Exam 4- Leadership,
Exam 4- Leadership,
Exam 4- Leadership,
The nurse leader must remind employees that professional responsibility is to maintain quality
care, and thus they are obligated to report instances of clinical incompetence, even when it
means reporting a co-worker. Ignoring safety violations or poor practice is unprofessional and
jeopardizes patient care. - ANS-1. Clinical incompetence is one of the more serious problems
facing a nurse manager. Joyce, the nurse manager, is not aware of the problems of Sarah, a
novice nurse. After she investigates, it is obvious that Sarah's peers are covering for her. Which
of the following might Joyce include in her meeting with the nurses? (Select all that apply.)
a. "It is a nurse's professional responsibility to maintain quality control."
b. "All instances of clinical incompetence are to be reported."
c. "It is not considered being disloyal when one nurse reports another for poor care."
d. "Patient care is the number one concern. Meeting standards is mandatory and necessary."
A. "It is frustrating to wait when you are in pain and when you are expecting to receive relief
right away."
Empathizing helps the other person to know and feel that he has been understood and is
powerful in de-escalating a situation that has potential for aggression and violence. - ANS-9. In
the Emergency Department waiting room, you notice a patient sitting, with his head in his
hands, who has been waiting for about 5 hours for relief of his headache. When you approach
him to ask him how he is doing, he says, "I can't believe that I have to wait this long for help! Do
you know what it is like to be in pain for 10 hours?" Your response to him would be:
a. "It is frustrating to wait when you are in pain and when you are expecting to receive relief right
b. "Don't talk to me. If you are going to be rude, then you will not receive treatment here."
c. "We are very busy and don't have enough staff to deal with problems such as yours."
d. "Perhaps you should go elsewhere. We do not have time for you here, as many more sick
patients are waiting."
A. A private meeting with Gregory, a Human Resources representative, and you to deliver the
news and deliver the termination notice and all other documents that are related.
Termination requires careful planning as to timing, privacy, safety, and how to preserve the
employee's dignity and avoid humiliation. Choosing a private location where colleagues are not
present, and organizing all documentation that is required to be given to Gregory, achieves
these goals and prevents his having to come to the organization at a future date. - ANS-2. You
need to terminate Gregory, who has had a long-standing history of conflict with you and the
staff, and who recently was charged with theft of patient belongings. You consult Human
Resources, and together, you develop a plan, which includes:
a. A private meeting with Gregory, a Human Resources representative, and you to deliver the
news and deliver the termination notice and all other documents that are related.
b. Planning an opportunity for Gregory to return and be recognized at a staff farewell.
c. Calling Gregory at home to tell him that he is fired and that his paperwork will be sent to him
at a future date.
d. Calling him into a meeting in your office on the ward, where assistance is available, should he
become upset or agitated.
Active listening is a skill in listening in which one listens with the full intention of understanding
what is being communicated, listening to the degree that you are able to repeat exactly what
was said. Feedback helps to verify that the message you received was the one that was sent.
Paraphrasing and restating the message are important feedback skills ("What you meant
was...."). - ANS-The nurse educator was giving a workshop on team building. She noted that
effective communication is essential for team building. One of the key questions in the workshop
was, "What is the best way to check to see if what you have communicated to a team member
is understood the way you meant it to be understood?" The correct response is which of the
following options?
a. Active listening and feedback
b. Cues from nonverbal communications
c. Content and context clues
d. Reliance on paralanguage
A. An adversarial relationship.
A. An autocratic perspective
A team approach involves collaboration, which is not the approach that an autocratic leader
would typically use. If team members work in an authoritarian environment, they may be
hesitant to make decisions for themselves and may fully depend upon the authoritarian leader. -
ANS-Which of the following would not be a characteristic of an effective team nurse leader?
a. An autocratic perspective
b. Excellent communication skills
c. Awareness of everyone's abilities
d. A genuine interest in team members
The behavior of the individual (flushed appearance, furtive glances, speed of speech) and the
hand in his pocket suggest the potential for violence or aggression. The first step is to quickly
assess your surroundings for others who might assist and for safety alarms. - ANS-10. At 3 AM,
a man walks into your emergency department. He paces back and forth in the waiting area
before he approaches staff to ask if he can see his wife, who is a patient on another floor. He
speaks rapidly, his face is flushed, he glances around often, and he keeps his hand in his jacket
pocket. A best initial response would be to:
a. Assess your situation and your surroundings.
b. Ask two or three staff to assist in confronting the individual.
c. Ask what floor his wife is on and remind him that visiting hours are closed.
d. Remain calm as there is no potential for violence here.
A. Authority
Authority refers to the use of professional status and power to act in the patient's best interests.
In this example, Sarah is using her professional status and power to set up a conference in
which her patient, the prescribing physician, and she can discuss what is not working for the
patient and potential options. - ANS-Sarah determines, in partnership with her patient, that
current medications are not enabling her patient, a married account executive with fibromyalgia,
to continue with her employment and family responsibilities. After searching for additional
information on fibromyalgia, Sarah finds nonpharmacologic interventions that are supported
through credible evidence. Sarah suggests that the patient, her physician, and she meet to
discuss the medications and possible options and a plan of care for the patient's discharge. This
action exemplifies which of the four historical concepts identified by Lewis and Batey?
a. Authority
b. Responsibility
c. Communication of conflict
d. Autonomy
A. Autonomy.
In this situation, Sandra is exemplifying autonomy, which is the act of making independent
decisions in the best interests of the patient, based on her knowledge and experience. This is
analogous to the example in the text where the workers on the manufacturing floor have the
independence to say "Stop the line" when something is wrong. Key to the concept of autonomy
is decision making and the level of independence that is given. Accountability refers to
achievement of outcomes, and authority refers to the capacity to make decisions. -
ANS-Sandra, an RN on the surgery unit, is assisting with a procedure in the patient examination
room. The physician orders a medication to be given through IV. Sandra questions the order,
based on her knowledge of the patient's history and of other medications that the patient has
been given. The physician reiterates the order and Sandra refuses to give it. In this instance,
Sandra is demonstrating:
a. Autonomy.
b. Accountability.
c. Authority.
d. Best practice.
A. Becky
All the alternatives except A are operational definitions of trust based on the work of numerous
studies. - ANS-Trust is an important aspect of helping relationships, therapeutic
communications, and the positive communications model. Which statement does not involve or
operationally define trust? Trust:
a. Can be described as a belief that although the nurse is capable of helping in times of distress,
the nurse is unlikely do so.
b. Is the basis by which leaders facilitate the activities and progress of a team.
c. Is very critical in teams and interdisciplinary teams.
d. Is an important aspect of interpersonal relationships.
A. Can create a form of synergism in which the outcome is greater than the sum of the
individual performances.
Research on team-building over many years has established that high-functioning teams are
characterized by synergy that takes the team from a collection of individuals to an outcome that
is greater than the sum of the parts. - ANS-From the information presented in this chapter, which
of the following statements best defines an accomplished team? Effective teams:
a. Can create a form of synergism in which the outcome is greater than the sum of the individual
b. Do not necessarily need goals, objectives, vision, and a clearly stated purpose.
c. Do not always have effective communication patterns.
d. May or may not have a clear plan that is followed and revisited and has an ongoing
evaluation scheme.
Autonomy and authority in decision making that is consistent with scope of practice are linked
both to higher job satisfaction and to higher patient satisfaction with care. Job satisfaction is an
important indicator of the quality of patient care. - ANS-A Magnet hospital surveys the staff
about job satisfaction. This type of environment, in which nurses have authority and autonomy,
is linked with:
a. Client satisfaction with the healthcare organization.
b. Organizations with a limited number of nurse managers.
c. Private, specialty organizations in urban areas.
d. Sophisticated academic health sciences universities.
A. Commitment.
Commitment is described as having a sense of passion and commitment to a project without
necessarily having a need to control. - ANS-The state of being emotionally impelled,
demonstrated by a sense of passion and dedication to a project or event, describes:
a. Commitment.
b. Control.
c. Willingness to cooperate.
d. Communication.
Organizational assessment assists in identifying the reasons for high nurse turnover and patient
complaints. - ANS-As a new nurse manager who has "inherited" a unit with high nurse turnover
and complaints of patient dissatisfaction, your first course of action would be to:
a. Conduct an organizational assessment of the unit.
b. Review the personnel files of nurses who have resigned.
c. Interview upper management about their vision for the unit.
d. Meet with your staff to clarify your vision for the unit.
A. Disciplinary actions are reported to data banks. - ANS-Which statement about the Final Order
of Discipline for nurses with SUD who have been found to have engaged in unprofessional
conduct is correct?
A. Disciplinary actions are reported to data banks.
B. Records are kept private.
C. No signed contract is needed.
D. Entry into a monitoring program is voluntary.
a. Discuss the guidelines for the budget cuts with the staff, making the decisions with those who
Empowerment is the process of exercising one's own power to facilitate the participation of
others in decision making and taking action so they are free to exercise power It means
releasing authority and enabling others to have accountability, for participation and decisions. -
ANS-5. A nurse manager must implement a 2% budget cut on the nursing unit. Which approach
should the manager use to most effectively empower the staff of the unit?
a. Discuss the guidelines for the budget cuts with the staff, making the decisions with those who
b. Inform the staff of the budget cuts in a series of small group meetings and accept their ideas
in writing only.
c. Provide the staff with handouts about the budget cuts and let them make recommendations in
d. Hold a series of mandatory meetings on the budget cuts, asking staff for ideas on the cuts.
a. Emergency
b. Psychiatry
c. Gerontology
Although the potential for violence and aggression exists in all healthcare settings, emergency,
psychiatric, and geriatric settings are at particular risk for violence. - ANS-1. In designing a new
healthcare facility, it is particularly important to pay close attention to safety elements related to
violence and aggression in which of the following settings? (Select all that apply.)
a. Emergency
b. Psychiatry
c. Gerontology
d. Maternal-child
a. Greeting patients, families, and colleagues with a handshake and a smile; listening carefully
when problems arise
A. If there are no agreements, each member will make up his or her own procedures without
It is important to establish team norms (how the team will function). Some of the rules will center
around communications and how team members will treat one another, how conflict will be
handled, and the decision-making process. - ANS-A mediator suggested that the nurse
manager and staff members decide on a method to resolve conflicts. It is important to have
agreements about how team members will work together because:
a. If there are no agreements, each member will make up his or her own procedures without
b. People are naturally difficult and will not work well together without such agreements.
c. People will naturally ask for agreements about how to be together.
d. A way to eliminate nonproductive team members must be available.
Violence and aggression involve verbal and nonverbal and covert and overt behaviors, and all
forms are capable of producing short- and long-term injury that may have an impact on
productivity, work performance, work attendance, and patient care. - ANS-18. Joe and Carol,
two of the RNs on Unit 22, are discussing recent incidents on the unit that have involved
patients and visitors uttering threats or making demeaning remarks to staff during evening
hours. Joe observes that unless someone shoots at him, he is not concerned because "words
can't hurt you." Joe's remarks:
a. Illustrate common misperceptions about the nature of violence.
b. Accurately depict the difference between violence and aggression.
c. Are partially correct because verbal remarks do not cause injury.
d. Reveal possible issues that Joe relates to violence in his personal life.
A. It must be evident in the outcomes of the process that staff and senior executives have
partnered on the decisions.
Shared governance demands participation in decision making rather than provides for
participation. When partnership, equity, and ownership are not involved, then shared
governance has not occurred, and publication and expressions of appreciation for input will not
be seen as representative of shared governance. - ANS-Senior executives at Hospital A
determine that the hospital will engage in a strategic planning process after changes in
healthcare funding and concerns expressed in the community about care that is being delivered
at the hospital. The senior executives decide on a participatory process in which staff are widely
consulted regarding input about the organization and the external environment and are actively
invited to be part of decisions related to mission statement, goals, and objectives. For true
shared governance to be seen as part of this approach:
a. It must be evident in the outcomes of the process that staff and senior executives have
partnered on the decisions.
b. Stakeholders must be assured of the value of their input even though final decisions rest with
senior executives.
c. Publications must clearly outline how staff input was solicited and obtained.
d. Staff must be reassured that significant concerns wi
a. Powerlessness.
Emotions such as anger and apathy result from a workplace in which powerlessness is
exhibited. - ANS-17. The workgroup on NU 23 is marked by apathy toward the ward's patients,
high absenteeism, open conflict among team members, and high turnover of personnel,
including managers. The underlying behavior in this situation may be characterized as:
a. Powerlessness.
b. Anger.
c. Apathy.
d. Oppression.
Gadow suggests that one manifestation of workplace advocacy is ensuring relevant information,
which is critical in empowering nursing decision making. This information can be used to guide
further data gathering and decision making, which may or may not include further action. -
ANS-Nurses in an emergency department, in an inner-city neighborhood characterized by high
levels of violence, are concerned with low levels of security presence in their department.
