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(1) - Objectives and Relevance

(2) - Scope

(3) - Prerequisites

(4) - Syllabus


(5) - Suggested Books

(6) - Websites

(7) - Expert Details

(8) - Journals

(9) - Subject (lesson) Plan

(10) - SCOOP Course outcomes

(11) - Question Bank


(12) - Tutorial Question sets on each unit

(13) - Continuous assessment program (CAP)

(14) - List of topics for student’s seminars


This course introduced to learn the fundamental concepts of Digital Image Processing, to
study basic image processing operations, to understand image analysis algorithms, to expose
students to current applications in the field of Digital Image Processing.

Image processing is being applied in many fields in today's world,
 Automotive sector: In developing advanced drivers assist for semi-autonomous cars and also
heavily used in autonomous/driver-less cars
 Image enhancing: The camera apps in smartphones and digital cameras using image
processing to enhance the image quality, video stabilization and noise removal etc.
 Robotics: Mobile robot's navigation in unknown environment (SLAM), control of the robot
by processing the video feed from the camera on robot to extract the live scene around it
 Gaming: Advanced gaming consoles like Xbox kinect uses image processing from motion
analysis of the human player.
 Problem specific solutions: image processing is used as a solution to a variety of problems,
starting from facial recognition access to defects identification in manufacturing industries
 Manufacturing: To identify defects in the processes and also to control the robots in
performing certain tasks. for ex. defects in manufacturing of a Printed Circuit Board (PCB)
can be observed using high resolution image processing
 Human machine interface: machines are made smart by adding gestural interface, or human
action response interfaces, which decodes the actions of the human user to perform certain

Digital Image Processing is all about playing with pixels to obtain the desired outcome.(i.e
modification or creation of pixel data)
If one knows basic mathematics and optics (colourspaces and light spectrum) that should be
sufficient to start learning. Knowing different signal processing techniques and mathematics topics
relating to different transforms(fourier, laplace cosine etc) is an added advantage as you can learn
faster and explore more.




1. To define the scope of the field that we call image processing.

2. To give a historical perspective of the orgins in this field.

3. To give you an idea of the state of the art in image processing by examining some of the principal
areas in which it is applied.

4. To discuss briefly the principal approaches used in digital image processing.

5. To give an overview of the components contained in a typical ,general-purpose image processing


6. To provide direction to the books and other literature where image processing work normally is

Digital Image Processing Fundamentals & Image Transforms: Digital Image Fundamentals,Sampling
and Quantization, Relationship between Pixels, Image Transforms:2-D FFT, properties, Walsh
Transform, Hadamard transform, Discrete cosine transform, Haar transform, Slant transform,
Hotelling transform.



1. To understand image enhancement in spatial domain.

2. To know the types of point operation, histogram manipulation.
3. To know about linear and non-linear gray level transformation.
4. To know about local or neighborhood operation, median filter, spatial domain high-pass filtering.
5. To understand image enhancement in frequency domain.
6. Obtaining frequency domain filters from spatial filters.
7. Generating filters directly in the frequency domain.
8. To know low pass and high pass filters in frequency domain.

Image Enhancement (spatial domain): introduction, image enhancement in spatial domain,
enhancement through point operation, types of point operation, histogram manipulation, linear
and non-linear gray level transformation, local or neighborhood operation, median filter, spatial
domain high-pass filtering.
Image Enhancement (frequency domain): filtering in frequency domain, obtaining frequency
domain filters from spatial filters, Generating filters directly in the frequency domain, low pass
(smoothing) and high pass(sharpening) filters in frequency domain.



1. To know degradation model, algebraic approach to restoration.
2. To know inverse filtering, least mean square filters.
3. Constrained least squares restoration, interactive restoration

Degradation model, algebraic approach to restoration, inverse filtering, least mean square filters.
Constrained least squares restoration, interactive restoration.

1. To know the detection of discontinuities.
2. To study edge linking and boundary detection.
3. Understand the thresholding, region oriented segmentation.
4. To study morphological image processing, dilation and erosion.
5. To know dilation, structuring element decomposition.
6. To know erosion, combining dilation and erosion.
7. To study opening and closing.
8. To understand Hit or miss transformation.

