Applications of Computer Aided Design (CAD) in Medical Image Technology
Applications of Computer Aided Design (CAD) in Medical Image Technology
Applications of Computer Aided Design (CAD) in Medical Image Technology
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ientific Con
l Sc f Proceeding of the International Conference on Advanced Science,
International Conference on Advanced Science,
Engineering and Information Technology
ISC 2011 2011 Hotel Equatorial Bangi-Putrajaya, Malaysia, 14 - 15 January 2011 Cutting Edge Sciences for Future Sustainability
Hotel Equatorial Bangi-Putrajaya, Malaysia, 14 - 15 January 2011
ISBN 978-983-42366-4-9 R
Organized by
Indonesian Students Association
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Abstract— This paper is submitting the idea of Computer Aided Design (CAD) software application in manipulation of digital x-ray
images (DICOM). The study also discusses the concept of raster and vector images as DICOM images will be referred to as raster
graphic and CAD as vector graphic. Vectorizing allows an image to be more flexible and can be manipulated so that more
information can be loaded into it. As such, it is not impossible that vectorizing method can also be performed on medical images
using CAD software such as AutoCAD, Solidworks and others. A DICOM image with DCM format is converted to JPEG format
using Medweb software. Then, by using Image2CAD software, the x-ray image is converted to DXF format. The results showed that
patient’s x-ray image can be manipulated by using AutoCAD software. Study shows that CAD is not only used in the manufacturing
field, but it can also be used in the medical field as well.
I. INTRODUCTION The study also discusses the concept of raster and vector
images as DICOM images will be referred to as raster
The medical field is currently using the Information
graphic and CAD as vector graphic.
Technology (IT) application especially in communications
Raster image or better known as raster graphic is
and imaging of scanned images such as x-ray and
often referred to as a bitmap which means data file or
Computerized Tomography Scans (CT Scans). These images
general structure represents a rectangular grid of pixels, or
require a specific format intended for storage that can be
dots of colour on a computer, paper or other display device
achieved by a few of workstations in a medical organization.
[3]. The colour of each pixel is defined in its own image of
One of the most commonly used formats is the Digital
the RGB colour space. For example, for a colour pixel, it is
Imaging and Communication in Medicine (DICOM). This
defined by three bytes and each byte represents red, green
standard supports the concept of two-dimensional (2D) and
and blue. The less colour images require less information per
three-dimensional (3D) [1].
pixel. For black and white image of each pixel requires only
In other areas such as industries involved in the design of
one bit [4]. Raster image is different from vector graphic that
product development, the most popular format used is the
represents the image through geometric object usage such as
drawing (*.dwg). The field is also expanding with the usage
curves and polygons. The raster image coordinates the image
of computer applications such as Computer Aided Design
displayed on the screen bit by bit and probably with the
(CAD) in designing a product. This allows for easier design
same format as the one that is to be stored in video display
process and more effective than paper drawing [2].
memory [3]. Examples of raster image is the illustrated letter
Furthermore, the design can be done in three dimensions.
'J', the vision at close range will appear as in figure 1 and
This study is to submit ideas of Computer Aided Design
figure 2, where the characters ‘X’ and ‘ . ‘ will be read by
(CAD) software in manipulating medical images (DICOM).
the computer as ‘.’ representing '0' and the characters 'X' store patient patient’s information such as name, type of scan
representing 1. and the image data itself. DICOM format is able to avoid the
possibility of errors if patient’s scanned image information
.....x and data are kept separately such as the medical image and
.....x analyze format. The Analyze format stores image data
.....x format (*. img) and header (*. hdr) in separate files. Another
.....x difference between DICOM file and the Analyze file is that
.....x the DICOM image file can be compressed to shrink the size,
.....x for example, converted into JPEG and TIFF format [6].
x. . . . x The purpose of compression being done is to reduce the
x. . . . x size of files so that the memory space usage can be reduced
. xxxx . and also to speed up file transfers. Besides these advantages,
there are also disadvantages as it affects the quality of the
Fig. 1 Raster Image image [1]. There are two types of basic compression
algorithm and they are lossy algorithm and lossless
algorithm. Example of lossless algorithm compression is the
000001 GIF format (CompuServe Graphics Interchange Format).
000001 This format is often used but it is limited to only 256 colors.
000001 For lossy algorithm, the most commonly used format is
000001 JPEG (Joint Photographic Expert Group). It supports 24-bit
000001 images that contain millions of colors. The compressed
000001 image does not lose the information quality if only the
100001 compression process is kept to a minimum.
100001 CAD is used to design and develop products that will be
011110 used by consumers or products used to develop other
products [7]. It is an extensive use of computer-based tools
Fig. 2 Image as read by the computer
and systems to model two or three dimensional physical
object. CAD was introduced to assist designers in making
Vector graphics (also called geometric modeling or object- designing work much easier and faster than sketching on
oriented graphics) is the use of geometrical primitives such as paper. CAD has become more sophisticated and engineers or
points, lines, curves and polygons where we use a collection of designers can see the real picture of the product to be
pixels to represent image. Presently, computer display translates developed in three-dimensional model [2]. CAD
the representation of vector image to raster format. Vectorizing development has also led to the development of Computer
is important because it will be used to remove unnecessary Aided Manufacturing (CAM) which was introduced into the
details from a photograph. Vectorizing applications is normally production environment. It allows data input in the CAM
used in GIS (Geographical Information Systems) to convert system to create programmed machines that can automate
mapping image into a vector format for the purpose image software processes that were previously done manually.
manipulation. CAD was initially created for the engineering designers,
but because of its potential use in other areas, particularly in
II. OBJECTIVES mapping area, has resulted in many changes and now there
The objective of this study is to review the two types of are a lot of file format and extension such as STL, DXF,
data format in different areas namely DICOM and CAD and DWG, IGES, SAT, STEP, ISFF, XGL and many more. It is
to convert DICOM images to CAD format. This is to prove normal for CAD packages to support 3D solid modelling,
that not only CAD software can be used in design but it can and some packages also offer the rendering and animation
also be used in the medical field. The conversion of medical function. CAD packages enable object in the drawing to be
images to CAD form can simplify the images manipulation linked to the internal database. The ability to import raster
process for the purpose of learning or research [5]. images as backgrounds or as rendering textures is common
Overall, this study will produce DICOM images that have for any packages.
been converted to a Data Transfer Drawing (DXF) format. With the advantages provided by CAD packages, it is
This study may be extended to produce software that can very important that medical images (DICOM) can be
convert DICOM data directly to CAD for the purpose of converted to CAD format. This allows medical images to be
medical images manipulation to further prove that the CAD manipulated in changing the image to a 3D format, making
application is not only useful in product designing but also in the image rotation, etc.
medical imaging.
III. RESEARCH BACKGROUND In general, this study involves three main process,
DICOM is a standard format used in the medical field for DICOM images, DICOM image conversion to JPEG and
sharing and viewing of medical images such as Computed JPEG conversion to CAD format. CAD format will enable
Tomography Scan (CT SCANS), MRI and ultrasound. better manipulation of the images. Figure 3 shows the
DICOM standard was developed by NEMA with the conversion method of DICOM images to CAD.
collaboration of ACR. A DICOM file has a header which
DICOM Images
DICOM Conversion to
A. DICOM Image Conversion to Jpeg Format Fig. 6 DICOM image in JPEG format
In this study, a DICOM image with the file extension
*.dcm with a patient’s hip bone is used. DICOM data display B. JPEG Image Conversion to CAD Format
can be viewed by using Medweb Software (PPUKM, 2009)
as in figure 4.The image is then converted into JPEG using JPEG format that have been converted from DICOM
Medweb software as in figure 5. This conversion is also images will then be converted into DXF format using
referred to as compression for file size is smaller and the Img2CAD software as in figure 7 below. Image2CAD is a
header or part of the store information is lost. Size of the handy tool for converting raster image to DXF file,
image compression can be selected depending on user especially useful for title block's logo importing. This
requirements. The less resolution is used, the less the quality software is often used by designers to convert hand drawings
of compressed images [9]. An image of patients with hip to CAD format.
joint has been converted to JPEG format can be viewed as in
figure 6.
the form of 3D helps the medical experts in conducting study REFERENCES
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This study may be something new in which it is an idea to
apply the CAD software in the presentation of medical
images (DICOM). Until now, CAD is widely used only in
the fields that involve with designing of the manufacturing
industry products. This study involves the conversion of the
images in the DICOM files, but does not include the image
information itself on the header. This means that only
images and not the images information (e.g. name of patient)
that can be transferred. In general, this is particularly a very
interesting study because it integrates ideas from two very
different fields of medicine and design. Medical images in
CAD format can be converted into three-dimensional (3D)
form. The use of 3D images will help medical experts to
diagnose the patient's condition more easily because the 3D
images can be viewed in better and clearly than the two-
dimensional images (2D) [10].
This research project conducted in collaboration with Dr.
Abdul Yazid Mohd Kassim and Dr. Hamzaini Abd Hamid
from the Department of Orthopedics and Traumalogy,
Medical Centre of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. This
department has provided medical image data (DICOM) to be
used in this research. This research also funded by
University Grant UKM-OUP-ICT-34-171/2009 and UKM-