Security levels have recently been decreased. An appropriate action would be to:
a. Provide information about the decision related to recent changes in staffing.
b. Refer the matter to the head of security and let her deal with it.
c. Provide mentors who can help nurses diffuse aggressiveness.
d. Accept the security levels as a consequence of funding realities.
Violence and aggression and a toxic workplace can lead to staff dissatisfaction and high staff
turnover rates. Surveying staff provides a useful starting place in identifying problems such as
employee dissatisfaction, bullying, and other forms of violence. - ANS-8. You are part of a
multidisciplinary team that is charged with designing a workplace safety plan for your healthcare
organization. This team has been established in response to increases in reports of violence
and aggression. You begin by:
a. Surveying staff about levels of satisfaction with the workplace and management, collegial,
and patient relations.
b. Offering training sessions in self-defense.
c. Developing a policy that outlines zero tolerance for bullying.
d. Offering education sessions on recognizing behaviors with potential for violence.
A. The BON's contract with the ADP must give the BON adequate control and oversight. -
ANS-Which statement about the relationship between a BON and an outside entity providing
ADP is correct?
A. The BON's contract with the ADP must give the BON adequate control and oversight.
B. Outside ADPs typically assume the BON's disciplinary authority.
C. The ADP does not share data with the BON.
D. The ADP communicates with the BON as soon as the nurse enrolls in ADP.
a. Using power.
Influence involves the use of power to effect certain outcomes—in this situation, to arrange days
off for a valued employee. - ANS-9. A staff nurse asks the nurse manager for a few days off for
personal reasons. The nurse manager turns in the request to the human resources office with a
note indicating that the staff nurse has demonstrated excellent working skills and is a valued
employee. The nurse manager has used the influence of her position to help this staff member.
Influence is the process of:
a. Using power.
b. Empowering others.
c. Understanding power.
d. Moving past apathy.
Oppressed group behavior is apparent when a population is dominated by another group and
begins to take on the characteristics of the dominant group (Roberts, 1993), often bullying and
abusing their peers. In the twenty-first century, bullying and incivility have become epidemic in
both nursing education and clinical settings. - ANS-12. Literature on oppression in nursing has:
a. Verified the presence of behaviors associated with oppression within nursing
b. Suggested that oppression leads to bullying but has little or no effect on patient outcomes.
c. Failed to establish that oppression is present in nursing groups.
d. Indicated that nurses use oppression negatively.
For team-building to occur, team members need to be able to listen actively and respect one
another's opinions, while feeling comfortable in assertively expressing their own. - ANS-The
mediator noticed that tension was still evident between the nurse manager and staff members.
He informed the chief nursing officer that to begin team-building, it would be important that
a. Work together in a respectful, civil manner.
b. Use avoidance techniques when confronted with a conflict.
c. Develop a personal friendship with each other.
d. Socialize frequently outside of work.
Many employees increase their absenteeism just before submitting their resignation. If the
healthcare worker is experiencing some form of role stress, it might be manifested through
absenteeism. Role strain may be reflected by (1) withdrawal from interaction; (2) reduced
involvement with colleagues and the organization; (3) decreased commitment to the mission
and the team; and (4) job dissatisfaction. Testing of workplace guidelines and defensiveness are
associated with immaturity - ANS-11. Nathan has been on the cardiac unit for 6 months and has
found it difficult to adjust to the expectations of his team. Which of the following behaviors would
most likely signal that Nathan is intending to resign from his position on the unit?
a. Increased absenteeism over the past month
b. Increased attempts to discuss his concerns with his colleagues
c. Testing of workplace guidelines
d. Frequent defensiveness
ANS: A. Ambiguity.
Clarification of implicit and explicit expectations regarding the role assists in avoiding role
ambiguity and role strain. - ANS-11. Sarah is a nursing graduate of 5 years who is very
confident in her clinical skills. She has taken some certificate courses in leadership and
management and has considered beginning a graduate degree with this focus. She is excited
about being able to use her knowledge and interest by being hired as a nurse manager. Before
beginning her new position, Sarah spends time with her nurse executive to clarify the
executive's expectations of her and of the unit that she has been hired to manage. Sarah's
actions are important in avoiding role:
a. Ambiguity.
b. Transition.
c. Development.
d. Negotiation.
Influence is the process of using power. Influence can involve the punitive power of coercion, as
is used in this example. - ANS-A unit manager watches a new RN graduate interacting with a
patient. When the RN comes out of the room, the unit manager says, "I don't know what they
taught you in your nursing program, but if I see you do that again, I will write you up." This
example demonstrates:
a. Coercive use of power.
b. Appropriate application of control.
c. Use of informatory power.
d. Use of power to provide coaching.
ANS: A. Commitment.
Incivility must be addressed. The initial step in addressing it is discussion with Marg, and if the
behavior continues, then written documentation should be filed in Marg's personnel file.
Monitoring and follow-up are your responsibility as the unit manager. - ANS-19. During unit staff
meetings, you observe that Marg rolls her eyes and snorts whenever Julia makes a comment.
Your first response as a unit manager is to:
a. Discuss what you have observed with Marg.
b. File immediate documentation in Marg's personnel file.
c. Ask Julie to monitor Marg's behavior during meetings.
d. Ignore the behavior, as Marg is one of your strongest nurses.
Functional résumés highlight skills and experience gained rather the details of specific positions.
As with résumés in general, skills and experiences are customized to create an image of an
individual in a particular position. - ANS-18. A functional résumé focuses on:
a. Experience and skills gained in positions.
b. Positions held and specific roles in the positions.
c. Academic qualifications and achievements.
d. Relating skills and experience to qualifications in a specific position.
ANS: A. Failing to pursue further medical help for a patient; patient dies.
Situations that may warrant immediate dismissal include theft, violence in the workplace, and
willful abuse of the patient. - ANS-12. All of the following are grounds for immediate dismissal
a. Failing to pursue further medical help for a patient; patient dies.
b. Selling narcotics obtained from the unit supply of narcotics.
c. Restraining a patient in bed for 7 hours, unsupervised, as punishment for hitting a staff
d. Grabbing the unit manager and threatening further physical harm after a poor performance
Being aware of your strengths is critical in determining what you will bring to a position and can
be used to find your fit and possible career path. Knowledge and experience are important in
maintaining the privilege of belonging to a profession and of behaving ethically and legally. -
ANS-12. Knowing your professional strengths is important to:
a. Finding your fit in positions and a career path.
b. Maintain a professional status.
c. Act in a manner that is legal and ethical.
d. Understand the role expectations of a position.
ANS: A. Greeting patients, families, and colleagues with a handshake and a smile; listening
carefully when problems arise
ANS: A. Histogram
Histograms are bar graphs that are useful in outlining and identifying frequency. - ANS-21. A
nursing unit is interested in refining its self-medication processes. In beginning this process, the
team is interested in how frequently errors occur with different patients. To assist with visualizing
this question, which organizational tool is most appropriate?
a. Histogram
b. Flowchart
c. Fishbone diagram
d. Pareto chart
In documenting staff problems, it is important to specifically indicate what rules were broken or
violated, consequences if behavior is not altered, employee's explanation of the incidents, and
the plan of action to achieve and to reach new goals. - ANS-3. In keeping with guidelines of the
organization, the nurse manager documents staff problems. Documentation of disciplinary
problems should:
a. Include a plan to correct them and to prevent future occurrences.
b. State a detailed history of past problems that are related to the current one.
c. Be written at the convenience of the manager.
d. Accumulate until the evaluation period begins.
ANS: A. Linear
Design and implementation of learning opportunities is a directional (assumes learning and
awareness will occur), incremental (move from present knowledge to current knowledge about
IV practice), and low-level change. - ANS-12. To engage your staff in awareness of their current
practice and how it is affirmed or not by evidence, you plan a short series of learning
presentations on evidence and use of heparin and saline to maintain IV patency. You meet with
the educator to plan out the goals for each session with the overall purpose of increasing
knowledge and awareness of staff in readiness to consider questions related to the IV practice.
This learning approach is an example of which change management approach?
a. Linear
b. Nonlinear
c. Facilitative
d. Integrative
ANS: A. Linear.
The linear career style, as described by Friss (1989), refers to vertical advancement in an
organization and is of interest to those with a desire to gain organizational knowledge and
different perspectives on nursing. - ANS-3. The nurse executive at the local hospital began
working there 20 years ago and has risen to the highest designation in nursing. This career style
is known as:
a. Linear.
b. Spiral.
c. Steady state.
d. Entrepreneurial/transient.
Not all absenteeism is voluntary or preventable, which means that absenteeism can never be
fully eliminated. Absenteeism can result from personal issues and needs, work dissatisfaction,
and involuntary reasons such as jury duty. - ANS-21. Susan, a new graduate, is upset that so
many staff have been absent lately from the unit. She declares to you that all absenteeism could
be eliminated with proper management. Your response is based on understanding that:
a. Not all absenteeism is voluntary.
b. High personal control contributes to absenteeism.
c. Direct discussions with employees who have high levels of absenteeism are not
d. All absenteeism is related to personal issues and needs.
ANS: A. Opportunity.
Nathan's nurse manager recognizes Nathan's interest in technology as an opportunity for the
unit and as an untapped resource that can be used to meet unit goals. - ANS-10. A nurse
manager notices that Nathan, an RN who has been on the unit for approximately 3 years, has a
particular interest in technology and seems to be very enthused about working with software
and hardware at home. She speaks with Nathan and asks him if he would lead investigation of
software applications on the unit. This is an example of:
a. Opportunity.
b. Delegation.
c. Role negotiation.
d. Role transition.
Mentoring has been identified as important to staff retention. - ANS-9. The chief nursing officer
develops a mentoring program to help new staff members adjust to their new jobs. The main
purpose of mentoring is:
a. Promoting staff retention.
b. Promoting staff attrition.
c. Developing new role expectations.
d. Promoting staff supervision.
ANS: A. Reflects your skills, knowledge, and background in relation to a specific position.
A résumé is a short, customized overview of your professional life that relates to the
qualifications of specific positions and how you are able to match your background to the
qualifications that are desired. Provision of contact information is common to both the résumé
and the CV. Résumés are more effective if details of particular positions that have been held are
highlighted as compared with a detailed listing of positions held. - ANS-17. The primary
difference between a résumé and a CV is that a résumé:
a. Reflects your skills, knowledge, and background in relation to a specific position.
b. Offers a detailed listing of positions held and where positions were held.
c. Includes a long and detailed explanation of academic and work experience.
d. Provides contact information and focuses on your background, in general.
Transition to the new role is facilitated through reflection and ongoing development of
awareness of strengths (as compared with a focus on weaknesses) and of weaknesses. The
value of the employee may not depend on quickness in making the role transition. - ANS-23. In
assisting new graduates to make the role transition to graduate nurse, Ted, the unit manager
initiates which of the following?
a. Self-check list to assess competencies that have been strengthened
b. Discussions that focus on what the new graduates have yet to learn
c. Fixed target dates for acquisition of competency and transition to RN role
d. Frequent formal meetings to provide feedback on performance and areas to be strengthened
Steady state career styles (career-long commitment to a particular position) are more likely in
rural settings, where commitment to the community is high and alternative
career opportunities are limited. - ANS-14. Steady state styles would be most likely in which of
the following situations?
a. Small hospital, in an isolated rural setting, with limited hierarchy
b. Large urban teaching hospital
c. Health network with several organizations
d. Travel nurse agency
ANS: A. Sponsorship.
Sponsorship involves building the competency of the mentee through exposure or by creating
opportunities for achievement in order for the mentee to develop a reputation of competence. -
ANS-5. A nurse manager in one hospital values a colleague who is a few years older and has
more experience in nursing management. The colleague works in another hospital, but they
meet for lunch once a month. In these meetings, they share their feelings about nursing
management and their lives. The function of a mentor that is missing in the relationship is:
a. Sponsorship.
b. Role modeling.
c. Social interaction.
d. Mutual positive regard.
ANS: A/ How multilevel and interdisciplinary application of a procedure can slow adoption of
The adoption of saline flushes illustrates the challenges of communicating EBP to other
disciplines and organizations. This particular innovation needed endorsement by nurses,
physicians, and pharmacists, as well as by administrators who needed evidence of lost savings
to support adoption. - ANS-16. The implementation of saline flushes for capped angiocatheters
is an example of:
a. How multilevel and interdisciplinary application of a procedure can slow adoption of EBP.
b. How competition among disciplines can lead to negative patient outcomes.
c. The reluctance of hospital administrators to act on recommendations from EBP.
d. How a safe, well-known practice outweighs the benefits of adopting a newer practice.
