Question Bank For Vce
Question Bank For Vce
Question Bank For Vce
1. Explain the over damped, critically damped and under damped system with example.
2. Explain the terms Logarithmic decrement and damping ratio.
3. Explain the Viscous and Structural damping.
4. Derive equation of motion for Free damped vibrations.
5. Explain the terms transient vibration and steady state vibration related to the forced
6. A body of mass 5 kg is supported on a spring of stiffness 1960 N/m and has a dashpot
connected to it which produces a resistance of 1.96 N at a velocity of 1 m/sec. In what
ratio will amplitude of vibration be reduced after 5 cycles?
1. Explain the frequency response curve with neat sketch. Write the four observations based
on frequency response curve.
2. What is the purpose of Vibration Isolation. Explain the Isolation materials.
3. Explain the terms force transmissibility and motion transmissibility.
4. A body of mass 75 kg is suspended from a spring, which deflects 18 mm under the load.
It is subjected to damping effect adjusted to a values 0.25 times that required for critical
damping.Find the natural frequency of undamped and damped vibrations and the ratio of
successive amplitudes for damped vibrations. If the body is subjected to a periodic
disturbing force of 625 N and of frequency equal to 0.63 times the natural undamped
frequency, find the amplitude of forced vibration.
5. In a vibrating system a mass of 3 kg is suspended by a spring of stiffness 1200 N/m and it
is subjected to a harmonic excitation of 20 N. If the viscous damper is provided with
damping coefficient of 75 N-s/m determine: the
Resonance frequency,
Amplitude of resonance and
Damped frequency.
1. A shaft carries four masses in parallel planes A, B, C and D in order along it length. The
masses of B & C are 18 kg and 12.5 kg respectively and each has an eccentricity of 60
The masses A and D have an eccentricity of 80 mm. The angle between the masses at B and
C is 1000, and between B and A is 1900, both being measured in same direction. The axial
distance between plane A and B is 100 mm and between B and C is 200 mm. If the shaft is in
complete dynamic balance determine :
5. Single cylinder reciprocating engine runs at 300 rpm and has a stroke length of 250 mm.
The mass of reciprocating parts is 40 kg and mass of revolving parts at 125 mm radius is
28 kg. If only 2/3rd of reciprocating parts and all the revolving parts are to be balanced,
find the following :
Balancing mass required at a radius of 350 mm
Resultant unbalanced force in magnitude and direction when the crank has turned
450 from IDC.
6. A,B,C and D are four masses carried by rotating shaft at radii 100,125,200 and 150 mm
respectively. The planes in which the masses revolve are spaced 600 mm apart and the
masses of B, C and D are 10 kg, 5 kg and 4 kg respectively. Find the require mass A and
the relative angular setting of the four masses so that the shaft shall be in complete
7. Explain the causes for unbalance in rotating system. What the unbalance may cause ?