SWE1010 - Digital Image Processing With SLO
SWE1010 - Digital Image Processing With SLO
SWE1010 - Digital Image Processing With SLO
Course code
SWE1010 Digital Image Processing 3 0 0 4 4
Pre-requisite MAT1011 Syllabus version
v. 1.0
Course Objectives:
To introduce the principles of image processing.
To develop student’s knowledge from basic image processing techniques to advanced
image processing and analysis systems.
To understand the theory of image processing with emphasis on the areas of restoration,
enhancement, segmentation, compression and their applications.
Text Book(s)
1. R.C. Gonzalez & R.E. Woods,“Digital Image Processing” , Pearson Education, Third
Reference Books
1. S. Jayaraman, S. Esakkirazan (Esakirajan) & T.Veerakumar “ Digital Image Processing”, Tata
Mcgraw-Hill First Edition 2009.
3. Jhon C Ross, “ The Image Processing Hand Book”, CRC Press 5th Edition,2006
4. B. Chanda and D. Dutta Majumdar “Digital Image Processing and Analysis”, PHI, 2011.
Recommended by Board of Studies 5-3-2016
Approved by Academic Council No. 40 Date 18-3-2016