Absenteeism puts a strain on staff, produces morale problems, and can jeopardize patient
safety. - ANS-24. The unit manager discusses absenteeism with the unit clerk. She indicates
that it is a serious problem on the unit. Which of the following points would they have likely
a. Employee morale is at a high level.
b. Care will suffer and standards will be lowered.
c. Existing staff have experienced little effect from the absenteeism.
d. Replacement staff usually needs little supervision.
Patrician et al. (2012), in a qualitative descriptive study that explored the professional
development needs of nursing leaders, developed a number of recommendations that were
based on what charge nurses indicated about their needs. The recommendations included
education and orientation to the role, managing performance and development of staff, and
communication skills. Additional education should be focused on unit finances and patient
relations. Leadership support was found to be pivotal for charge nurses to feel successful or
hinder their work - ANS-19. As a new manager, you reflect on what professional development
would be most valuable to assist you in taking on this role. Which of the following would you
most likely identify?
a. Opportunities to hone clinical skills that are used most often on the unit that you will manage.
b. A workshop on conflict management and communication skills.
c. Attendance at a conference on global health care economics.
d. Attendance at a workshop on survey tool development and statistical measurement.
Leadership must identify safety shortcomings and must locate resources at patient care levels
to identify and reduce risks. One method of doing this is to invite all staff into a discussion
related to solutions to an identified concern. This approach encourages teamwork. - ANS-4. The
nurse educator of the pediatric unit determines that vital signs are frequently not being
documented when children return from surgery. According to quality improvement (QI), to
correct the problem, the educator, in consultation with the patient care manager, would initially
do which of the following?
a. Talk to the staff individually to determine why this is occurring.
b. Call a meeting of all staff to discuss this issue.
c. Have a group of staff nurses review the established standards of care for postoperative
d. Document which staff members are not recording vital signs, and write them up.
Continuing education provides systematic learning opportunities that augment existing skills and
knowledge for delivery of quality care and advancement of career goals. Graduate and
certification courses provide advanced knowledge and skills. - ANS-23. To enhance team
leadership skills for your team leaders, you arrange opportunities for:
a. Certification.
b. Continuing education.
c. Graduate courses.
d. Volunteerism.
A curriculum vitae provides an all-inclusive but not detailed listing of your professional life. -
ANS-8. A nurse is applying for a new position. This position is one in which she will serve as a
liaison between a hospital and a school of nursing. The nurse has to update her résumé to
include her teaching experience. The goal of creating a curriculum vitae is to:
a. Have a listing of facts about your professional life.
b. Create an opportunity to be interviewed.
c. Respond quickly whenever a position becomes available.
d. Be certain you can recall facts for a prospective position.
ANS: B. Document all problem areas and then discuss with Jean.
For the employee to change and grow, specific corrective measures need to be taken.
Consultation with the employee is necessary, and documentation is key to determining the
issues. - ANS-13. The unit manager on 4E is concerned about the performance of Jean, a staff
nurse. She is not involved directly with Jean, so she has not been able to determine whether the
problem is one of motivation, ability, or both. If Jean lacks ability, which of the following
strategies might the head nurse use?
a. Dismiss or transfer Jean.
b. Document all problem areas and then discuss with Jean.
c. Develop appropriate solutions and make recommendations to Human Resources.
d. Smooth over the problems if they are minor in nature.
A personal data file enables storage and recall of career-specific details that can be retrieved
and shaped for a specific purpose using cut and paste approaches rather than creating whole
new documents. - ANS-9. To develop a curriculum vitae, or résumé, a nurse must develop a
personal data file. The goal of a personal data file is to:
a. Create an opportunity to be interviewed.
b. Have a listing of facts about your professional life.
c. Have a tool in place for marketing yourself.
d. Create a document that lists your skills.
Indirect research utilization involves reading and then understanding how to provide emotional
support. Direct research utilization involves translating recommendations into behavior or action.
- ANS-4. Understanding why it is important to provide certain strategies for the emotional
support of parents of critically ill children is an example of:
a. Direct research utilization.
b. Indirect research utilization.
c. Translation science.
d. Rogers' diffusion of innovations theory.
ANS: B. Know the organization's specific policies for addressing disciplinary problems and
It is important to know the policies of the organization to address disciplinary issues fairly and
equitably, as well as to know the model that is employed to address employee problems. -
ANS-4. Before terminating an employee, a nurse manger must:
a. Be an expert in all legal aspects of termination and discipline practices.
b. Know the organization's specific policies for addressing disciplinary problems and
c. Function as a counselor for problem employees.
d. Do everything to assist and protect the employee by adjusting standards and policies.
ANS: B. Nonlinear.
In complex situations with an uncertain change environment, a nonlinear approach that involves
flexibility improves overall outcomes. Linear change is appropriate to stable, less complex, and
more predictable situations. - ANS-1. When goals/outcomes are somewhat unclear in early
preparation for a complex change, the manager and the change management team develop
several acceptable goals/outcomes. This change in management approach is termed:
a. Unfreezing.
b. Nonlinear.
c. Cybernetic.
d. Linear.
ANS: B. Notes made immediately after an incident that include a description of the incident,
actions taken, plans, and follow-up
In documenting staff problems, it is important to specifically indicate what rules were broken or
violated, consequences if behavior is not altered, employee's explanation of the incidents, and
the plan of action to achieve and to reach new goals. - ANS-7. A nurse manager understands
that the second step in handling an employee with a disciplinary problem is to document the
incident. Which of the following is best for documentation of personnel problems?
a. Use of the performance appraisal on an annual basis
b. Notes made immediately after an incident that include a description of the incident, actions
taken, plans, and follow-up
c. A tally sheet of medication errors and other specific problems that will be used at annual
d. Copies of reports, placed in his or her file, of all unusual occurrences involving the employee
ANS: B. Recommending that a multidisciplinary team should assess the root cause of errors in
Quality management stresses improving the system, and the detection of staff errors is not
stressed. If errors occur, reeducation of staff is emphasized rather than imposition of punitive
measures such as disciplinary action or blaming. - ANS-3. A nurse manager wants to decrease
the number of medication errors that occur in her department. The manager arranges a meeting
with the staff to discuss the issue. The manager conveys a total quality management philosophy
a. Explaining to the staff that disciplinary action will be taken in cases of additional errors.
b. Recommending that a multidisciplinary team should assess the root cause of errors in
c. Suggesting that the pharmacy department should explore its role in the problem.
d. Changing the unit policy to allow a certain number of medication errors per year without
Documentation of personnel problems is one of the most important aspects of the nursing
manager's role. Through carefully detailed and timely documentation of the problem and plan,
the manager decreases the burdensome problems that can ensue from improper or inadequate
documentation. - ANS-23. The education consultant for the hospital is presenting a workshop on
"Documentation: A Manager's Responsibility." Which of the following points would she not
include in her PowerPoint presentation? Documentation:
a. Cannot be left to memory. A notation must be placed in the personnel file.
b. Should avoid discussion of the problem.
c. Should include what was done about the problem when it occurred.
d. Needs to include date, time, and place.
ANS: B. Spiral.
The spiral career style, as described by Friss (1989), involves an in and out and up and down
approach to opportunities. - ANS-5. A young male nurse began in nursing as a staff nurse at a
hospital. After 3 years, he moved to a home healthcare agency. After 2 years, he was promoted
to a managerial position and now has returned to another hospital as a new director of nursing.
This career style is known as:
a. Linear.
b. Spiral.
c. Steady state.
d. Entrepreneurial/transient.
Effective management demands that the organization take an active role in helping employees
with special needs. Humanistic strategies that counsel and assist employees are cost-effective
and necessary - ANS-15. Nurse Stacey is a self-admitted drug addict and has been a heavy
abuser of codeine. Stacey and the unit manager decide that changes have to occur. Stacey
enrolls in an addiction program, and the manager has her transferred to a drug-free area. What
other strategies might be appropriate?
a. The manager could refer Stacey to the Human Resources Department.
b. The manager could assist in monitoring Stacey's progress.
c. The manager could counsel Stacey if Stacey has formed a trusting relationship with her.
d. Stacey needs to be asked not to involve her family in the recovery program because this is a
work-related situation.
ANS: B. Women lacked legal, social, and political power because of legal and cultural barriers.
Nursing mirrored the lack of legal, social, and political power that was prevalent in the early
decades of the profession. - ANS-A nurse manager is experiencing poor staff morale on her
unit. While participating in a baccalaureate course, the nurse manager had learned that one of
the reasons nurses lack power today is probably because of the past. In the early decades of
the profession, nurses lacked power because:
a. Nurses freely chose to defer to physicians and administrators with more education.
b. Women lacked legal, social, and political power because of legal and cultural barriers.
c. The first nursing licensure laws prohibited nurses from making most decisions.
d. Nurses astutely recognized the risks of grabbing too much power too soon.
2007 MN
2005 BScN
Information that is included in the body of the curriculum vitae should always be in reverse
chronological order so that the most recent and, presumably, most relevant job information
appears first. - ANS-15. On your curriculum vitae, which of the following is the recommended
approach for listing employment and educational history information?
1979 RN Diploma
1985 BScN
2002 MN
2002 Mount Rush Health Center Staff Nurse
1997 Cedar Falls Clinic Staff Nurse
2007 Kilkarney Rehab Center Case Manager
2007 MN
2005 BScN
1997 Sturgeon County Hospital Head Nurse
2002 Sturgeon County Supervisor
2007 Sturgeon County Director
ANS: C. "At times, you tend to slump and avoid eye contact when you are talking with
colleagues and families."
A powerful image comes from thinking of oneself as powerful and effective, and this is
communicated through posture, maintaining eye contact, treating others with courtesy and
respect, and using a firm, confident voice with vocabulary that is appropriate (which does not
necessarily involve using big-sounding words). - ANS-Susan, an RN in the ED, would like to
pursue leadership roles in her career. She is frustrated that others in her working environment
seem to pay little attention to her creative ideas or place her in informal leadership positions. As
her colleague, you want to provide her with helpful feedback. Which of the following statements
will provide feedback as to how she might communicate power and demonstrate that she is
capable of handling other leadership responsibilities?
a. "I find your soft voice and manners very reassuring and calming to patients."
b. "Try using a wider vocabulary and big words so that people will think that you are
c. "At times, you tend to slump and avoid eye contact when you are talking with colleagues and
d. "Don't worry about what others think of you. If you feel like saying something, say it, even if it
hurts other people's feelings."
ANS: C. "You seem to find teaching others very rewarding. Have you considered that as a
possible career path?"
Joanne evidences excitement about teaching patients, and although administration could be a
rewarding path for her, education might be a better option for her to consider. Looking at job
aspects that are rewarding is helpful in determining which career direction to pursue. - ANS-11.
During performance appraisal interviews, Joanne's nurse manager notices Joanne's excitement
when she talks about how she has helped patients on a rehab unit understand the complexities
of their regimens. When Joanne's nurse manager asks her about her career path plans, Joanne
says that she wants to become a nurse administrator. The best response to Joanne would be:
a. "Nursing administration is rewarding. What experiences would help you along this path?"
b. "You do not appear excited about nursing administration. Unless you are excited by that
career path, I wouldn't advise going in that direction."
c. "You seem to find teaching others very rewarding. Have you considered that as a possible
career path?"
d. "You are too inexperienced to consider administration. Work for a few years, and then
consider administration."
Nurses with baccalaureate preparation and holding a nurse executive position with at least 24
months of experience can take the examination to become a certified nurse executive. -
ANS-17. Sarah is a nursing graduate of 5 years who is very confident in her clinical skills. She
has taken some certificate courses in leadership and management and has considered
beginning a graduate degree with this focus. She is excited about being able to use her
knowledge and interest by being hired as a nurse manager. Before beginning her new position,
Sarah spends time with her nurse executive to clarify the executive's expectations of her and of
the unit that she has been hired to manage. After a year, Sarah successfully transitions into the
nurse manager role and considers taking the examination to become a certified nurse
executive. Amy advises her that this is not possible because Sarah will need:
a. A graduate degree.
b. At least a nursing diploma.
c. 24 months of experience.
d. 5 years of successful experience.
ANS: C. A systematic review of research-based clinical guidelines
Nurse managers utilize research findings for the establishment of standards, practices, and
patient care models in the organization. - ANS-5. The nurse manager wants to use
evidence-based recommendations to prevent ventilator-associated pneumonia. What type of
research would provide the strongest evidence for this clinical issue?
a. A single large-scale, randomized, clinical trial
b. A systematic review of research studies
c. A systematic review of research-based clinical guidelines
d. Qualitative meta-synthesis
When an employment relationship ends or changes unexpectedly, grieving occurs. One of the
phases in grieving is anger. - ANS-7. The nurse manager of a unit was demoted to staff nurse 6
months ago. Because of being near retirement, the former nurse manager wanted to be
employed at the hospital and was offered a position on the same unit. The former nurse
manager complains often about how infrequently the current nurse manager is available on the
unit and argues with physicians and co-workers. Clients have complained about the attitude of
the nurse. The behavior of the former nurse manager can be best explained as being caused
a. Overwork in the staff nurse position.
b. Inadequate mentoring in the new role.
c. Anger as a stage of the grieving process.
d. Demotion as a threat to personal identity.
