DLP56 - 7es-3q-Acceleration
DLP56 - 7es-3q-Acceleration
DLP56 - 7es-3q-Acceleration
1. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of motion for one dimension
2. Performance Standards
The learners will be able to create andLESSON PLAN
interpret graphs based on a given contextualized situation
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning
Directions: Write V if the unit shows velocity and
V if its shows speed.
A. ELICITING: Reviewing ______1. Km/sec V
previous lesson or
______2. Mi/hr North V
presenting the new
lesson ______3. Mi/hr V
______4. m/min East V
______5. m/sec South
Have you ever been in a car that turns a corner
and the force presses you against the door or the Yes, when we are riding the car in a
B. ENGAGEMENT: car seems to change speed? straight pathway the speed is constant
Establishing a purpose and sometimes we speed up but when
for the lesson Explain what happen to the speed riding with a the car turn in the corner the speed
straight pathway and turning the car in the slows down.
Analyze the given situation.