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9 Digits
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1. A body falling from rest describes distances S1, S2 and S3 in the first, second and third seconds of its fall. Then the
ratio of S1 : S2 : S3 is :
(a) 1 : 1 : 1 (b) 1 : 3 : 5 (c) 1 : 2 : 3 (d) 1 : 4 : 9
2. An apple falls towards the earth because the earth attracts it. The apple also attracts the earth by the same force. Why
do we not see the earth rising towards the apple ?
(a) Acceleration of the earth is very large when compared to that of apple.
(b) Acceleration of the earth is equal to that of apple.
(c) Acceleration of the earth is neither high nor too low.
(d) Acceleration of the earth is very small when compared to that of apple.
3. The equation for pressure is
(a) hg/d (b) hdg (c) hd/g (d) h/dg
4. Two pieces of metal when immersed in a liquid have equal upthrust on them; then
(a) both pieces must have equal weights
(b) both pieces must have equal densities
(c) both pieces must have equal volumes
(d) both are floating to the same depth
K .E1 1
5. Two bodies have their masses m1/m2 = 3 and their kinetic energies . The ratio of their velocities are
K .E2 3
age 1
7. A big explosion on the moon cannot be heard on the earth because
(a) the explosion produces high frequency sound waves which are inaudible
(b) sound waves require a material medium for propagation
(c) sound wave are absorbed in the moon’s atmosphere
(d) sound waves are absorbed in the earth’s atmosphere
8. Gases can be liquified by
(a) Lowering pressure and increasing temperature (b) Lowering pressure and decreasing temperature
(c) Increasing pressure and increasing temperature (d) Lowering temperature and increasing pressure
9. The chemical formula of sodium sulphate is
(a) Na2 S (b) Na2 SO4 (c) NaS (d) Na2 SO3
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16. Guard cells are present in
(a) mixed farming (b) mixed cropping (c) crop rotation (d) all of the above
1 1 1 1
22. The value of ..... is
1 2 2 3 3 4 99 100
99 99 100 100
(a) Less than (b) Equal to (c) Greater than (d) Equal to
100 100 99 99
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Factors of x 2 are
x 1
6 6
1 1 1 1
(a) , (2 x 1), (3 x 1) (b) , (2 x 1), (3 x 1) (c) , (2 x 1), (3 x 1) (d) , (2 x 1), (3 x 1)
6 6 6 6
25. An angle is 14º more than its complementary angle, then angle is
(a) 30º (b) 52º (c) 50º (d) None of these
26. In the given figure, x and y are
(a) x = 70º, y = 37º (b) x = 37º, y = 70º (c) x + y = 117º (d) x – y = 100º
27. ABC and PBC are two isosceles triangles on the same base BC and vertices A and P are on the same
side of BC. A and P are joined, then
(a) ABP ACP and
(b) AP bisects A
(d) Both (a) & (b)
28. In the given figure, find the measure of ACD .
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29. In the given figure, if ABCD is a square, the value of x is
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33. ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral with centre O in the given figure. Chord AB is produced to E where
CBE 130º , the value of x is equal to
(a) 79º, 47º (b) 89º, 37º (c) 89º, 47º (d) 79º, 37º
35. The length of longest rod that can be placed in a room 20 m long, 16 m broad and 12 m high, is
(a) 20 m (b) 16.4 m (c) 48 m (d) 28.2 m
36. Let U be the upper class boundary of a class in a frequency distribution and M be the midpoint of the class.
Which one of the following is the lower class boundary of the class ?
( M L) M L
(a) M (b) L (c) 2M u (d) M 2 L
2 2
37. In a school, 14% of students take computer classes and 67% take drama classes. What is the probability
that a student neither takes computer class nor takes drama class ?
8 29 53 19
(a) (b) (c) (d)
100 100 100 100
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38. The percentage increase in the surface area of a cube when each side is doubled, is
(a) 25% (b) 50% (c) 150% (d) 3005%
39. The length of the sides forming right angle of a right angled triangle are 5x cm and (3x – 1) cm. If the area
of the triangle is 60 cm2, find its hypotenuse.
(a) 17 cm (b) 18 cm (c) 19 cm (d) 16 cm
40. A crescent is formed of two circular arcs ACB, ADB of equal radius, centres E and F in the given figure.
The perpendicular bisector of AB cuts the srescent at C and D, where CD = 12 cm, AB = 16 cm. The
radius of arc ACB is
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45. Trade between India and Rome is mentioned in the ancient foreign work-
(a) Indica (b) Fa Hien’s writings (c) Origin of species (d) None
46. Extreme south of Himalaya is called
(a) Himadri (b) Himachal (c) Shivaliks (d) Sahyadri
47. Among the following one match is not correct
(a) Nanda Devi — Uttarakhand (b) Dehang Debang — Sikkim
(c) Panchmarhi — Madhya Pradesh (d) Dibru — Sai Khowa
48. In term of area which is India’s largest state
(a) Uttar Pradesh (b) Maharashtra (c) Rajasthan (d) Madhya Pradesh
49. Which plateau is in between Aravalli and Vindhyachal Hills?
(a) Malwa plateau (b) Chhota Nagpur plateau
(c) Bundelkhand (d) Baghelkhand
50. Which of these countries does not have common boundary line with India?
(a) Afghanistan (b) Sri Lanka (c) Bhutan (d) Thailand
51. Which of the following regions is the most suitable for human settlement?
(a) Equatorial region (b) Mediterranean region
(c) Tropical desert (d) Taiga region
52. Read the following statements:
(i) National Anthem and National Flag are the symbols of India’s unity.
