Compliance Report Updated
Compliance Report Updated
Compliance Report Updated
The Superintending Engineer(Ele),
Transmission (W&M) Circle, KPTCL,
Sub: Compliance for the action plan for maintenance of substations in order to maintain the
uninterrupted power supply to combat COVID-19 in Davangere TL&SS Division
Ref: Chief Engineer(Electy), TZ, Tumkur email dated 24.03.2020.
With reference to the above, the following compliance are taken in TL&SS Division
Davangere to maintain uninterrupted power supply as per the instructions of Honorable MD and DT
1. Visitors are prohibited to enter the station
Action: Instructed all Nodal Officers and AE/JE Maintenance to take necessary action and to
keep the securioty gate closed.
2. Shift duties in 3 shifts are relaxed conveniently
Action: Instructed all Nodal Officers and AE/JE Maintenance to take necessary action to
relax conveniently as per situation.
3. RT staff should present in two batches at nearest 220 kV station in order to attend the
emergency work
Action: NA
4. The list of major works / RT staff / W&M Circle / TL&SS staff shall be prepared in two to
three batches and keep as standby batches to utilize them wherever necessary in emergency
Action: List enclosed
5. The Circle SEE’s are the Nodal Officers for all the activities and maintenance of power
supply under their jurisdiction
Action: NA
6. Cleanliness shall be maintained in all substations and sanitize all the touching parts of the
equipments such as GOS, Breakers, C&R Panels, switches and operating handles etc by
Detol or sanitizer before handing over the shift
Action: Instructed all Nodal Officers and AE/JE Maintenance to take necessary action to
provide hand sanitieszer / detol.
7. ID Cards shall be issued to all departmental, shift staffs / contract operators wherever
Action: Instructed all Nodal Officers and AE/JE Maintenance to take necessary action for
issuing ID cards wherever required.
8. Generators at 220 kV Station has to be kept in healthy condition
Action: Instructed all Nodal Officers and AE/JE Maintenance to take necessary action.
9. Any meetings / workshops and scheduled maintenance in substations had to be postponed
Action: Instructed all Nodal Officers and AE/JE Maintenance.
10. Deploy officers vehicles of Zonal / Circle / Major Works Division for pickup and drop of
shift staffs wherever necessary
Action: Instructed all Nodal Officers to spare vehicle as and when required
11. Uninterruptable power supply to be maintained for urban area & water supply installations
Action: Instructed all Nodal Officers and AE/JE Maintenance to take necessary action to
provide continous power supply to urban areas and Water supply installations.
12. 400 kV Transmission line and all TLM subdivisions maintenance staffs to be present at head
quarters and immediately attend the troubles and breakdowns to provide uninterruptable
power supply
Action: Instructed TLM staffs to take necessary action.
13. Masks, hand gloves and sanitizer has to arranged by nodal officers to their staffs in the
Action: Instructed all Nodal Officers and AE/JE Maintenance to take necessary action to
provide masks to the station staff.
14. Approval accorded EE’s to facilitate Food / Refreshments locally wherever necessary
Action: Instructed all Nodal Officers and AE/JE Maintenance to take necessary action.
15. All the officers and employees are to be present in the head quarters and to be available over
the phone and attend duties during emergency
Action: Noted
16. Division office technical / account staff has to be present in head quarters and work from
Action: instructed all the staff to adhere the above instructions strictly.
17. Maintain cleanliness and social distance from each other for combat of covid-19
Action: Instructed all Nodal Officers and AE/JE Maintenance to take necessary action and to
maintain cleanliness and social distancing.
18. The list of employees / staffs names along with the phone numbers shall be furnished
Action: Enclosed
This is for your kind information.
Yours faithfully
Executive Engineer(Ele)
TL&SS Division, KPTCL,
Name of the Mobile No
N Designation Place Mobile No Vehicle No
Officer of Driver
TL&SS Division Davangere
1 Jayadevappa MR EE(Ele) Davangere 9448365281 KA27C6480 7019702059
2 Venkatesh H.B AEE(Ele) Davangere 9448090158 KA17C8122 9916881884
3 Harish Kumar R AEE(Ele) Channagiri 9538564411 KA17D4951 8970903734