This situation potentially involves incremental change (building awareness and knowledge),
using a linear approach as well as a nonlinear approach to engage a wide variety of participants
with varying needs and values. - ANS-4. The clinical coordinator expects the position
description of the new wound care specialist to change nurses' responsibilities in caring for
clients with skin integrity problems. The best approach to address this need for change, yet to
have the best outcomes for clients, staff nurses, and the organization, is to:
a. Select one of the change models.
b. Use Lewin's model and principles of change.
c. Apply both planned and nonlinear approaches.
d. Form a task force of nursing staff and wound care specialists.
Counseling provides opportunity for the mentee to share personal concerns. For counseling to
be successful, confidentiality must be assured. - ANS-16. In addition to providing coaching, a
nurse mentor may provide counseling to the mentee. For counseling to be successful, the
mentor must:
a. Provide a quiet environment away from the unit.
b. Keep the focus on technical and management responsibilities.
c. Assure confidentiality.
d. Present assignments that stretch the intellectual and technical ability of the mentee.
ANS: C. C, B, A, D
Studies have shown that following this sequence provides a fair and effective plan for discipline
and remediation. - ANS-16. Incivility is a disruptive behavior or communication that creates a
negative environment and interferes with quality patient care and safety. The manager can
implement steps that help to alleviate uncivil behavior on a unit.
a. Suspending the staff member from work
b. Providing written admonishment that is discussed and placed in the employee's file
c. Providing verbal admonishment
d. Terminating the staff member
17. Arrange the strategies from Question 16 in the order in which they should occur in
progressive discipline.
a. A, B, C, D
b. B, A, C, D
c. C, B, A, D
d. C, A, B, D
Collective action refers to activities undertaken by a group of people with common interests and,
in this example, by a group of nurses who are interested in the welfare of children in their
community. - ANS-11. In an inner-city area, a group of nurses meet and develop a plan to
negotiate with local businesses to support a breakfast program for young elementary children.
This is an example of:
a. Community development.
b. Collective bargaining.
c. Collective action.
d. Shared governance.
ANS: C. Courtney, who has been a nurse manager for 3 years. Her staff and supervisor value
her skills and her leadership acumen and championship of innovation.
A mentor needs to have sufficient professional experience and organizational authority so that
he or she can mentor the career of the mentee. Mentors need competencies that include
interpersonal and communication effectiveness, risk taking and creativity, and ability to inspire
change. - ANS-24. Who of the following might be the BEST mentor for Becky, a new nurse
manager on the cardiac unit who has 4 years of previous clinical experience?
a. Sam, near retirement. He has 20 years of clinical nursing and recently assumed role of head
nurse in an interim capacity because of the incumbent's illness.
b. Leslie, who has been a clinical educator at the institution for a number of years. She has tired
of her role and aspires to become a nurse manager. She looks at mentorship as an opportunity
to understand the role better.
c. Courtney, who has been a nurse manager for 3 years. Her staff and supervisor value her
skills and her leadership acumen and championship of innovation.
d. Ben, who was nurse manager for 3 years, soon after graduation. He left the role because he
was uncomfortable with the expectations and has been a team leader on surgery for 15 years.
Journal clubs provide opportunities for generation of clinical practice problems outside of
research articles and active engagement in ideas, which is considered very effective in
behavioral change. - ANS-9. To help staff nurses adjust to using research in practice, what
strategy would the nurse manager use?
a. Attendance at a regional research conference
b. Formal classes in electronic search techniques
c. Establishing a journal club
d. Issuing reports on the adverse consequences of outdated practices
Role transition involves transforming one's identity. Although any of the answers listed might be
correct, as a new manager, her confidence in her clinical skills suggests that she is having
difficulty in the transformation process and in unlearning her role as a clinician. - ANS-12. Sarah
is a nursing graduate of 5 years who is very confident in her clinical skills. She has taken some
certificate courses in leadership and management and has considered beginning a graduate
degree with this focus. She is excited about being able to use her knowledge and interest by
being hired as a nurse manager. Before beginning her new position, Sarah spends time with her
nurse executive to clarify the executive's expectations of her and of the unit that she has been
hired to manage. After beginning her new position, Sarah finds that she spends a great deal of
time in direct patient care. Her staff begins to complain that they are never able to find her when
they need her, and that some aspects of her responsibilities fall behind, such as scheduling.
Sarah is most likely:
a. Lacking an understanding of the nurse management role.
b. Attempting to prove her clinical skills to the nursing staff.
c. Experiencing
All steps should be followed, including full appropriate detailed documentation and following the
procedures of the organization. - ANS-10. A nurse manager must be familiar with the agency's
policies regarding termination. Termination procedures include which of the following?
a. Following specific procedures from other organizations
b. Having an attorney present at the termination meeting
c. Having adequate written documentation to support the action
d. Having a friend present during the termination meeting
The whole of any work situation is composed of two elements: person and position. A
productive, whole work situation results when a person's talents and strengths are successfully
blended with expectations of the position. Of the situations described previously, the one most
likely to result in a productive, whole work situation is that of Louise, who although her
experience has not been in home health, is interested in both the roles and the responsibilities
of the position, as well as the target group being served. She also considers the group being
served as an area in which she demonstrates strength. - ANS-7. Which of the following
situations is most likely to result in a productive, whole work situation?
a. Amy, RN, 5 years of experience in the emergency department. Amy accepts a position
working with older clients in a home health agency because she has relocated and this is the
only full-time position available.
b. Adam, RN, 8 years of experience in various nursing positions, including that of a nurse
manager. Adam accepts a new nurse manager position because he has a family and wants
more regular hours. He is most comfortable working in direct client care.
c. Louise, RN, 10 years of experience in an emergency department. She accepts a position as a
case manager in home health care, working with older clients. She especially enjoys working
with older adults and wants to take on leadership and management challenges.
d. Courtney, RN, a new graduate. Courtney is getting comfortable with delivering nursing care
as an RN
Unrelieved role stress and strain leads to focusing energy into negative thoughts and feelings,
which can leave the manager fatigued and therefore less likely to be productive or to perform
well. - ANS-6. The new nurse manager feels pulled between the expectations of staff, the
demands of hospital administrators, and family obligations. According to Hardy (1978),
unrelieved role stress and strain will lead to:
a. Frustration and anger.
b. Alienation of family and friends.
c. Low productivity and performance.
d. Physical symptoms and acute illness.
ANS: C. Maintain a positive relationship with your former organization and colleagues.
A well-written resignation letter outlines your intent to leave the organization and appreciation of
the organization but should follow an initial meeting with your manager to first discuss your
intention. A well-written letter maintains a positive relationship with the organization. - ANS-21.
A well-written letter of resignation is critical to:
a. First announce your intent to resign.
b. Formally signal discontent in your current position.
c. Maintain a positive relationship with your former organization and colleagues.
d. Fulfill your legal obligations as a departing employee.
ANS: C. Portfolio
Professional associations are frequently, although not always, voluntary groups whose members
provide leadership in issues and policies of interest to nurses. Professional associations also
offer networks of nurses with similar interests. - ANS-24. Professional associations:
a. Set regulatory requirements and establish entry requirements for nursing.
b. Offer graduate programs for clinical and career advancement.
c. Provide opportunities for career networking and support.
d. Are open to all individuals who meet the criteria for membership.
The night supervisor is acting in accordance with the National Labor Relations Act, which would
enable the supervisor to assign nurses to care. - ANS-8. While making rounds, a night
supervisor finds a unit with a low census and too many staff members. The night supervisor is
performing as a statutory supervisor when he or she:
a. Assigns nurses to care for specific clients.
b. Develops a protocol for unlicensed personnel.
c. Recommends transferring a nurse to another service.
d. Teaches a nurse to use a new piece of equipment.
The progressive model of discipline advocates that the first step of the disciplinary process is
the informal reprimand or verbal admonishment. The nonpunitive discipline model advocates
reminding the employee of the employment policies and procedures of the agency. - ANS-5. A
nurse manager understands that the typical first step in handling an employee with a disciplinary
problem is a:
a. Verbal reprimand.
b. Written reprimand.
c. Reminder of employment standards.
d. Day off without pay.
According to Hardy, role strain is the subjective feeling of distress that occurs when role stress
or a social condition of conflicting demands or difficult conditions is present. - ANS-20. John, a
new nurse manager, complains to his colleague that he feels very uncomfortable with the
conflict between what he thinks he should be doing as the manager and what his supervisor
thinks he should be doing. According to Hardy's role theory, John is experiencing:
a. Stress.
b. Role stress.
c. Role strain.
d. Role exploration.
Career styles that are marked by selecting and staying in a role throughout a career are
characterized as steady state. - ANS-2. A nurse manager has been employed in the same
facility for 20 years and has held the same position. This career style is known as:
a. Linear.
b. Spiral.
c. Steady state.
d. Entrepreneurial/transient.
ANS: C. Technology
Geibert identifies technology as a significant bridge for integrating EBP into practice. - ANS-18.
Which of the following has been identified as a significant factor in moving EBP into patient
a. Strong utilization models
b. Development of stronger opinion leaders
c. Technology
d. Support by other disciplines
ANS: C. The chemically impaired nurse affects the entire healthcare organization.
A chemically impaired nurse jeopardizes patient care through impaired skills and judgment. She
or he also compromises teamwork and continuity as peers attempt to cover deficiencies in work
performance for their impaired team member - ANS-8. The nurse manager places a staff
member on probation because of reports of chemical dependency. The nurse manager should
be aware that which of the following statements is true regarding chemical dependency?
a. The chemically dependent employee usually hides any changes in behavior.
b. When confronted with the issue, the affected employee is usually relieved to have someone
to talk to about the problem.
c. The chemically impaired nurse affects the entire healthcare organization.
d. Hospital policy, state laws, and nurse practice acts address procedures for the chemically
dependent employee in the most general terms.
Touring the unit enables the candidate to assess further whether this organization will assist in
growth and also to make a positive impression on the potential employer. - ANS-8. A nurse is
interviewing for a manager's position. Which of the following actions is considered a role
a. Formal commitment of the employment contract
b. Improving role performance
c. Touring the unit
d. Disillusionment about the expectations of the job
ANS: C. You should send a thank you note to the interviewer, indicating appreciation for her
Even if you are disinterested in the position or think that the interview has gone badly, an
appropriate follow-up is a thank you note to the interviewer. This recommended follow-up
creates a positive impression and may leave open the possibility of future interactions. -
ANS-20. During an interview for a manager's position, you find the supervisor and staff
unfriendly. Responses to questions are met with vague responses. After the interview, you
decide not to pursue the position. What follow-up, if any, is most appropriate?
a. There is no need for you to do anything further. You likely will not be offered the position
b. You should file a complaint with Human Resources about the supervisor's lack of interviewing
c. You should send a thank you note to the interviewer, indicating appreciation for her time.
d. You should call and leave a voicemail, indicating
your disinterest in the position.
Tanya Jones
67 Honeywell Drive
City, MO 66907
When including Web or e-mail addresses, it is important to use addresses that are not overly
casual or that communicate personal information. - ANS-16. Which of the following needs
revision on a résumé or CV?
John Jones
87 Highway Drive
City, MI 79110
M. Howes
Anyway Highway
City, MO 77700
(H) 777-777-0000
e-mail: mh@gmail.com
Dr. L. Jones
99 Carway Drive
City, NY 84003
(H) 999-999-0000
(Cell) 999-000-9999
Tanya Jones
67 Honeywell Drive
City, MO 66907
ANS: D. Accepting a position outside of your established skill set may establish you
organizationally as an innovative, adaptable leader
Although giving into organizational or supervisory pressure may bring an enhanced learning and
organizational profile, what is to be gained needs to be assessed against your career goals,
interest, and aspirations. Increasing and expanding your skill set within defined career interests
is a valid reason to consider a chance opportunity. - ANS-13. You are offered an opportunity to
take a temporary leave from your position as a nurse manager to lead a technology
implementation project. Which of the following reasons for accepting the opportunity is most
consistent with developing a solid career path?
a. You are pressured to do so by your supervisor.
b. The organization has no other suitable candidate for the position.
c. You have limited knowledge of information technology and no real interest, but this will
increase your knowledge.
d. Accepting a position outside of your established skill set may establish you organizationally
as an innovative, adaptable leader
Individuals may have limited influence in achieving various purposes such as advancement of
quality care or of the profession, whereas collective action helps to define and sustain
individuals in achieving the desired purposes. - ANS-14. Collective action is effective in:
a. Ensuring that needs of nurses are placed ahead of other disciplines.
b. Defining nursing as a profession.
c. Advising patients of the needs of nurses.
d. Amplifying the influence of individuals.
