Problem Set Unit 2B
Problem Set Unit 2B
Problem Set Unit 2B
Practice Material
Unit 2B (Waves)
1. An incident traveling wave, amplitude Ai , is only partially reflected from a boundary, with the
amplitude of the reflected wave being Ar. The resulting superposition of two waves with
different amplitudes and traveling in opposite directions gives a standing wave pattern of waves
whose envelope is shown in Fig. 33. The standing wave ratio (SWR) is defined as (Ai + Ar)/(Ai Ar)= Amax/Amin, and the percent reflection is defined as the ratio of the average power in the
reflected wave to the average power in the incident wave, times 100. (a) Show that for 100%
reflection SWR = and that for no reflection SWR = I. (b) Show that a measurement of the SWR
just before the boundary reveals the percent reflection occurring at the boundary according to
the formula
%reflection= [(SWR- 1)2/(SWR + 1)2](100).
2. A string fixed at both ends is 8.36 m long and has a mass of 122 g. It is subjected to a tension
of96.7 N and set vibrating. (a) What is the speed of the waves in the string? (b) What is the
wavelength of the longest possible standing wave? (c) Give the frequency of that wave.
Ans: a) 81.4m/s, b) 16.72m, c) 4.87Hz
3. A nylon guitar string has a linear mass density of 7. 16 g/m and is under a tension of 152 N. The
fixed supports are 89.4 cm apart. The string is vibrating in the standing wave pattern shown in
Fig. 32. Calculate the (a) speed, (b) wavelength, and (c) frequency of the component waves
whose superposition gives rise to this vibration.
4. The equation of a transverse wave traveling in a string is given by y = 0.15 sin (0.79x- 13t), in
which x andy are expressed in meters and 1 is in seconds. (a) What is the displacement at x = 2.3
m, t = 0.16 s? (b) Write down the equation of a wave that, when added to the given one, would
produce standing waves on the string. (c) What is the displacement of the resultant standing
wave at x = 2.3 m, t = 0.16 s?
5. A string vibrates according to the equation y = 0.520 sin ( 1.14x) cos ( 137t), where x and y are in
centimeters and t is in seconds. (a) What are the amplitude and speed of the component waves
whose superposition can give rise to this vibration? (b) Find the distance between nodes. (c)
What is the velocity of a particle of the string at the position x = 1.47 cm at time t = 1.36 s?
6. Vibrations from a 622-Hz tuning fork set up standing waves in a string clamped at both ends.
The wave speed for the string is 388 m/s. The standing wave has four loops and amplitude of
1.90 mm. (a) What is the length of the string? (b) Write an equation for the displacement of the
string as a function of position and time.
7. Consider a standing wave that is the sum of two waves traveling in opposite directions but
otherwise identical. Show that the maximum kinetic energy in each loop of the standing wave is
8. Two strings of linear mass density 1 and 2 are knotted together at x = 0 and stretched to a
tension F. A wave y =A sin k1(x- v1t) in the string of density 1 reaches the junction between the
two strings, at which it is partly transmitted into the string of density 2 and partly reflected. Call
these waves B sin k2(x- v2t) and C sin k1(x + v1t), respectively. (a) Assuming that k2v2 = k1v1 = and
that the displacement of the knot arising from the incident and reflected waves is the same as
that arising from the transmitted wave, show that A = B + C. (b) If it is assumed that both strings
near the knot have the same slope (why?)-that is, dy/dx in string 1 = dy/dx in string 2-show that
k2 k1
v v
A 1 2
k2 k1
v1 v2