Image segmentation: Detection of discontinuities, edge linking and boundary detection,
thresholding, and region oriented segmentation.

Morphological Image Processing: dilation and erosion: dilation, structuring element

decomposition, erosion, combining dilation and erosion, opening and closing, Hit or miss


1. To understand image compression.
2. To study redundancies and their removal methods.
3. To know fidelity criteria, image compression models.
4. To understand Huffman and arithmetic coding.
5. To study error free compression, lossy compression.
6. To study lossy and lossless predictive coding,transform based compression,JPEG
2000 formats.

Image Compression: redundancies and their removal methods, fidelity criteria, image
compression models, Huffman and arithmetic coding, error free compression, lossy
compression, lossy and lossless predictive coding,transform based compression,JPEG
2000 formats.


T1. Digital Image Processing-Rafael C. Gonzalez, Richard E. Woods, 3rd Edition, Pearson, 2008.

T2.. Digital Image Processing-S Jayaraman, S Esakkirajan, T veerakumar-TMH,2010.


R1. Digital Image Processing and analysis-Human and computer vision application with using CVIP
Tools-scotte umbaugh,2nd edition,CRC press,2011

R2. Digital Image Processing using MATLAB- Rafael C. Gonzalez, Richard E. Woods and steven
L.Eddings,2nd edition , TMH, 2010.

R3. Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing-A.K Jain,PHI, 1989

R4. Digital Image Processing and computer vision –somka , Hlavac , Boyle-cengage learning(Indian

R5.Introductory coputer Vision Imaging techniques and Solutions-adrian low, 2008,2nd edition.

R6.Introduction to Image processing & Analysis-John C. Russ, J Christian Russ, CRC Press,2010.

R7.Digital Image Processing with MATLAB &labview-vipula singh,Elsevier.

Do not confine yourself to the list of websites mentioned here alone. Be cognizant and keep
yourself abreast of the others too. The given list is not exhaustive.

1. www.mit.edu
2. www.soe.stanford.edu
3. www.grad.gatech.edu
4. www.gsas.harward.edu
5. www.eng.ufl.edu
6. www.iitk.ac.in
7. www.iitd.ernet.in
8. www.iitb.ac.in
9. www.iitm.ac.in
10. www.iitr.ac.in
11. www.iitg.ernet.in
12. www.bits-pilani.ac.in
13. www.bitmesra.ac.in

14. www.psgtech.edu
15. www.iisc.ernet.in
16. www.circuit-magic.com
17. www.ieee.org



1. Digital Signal Processing, A Review Journal illuminates and explores the path of
creativity in the field of signal processing. The content is diverse, covering new
technologies, significant new programs, and breakthroughs in the field.

2. for Signal, Image, and Video Technology (formerly the Journal of VLSI Signal Processing
Systems for Signal, Image, and Video Technology) .



1 Digital Image Fundamentals T1,T2, R1

2 Sampling and quantization T1,T2, R1 2

3 Relation between pixels, T1,T2, R1
4 Image transforms 2-D FFT,properties,walsh transforms T1,T2, R1 1
5 Walsh transform,Hadamard transform T1,T2, R1 2
6 Discrete cosine transform,haar transform T1,T2, R1 2
7 Slant transform,hotelling transform T1,T2, R1 2

8 Image enhancement spatial domain introduction ,image T1,T2, , R1 3
enhancement in spatial domain,enhancement through
point operation
9 Types of point operation,histogram manipulation T1,T2, , R1 2
10 Linear and non linear gray level transformation local or T1,T2, , R1 3
neighborhood operation
11 Median filter spatial domain high pass filter T1,T2, R1 2

12 Image restoration: degradation model algebraic approach T2,T1, R1
to restoration 2

15 Inverse filtering, least mean square filters T2,T1, R1 2

16 Constrained least squares restoration,interactive T2,T1, R1 2


17 Image segmentation:detection of continuities,edge T1,R1
linking and boundary detection 3
18 Thresholding, region oriented segmentation T1,R1 2
19 Morphological image processing:dilation structuring T1,R1 2
element decomposition