Chart audits are a common method of addressing process standards. Chart audits over time
yield trend charts. - ANS-15. A method commonly used in Quality Assurance to monitor
adherence to established standards is:
a. A Pareto chart.
b. Brainstorming.
c. Patient interviews.
d. Chart audit.
ANS: D. Consult chart audit data and end user consultation reports to determine if errors and
problems are occurring.
Specific sources of negative feedback information include risk management reports and audits.
In gaining negative feedback information, it is important to draw upon multiple sources that can
be used to identify problems and areas for correction. - ANS-22. As the unit manager, you
spend a day performing direct patient care and work with a new system that is designed to
capture patient documentation at the bedside. During discussions with staff while giving care,
you discover that the number of screens that need to be opened during documentation makes
charting more complex and time-consuming than traditional manual charting approaches. On
the basis of this feedback, you:
a. Assume that the system is doing what it needs to do.
b. Provide reassurance to staff that the unit has achieved its goals in implementation of the
c. Ask some of the staff if they have had similar experiences with the system.
d. Consult chart audit data and end user consultation reports to determine if errors and
problems are occurring.
ANS: D. Cultivate a desire to learn about the other person.
Active listening means suspending judgment about what is about to be said and listening to all
that is said (and not just the first or last words). It is motivated by a genuine desire to learn about
the other person. - ANS-10. The staff development educator developed strategies to help nurse
managers actively listen. Guidelines for active listening include which of the following?
a. Speed up your internal processes so that you can process more data.
b. Realize that the first words of the sender are the most important.
c. Be prepared to make an effective judgment of the communication sender.
d. Cultivate a desire to learn about the other person.
ANS: D. Discrepancy
At this point, Maryanne is still experiencing discomfort and disillusionment with the gap between
what she expected and what others expect of her in the performance of her role as manager.
She is considering the significance and fit of the relationship for her, which is consistent with role
discrepancy. - ANS-22. After several months in the role of manager of a dialysis unit, Maryanne
finds herself still questioning the gap in expectations between her and her staff and
management and is also questioning if she can reconcile her concerns about quality care with
the strong cost containment orientation of the facility. At this point, Maryanne is in which stage of
role transition?
a. Internalization
b. Acceptance
c. Development
d. Discrepancy
ANS: D. Entrepreneurial/transient.
ANS: D. Internalization.
Role internalization is achieved when the manager experiences performance of the role as
being congruent with his or her own beliefs. Role acceptance refers to accepting the contract
and making a public announcement of the acceptance. - ANS-18. Sarah is a nursing graduate
of 5 years who is very confident in her clinical skills. She has taken some certificate courses in
leadership and management and has considered beginning a graduate degree with this focus.
She is excited about being able to use her knowledge and interest by being hired as a nurse
manager. Before beginning her new position, Sarah spends time with her nurse executive to
clarify the executive's expectations of her and of the unit that she has been hired to manage.
Sarah finds that she is comfortable with the expectations of staff and her supervisor regarding
her management role and responsibilities and has been able to effect a strong commitment to
quality clinical care on the unit. At this point, Sarah has likely attained this role:
a. Development.
b. Acceptance.
c. Symmetry.
d. Internalization.
ANS: D. Join a nurse executive informal lunch meeting to meet other executives for support and
for sharing ideas of expertise.
Successful networking involves sharing similar ideas and maintaining relationships within a
system of individuals who serve as sources of information, advice, and support. - ANS-19.
Which of the following interactions is MOST consistent with the idea of networking?
a. Meet with the same colleagues daily to have coffee and share concerns about the workplace
and stories about colleagues.
b. Join an online workplace forum to gain ideas about how to handle workplace conflict.
c. Suggest that you and a new team member meet after work for coffee to review unit
d. Join a nurse executive informal lunch meeting to meet other executives for support and for
sharing ideas of expertise.
ANS: D. Lines of communication.
No matter what role an individual is in, multiple relationships exist with individuals including
supervisors and peers. Roles incorporate patterns of structured interactions between the
manager and people in these groups. Organizational charts provide information about
relationships and lines of communication in the organization. - ANS-2. An interviewee for a
nurse manager position asks for a copy of the organizational chart. Organizational charts
provide information about the role component of:
a. Expectations.
b. Opportunities.
c. Responsibilities.
d. Lines of communication.
ANS: D. Making arrangements for practice time for her in the hospital's skills lab
Active learning and engagement in learning, such as lab practice, are useful in assisting Ellen to
improve her skills and knowledge - ANS-20. Ellen is a novice nurse on your unit. Even though
she has come to you highly recommended, as her supervisor, you have noticed some
knowledge and skill deficiencies. These deficiencies have been noticed by her peers as well.
Which of the following is likely to be the greatest asset to Ellen in improving her performance?
a. Giving her a book on nursing related to your area
b. Having her spend time with the hospital's manager of education
c. Sending her to a conference
d. Making arrangements for practice time for her in the hospital's skills lab
ANS: D. Minimizing the challenges of the position to make a positive impression on the
During the dating phase or preview period in the role transition process, the potential employer
attempts to make a favorable impression, which may result in minimizing the challenges of the
position. - ANS-3. During an employment interview for the manager's position in a home health
agency, the applicant asks questions about the medical director and about retention of staff. The
nurse executive assures the applicant that the agency has few personnel problems and
receives excellent support from the medical director. The applicant knows that the agency has a
50% turnover rate and has had three medical directors in the past year. The nurse executive is:
a. Unaware of the turnover rate and difficulties with the medical director.
b. Lying about the problems and hoping to resolve them by hiring the applicant.
c. Denying that the agency has a turnover problem with staff or medical directors.
d. Minimizing the challenges of the position to make a positive impression on the applicant.
ANS: D. Patients are reliable sources about their own experiences but are limited in their ability
to gauge clinical competence of staff.
Patients are reliable and motivated sources of their own experience but often do not have
sufficient knowledge of clinical procedures to provide feedback about clinical competence. -
ANS-17. As a nurse manager, you know that the satisfaction of patients is critical in making QI
decisions. You propose to circulate a questionnaire to discharged patients, asking about their
experiences on your unit. Your supervisor cautions you to also consider other sources of data
for decisions because:
a. The return rate on patient questionnaires is frequently low.
b. Patients are rarely reliable sources about their own hospital experiences.
c. Hospital experiences are frequently obscured by pain, analgesics, and other factors affecting
d. Patients are reliable sources about their own experiences but are limited in their ability to
gauge clinical competence of staff.
Although providing water, knowing names, and dressing appropriately sets a professional and
respectful tone for the interview, developing a schedule of questions to be asked of all
candidates is important for gathering comparative data and ensuring equitable treatment -
ANS-22. In preparing for a fair interview process as a hiring manager, you should:
a. Put water out for the candidates.
b. Ensure that you know the names of all candidates.
c. Dress comfortably and professionally.
d. Prepare a schedule of questions to be asked of all candidates..
ANS: D. Recognizing her strong commitment to care in the management process through
During the transition period, it is important to recognize, use, and strengthen values and beliefs,
translate these for staff, and adapt behaviors to the situation. Understanding personal and
professional beliefs and values assists in helping the manager respond to situations and
relationships. - ANS-13. Sarah is a nursing graduate of 5 years who is very confident in her
clinical skills. She has taken some certificate courses in leadership and management and has
considered beginning a graduate degree with this focus. She is excited about being able to use
her knowledge and interest by being hired as a nurse manager. Before beginning her new
position, Sarah spends time with her nurse executive to clarify the executive's expectations of
her and of the unit that she has been hired to manage. A strategy that may help to make the
transition to her management role and to respond to relationships and situations in her new
position is:
a. Avoiding discussion of her personal beliefs with staff until she is ready to do so.
b. Finding a network of clinicians with interests similar to her own.
c. Researching clinical literature to maintain her clinical assessment skills for the unit.
d. Recognizing her strong commitment to c
QM stresses improving the system, and the detection of staff errors is not stressed. If errors
occur, reeducation of staff is emphasized rather than imposition of punitive measures such as
disciplinary action or blaming. - ANS-7. The nurse gives an inaccurate dose of medication to a
patient. After assessment of the patient, the nurse completes an incident report. The nurse
notifies the nursing supervisor of the medication error and calls the physician to report the
occurrence. The nurse who administered the inaccurate medication understands that:
a. The error will result in suspension.
b. An incident report is optional for an event that does not result in injury.
c. The error will be documented in her personnel file.
d. Risk management programs are not designed to assign blame.
ANS: D. Schedule a series of meetings with staff and the administrator to clarify expectations.
During role transition, it is important for the manager to negotiate the role by writing down the
manager's expectations of the role and determining the expectations of others (staff,
supervisors) in order to clarify expectations and reduce or ameliorate role ambiguity and role
strain. Weinstock (2011) suggests that it takes up to a year to understand the role, system, and
boundaries in a new position. - ANS-4. The new head nurse on telemetry has been in the
position for 3 months. The head nurse and the administrator disagree on how much time the
head nurse should allot to various aspects of the role. Staff members on the unit complain that
the head nurse is unavailable for clinical concerns because of being off the unit while attending
meetings. To facilitate the process of role transition, the head nurse should:
a. Develop policies consistent with the head nurse's prior workplace.
b. Attend a workshop on how to deal with difficult people.
c. Decide to give the position 3 more months and then leave if things do not improve.
d. Schedule a series of meetings with staff and the administrator to clarify expectations.
ANS: D. Should realize that the nurse is a professional embarrassment and should be kept out
of sight of other staff."
As a manager, you need to be familiar with state and professional regulatory and reporting
requirements regarding chemical use and abuse, as well with Human Resource practices and
guidelines - ANS-22. The nursing director calls a meeting with one of the new unit managers.
She is very concerned about a report of substance abuse on the manager's unit, and she
reviews the procedures involved in dealing with chemically dependent staff. Which of the
following statements would not be included in the discussion? "As a manager, you:
a. Need to be aware of ADA issues."
b. Should check with Human Resources regarding chemically dependent employees and
employment practices."
c. Check the nurse practice acts for the state in which the nurse resides."
d. Should realize that the nurse is a professional embarrassment and should be kept out of sight
of other staff."
ANS: D. Three
Two pages is recommended for a résumé and one for a cover letter. - ANS-19. A cover letter
and a résumé together should be no longer than ________ page(s).
a. Two
b. One
c. Four
d. Three
Reduced staffing adversely affects patient care. Employee morale suffers, care standards may
be lowered, and additional stress is placed on working staff - ANS-2. The nurse manager knows
that the most serious effect that absenteeism has on the nursing unit is that:
a. Using replacement personnel with new ideas may be beneficial.
b. Salary costs are lower because personnel are fewer, and outcome is favorable.
c. Absence on the part of the rest of the staff is decreased.
d. Unacceptable patient care may result.
b. A coalition.
The formation of temporary groups to achieve particular goals involves the development of
coalitions. - ANS-20. The institution where you are a nurse manager has resisted the adoption
of a new document management software, citing cost as a concern. You meet with other nurse
managers who are in favor of the software and prepare a proposal to take to the senior
executive with the goal of persuading the executive to adopt the software. This is an example of:
a. Collaboration.
b. A coalition.
c. Networking.
d. Policy building.
During times of economic downturn, decisions tend to become very centralized to avoid risk.
History demonstrates that increasing the breadth of input during these times is more effective
than narrowing it. - ANS-Government and third-party payers announce reduction of
compensation for the delivery of patient services. Hospital STV has a flat organizational
structure. After the funding announcements, senior officials at the hospital meet and make
decisions regarding cost containment of new revenue streams. This action is consistent with:
a. The practice of leaving financial decisions with senior officials who understand the total
context of funding.
b. A tendency to concentrate decision making during economic downturns at the top
administrative level.
c. A need to make expedient decisions that are likely to be poorly received by staff.
d. Ensuring that decisions with regard to cost are made equitably across all departments.
Active listening in a group creates synergy in that team members really hear one another's
ideas and share in decision making. - ANS-By following a shared leadership model, the nurse
manager believes that staff members will learn to function synergistically. Some teams function
synergistically because members:
a. Do not volunteer unwanted information.
b. Actively listen to each other.
c. Listen to the person who believes he or she is an expert.
d. Do not speak unless they are absolutely sure they are correct in their views.
