marker pen.
(group leaders are coming in front of the class)
Group leaders; come here in front and get the
materials that you need.
Each group will analyze the diagrams and answer
the given guided questions. Prepare your output to
be presented by the representative of your group.
You only have 10 minutes to finish the activity.
Class, remember to work silently and focus only on
the task.
2. Activity Proper:
Yes Ma’am.
Are you ready?
Time starts now.
(the students are doing the activity and
answering the guided questions)
(Please refer to the attached activity sheet.)

(arranging their chairs)

Time’s up!
Please arrange your chair on its original position in
just 10 seconds.
(group 1 representative/s will discuss their
3. Post-Activity: Presentation of output output)
Let us discuss your activity.
(doing a/an___clap)
Let’s have group number 1. (group 2 representative/s will discuss their
Nice presentation group no. 1 output)
Let’s give group 1 a/an_____ clap.
(doing a/an___clap)
Next! Group 2, come here and discuss your work. (group 3 representative/s will discuss their
Very well said group no. 2. output)
Let’s give group 2 a/an _____clap.
(doing a/an___clap)
Group 3, kindly discuss your activity. (group 3 representative/s will discuss their
Job well done group 3. output)
Let’s give group 3 a/an _____ clap.
Last but not the least, group 4 shows us what (doing a/an___clap)
you’ve got.
That is/was amazing group 4.
Let’s give group 4 a/an _____clap.

Now, let us describe motion in terms of position
and time.

Look at this diagram;


What is the position of the dog?
What is the position of the tree? 15m.
What is the position of the dog with respect to the
What is the position of the tree with respect to the

How about in this diagram;

The initial position of the ball is at 0m.
The final position of the ball is at 15m.
It is in 10m.

5 seconds

What is the initial position of the ball?

When the object changes its position.
How about the final position of the ball?
What is the position of the ball at 10 seconds?
At what time is the position of the ball equal to 5
Now, from the activity that we have tackled earlier
and based on the above diagrams, when do we say When the object passes a thing that is not
that an object is in motion? moving or passes its original position.

We can say that an object is in motion when an

object changes its original position to another

When do we say that an object is in motion?

That original, initial, and starting point is what we

called reference point. A reference point is an
object that appears to not be moving because they
are stationary. We can say that there is a change in
position when we have a reference point.
Yes Ma’am.
In these illustrations; Ma’am, the building.

Did the bus move? Possible answers:

What do you think is the reference point of the bus Train/driver and passengers Ma’am.
saying that it was moved?
Because the train passes the trees and the man
How about in this illustrations;
standing beside the trail.
Because the driver and the passengers are only
sitting in the train.
We can say that the driver and the passengers
are also moving with reference to the ground.

Which object is moving? Which do not? No/Yes Ma’am.

Why did you say that the train is moving?

Why did you say that the driver and the passengers
are not moving?
When do we say that the driver and the passengers
are also moving?
Motion is therefore a continuous change in
Do you think that the rail on the ground and the
position with respect to a fixed point or
trees are also moving?
relative to a given point of reference.
The trees and the rails on the ground are also
moving with reference to the rotation of Earth on
its axis and its revolution around the Sun.
Motion is relative. When you are riding a car, you
are at rest with respect to the car but, together with
the car, you are moving with respect to the ground.
From the above description, how would you define
Possible answers:
Jeep, cars, ships, helicopters, buses.
Everything moves even though they may appear to
be at rest.
It gives us comfort because we can go from
one place to another in an easy way without
4. Application exerting too much effort and time.
During the ancient times people only used their
bare feet in traveling from one place to another.
Nowadays, our transportation systems are
categorized as land, water, air, and space.
We need to make a move for us to reach our
Can you give examples of transportation that
goals in life.
people using nowadays?

What is the importance of transportation to our

daily lives?

5. Valuing
Can you relate the quotation “Life is like motion.”
in our lives? Motion requires the presence of three major
things. First, there must be a change n position
of the object. Second, it must have a frame of
Life is like motion. You should not stay only in one reference. Lastly, there must be a passage of
position; instead, you should move forward and do time.
your best despite the obstacles that you have
encountered. It takes time and changes to achieved None Ma’am
goals, but if you are determined, you can reach the
endpoint which is success.

6. Generalization
Who can summarize our discussion for today?

Do you have any questions regarding our topic?

IV. Evaluation
Keep all your things inside your bag. And let’s
have a short quiz.
I. Directions: Analyze the following illustrations.
Draw smiley emoticon ( ) if the object is moving
and draw tongue out emoticon ( ) if the object is
not moving.

1. Did mommy (the big) shark move?

2. Did the runners change its position?

3. Did the green butterfly move from one flower to


4. Did the transportations move?

5. Did Peppa pig and daddy pig move from one

place to another?
II. Directions: Analyze the following diagrams and
answer the follow up questions. Write only the
letter of your choice.

6. What is the position of baby shark?

a. 5m b. 10m c. 15m d. 0m
7. What is the position of mommy shark?
a. 5m b. 10m c. 15m d. 0m
8. What is the position of baby shark with respect
to mommy shark?
a. 10m b. 20m c.30m d. 40m

(checking their quiz)

9. What is the position of the ambulance at 15

seconds? (raising their hands)
a. 0m b.15m c.10m d. 5m
10. At what time is the position of ambulance equal
to 10m?
a. 0sec b. 5sec c. 10sec d. 20sec

You only have 8 minutes to answer the quiz. Mind

your own papers

1 minute left to finalize your answers

Time’s up.

Finish or not, stop answering. Exchange papers

with your seatmates.
Who wants to answer no 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. 7, 8, 9, 10.
Count the numbers of corrects.
Who got 10, 9, 8, 7, 6 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

Pass the papers toward the aisle then pass it


V. Assignment:

I. Give at least two examples of some objects that

have motion.
What reference point was used to determine

II. What is the difference between distance and

Reference: Grade 7 Science Learner’s Module pp.

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