SPH 300
SPH 300
SPH 300
Attempt all questions in section A and any other two in section B. All
questions in section A carry 20 marks each while each question in section B
carries 15 marks each.
Question One.
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i) The two disturbances y1 (t) and y2 (t) have the same amplitude and
phase (A1 = A2 , φ1 =φ2)?
ii) The two disturbances have the same amplitude and a phase difference
of π radians (A1 = A2, φ2 = φ1 – π)? [2marks]
d) Given two waves with the same amplitude A0 traveling in the same
medium with angular frequencies ω1 and ω2 respectively, show that
the sum of the these waves can be expressed as a product of two
waves one with average frequency ωav = (ω1 +ω2 )/2 and one with
modulation frequency ωmod = (ω1 - ω2)/2
[3 marks]
i) Discuss what is meant by phase and group velocities and show how the
two relate in a non-dispersive medium [3marks]
Question Two
i) What are the differences and similarities between wave motion and
oscillatory motion? [2marks]
i) 𝒁 = 𝒆𝒊𝝎𝒕− 𝜶 [2marks]
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c) A spring with constant 56,0 N/m has a small mass 1.00Kg attached to
its end. The mass is pulled +5.5 cm from the equilibrium position and
pushed so that it receives an initial velocity of -0.32m/s.
i) Write down the wave equation in an elastic medium and explain what
each parameter in the equation represents [1mark]
ii) Show that a function of the form f(x-vt) is a solution to the wave
equation. [2marks]
e) If y = Acosk(x+vt),
Question Three
d) How much energy is dissipated against the resistive force in one cycle?
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Question Four
II) Give four examples of physical resonators and state the parameters
that characterize a resonance in each of the given physical systems
Plot the variation of X(t) with time and highlight the key features [4marks]
Question Five
(a) Write down the complex-number version of plane wave, moving to the
right with speed . [3 points]
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(b) Next, write down the complex number representations of incident,
reflected, and transmitted waves in the case of two strings (string A
and string B) joined to each other at a junction (located at x = 0).
[3 marks]
d) Describe fully the in-phase and out of phase motions of two coupled
oscillators made up of spring-mass systems of equal mass and spring
constant k and coupled by a spring of spring constant k 12, when set in
free vibrations. [4marks]
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