B. ADPs cost less to administer than traditional discipline processes - ANS-Which statement
characterizing ADPs is correct?
A. ADPs cost more to administer than traditional discipline processes.
B. ADPs cost less to administer than traditional discipline processes.
C. ADPs take longer than the traditional discipline process to remove a nurse from practice.
D. ADPs take longer than the traditional discipline process to return nurses to practice.
Training should be conducted on a regular basis and cover a variety of topics, including policies
and procedures for reporting, record-keeping, and for obtaining medical care, counseling,
workers' compensation, or legal assistance after a violent episode or injury. - ANS-22. Sarah is
involved in intervening when a patient attempts to harm herself on the unit. During the
interaction, the patient slaps Sarah across the face. As a head nurse, it is important that you:
a. Offer Sarah immediate education and training in self-defense.
b. Assist with follow-up documentation and offer access to counseling.
c. Provide access to a lawyer.
d. Encourage Sarah to see the incident as a normal part of care.
B. Bullying.
Workplace bullying involves aggressive and destructive behaviors such as running a smear
campaign, engaging in put-downs, and excluding team members from socialization
opportunities. - ANS-4. Delaney, one of your staff nurses, confides that Marjorie, another nurse,
has been actively telling others that you are incompetent and do not know what you are doing in
relation to patient care, and that you lie to the staff about attempts to get more staffing. Delaney
says that Marjorie is derogatory towards her in front of others and tells her "that she better
shape up." Through telephone calls and conversations during breaks, she is recruiting other
staff to her position. Delaney confides that most of the staff find you fair, honest, and
knowledgeable. Marjorie's behavior can best be characterized as:
a. Political action.
b. Bullying.
c. Building alliances.
d. Disgruntlement.
In a potentially violent situation, it is important to look and behave in a calm and confident
manner, even if you do not feel calm or confident. The person that you are de-escalating will
notice and take his cues from you. - ANS-16. A patient who has a history of involvement with
drugs and weapons comes up to you in the hallway and asks you a question regarding
directions in treatment. When you respond, he moves closer in to you and puts both hands up
on either side of your neck. No one else is in the hallway. Your best response at this point is to:
a. Yell at him to stop.
b. Calmly ask the patient to remove his hands.
c. Hit the patient in the midsection.
d. Use pepper spray.
Workplace violence and aggression contribute to staff turnover and toxic work environments.
Loss of the organizational investment required to train new staff and departure of experienced
staff can increase operating costs and reduce the quality of care. - ANS-15. You note that Unit
64 has had a high turnover rate of staff during the past year. In addressing the staff turnover
rate, you are:
a. Confirming the high correlation between managerial incompetence and violence.
b. Demonstrating awareness that workplace violence, if present, has significant costs.
c. Aware that staff and manager experiences contribute to high turnover.
d. Aware that violence is a rare but present factor in the workplace.
B. Discuss concerns about the labels and develop potential solutions that take into account
changes that can be made at the local level and those that need system intervention.
Nursing programs teach therapeutic communications with patients and their families. However,
little focus is placed on effective communication in the workplace, although communication is
essential to building and maintaining smoothly functioning teams. - ANS-You are charged with
developing a new nursing curriculum and are committed to developing a curriculum that reflects
the needs of the profession and of the workplace. To address deficits that may already be
present in nursing curricula related to the workplace, you include more content and skills
development related to:
a. Therapeutic communication with patients.
b. Effective communication in the workplace.
c. Increased emphasis on sender-receiver dyads.
d. Generational differences in communication.
Workplace advocacy encompasses a number of activities that enable nurses to control the
practice of nursing and to address challenges that they face in the practice setting. These
activities include career development, employment rights, employment opportunities, and the
labor-management relationship. - ANS-The chief nursing officer utilizes the hospital's Workplace
Advocacy to help the overwhelmed emergency department staff. Workplace Advocacy is
designed to assist nurses by:
a. Creating professional practice climates in their institutions.
b. Equipping them to practice in a rapidly changing environment.
c. Negotiating employment contracts.
d. Representing them in labor-management disputes.
B. Facilitation.
Facilitation involves helping others to have a productive discussion, and this situation would
likely involve assisting the group to clarify its objectives and present individual viewpoints, with
the aim that the group would be able to resolve the dispute itself. Negotiation is considered the
process of influencing others with the aim of producing a settlement or agreement. Mediation
involves focusing the parties so as to find a mutually acceptable solution. Arbitration refers to a
binding dispute resolution process. - ANS-A group of staff nurses and a nurse manager in an
unrepresented facility have been unable to resolve a conflict regarding a change in protocol.
Their agreeing to have a nurse from another unit assist them in their group process is an
example of:
a. Negotiation.
b. Facilitation.
c. Mediation.
d. Arbitration.
B. Followership.
Effective followership involves active and loyal involvement in an agenda that has been
established. In this role, Leanne is supporting and operationalizing the agenda and strategies
that have been established within the group. - ANS-In accomplishing the goal of breakfast for
children in elementary school, Leanne is particularly effective in approaching businesses with
the needs that the group has determined and articulating the ways that the group has found for
businesses to participate. Leanne is exemplifying:
a. Leadership.
b. Followership.
c. Professionalism.
d. Knowledge of context.
This is an example of a rule that a team can implement to prevent certain negative behaviors
such as gossip, backbiting, and bickering that undermine the productivity and functioning of a
group - ANS-The mediator suggested to the unit staff that a group agreement needed to be
made so meetings could become productive. For example, the group agreement, "We will speak
supportively," prevents:
a. Side conversations during meetings.
b. Gossip and backbiting.
c. Feedback when one member of the group disagrees with the discussion.
d. Voting negatively on motions.
A common perception is that incidences such as these, which do not involve physical injury or
harm, but rather threats, are part of the job. Because of underreporting, data related to violence
and aggression in the workplace may not be reflective of its true incidence. - ANS-7. Caroline
asks family members to leave while she cares for the 16-year-old victim of a recent car accident.
The father screams at her and tells her that she has no right to ask his family to leave, and that
if she continues to do so, he will "throw her out of the room." Caroline is shaken and tells her
head nurse, who tells her that this kind of thing is just part of the job. The guidance of the head
a. Is reasonable. No physical violence was involved.
b. Is related to why statistics on violence in health care are likely underreported.
c. Acknowledges the deep distress and fear of the family.
d. Acknowledges the concern of the nurse.
b. Listening to each nurse speak to the other without interruption and asking clarifying questions
to help them resolve the issue themselves.
Negotiation involves the presentation of an opening position with each party, then moving on
until they achieve a mutually agreeable result or until one or both move away from a failed
negotiation. Negotiation occurs when one party has something that the other party values, such
as a desired schedule. - ANS-7. Two nurses approach their manager about a conflict regarding
the next month's schedule. The nurses are talking loudly and at the same time. The manager
most effectively uses communication skills to resolve the conflict by:
a. Taking both nurses aside, separately and then together, and charging them with resolving the
problem without her direct intervention.
b. Listening to each nurse speak to the other without interruption and asking clarifying questions
to help them resolve the issue themselves.
c. Separating the nurses, instructing each to decide how the problem can be resolved, and
meeting with them the next day.
d. Calling an emergency scheduling committee meeting and asking volunteers to resolve the
conflict between the two nurses
b. Occupation.
Concern with nursing as potentially one in a series of possibly well-paid jobs reflects a view of
nursing as an occupation. - ANS-14. Your colleague Mary, a recent graduate, announces one
day that she intends to leave nursing in 3 to 4 months to pursue a position in marketing. While
at your agency, she plans to give patients excellent care and to learn as much as she can,
because "Who knows? Nursing is a great job with a great pay and I may return someday."
Mary's statements most accurately exemplify which orientation to the concept of nursing?
Nursing as a(n):
a. Profession
b. Occupation
.c. Flexible discipline.
d. Career with off and on ramps.
b. Role development.
c. Areas of conflict in expectations.
d. Expected work time commitments.
1. As a new manager in the ED, you meet with each of the staff to ask about their priorities and
what they think is going well in the department or what is of concern to them. Almost all of the
staff express frustration and distress at being treated rudely or disrespectfully by patients, staff
from other departments, and physicians and complain that they feel that nurses in the ED are
not valued. With the staff, you brainstorm to raise the profile of nurses. Which of the following
strategies would be most effective? (Select all that apply.)
a. Requesting increased compensation
b. Speaking positively about one's work
c. Dressing and grooming in a clean and neat manner
d. Using titles (e.g., Mr., Mrs., Ms.) and last names
e. Submitting a written complaint to senior administration regarding rude behaviors
f. Developing a code of conduct for the ED staff.
B. the BON. - ANS-The most common model for administration of ADPs is:
A. a state agency other than the BON.
B. the BON.
C. the board of medicine.
D. an outside entity such as a professional association.
b. Women lacked legal, social, and political power because of legal and cultural barriers.
Nursing mirrored the lack of legal, social, and political power that was prevalent in the early
decades of the profession. - ANS-1. A nurse manager is experiencing poor staff morale on her
unit. While participating in a baccalaureate course, the nurse manager had learned that one of
the reasons nurses lack power today is probably because of the past. In the early decades of
the profession, nurses lacked power because:
a. Nurses freely chose to defer to physicians and administrators with more education.
b. Women lacked legal, social, and political power because of legal and cultural barriers.
c. The first nursing licensure laws prohibited nurses from making most decisions.
d. Nurses astutely recognized the risks of grabbing too much power too soon.
b.Do not understand how their failure to exercise power can limit the power of the whole
Becoming an active, productive, collegial member of groups and teams within the workplace
and in professional associations and community groups ensures that the nursing voice is heard
on healthcare issues and problems and is an appropriate exercise of power. - ANS-2. Nurses
who engage in in-fighting, seek physician support against nursing colleagues, and avoid political
advocacy through membership in nursing organizations:
a. Refuse to believe that they are acting like members of groups that suffer socioeconomic
b. Do not understand how their failure to exercise power can limit the power of the whole
c. Purposefully choose to exercise their power in the workplace through indirect means.
d. Suffer from learned helplessness as a result of abuse by powerful nurse executives.
C. Are part of the 50% who feel their strengths are used."
Less than 20% of employees feel their strengths are used every day (Wagner & Harter, 2006).
When nurses do not feel their skills are utilized, they are more prone to be in the "out group."
This leads to being unengaged and even disengaged in the workplace. This is not supportive of
a positive, creative work environment. Researchers have demonstrated that those who feel "in"
cooperate more, work harder and more effectively, and bring enthusiasm to the group. -
ANS-Marcy, a new staff nurse, is very concerned about "fitting in" on the rehabilitation unit. She
addresses her concerns and speaks with the head nurse. The head nurse speaks with the rest
of the staff and reminds them how important it is for a staff member to feel that he or she is part
of the group. Which of the following statements would she not include in her talk? "Staff
members who feel included:
a. Are more cooperative."
b. Are harder workers."
c. Are part of the 50% who feel their strengths are used."
d. Bring enthusiasm and commitment to the group."
C. as many as 90% relate to SUD. - ANS-Of all disciplinary actions taken by boards of nursing
A. less than a quarter relate to SUD.
B. fewer than half relate to SUD.
C. as many as 90% relate to SUD.
D. as many as 40% relate to SUD.
C. Carla, RN, has just ended an abusive relationship with Jake, RN, and he will not leave her
alone. You are meeting with Jake today because colleagues on nights have reported that Jake
seems to have been intoxicated last night and the previous night.
Jake seems at most risk for violence because of his alcohol use and history of aggression. In
the other situations, Jordan is expressing a legitimate concern and is behaving assertively;
Henry may have health concerns or other issues that are private and interfering with his work
life; and Sarah's change in behavior is likely related to a higher level of comfort with work and
colleagues. - ANS-3. In which of the following situations would you, as the head nurse, be
concerned about potential safety issues?
a. Jordan comes to your office to complain about inadequate staffing on the unit. He says that
he is concerned because he attributes a recent incident to the staffing levels.
b. Henry, a long-standing RN on the unit, has begun to miss work regularly. He calls in but is
vague about his reasons for the absences.
c. Carla, RN, has just ended an abusive relationship with Jake, RN, and he will not leave her
alone. You are meeting with Jake today because colleagues on nights have reported that Jake
seems to have been intoxicated last night and the previous night.
d. Sarah is very quiet and says almost nothing in team meetings. Lately, she has been much
more animated since becoming friendly with a couple of other RNs on the unit.
C. Collective action.
Collective action refers to activities undertaken by a group of people with common interests and,
in this example, by a group of nurses who are interested in the welfare of children in their
community. - ANS-In an inner-city area, a group of nurses meet and develop a plan to negotiate
with local businesses to support a breakfast program for young elementary children. This is an
example of:
a. Community development.
b. Collective bargaining.
c. Collective action.
d. Shared governance.
