Fundamentals of Vibration
Fundamentals of Vibration
Fundamentals of Vibration
(Updated on July 2019)
Prepared by
Dr. K. Vimalanathan,
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
SITAMS, Chittoor
PART-A (2 Marks)
1. Give two examples each of the bad and the good effects of vibration. (BT4)
2. Define Single degree of freedom (BT2)
3. How to classify vibration (BT1)
4. Define damped vibration (BT2)
5. What is deterministic vibration. (BT2)
6. Write the procedure of vibration analysis (BT3)
7. Define Viscous Damping (BT2)
8. Define Dry-Friction Damping (BT2)
9. Define Hysteretic Damping (BT2)
10. Define these terms: cycle (BT2)
11. Define these terms: amplitude (BT2)
12. Define these terms: phase angle (BT2)
13. Define these terms: linear frequency (BT2)
14. Define these terms: period (BT2)
15. Define these terms: natural frequency (BT2)
16. What are the three elementary parts of a vibrating system? (BT3)
17. Define the number of degrees of freedom of a vibrating system. (BT2)
18. What is the difference between a discrete and a continuous system? Is it possible to solve
any vibration problem as a discrete one? (BT4)
19. In vibration analysis, can damping always be disregarded? (BT5)
20. Can a nonlinear vibration problem be identified by looking at its governing differential
equation? (BT5)
21. What is the difference between deterministic and random vibration? Give two practical
examples of each. (BT4)
22. What methods are available for solving the governing equations in vibration problem? (BT3)
23. How do you connect several springs to increase the overall stiffness? (BT5)
24. Define spring stiffness and damping constant. (BT2)
2. Determine the torsional spring constant of the steel propeller shaft shown in Fig. below (BT5)
3. One end of a helical spring is fixed and the other end is subjected to five different tensile
forces. The lengths of the spring measured at various values of the tensile forces are given
Total length of
150 163 183 194 214 226
the spring (mm)
4. A tapered solid steel propeller shaft is shown in Fig in below. Determine the torsional spring
constant of the shaft (BT6)
5. Find the equivalent mass moment of inertia of the gear train shown in Fig. below with
reference to the driving shaft. In Fig. 1.97, and denote the mass moment of inertia and the
number of teeth, respectively, of gear i, i = 1, 2, …. 2N. (BT5)
6. Consider two nonlinear dampers with the same force-velocity relationship given by
F = 1000v + 400v2 + 20v with F in newtons and v in meters/second. Find the linearized
damping constant of the dampers at an operating velocity of 10 m/s. (BT3)
7. If the linearized dampers of F = 1000v + 400v2 + 20v are connected in parallel, determine the
resulting equivalent damping constant. (BT3)
Damping force
80 150 250 350 500 600
Velocity of
damper 0.025 0.045 0.075 0.110 0.155 0.185
10. The force (F)-velocity relationship of a nonlinear damper is given by where a and b are
constants. F = ax + bx 2
Find the equivalent linear damping constant when the relative velocity is 5 m/s with N-s/m and
b = 0.2 N-s2/m2 ; a = 5 . (BT4)
PART-A (2 marks)
7. Find the natural frequency of vibration of a spring-mass system arranged on an inclined plane,
as shown in Fig. below. (BT6)
8. A loaded mine cart, weighing 5,000 lb, is being lifted by a frictionless pulley and a wire rope,
as shown in Fig. 2.53. Find the natural frequency of vibration of the cart in the given position
10. The natural frequency of a spring-mass system is found to be 2 Hz. When an additional mass of
1 kg is added to the original mass m, the natural frequency is reduced to 1 Hz. Find the spring
constant k and the mass m. (BT5)
11. An acrobat weighing 120 lb walks on a tightrope, as shown in Fig. below. If the natural
frequency of vibration in the given position, in vertical direction, is 10 rad/sec, find the tension
in the rope. (BT6)
16MEC412 : Fundamentals of Vibrations - Question Bank – 2019 – Page 9 of 20
Name of the Faculty : Dr. K. Vimalanathan Design./Dept. : Prof./Mech.
Subject Code : 16MEC412 Branch : Mechanical
Subject Name : Fundamentals of Vibrations Year/Sem. : IV/I
PART-A (2 marks)
1. Name a few methods for finding the fundamental natural frequency of a multi degree-of
freedom system. (BT1)
2. What is the basic assumption made in deriving Dunkerley s formula (BT4)
3. What is Rayleigh s principle (BT2)
4. State whether we get a lower bound or an upper bound to the fundamental natural frequency
by using Dunkerley s formula (BT4)
5. State whether we get a lower bound or an upper bound to the fundamental natural frequency by
using Rayleigh s method (BT4)
6. What is Rayleigh s quotient (BT2)
7. ________ method is more extensively applied to torsional systems, although the method is
equally applicable to linear systems. (BT2)
8. What is the basic principle used in Holzer’s method (BT2)
9. What is the matrix iteration method (BT2)
10. Can we use any trial vector X vector in the matrix iteration method to find the largest natural
frequency (BT2)