20 Erosion ,combining dilation and erosion opening and T1,R1 3

closing,the hit or miss transform

Image compression redundencies and their removal T1,R1 2
21 methods
22 Fidelity criteria,image compression models T1,T2, R1 2

23 Huffman and arithmetic coding,error free compression T1,T2, R1 2

24 Lossycompression,lossy and lossless predictive coding T1,R1 3
25 Transform based compression,JPEG 2000 standards T1,R1 6


CO 1 Students will be able to describe the fundamental concepts of Digital Image

CO 2 Students will be able to understand Image enhancement in Spatial and

Frequency domain,image restoration , image segmentation, Image
compression,Image processing algorithms in MATLAB.

CO 3 Students will have the skill base necessary to further explore advance the topics of
Digital Image Processing.

CO 4 Students will be in a position to make a positive profession contribution in the field

of Digital Signal Processing.

CO 5 Students should have a clear impression of the breadth and practical scope of digital
image processing and have arrived at a level of understanding that is the foundation
for most of the work currently underway in this field..

M1 : Lecture Method M6 : Tutorial

M2 : Demo Method M7 : Assignment

M3 : Guest Lecture 7 M8 : Industry Visit

M4 : Presentation /PPT M9 : Project Based

M5 : Lab/Practical M10 : Charts / OHP


Descriptive questions

1. Explain the steps involved in digital image processing?

2. Discuss about the following relationships between pixels with neat diagrams
i)neighbors of a pixels? ii)connectivity iii)distance measures iv)path
3. Write the expressions for Walsh transforms kernel and Walsh transform(1D
4. Briefly explain the forward and inverse transformation kernals of image
5. Name and explain some important properties of 2-D DFT.
6. Discuss about the Slant tansform(1-D &2-D)
7. Discuss about the Hadamard tansform(1-D &2-D)
8. Discuss about the Haar tansform(1-D &2-D)
9. Discuss about the hotelling tansform(1-D &2-D)
10. State and prove separability property of 2D-FFT
11. State and prove the translation property.
12. State distributivity and scaling property.
1. Explain smoothing spatial filters and nonlinear order static spatial filters.
2. Explain about Prewitt and sobel edge detectors.
3. Describe image histogram equalization.
4. Explain the method of using the second derivate for image sharpening by laplacian operator
5. What is high boost spatial fitering?compare it with high pass spatial fitering.
6. Discuss how the bit plane slicing is useful in image processing
7. Discuss the importance of a kernel or mask or window in spatial filtering used for enhancement of a
digital image.
8. How does the spatial filter with name order static filter(non-linear filter)or median filter work?
9. What is meant by image enhancement by point processing?discuss any two methods in it.
10. Define histogram of a digital image.explain how histogram is useful in image enhancement.
11. Write about smoothing spatial filters.
12. What is meant by the gradiant and the laplacian?discuss their role in image enhancement.
13. Description of homomorphic fitering.
14. Expression for 2-D IHPF,expression for BHPF, expression for GHPF with sketches.explain their
usefulness in image enhancement.
15. Expression for 2-D ILPF,expression for BLPF, expression for GLPF with sketches.explain their
usefulness in image enhancement.
16. Expression for Butterworth low pass filter in frequency domain and discuss.
17. Compare the characteristics of low pass, high pass and homomorphic filters in image enhancement in
frequency domain.
18. Discuss about ideal high pass filter and butter worth high pass filter.
19. Discuss about Gaussian high pass filter and Guassian low pass filter.
20. Explain how laplacian is implemented in frequency domain.
21. Write about high boost and high frequency filtering.
1. Explain the method of least mean squares filtering for image restoration.
2. Explain model of image degradation/restoration process with a block diagram.
3. Explain the method of constrained least squares filtering for image restoration.
4. Explain three principle ways to estimate the degradation function for use in image restoration.
5. Discuss the process of image restoration by direct inverse filtering.
6. Write about noise probability density functions for all noise models.
7. Explain about iterative nonlinear restoration using the lucy-richardson algorithm.
1. What are the derivative operators useful in image segmentation?explain their role in segmentation
2. What is thresholding? Explain about global thresholing.
3. Explain about basic adaptive thresholding process used in image segmentation.
4. Explain in detail the threshold selection based on doundary characteristics.
5. Explain about the global processing via hough transform for edge linking.
6. Explain about the global processing via graph-theoritic techniques for edge linking.
7. Explain about region based segmentation.
8. What are the derivative operators useful in image segmentation?explain their role in segmentation.
9. Explain about region splitting and merging with an example.
1. Explain about fidelity criterion
2. Explain about image compression models
3. Explain a method of generating variable length codes with an example
4. Explain arithmetic encoding process with an example
5. Explain LZW coding with an example
6. Explain the concept of bit plane coding method
7. Explain about lossless predictive coding.
8. Explain adout lossy predictive coding
9. Explain with a block diagram about transform coding syatem
10. Explain about JPEG compression standard and the steps invovlved in JPEG compression.
11. How do find huffman coding for the given data
Original a2 a6 a1 a4 a3 a5
probability 0.4 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.06 0.04

12. An 8 level image has the gray level distribution as given in the table. Compute the
average pixel lenth for each code,compression ratio and relative redundancy.
rk Pr(rk) Code1 L1(rk) Code2 L2(rk)
r87 0.25 01010111 8 01 2
r128 0.47 10000000 8 1 1
r186 0.25 11000100 8 000 3
r255 0.03 11111111 8 001 3



1. Explain the steps involved in digital image processing?

2. Discuss about the following relationships between pixels with neat diagrams
i)neighbors of a pixels? ii)connectivity iii)distance measures iv)path
3. Write the expressions for Walsh transforms kernel and Walsh transform(1D
4. Briefly explain the forward and inverse transformation kernals of image
5. Name and explain some important properties of 2-D DFT.
6. Discuss about the Slant tansform(1-D &2-D)
7. Discuss about the Hadamard tansform(1-D &2-D)
8. Discuss about the Haar tansform(1-D &2-D)
9. Discuss about the hotelling tansform(1-D &2-D)
10. State and prove separability property of 2D-FFT
11. State and prove the translation property.
12. State distributivity and scaling property.
1. Explain smoothing spatial filters and nonlinear order static spatial filters.
2. Explain about Prewitt and sobel edge detectors.
3. Describe image histogram equalization.
4. Explain the method of using the second derivate for image sharpening by laplacian operator
5. What is high boost spatial fitering?compare it with high pass spatial fitering.
6. Discuss how the bit plane slicing is useful in image processing
7. Discuss the importance of a kernel or mask or window in spatial filtering used for enhancement of a
digital image.
8. How does the spatial filter with name order static filter(non-linear filter)or median filter work?
9. What is meant by image enhancement by point processing?discuss any two methods in it.
10. Define histogram of a digital image.explain how histogram is useful in image enhancement.
11. Write about smoothing spatial filters.
12. What is meant by the gradiant and the laplacian?discuss their role in image enhancement.
13. Description of homomorphic fitering.
14. Expression for 2-D IHPF,expression for BHPF, expression for GHPF with sketches.explain their
usefulness in image enhancement.
15. Expression for 2-D ILPF,expression for BLPF, expression for GLPF with sketches.explain their
usefulness in image enhancement.
16. Expression for Butterworth low pass filter in frequency domain and discuss.
17. Compare the characteristics of low pass, high pass and homomorphic filters in image enhancement in
frequency domain.
18. Discuss about ideal high pass filter and butter worth high pass filter.
19. Discuss about Gaussian high pass filter and Guassian low pass filter.
20. Explain how laplacian is implemented in frequency domain.
21. Write about high boost and high frequency filtering.
1. Explain the method of least mean squares filtering for image restoration.
2. Explain model of image degradation/restoration process with a block diagram.
3. Explain the method of constrained least squares filtering for image restoration.
4. Explain three principle ways to estimate the degradation function for use in image restoration.
5. Discuss the process of image restoration by direct inverse filtering.
6. Write about noise probability density functions for all noise models.
7. Explain about iterative nonlinear restoration using the lucy-richardson algorithm.
10. What are the derivative operators useful in image segmentation?explain their role in segmentation
11. What is thresholding? Explain about global thresholing.
12. Explain about basic adaptive thresholding process used in image segmentation.
13. Explain in detail the threshold selection based on doundary characteristics.
14. Explain about the global processing via hough transform for edge linking.
15. Explain about the global processing via graph-theoritic techniques for edge linking.
16. Explain about region based segmentation.
17. What are the derivative operators useful in image segmentation?explain their role in segmentation.
18. Explain about region splitting and merging with an example.
1. Explain about fidelity criterion
2. Explain about image compression models
3. Explain a method of generating variable length codes with an example
4. Explain arithmetic encoding process with an example
5. Explain LZW coding with an example
6. Explain the concept of bit plane coding method
7. Explain about lossless predictive coding.
8. Explain adout lossy predictive coding
9. Explain with a block diagram about transform coding syatem
10. Explain about JPEG compression standard and the steps invovlved in JPEG compression.
11. How do find huffman coding for the given data
Original a2 a6 a1 a4 a3 a5
probability 0.4 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.06 0.04

12. An 8 level image has the gray level distribution as given in the table. Compute the
average pixel lenth for each code,compression ratio and relative redundancy.
rk Pr(rk) Code1 L1(rk) Code2 L2(rk)
r87 0.25 01010111 8 01 2
r128 0.47 10000000 8 1 1
r186 0.25 11000100 8 000 3
r255 0.03 11111111 8 001 3

(13) Continuous assessment program (CAP):


1.the amount of luminous flux falling on a given area of surface is called as ____________




(d)I luminance

2.Digitization of spatial co-ordinates (x,y)is called

(a)gray level quantization

(b)finite sampling

(c)image sampling

(d)image quantization

3.a 128X128 image with 64 gray levels requires ________bits of storage





4.a good image is difficulty to define because image quality

(a)high subjective ,weakly dependent

(b)lowly subjective, weakly dependent

(c)high subjective ,strongly dependent

(d)lowly subjective, strongly dependent

5.for coordinates p(2,3)the 4 neighbors of pixel p are





6.D distance is also called as

(a)city block distance

(b)chess board distance

(c)Euclidean distance

(d)mean distance

7.image transforms are needed for

(a)conversion information form spatial to frequency

(b)spatial domain

(c)time domain

(d)both b&c

8.image restoration is used to improve the ________image





9.the walsh and hadamard transforms are ___________in nature




(d)cosine and sine

10.unsampling is a process of ____________the spatial resolution of the image






1. Which of the following make an image difficult to enhance?

a) Narrow range of intensity levels
b) Dynamic range of intensity levels
c) High noise
d) All of the mentioned

2. Which of the following is a second-order derivative operator?

a) Histogram
b) Laplacian
c) Gaussian
d) None of the mentioned

3. Response of the gradient to noise and fine detail is _____________ the Laplacian’s.
a) equal to
b) lower than
c) greater than
d) has no relation with

4. Dark characteristics in an image are better solved using ____________________.

a) Laplacian Transform
b) Gaussian Transform
c) Histogram Specification
d) Power-law Transformation

5. What is the smallest possible value of a gradient image?

a) e
b) 1
c) 0
d) -e

6. Which of the following fails to work on dark intensity distributions?

a) Laplacian Transform
b) Gaussian Transform
c) Histogram Equalization
d) Power-law Transformation

7. _________________________ is used to detect diseases such as bone infection and tumors.

a) MRI Scan
b) PET Scan
c) Nuclear Whole Body Scan
d) X-Ray

8. How do you bring out more of the skeletal detail from a Nuclear Whole Body Bone Scan?
a) Sharpening
b) Enhancing
c) Transformation
d) None of the mentioned

9. An alternate approach to median filtering is ______________

a) Use a mask
b) Gaussian filter
c) Sharpening
d) Laplacian filter

10. Final step of enhancement lies in ________________ of the sharpened image.

a) Increase range of contrast
b) Increase range of brightness
c) Increase dynamic range
d) None of the mentioned

1.idel low pass filters has the transfer function is __________________

2.draw the mask for sobel or prewitt or roberts operator_______________

3.what is the transfer function of Butterworth high pass filter_____________

4.draw the frequency response of high pass filter___________

5.band pass filter is a combination of high pass & low pass_ filters.