C. Commitment.
Team-building involves moving toward a common vision, which requires commitment. Conflict
and clarification of tasks are components in the development of this commitment. - ANS-The
nurse manager used a mediator to help resolve conflicts on the unit. During the mediation
process, the nurse manager saw signs of potential team-building. One key concept of an
effective team is:
a. Conflict.
b. Task clarity.
c. Commitment.
d. A designated leader.
C. Confidentiality is assured.
Communication involves both senders and receivers and may or may not be a reflection of
self-analysis and thoughtful consideration. It always, however, involves thoughts, ideas,
opinions, emotions, and feelings. - ANS-The mediator asked each staff member to reflect on his
or her communication style. Which of the following best describes communication?
a. Is a reflection of self-analysis.
b. Is a result of thoughtful consideration.
c. Consists of thoughts, ideas, opinions, emotions, and feelings.
d. Focuses on the sender of the message.
c. Continuous employment in the same position and the same arrangement for 20 years.
d. Moving into and out of nursing positions in various cities while pursuing travel and education
that develops understanding of global health.
Career refers to progression of skills, consistency, knowledge, and/or status. Career styles can
be defined as linear, steady state, entrepreneurial, or spiral. Deepening skills in one area is an
example of a steady state career style, whereas moving into and out of positions in various
cities can characterize an entrepreneurial style. Involvement in a regulated field defines a
professional interest but not necessarily a career. Work opportunities that are expedient define
an interest in employment but not necessarily a career path. - ANS-2. An example of a career is
(select all that apply):
a. Employment in short-term contract jobs in business, nursing, and whatever is available.
b. Involvement in an area of practice that is regulated.
c. Continuous employment in the same position and the same arrangement for 20 years.
d. Moving into and out of nursing positions in various cities while pursuing travel and education
that develops understanding of global health.
C. Discrepancy.
Role discrepancy is an experience that includes a gap between what is expected and what is
occurring and can lead to disillusionment, discomfort, and frustration. If the unit manager values
the relationship and sees the differences between performance and expectations as correctable,
then the manager is likely to stay in the role. - ANS-1. The unit leader on an inpatient psychiatric
unit of a large hospital has been in the position for 3 months. The unit leader is frustrated by
how little time is available to work with clients and how few changes have been implemented in
that time. The phase of role transition being experienced is the role of:
a. Acceptance.
b. Negotiation.
c. Discrepancy.
d. Internalization.
Exit interviews may assist in identifying issues such as workplace violence, bullying, and
intimidation by managers. - ANS-13. You note that Unit 64 has had a high turnover rate of staff
during the past year. In investigating this situation, an important source of data might include:
a. Employee evaluations.
b. Level of experience of staff.
c. Exit interviews with staff.
d. Selection processes and decisions.
Politics involves social interaction among organizations and as such, politics permeates in all
organizations, workplaces, legislatures, professions, and even families. - ANS-13. Politics is
a. Confined to legislatures.
b. Seen in dysfunctional workplaces.
c. Found in all social organizations.
d. A representation of self-interest.
C. Horizontal violence.
Horizontal or lateral violence and bullying are terms used to describe destructive behaviors
towards co-workers, such as the "silent treatment" and shutting others out of socializing. -
ANS-5. During coffee and other breaks, Rosalie, the new RN, is shut out of conversations with
the other staff. When she approaches other staff on the unit to ask questions, they turn and walk
off in the other direction. The behavior of the staff is characteristic of:
a. Dislike.
b. Lack of trust in Rosalie's abilities.
c. Horizontal violence.
d. Cultural incompetence.
The SBAR system was developed by professionals in the Colorado Kaiser Permanente System
and involves direct, respectful communication skills among professionals with the aim of quality
patient care. - ANS-The SBAR system of communications is one of the most used
communication systems in health care because:
a. It deals with all aspects of communications in patient care except with the physician.
b. The nurse is on the same communication level as administration.
c. It focuses on a system in which information is provided and gleaned in an honorable way.
d. It honors an unstructured transfer of information.
c. Making a long overdue return call to a former colleague who is now a chief nurse executive
Networking is the result of identifying, valuing, and maintaining relationships with a system of
individuals who are sources of information, advice, and support. Many nurses have relatively
limited networks within the organizations where they are employed. Active participation in
nursing organizations is the most effective method of establishing a professional network
outside one's place of employment. - ANS-8. A nurse manager recognizes the need to expand
her professional network as she begins a job search for a middle-management position. Which
of the following actions is least likely to expand her job-searching network?
a. Reviewing her address book or card file for names and phone numbers of former colleagues
who are now in middle-management positions
b. Making an appointment to meet with a former instructor from her graduate program in nursing
c. Making a long overdue return call to a former colleague who is now a chief nurse executive
d. Attending a state-level conferences for nurse managers and executives and volunteering to
help with professional organizations' informal luncheons and receptions
C. Most ADPs do not make the names of participant's public. - ANS-Which statement about
confidentiality and ADPs is correct?
A. Confidentiality is an unintentional benefit of ADPs.
B. Communication between the ADP and BON should be limited.
C. Most ADPs do not make the names of participant's public.
D. ADPs are not required to notify the BON when a nurse enters the program.
c. Networking.
Meeting individuals outside the normal workgroup to share ideas and gain support and
encouragement is an example of networking. - ANS-16. One day, at coffee, your co-worker
suggests that you and she sit with unit members of the hospital research committee. She
suggests that this would be an excellent way to get to know people who share her interest in
research. Her actions are an example
a. Mentorship.
b. Politics.
c. Networking.
d. Empowerment.
In situations where a patient may become aggressive, it is important to ensure that you are not
trapped in the room. - ANS-6. While working with an aggressive patient, it is important for the
nurse to:
a. Speak firmly.
b. Call the individual by name.
c. Place herself between the patient and the door.
d. Ignore threats against her.
Thomas is a mid career professional. As such, you would expect him to be interested in honing
areas of expertise (such as leadership, or developing a deeper expertise in a particular area of
ICU nursing) as opposed to gaining skills necessary for his work environment such as
certification or becoming comfortable with his role and relationships in ICU, which would be
critical to an early career nurse. Legacy building is characteristic of mid career professionals. -
ANS-1. Thomas has been a nurse in your ICU for 10 years. In facilitating Thomas' professional
development, you would focus on (select all that apply):
a. Certification for the ICU environment.
b. Discussions about how Thomas can fit with role expectations and relationships.
c. Possible specializations within the ICU environment.
d. Encouraging him to lead changes that leave long-term impacts after his retirement.
To advocate for the security resources necessary to make the environment safe or to generate
other solutions that may require resources, the nurse manager needs to have clear, accurate,
concise information that supports the need for change and resources. This approach is
consistent with Gadow's manifestations of workplace advocacy. - ANS-Nurses in an emergency
department, in an inner-city neighborhood characterized by high levels of violence, are
concerned with low levels of security presence in their department.
The nurses in the emergency department continue to be concerned about safety levels. As the
manager, you ask the nurses to:
a. Register their concerns with senior management.
b. Take their concerns to the local newspaper.
c. Provide accurate, clear, concise data of incidents involving safety.
d. Contact their union to discuss their concerns.
The night supervisor is acting in accordance with the National Labor Relations Act, which would
enable the supervisor to assign nurses to care. - ANS-While making rounds, a night supervisor
finds a unit with a low census and too many staff members. The night supervisor is performing
as a statutory supervisor when he or she:
a. Assigns nurses to care for specific clients.
b. Develops a protocol for unlicensed personnel.
c. Recommends transferring a nurse to another service.
d. Teaches a nurse to use a new piece of equipment.
Because the director is in a leadership role, he comes with knowledge or expertise that is
required to assume a leadership role, and he has information that he is willing to share, which
gives him the power of information. The employee sees him as credible and seeks his advice,
which gives him referent power. - ANS-4. A manager relies on his director (immediate
supervisor) for advice about enrolling in graduate school to prepare for a career as a nurse
executive. The director may exercise what kinds of power in the relationship with the manager in
this advisory situation?
a. Expert, coercive, and referent
b. Reward, connection, and information
c. Referent, expert, and informationd. Rewar
d, referent, and information
Tom's response reflects a distancing from other nurses related to discomfort with conflict
associated with human interactions. The text defines human interactions within organizations as
politics, a component of which is the essential process of power. - ANS-23. Despite repeated
invitations by his colleagues to become involved in regional and state nursing practice
committees, Tom refuses. His reason is that "nursing committees rarely get anything worthwhile
done because of politics and conflicts." According to the text, Tom's view of involvement:
a. Is rare in nursing today.
b. Reflects a fear of power.
c. Reflects the essential process of power.
d. Reflects empowerment and capacity to make his own decisions.
C. Staff members are very committed to the team and have strong opinions.
Encouragement to report violence in all its forms is crucial to understanding the root of the
problem and implementing plans to eradicate it. Acts of good faith by organizational
management in supporting staff include a policy of non-retaliation for reporting. Making sure that
reporting is easier and doing an impartial investigation are critical. Addressing a toxic culture
also requires training in conflict management, leadership, communication, and team-building. -
ANS-24. As a nurse manager, you realize that your unit has become a toxic environment in
which horizontal violence and incivility has become common. In addressing the problem, you
decide to implement which of the following?
a. Increased education in clinical skills
b. Follow-up of all reports of violence
c. Training in conflict resolution and team-building
d. Posting of the institutional policy on violence at the nursing station
C. Violence is signaled by a variety of behaviors.
The STAMP Assessment Components and Cues outline a wide variety of verbal and nonverbal
cues that might signal the potential for violence. - ANS-17. Jenny tells you that she is always
able to tell when others are about to become violent because they yell. Your response to Jenny
is based on your understanding that:
a. Her perception is accurate.
b. Yelling is more likely associated with aggression.
c. Violence is signaled by a variety of behaviors.
d. She is mostly accurate in her thinking.
D, d. As a group.
A group is a collection of interconnected individuals working together for the same purpose. A
team is a unified group that is committed to a common purpose, performance goals, and
approach, for which they hold themselves mutually accountable. The conflict indicates that the
staff may not be united in a common purpose. - ANS-A nurse manager is experiencing conflicts
between herself and staff members. She had tried to develop a team by using a shared
leadership model to empower the staff. Staff members are functioning:
a. As a team.
b. Independently.
c. Interdependently.
d. As a group.
D. 80%. - ANS-The rate of return to practice for nurses in the Florida ADP (the oldest in the
United States) is:
A. 25%.
B. 50%.
C. 65%.
D. 80%.
This is the basic circular communication model, and a number of assumptions have to be made.
Problems can occur at any point and result in miscommunication. However, it can be assumed
that there was a sender, a receiver, a channel, and feedback. In this scenario, barriers such as
outside noise and the staff nurse's inattentiveness can be assumed. - ANS-The nurse manager
was upset with the staff nurse and said, "You did not understand what I said." Which element in
the communication process was she referring to?
a. Feedback between receiver and sender
b. A message channel
c. A receiver who decodes the message
d. A set of barriers that may occur between sender and receiver
Rituals and traditions such as the Nightingale Pledge have emphasized the need for the "good
nurse" to be obedient to authority. This prevailing attitude has made it difficult for nurses, who
typically spend considerable time in the workplace and who have opportunity through their work
in teams to develop cohesiveness and unity, to develop awareness and use of power. -
ANS-Awareness and use of power have been challenging for nurses in general because of:
a. Incidences of punishment by authority figures.
b. Too little time in the workplace to collectively develop power strategies.
c. Lack of cohesiveness and unity among nurses.
d. A tradition of obedience to authority.
Individuals may have limited influence in achieving various purposes such as advancement of
quality care or of the profession, whereas collective action helps to define and sustain
individuals in achieving the desired purposes. - ANS-Collective action is effective in:
a. Ensuring that needs of nurses are placed ahead of other disciplines.
b. Defining nursing as a profession.
c. Advising patients of the needs of nurses.
d. Amplifying the influence of individuals.
d. Collegial.
Collegial behavior requires respect, not friendship. - ANS-18. During a unit meeting, you notice
that Vivian listens attentively when Mary is speaking and offers support and advice when Mary
presents ideas to the group. You are surprised because Vivian has often confided that she does
not like Mary. Vivian's behavior is best described as:
a. Insincere.
b. Networking.
c. Politically sophisticated.
d. Collegial.
D. Committing to resolution
Caregivers must listen to the other person's perspective, listen to the message accurately,
identify differences, and creatively seek resolutions. - ANS-The unit manager was addressing
nursing students in the lounge area and was discussing team leadership and team
effectiveness. She stated, "One can agree to disagree with another team member's perspective
even when one doesn't necessarily see that perspective as being the correct one." In being
creative, which of the following basic rules was she talking about?
a. Listening actively
b. Being compassionate
c. Being flexible
d. Committing to resolution
Active listening means suspending judgment about what is about to be said and listening to all
that is said (and not just the first or last words). It is motivated by a genuine desire to learn about
the other person. - ANS-The staff development educator developed strategies to help nurse
managers actively listen. Guidelines for active listening include which of the following?
a. Speed up your internal processes so that you can process more data.
b. Realize that the first words of the sender are the most important.
c. Be prepared to make an effective judgment of the communication sender.
d. Cultivate a desire to learn about the other person.
D. Donna, who works the evening shift, cleans rooms each night in the administrative wing and
business offices, which are largely empty. The wing is near an outside access door.
Staff who work in isolated, poorly lit areas are at higher risk of violence, which would describe
Donna's work conditions. In addition, if the business office contains money, this could make it a
desirable target for criminals. While Becky and Sarah work in high-risk areas (mental health and
the emergency room), the nearby presence of colleagues, the availability of alarms, and good
lighting help to reduce the risk. - ANS-20. Which of the following healthcare employees is MOST
at risk for violence?
a. Becky, working in a well-lit area with stable psychiatric patients and other staff members
b. Sarah, who works in a busy emergency room. Access to the emergency patient units is
allowed by security staff and alarm systems are in place in patient units.
c. Sharon, who works evening shifts. Workstation is behind a shatterproof glass, and an alarm
can be reached easily from her computer.
d. Donna, who works the evening shift, cleans rooms each night in the administrative wing and
business offices, which are largely empty. The wing is near an outside access door.
D. Establish a smaller dining area that is away from the main area that is for residents who have
potential for aggression/violence.
Violence and aggression are more likely during times of increased activity, such as mealtimes.
Reducing activity levels through interventions such as a separate dining area may reduce
incidents of violence and aggression. - ANS-12. Residents in a new long-term care facility
attend a large dining hall for meals. In reviewing reports of aggression and violence, you note
that behaviors such as hitting, or attempting, to hit staff are increasing. Further investigation
suggests that this behavior occurs most often at mealtimes. A possible intervention would be to:
a. Seat residents with the highest potential for violence next to those with the lowest potential for
b. Feed residents earlier in the day.
c. Restrain residents who are violent or aggressive during mealtimes.
d. Establish a smaller dining area that is away from the main area that is for residents who have
potential for aggression/violence.
D. Establishes policies and practices that guide prevention of violence and expectations in the
A safety plan provides overall direction in relation to what is expected, how violence is
prevented, and what will occur when violence happens. - ANS-21. A safety and security plan is
important to a healthcare organization because it:
a. Lays out preventive measures in relation to violence.
b. Provides direction as to changes in facilities that protect staff.
c. Establishes expectations in relation to behavior and tolerance of violence.
d. Establishes policies and practices that guide prevention of violence and expectations in the
d. Identify the informal leaders on her unit and how they affect care decisions.
Developing organizational savvy includes identifying the real decision makers and those
persons who have a high level of influence with the decision makers. Recognize the informal
leaders within any organization may have more power than the formal leader because of more
knowledge of the organization, more informational power, or more expertise. - ANS-11. Sondra,
a new graduate, recently began a position as a registered nurse in a rural hospital, where she is
the youngest and newest staff member. Although she has limited experience, she has a strong
knowledge base, is confident, and was considered to have strong entry-level skills on
graduation. Sondra meets with her former instructor and confides that she is very frustrated that
others do not seem to accept her leadership. What might you suggest that would help Sondra to
understand what is happening in terms of power and influence?
D. Initiating confidential exit interviews will assist in determining if leader violence or bullying is
d. Jerry speaks with his supervisor about his supervisor's concerns related to bedside reporting
before presenting a proposal to change this process.
Successful negotiators are well informed about not only their own positions but also those of the
opposing side. Negotiators must be able to discuss the pros and cons of both positions. They
can assist the other party in recognizing the costs versus the benefits of each position. -
ANS-21. Which of the following is the best example of skilled negotiation?
a. Linda, the manager on pediatrics, takes a proposal to her supervisor, outlining the benefits of
a walk-in preoperative area for children.
b. Kim, RN, asks for leave to pursue a semester of full-time study in her graduate program. She
proposes to accept less popular rotations during peak vacation time, in return.
c. George, the head nurse in ER, asks for additional staff for his department and points out the
benefits of being able to keep patients for longer periods.
d. Jerry speaks with his supervisor about his supervisor's concerns related to bedside reporting
before presenting a proposal to change this process.
d. Join a nurse executive interest group to meet other executives for support and for sharing
ideas of expertise.
Networking is the result of identifying, valuing, and maintaining relationships with a system of
individuals who are sources of information, advice, and support. Many nurses have relatively
limited networks within the organizations where they are employed. Active participation in
nursing organizations is the most effective method of establishing a professional network
outside one's place of employment. Successful networking involves sharing similar ideas and
maintaining relationships within a system of individuals who serve as sources of information,
advice, and support. - ANS-19. Which of the following interactions is MOST consistent with the
idea of networking?
a. Meet with the same colleagues daily to have coffee and share concerns about the workplace
and stories about colleagues.
b. Join an online workplace forum to gain ideas about how to handle workplace conflict.
c. Suggest that you and a new team member meet after work for coffee to review unit
d. Join a nurse executive interest group to meet other executives for support and for sharing
ideas of expertise.
D. Narcotics are the most common drugs of choice for nurses. - ANS-Which statement about
substance abuse disorder (SUD) among nurses is correct?
A. The prevalence of SUD among nurses is higher than the general population.
B. The prevalence of SUD among nurses is lower than the general population.
C. Alcohol is the most common drug of choice for nurses.
D. Narcotics are the most common drugs of choice for nurses.
As technology replaces unskilled workers, fewer workers are available for trade-union
organizing, which has led to declines in union memberships. Nurses represent a large pool of
workers who may be available for union organizing in the face of the declining pool available
elsewhere. - ANS-The staff members in a local emergency department are experiencing stress
and burnout as the result of excessive overtime. The staff decides to unionize to negotiate for
better working conditions. The increase in unionization within health care may be attributed to
a. Movement from being "blue-collar workers" to being "knowledge workers."
b. Excess profits in health care.
c. Level of risk that exists for health care.
d. Number of people who are involved in health care.
Those like Lucy, who share power, tend to be the strong collaborators and see power as an
unlimited quantity when shared. Empowered nurses make professional practice possible,
creating a culture that satisfies all nurses. - ANS-15. Lucy, head nurse on the surgical unit,
works with her staff to find ways in which they can work together with other disciplines to provide
more effective care for patients on the unit. Lucy likely knows her power is:
a. Limited, thereby necessitating involvement of others in implementing ideas.
b. Restricted, which necessitates finding alternative means to achieve strong patient outcomes.
c. Directed primarily toward those who are subordinate to her.
d. Of unlimited capacity when shared with others.
D. Physicians are the first point of contact. They focus on the disease process, whereas nurses
focus on the holistic needs of patients.
Physicians diagnose and treat diseases, prescribe drugs, and perform medical and surgical
specialties. The admitting physician provides the initial medical diagnosis. Nurses develop and
implement comprehensive nursing care in all settings and provide leadership for healthcare
teams. The admitting nurse establishes the initial nursing care plan and works with other
professionals. - ANS-Healthcare agencies and hospitals expect their practitioners to be effective
team members. Two key players in the healthcare team are nurses and physicians. Which of the
following statements accurately defines the roles and responsibilities of nurses and physicians?
a. Doctors are the hub of the team, whereas nurses are peripheral members.
b. Nurses are considered to be the hub of the team, and doctors are peripheral members.
c. Doctors focus on the holistic needs of the patient, whereas nurses focus on the condition that
caused the patient to seek healthcare services in the first place.
d. Physicians are the first point of contact. They focus on the disease process, whereas nurses
focus on the holistic needs of patients.
d. Political astuteness
D. Respond to Linda in a way that is consistent with organizational processes and with similar
Erratic or arbitrary discipline, favoritism, or behavior that undermines the dignity of either
individual undermines efforts at curbing workplace violence. Disciplinary actions must be
proportionate, consistent, reasonable, and fair. - ANS-11. Linda, a staff nurse on nights, yells at
Ali, another RN, and tells Ali that she is stupid and can't get anything right. In responding to this
situation as head nurse, it is critical that you:
a. Require that Linda attend anger management classes.
b. Investigate to see if Ali did anything to aggravate Linda.
c. Call both immediately into the office to discuss the situation.
d. Respond to Linda in a way that is consistent with organizational processes and with similar
D. Staff rudeness
Unlike in other settings, hospital violence differs in that it is usually the result of patients or their
family members feeling frustration or anger. This is usually related to feelings of vulnerability,
stress, and loss of control that accompany illness. Other factors such as the location, size of the
facility, and type of care provided also increase the risk for violence. - ANS-23. Which of the
following is NOT a factor in patient- and/or family-generated violence in healthcare settings?
a. Feelings of vulnerability
b. Anxiety about treatments or diagnoses
c. Feelings of powerlessness or loss of control
d. Staff rudeness
Mentoring facilitates development and adoption of positive interaction and other skills that
facilitate good decision making. Optimism, trust, and decision making are important in collective
action and shared decision making and contribute to job satisfaction and lower turnover in staff.
- ANS-In a nurse managers' meeting, strategies for ways to help retain staff are discussed. One
strategy for assisting nurses in developing collective action skills is:
a. Accepting the practice of "going along to get along."
b. Attending as many workshops as practical.
c. Spending as much time as possible in clinical settings.
d. Taking the opportunity to work with a mentor.
Dismissal does not enable the present organization to attempt remediation of the behavior and
is not consistent with first steps in progressive discipline. - ANS-16. Incivility is a disruptive
behavior or communication that creates a negative environment and interferes with quality
patient care and safety. The manager can implement steps that help to alleviate uncivil behavior
on a unit. Which of the following would not be an appropriate first step?
a. Suspending the staff member from work
b. Providing written admonishment that is discussed and placed in the employee's file
c. Providing verbal admonishment
d. Terminating the staff member
First impressions are lasting and, as Sally indicates to her colleagues, are often an unconscious
response. - ANS-Sally (RN) and Melissa (RN) have shared an ongoing conflict since the first
day that Melissa worked on the unit. Sally has confided to another colleague that she doesn't
even know why the conflict started or what it was about. This is an example of:
a. How expectations and objectives need to be made clear in team situations.
b. The need to encourage open discussion of disagreements in opinions.
c. The importance of involving all staff in discussions in group settings.
d. The enduring nature of first impressions.
The research of Rath (2007) included many recommendations, one of which was that focusing
on mediocre behaviors and on a person's weaknesses will not lead to excellence. Focusing on
weaknesses tends to decrease the appreciation, and thus the acknowledgements. - ANS-"I
really wish that my supervisor would realize and acknowledge all the things I do well..." In
nursing, this has been identified as a problem. Which statement is part of the solution? Focus
a. New staff.
b. Care assignments with which the individual is not familiar.
c. Making corrections.
d. The strengths of the individual rather than the weaknesses.
d. They are closest to the front line of health care and see how it affects clients and families.
Nurses can no longer be passive observers of the political world. Political involvement is a
professional responsibility. Nurses' perspectives of the critical issues for improving the
healthcare system can shape the policy agenda of the nation's political leadership. - ANS-10. A
nurse is participating in a baccalaureate course. For the class, she has to attend the legislative
session regarding the new role of medication assistants. Nurses should be involved in shaping
public policy primarily because:
a. Involvement will enable nurses to take over the healthcare system at some point in the future.
b. Other healthcare professions are less concerned about the essential needs of clients.
c. Such activities are important career builders for nurses who seek top-level executive
d. They are closest to the front line of health care and see how it affects clients and families.
D. This will contribute to widespread skepticism among the staff about the probability of
late majority-openly negative at first and agree to change only after most others have
Laggard-prefer to keep traditions and openly resist new ideas - ANS-Responses to change:
late majority
Statutory supervisors,
they act in the interest of the employer
Power to hire, fire, reward, discipline - ANS-Not all N can participate in collective bargaining.
Who & why?
the BON can notify other jurisdictions. - ANS-If a nurse leaves an ADP:
A. the BON can notify other jurisdictions.
B. the ADP cannot share the information with the BON.
C. the nurse cannot be readmitted.
D. the exit will not affect recovery chances.
Understanding the position of the other party as well as your own. To meet and discuss ideas,
proposals - ANS-Skill negotiation
Unfreezing-awareness of a problem
Experiencing the change-how is it working?
Refreezing- integrating the change, it is policy now - ANS-Three stages of change:
Experiencing the change (or solution)