(ii) National Integration is declared as the country’s primary goal.
(iii) The special feature of the country is unity in diversity.
Which alternative is correct?
(a) (i) (ii) and (iii) are true (b) (i) and (ii) are true but (iii) is false
(c) (i) is true but (ii) and (iii) are false (d) (i) (ii) and (iii) are false
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53. Read the following statements:
(i) The Indian Constitution clearly states the Fundamental Duties of citizens.
(ii) The Fundamental Rights are also granted by the Indian Constitution to the citizens of India.
Which one of the following is correct?
(a) Both (i) and (ii) are true (b) Both (i) and (ii) are false
(c) (i) is true (ii) is false (d) (i) is false, (ii) is true
54. Which of the following proclaims that “all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights”?
(a) The Indian Constitution (b) The Algiers Conference
(c) The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (d) The Bandung Conference
55. Which of the following is not a feature of Secularism as spelled out in the Constitution of India?
(a) No State religion (b) Freedom of conscience
(c) Theological State (d) Freedom to manage religious affairs
56. Read the following statements.
(A) India is Secular because it observes an attitude of impartiality towards all religions.
(B) Religious instructions can be imparted in educational institutions recognized by or receiving aid from
the State.
(C) Every religious group has the right to manage its own affairs in matters of religion.
(D) Religious instructions can be imparted in educational institutions wholly funded by the State.
Which statements are true?
(a) A, C (b) B, C, D (c) A, B, C (d) A, B, D
57. Which one of the following states was among the first to try out modem farming methods in India?
(a) Jharkhand (b) Haryana (c) Bihar (d) Orissa
58. Government has set schools in each district called
(a) Army Schools (b) Navodaya Vidyalaya
(c) Sainik School (d) Missionary School
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59. High yielding variety seeds (HYV) were introduced to Indian farmers as a result of
(a) White Revolution (b) Green Revolution (c) Orange Revolution (d) Red Revolution
60. Which one of the following is considered important to create a 'virtuous cycle' by the parents?
(a) To send their children to the school
(b) To provide good food to their children
(c) To join their children in corporate schools
(d) To take care of the health and education of their children
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64. If ' ' stand for division, '+' for multiplication, ' ' for subtraction and ' ' for addition, which one of the following
equation is correct?
(a) 6 20 × 12 + 7 – 1 = 70 (b) 6 + 20 – 12 7 × 1 = 62
(c) 6 – 20 12 × 7 + 1 = 57 (d) 6 + 20 – 12 7 – 1 = 38
Directions: (Q. No. 65 & 66) : Find the missing number/numbers in the series.
65. 2, 65, 7, 59, 12, 53, ?, ?
(a) 15, 42 (b) 17, 45 (c) 17, 47 (d) 18, 48
66. 5255, 5306, ?, 5408, 5459
(a) 5057 (b) 5357 (c) 5257 (d) 5157
67. If 54 + 43 = 2, 60 + 51= 10
Then 62 + 72 = ?
(a) 30 (b) 18 (c) 20 (d) 9
68. Choose the correct mirror image of the Figure (X) from four alternatives given along with it. The mirror has been
represented by MN.
69. If 'REEXAMINATION' is written as 'EXAMINATIONER' how can 'REFORMER' be written in that code?
70. Arrange the following words as per dictionary.
(A) Live (B) Litter (C) Little (D) Literary
(E) Living
(a) D, C, E, B, A (b) D, B, C, A, E (c) C, D, B, A, E (d) C, B, D, E, A
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71. At 12:30 the hour hand of a clock faces north and the minute hand faces south. At 2:45 the minutes hand will be in
which direction?
(a) North-West (b) West (c) South-East (d) East
72. Find the missing number :
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Directions: (Q. No. 76 to 79) : In each of the following questions, which one of the answer figure would occupy the next
position in the problem figure. If they continue in the same order.
76. Problem – figures Answer – figures
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1 B 11 C 21 B 31 A 41 C 51 B 61 D 71 A 81 C 91 D
2 D 12 B 22 B 32 A 42 A 52 C 62 B 72 A 82 D 92 D
3 B 13 B 23 B 33 A 43 A 53 A 63 A 73 A 83 D 93 C
4 C 14 B 24 B 34 B 44 A 54 D 64 B 74 C 84 A 94 D
5 C 15 A 25 B 35 D 45 C 55 B 65 B 75 C 85 B 95 B
6 B 16 C 26 B 36 C 46 B 56 D 66 C 76 C 86 B 96 A
7 B 17 B 27 D 37 D 47 D 57 D 67 B 77 B 87 D 97 C
8 D 18 C 28 A 38 D 48 D 58 A 68 C 78 B 88 C 98 A
9 B 19 A 29 B 39 A 49 D 59 C 69 A 79 B 89 D 99 B
10 A 20 D 30 C 40 D 50 B 60 A 70 D 80 D 90 A 100 C
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