Section 1:: Basic Electronics and Network Analysis: P-N Junction Diode, Rectifiers, Zener Diode, BJT
Section 1:: Basic Electronics and Network Analysis: P-N Junction Diode, Rectifiers, Zener Diode, BJT
Section 1:: Basic Electronics and Network Analysis: P-N Junction Diode, Rectifiers, Zener Diode, BJT
Basic electronics and Network Analysis: P-n junction diode, Rectifiers, Zener diode,BJT
biasing: DC load line and bias point ,Base bias, Voltage divider Bias.Nodal analysis, Mesh
analysis ,Network theorems ,Transient behavior and Initial conditions, Two port network
parameters, Network topology.
Section 2:
Digital Design and HDL: Boolean Algebra and minimization techniques, combinational
circuits, sequential circuits, counters and shift registers, Analysis and design of digital
circuits using HDL.
Section 4:
Control Systems and Automation: Block diagram Reduction ,Signal flow graph, Time response
of second order control system, Concepts of stability ,Nquist criteria, On off controllers,
P,I,D,PI,PD,PID controllers, PLC instructions ,Timers and counters instruction, Data handling
Instructions, Distributed Digital Control, Supervisory Control and data acquisition System.
Fundamentals of Signals and DSP: Introduction to signal and systems ,Z-transform and its
application to analysis of LTI systems, realization of Digital systems, DFT :Properties and
Applications,IIR and FIR filters.
Section 8:
Section 9:
Section 10: