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Principal Component Analysis & Independent Component Analysis

Principal Component Analysis

Independent Component Analysis

•Generative Model


Fall 2004 Pattern Recognition for Vision

Notation & Basics
u Vector
U Matrix
uT v, u, v ∈ R N Dot product written
as matrix product
ua Product of a row vector with
scalar as matrix product, and not au
u = u = uT u squared norm

Rules for matrix multiplication:

UVW = (UV ) W = U (VW )
(U + V ) W = UW + VW
(UV )T = V T UT
Fall 2004 Pattern Recognition for Vision
Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
For a set of samples of a random vector
x ∈ R N , discover or reduce the dimensionality and
identify meaningful variables.

u2 u1


y = Ux, U : p × N , p < N

Fall 2004 Pattern Recognition for Vision

Principal Component Analysis (PCA)

PCA by Variance Maximization

Find the vector u1 ,such that the variance of the data along this
direction is maximized: uA
σ u2 = E {(u1T x) 2 } , E {x} = 0, u1 = 1

σ u2 = E {(u1T x)(xT u1 )} = u1T E {xxT } u1 ,

σ u2 > σ u2
σ u2 = u1T Cu1 ,
C = E {xxT } A B

The solution is the eigenvector e1of C with the largest

eigenvalue λ1.
Ce1 = e1λ1 , λ1 = e1T Ce1 ⇔ σ u21 = λ1

Fall 2004 Pattern Recognition for Vision

Principal Component Analysis (PCA)

PCA by Variance Maximization

For a given p < N , find p orthonormal basis vectors ui
such that the variance of the data along these vectors
is maximally large, under the constraint of decorrelation:
E {(uTi x)(uTn x)} = 0, uTi u n = 0 n ≠ p
The solution are the eigenvectors of C ordered according to
decreasing eigenvalues λ :
u1 = e1 , u 2 = e 2 ,..., u p = e p , λ1 > λ2 ... > λ p
Proof of decorrelation for eigenvectors:
E {(eTi x)(eTn x)} = eTi E {xxT } e n = eTi Ce n = eTi e n λn = 0

Fall 2004 Pattern Recognition for Vision

Principal Component Analysis (PCA)

PCA by Mean Square Error Compression

For a given p < N , find p orthonormal basis vectors such that
the mse between x and its projection xˆ into the subspace spanned
by the p orthonormal basis vectors is mimimum:

{ }
, xˆ i = ∑ u k ( xTk u k ), uTk u m = δ k ,m
mse = E x − xˆ
k =1



Fall 2004 Pattern Recognition for Vision

Principal Component Analysis (PCA)

 2

{ 
} 
mse = E x − x = E  x − ∑ u k (x u k ) 
2 T

 k =1
scalar 

{ }  p T   
p p
= E x − 2 E ∑ x u k (x u k )  + E ∑ (x u n )u n ∑ u k (x u k ) 
2 T T T T

 k =1   n =1 k =1 

=E x{ } 2  p T 2
 k =1 
 p T 2
− 2 E ∑ ( x u k )  + E ∑ ( x u k ) 
 k =1 

=E x{ } 2  p T 2
− E ∑ ( x u k ) 
 k =1 
= trace ( C ) − ∑ uTk Cu k , C = E {xxT }
k =1

Fall 2004 Pattern Recognition for Vision

Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
mse = trace ( C ) − ∑ uTk Cu k , C = E {xxT }

k =1


Solution to minimizing mse is any (orthonormal) basis

of the subspace spanned by the p first eigenvectors
e1 ,..., e p of C.
p N
mse = trace ( C ) − ∑ λk = ∑λ k
k =1 k = p +1

The mse is the sum of the eigenvalues corresponding to

the discarded eigenvectors e P +1 ,...,e N of C : mse = ∑λ
k = p +1

Fall 2004 Pattern Recognition for Vision

Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
How to determine the number of principal components p?
Linear signal model with unknown number p < N of signals:
 a1,1 a1, p 
 
x = As + n, A =  %  N× p
a a 
 N ,1 N,p 

Signal si have 0 mean and are uncorrelated, n is white noise:

E {ssT } = I, E {nnT } = σ n2 I
C = E {xxT } = E {As( As)T } + E {nnT } + E {AsnT }


= A E {ssT } AT + E {nnT } = AAT + σ n2 I

d1 > d 2 > ... > d p > d p +1 = d p + 2 = ... = d N = σ n2
→ cut off when eigenvalues become constants
Fall 2004 Pattern Recognition for Vision
Principal Component Analysis (PCA)

Computing the PCA

Given a set of samples {x1 ,..., x M } of a random vector x

calculate mean and covariance.
1 M
µ = ∑
M i =1
xi , x → x − µ
C =

M i =1
( x i − 
µ )( x i − 
µ )T

 e.g. with QR algorithm

Compute eigenvecotors of C

Fall 2004 Pattern Recognition for Vision

Principal Component Analysis (PCA)

Computing the PCA

If the number of samples M is smaller than the

dimensionality N of x :
 x1,1 x1, M 
  
B= %  , C = BB T
, B : N × M , B T
:M ×N
x xN , M 
 N ,1 
BBT e = eλ
BT Be′ = e′λ ′
BBT (Be′) = (Be′)λ ′ → Reducing complexity from
e = Be′, λ ′ = λ O( N 2 ) to O( M 2 )

Fall 2004 Pattern Recognition for Vision

Principal Component Analysis (PCA)


Eigenfaces for face recognition (Turk&Pentland):

-Calculate the eigenspace for all faces in the training database
-Project each face into the eigenspace → feature reduction

-Project new face into eigenspace
-Nearest neighbor in the eigenspace

Fall 2004 Pattern Recognition for Vision

Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
Examples cont.

Feature reduction/extraction
Original Reconstruction with 20 PC


Fall 2004 Pattern Recognition for Vision

Independent Component Analysis (ICA)

Generative model

Noise free, linear signal model:

x = As = ∑ ai si
i =1

x = ( x1 ,..., xN ) Observed variables


s = ( s1 ,..., sN ) latent signals, independent components


 a1,1 a1, N 
 
A= %  unknown mixing matrix, a i = ( a1,i ,..., a N ,i )T

a a 
 N ,1 N , N 

Fall 2004 Pattern Recognition for Vision

Independent Component Analysis (ICA)
For the linear, noise free signal model, compute A and s
given the measurements x.



Blind source separation :
separate the three original signals


s1 ,s2 , and s3 from their mixtures

x1 ,x2 , and x3 .


Figure by MIT OCW.

Fall 2004 Pattern Recognition for Vision

Independent Component Analysis (ICA)


1.) Statistical independence

The signals si must be statistically independent:
p( s1 , s2 ,..., sN ) = p1 ( s1 ) p2 ( s2 )... pN ( sN )
Independent variables satisfy:
E { g1 ( s1 ) g 2 ( s2 )...g N ( sN )} = E { g1 ( s1 )} E { g 2 ( s2 )} ...E { g N ( sN )}
for any gi ( s ) ∈ L1
∞ ∞
E { g1 ( s1 ) g 2 ( s2 )} = ∫ ∫ g1 ( s1 )g 2 ( s2 ) p ( s1 , s2 )ds1ds2
−∞ −∞
∞ ∞
= ∫ g1 ( s1 ) p ( s1 )ds1 ∫ g 2 ( s2 ) p ( s2 )ds2 =E { g1 ( s1 )} E { g 2 ( s2 )}
−∞ −∞

Fall 2004 Pattern Recognition for Vision

Independent Component Analysis (ICA)


Statistical independence cont.

E { g1 ( s1 ) g 2 ( s2 )...g N ( sN )} = E { g1 ( s1 )} E { g 2 ( s2 )} ...E { g N ( sN )}
Independence includes uncorrelatedness:
E {( si − µi )( sn − µ n )} = E {( si − µi )} E {( sn − µ n )} = 0

Fall 2004 Pattern Recognition for Vision

Independent Component Analysis (ICA)
2.) Nongaussian components
The components si must have a nongaussian distribution
otherwise there is no unique solution.
given A and two gaussian signals:
2 2
1 s s
p( s1 , s2 ) = exp(− 2 − 2 )
1 2
2πσ 1 σ 2 2σ 1 2σ 2 1
generate new signals 1
1/ σ 1 0  1 s1′2 s′22
s′ =   s ⇒ p( s1′, s2′ ) = exp(− ) exp(− )
 0 1/ σ 2  2π 2 2

Scaling matrix S

Fall 2004 Pattern Recognition for Vision

Independent Component Analysis (ICA)


Nongaussian components cont.

under rotation the components remain independent:

 cos ϕ sin ϕ  1 s1′′2 s′′2 2
s′′ =   s′, p( s1′′, s2′′) = exp(− ) exp(− )
− sin ϕ cos ϕ 
2π 2 2
Rotation matrix R

combine whitening and rotation B = RS :

x = As = AB −1s′′
AB −1 is also a solution to the ICA problem.

Fall 2004 Pattern Recognition for Vision

Independent Component Analysis (ICA)


3.) Mixing matrix must be invertible

The number of independent components is equal to
the number of observerd variables.
Which means that there are no redundant mixtures.

In case mixing matrix is not invertible apply PCA

on measurements first to remove redundancy.

Fall 2004 Pattern Recognition for Vision

Independent Component Analysis (ICA)


1.) Scale
x = ∑ ai si = ∑ ( ai )(α i si )
i =1 i =1 αi
Reduce ambiguity by enforcing E {si 2 } = 1

2.) Order
We cannot determine an order of the independant

Fall 2004 Pattern Recognition for Vision

Independent Component Analysis (ICA)

Computing ICA
a) Minimizing mutual information:
ˆ −1x
sˆ = A
Mutual information: I (sˆ ) = ∑ H ( sˆi ) − H (sˆ )
i =1

H is the differential etnropy:

H (sˆ ) = − ∫ p(sˆ ) log 2 ( p(sˆ )) dsˆ
I is always nonnegative and 0 only if the sˆi are
ˆ −1 such that I (sˆ ) is minimized.
Iteratively modify A

Fall 2004 Pattern Recognition for Vision

Independent Component Analysis (ICA)

Computing ICA cont.

b) Maximizing Nongaussianity
s = A −1x
introduce y and b: y = bT x = bT As = qT s
From central limit theorem:
y = qT s is more gaussian than any of the si and becomes
least gaussian if y = si .
Iteratively modify bT such that the "gaussianity"
of y is minimized. When a local minimum is reached,
bT is a row vector of A −1.

Fall 2004 Pattern Recognition for Vision

PCA Applied to Faces
x1,1 x1,M

xN ,1 xN , M
x1 xM
Each pixel is a feature, each face image a point in the feature space.
Dimension of feature vector is given by the size of the image.
x3 u2
ui are the eigenvectors which can be x1 xM
represented as pixel images in the original u1 x
cooridinate system x1...xN
Fall 2004 Pattern Recognition for Vision
ICA Applied to Faces
x1,1 xN ,1
x1 xN


x1, M xN , M

Now each image corresponds to a particular observed variable

measured over time (M samples). N is the number of images.
x = As = ∑ ai si
i =1

x = ( x1 ,..., xN ) Observed variables


s = ( s1 ,..., sN ) latent signals, independent components


Fall 2004 Pattern Recognition for Vision

PCA and ICA for Faces

Features for face recognition

Image removed due to copyright considerations. See Figure 1 in: Baek, Kyungim et. al.
"PCA vs. ICA: A comparison on the FERET data set." International Conference of Computer Vision,
Pattern Recognition, and Image Processing, in conjunction with the 6th JCIS. Durham, NC, March 8-14 2002, June 2001.

Fall 2004 Pattern Recognition for Vision

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