Suggestion em Waves
Suggestion em Waves
Suggestion em Waves
Q1.a) Draw the equivalent circuit diagram for a transmission line. Explain the primary and
secondary constants of the line.
Q2. a)Explain how the transmission line act as different circuit elements at different lengths under
short circuit and open circuit conditions.
b) Establish the relationship between reflection coefficient (R) and standing wave ratio (S) for a
transmission line. If maximum and minimum voltages on a line are 4 V and 2 V respectively,
calculate the VSWR of the line.
Q3. Write short notes on: a) Smith chart b)losses in transmission lines c) various types of
transmission lines and their applications.
Q4.a) Discuss the principle of quarter wave transformer for matching a transmission line with
characteristic impedance Z0 to a load ZL.
b) A quarter wave transformer is used to match load of 200Ω to source of 500Ω at operating
frequency of 200 MHz. Determine the line characteristic impedance and quarter wave
transformer length. (Ans: Z0=316 Ω ,length=0.375 m)
c) Derive the expression for reflection coefficient in terms of line impedances. Determine the
respective values of reflection coefficient and standing wave ratio when the line is
i) Open at load ii) Shorted at load iii) Perfectly matched to load
Q5. State the necessary conditions for a lossless and distortion less transmission line. A
transmission line with no distortion has parameters z0=50 Ω, α=0.020 dB/m, v =0.6 v0. Find
primary constants R, L, C, G and wavelength λ at 0.1 GHz.
Q6.a) Derive the expression for input impedance of a transmission line (ideal case). Find the
input impedance for a 75 Ω lossless line of length 0.1λ, when the line is short. Also, find the
input impedance for the same 75 Ω lossless line of length 0.1λ, when the line is open.
(Ans: Zin when S/C =j54.3 Ω, Zin when O/C= -j103.2 Ω)
b) Show that for a lossless transmission line the input impedance of a line repeat over every λ/2
Q7. A lossless transmission line is of 30 m long, has Z0= 50 Ω and ZL= 60+j40 Ω. It operates
with frequency of 2 MHz and has velocity v = 0.6 v0 .Determine the following line parameters:
a) Reflection coefficient b)Standing wave ratio c)Input impedance d)Load admittance
(Ans: R==0.35 with angle 560 , S=2.08, Zin= (23.9 +j1.35)Ω , load admittance YL=1/ZL Ω-1)