6.write the equation for 2-D Fourier transform____________________

7.write any one property of fourier transform______________

8.steps followed in homomorphic filtering

1._____ 2._______ 3._______ 4.________ 5._______

9.butterworth filter has ___________transition

a. smooth

b. sudden

c. paek

d. b&c

10.these are the noises that are not random ,but very systematic errors

a .artefacts noise

b. salt&pepper noise

c. Gaussian noise

d. white noise


1.image restoration is to improve the _______________of the image





2.draw the degradation model of the image______________

3.write the inverse filtering formulation_________________

4.due to uniform linear motion image is_________________

a. blurred

b. sharpened

c. smoothened

d. a & c

5.write the inverse filter response formulation Ans : g(x,y)=f(x,y)*h(x,y)+n(x,y)

6.write the geometric mean filter response_______________

7.write down the radon transform______________________

8.abrivate "CT" scanner ____________________________

9.Blur is characterized by the _______________ response of the system

a. filter

b. noise

c. impulse

d. image

10.Objective fidelity is the image quality characterization using metrics such as errors and

11.subjective fidelity is an intuitive way of assessing image quality using the human visual


1.________________is process of partition the digital image in to multiple regions





2.__________is set of connected pixel that lie on the boundary between two regions.





3.the objective of the sharpening filter is _________

a.highlight the intensity transitions

b. highlight the low transitions

c.highlight the bright transitions

d. highlight the colour transitions

4._____________has number of peaks

a.bimodel histogram

b.multimodel histogram



5.____________is the starting pixel of region growing process.

a.seed pixel

b.base pixel

c.original pixel


6.___________is a deformable model that fits a model for segmenting ROI





7._______________is the position of sign change of the first derivative among neighboring points




8._________ has unimodel histogram

a.one pixel

b.one peak

c.one valley

d.one intensity level

9.abrivate ROI_______________

a.region of image

b.region of interest

c.region of indicator

d.restoration of image

10.the hough transform is used to fit points as _________________






1.image morphology is an important tool in extraction of image _____________





2.the difference between the original image and the eroded is creates__________

a. higher level gray levels

b low lever gray level

c. boundary

d. unfilled regions

3.tap-hat transform is used for ____________

a. highlighting the bright peaks

b. highlighting the dark peaks

c. highlighting the bright and dark peaks

d. highlighting the dark and bright peaks

4.the theory of mathematical morphology is based on______________

a. image size

b. set theory

c. probability

d. correlation

5.well transform is used for ____________

a. highlighting the bright peaks

b. highlighting the dark peaks

c. highlighting the bright and dark peaks

d. highlighting the dark and bright peaks

6.thinning operation is used to remove the _________pixels


b.back ground



7.morphlogical gradient gives__________

a. transition from spatial to frequency

b. transition from dark to bright

c. transition from frequency to spatial


8.structering element is a _____________





9.____________is a process of removing of the extra tail pixels in an image



c.hit-miss transform


10.whatershed is process of _____________ the object






1. Digital image fundamentals & image tramsforms.

2. Image enhancement spatial domain and frequency domain.
3. Image restoration
4. Haar transform
5. Hotelling transform
6. Median filter spatial domain high pass filtering
7. Constrained least squares restoration
8. Interactive restoration
9. Thresholding
10. Region oriented segmentation
11. Combining dilation and erosion
12. The hit or miss transformation.
13. Lossy and lossless predictive coding
14. Transform based compression
15. JPEG 2000 standards.



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