11. Holzer s method is basically a ___________ method. (BT2)
12. Using the matrix iteration method, how do you find the intermediate natural frequencies (BT4)
13. What is the difference between the matrix iteration method and Jacobi s method (BT2)
14. What is a rotation matrix? What is its purpose in Jacobi s method (BT2)
15. What is a standard Eigen value problem (BT2)
16. What is the role of Choleski decomposition in deriving a standard eigenvalue problem (BT4)
17. How do you find the inverse of an upper triangular matrix? (BT4)
18. The fundamental frequency in Durkerley’s formula will always be larger than the exact value.
Say True/False (BT2)
1. Prove that Rayleigh s quotient is never higher than the highest eigenvalue (BT4)
2. A uniform fixed-fixed beam carries two masses m1 and m2 , with m1=m2 as shown in Fig.
Find the fundamental natural frequency of the beam using Dunkerley s method. (BT4)
3. In an overhead crane (see Fig.) the trolley weighs ten times the weight of the girder. Using
Dunkerley s formula, estimate the fundamental frequency of the system(BT4)
4. Using Holzer ‘s method, find the natural frequencies and mode shapes of the system shown
in Fig. below, with m1=100kg, m2=20kg, m3=200kg, k1=8000 N/m and k2=4000N/m
Using Holzer s method, determine all the principal modes and the natural frequencies. (BT5)
Using the matrix iteration method, find the natural frequencies and mode shapes of the
system (BT5)
7. The mass and flexibility matrices of a three-degree-of-freedom system are given by
Find the lowest natural frequency of vibration of the system using the matrix iteration
method. (BT5)
8. A simplified diagram of an overhead traveling crane is shown in Fig. below. The girder,
with square cross section, and the wire rope, with circular cross section, are made up of
steel. Design the girders and the wire rope such that the natural frequencies of the system
are greater than the operating speed, 1500 rpm, of an electric motor located in the trolley.
is given by λ1 = 10.38068 Using the matrix iteration method, find the other eigenvalues and
all the eigenvectors of the matrix. Assume [m] = [I]. (BT4)
PART-A (2 marks)
1. How does a continuous system differ from a discrete system in the nature of its equation
of motion? (BT4)
2. How many natural frequencies does a continuous system have? (BT4)
3. Are the boundary conditions important in a discrete system? Why? (BT6)
4. What is a wave equation? What is a traveling-wave solution? (BT2)
5. What is the significance of wave velocity? (BT2)
6. State the boundary conditions to be specified at the simply supported end of a beam if (a)
thin-beam theory is used and (b) Timoshenko beam theory is used. (BT3)
7. State the possible boundary conditions at the ends of a string. (BT2)
8. What is the main difference in the nature of the frequency equations of a discrete system
and a continuous system? (BT2)
9. For a discrete system, the governing equations are _____ differential equations (BT2)
10. What is the effect of a tensile force on the natural frequencies of a beam? (BT2)
11. Under what circumstances does the frequency of vibration of a beam subjected to an
axial load become zero? (BT4)
12. A drumhead can be considered as a _____.(BT2)
13. Why does the natural frequency of a beam become lower if the effects of shear deformation
and rotary inertia are considered? (BT6)
14. The free-vibration equation of a string is also called a _____ equation(BT2)
15. Give two practical examples of the vibration of membranes. (BT2)
16. What is the basic principle used in Rayleigh s method? (BT2)
17. The Timoshenko beam theory can be considered as _____ beam theory. (BT2)
18. Why is the natural frequency given by Rayleigh s method always larger than the true
value of ω1? (BT6)
19. What is the difference between Rayleigh s method and the Rayleigh-Ritz method? (BT4)
20. What is Rayleigh s quotient? (BT2)
6. The cable between two electric transmission towers has a length of 2000 m. It is clamped at its
ends under a tension P (Fig. 8.24). The density of the cable material 8890 kg/m3 is If the first
four natural frequencies are required to lie between 0 and 20 Hz, determine the necessary cross-
sectional area of the cable and the initial tension. (BT5)
7. A cord of length l is made to vibrate in a viscous medium. Derive the equation of motion
considering the viscous damping force (BT4)
9. Derive an equation for the principal modes of longitudinal vibration of a uniform bar having both
ends free (BT4)
10. Show that the normal functions corresponding to the longitudinal vibration of the bar shown in Fig.
below are orthogonal (BT5)
PART-A (2 marks)
1. A Rochelle salt crystal, having a voltage sensitivity of 0.098 V-m/N and thickness 2 mm,
produced an output voltage of 200 volts under pressure. Find the pressure applied to the crystal.
2. Determine the maximum percent error of a vibrometer in the frequency-ratio range 4≤r<∞
with a damping ratio of ζ=0 and ζ=0.67 (BT5)
3. A vibrometer is used to measure the vibration of an engine whose operating-speed range is
from 500 to 2000 rpm. The vibration consists of two harmonics. The amplitude distortion must
be less than 3 percent. Find the natural frequency of the vibrometer
if (a) the damping is negligible and (b) the damping ratio is 0.6. (BT5)
Notes :
Bloom’s Taxonomy
BT 1 Remember BT 2 Understand
BT 3 Apply BT 4 Analyze
BT 5 Evaluate BT 6 Create
Dr. K. Vimalanathan,
Professor Dr. S.Rajesh Principal
Department of Mech. Engineering, HOD/Mechanical
Sreenivasa Institute of Technology& Sreenivasa Institute of Technology& SITAMS,
Management Studies, Management Studies, Chittoor.
Chittoor Chittoor.