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Q1.Write the Maxwell’s equations in integral and differential form for time varying fields.
Also, Explain the concept of displacement current with equations.
Q2. What is the significance of Poynting vector? Magnetic field of a plane wave is of 5mA/m in
a medium with εr=4, µr=1.Find the average power flow. (Ans: P av = 2353.7 µW/m 2)
Q3. a)Explain the various types of polarization for EM wave.
b) A vector field is F̅=2xy ̂
ax +z ây +yz 2 â
z . Find the divergence at point (2,-1,3).

( Ans: divergence= -8)

(similar prob can come from curl and divergence)
Q4.a) Convert the point (3,4,5) from Cartesian to spherical coordinates. ( Ans: 7.07,45⁰, 53⁰). What
is skin depth? Explain.
b) Define a uniform plane wave. Also show that for such wave there are no field components in
the direction of travel.
Q5. Derive Maxwell’s equations in along with significance of each for time varying EM fields.
Explain time harmonic field in brief. State Poisson and Laplace’s equation.
Q6. What is meant by Brewster angle? Derive the condition for Brewster angle in parallel
polarization for oblique incidence on a dielectric medium.
Q7.a) State Poynting theorem. Derive expression for Poynting vector.
b) A medium of copper conductor characterised by σ = 5.8x107 mho/m, εr=1, µr=1 supports
uniform plane wave of frequency 60 Hz. Find the following:-
i) attenuation constant ii) phase constant iii) propagation constant iv) wavelength
v) intrinsic impedance vi) phase velocity of the wave.
(Ans: α= 117.2 dB /m, β=117.2 rad/m, prop. constant γ=(α +jβ), λ=0.053 m,
η=(2.02+j2.02)x10-6 Ω , vp= f xλ=3.21 m/s)
c) Obtain the wave parameters for a free space medium.
Q8.a) State the significance of gradient, divergence and curl with necessary equations. What is a
standing wave?
b) Derive the reflection coefficient expression at interface under normal incidence for EM waves
(Ans: 𝑅 = 𝜂 )
2 +𝜂1

c) Convert the point (1,2,3) to cylindrical form. (Ans: P(2.23, 63.40, 3) )

Q9. a)State the boundary conditions for EM waves at interface. Calculate the skin depth for EM
wave in copper at f=60 Hz . Given for copper εr=1, µr=1, 𝜎=5.8x107 mho/m.(𝐴𝑛𝑠: δ=8.53 mm)
b) An electric field in a medium that is source free is given by E=1.5 cos (108 t-βz) ax V/m, where
E m is the amplitude of E, ω is the angular frequency and β is the phase constant. Determine B, H
and D. Assume ε r =1,µ r =1,σ=0 for the medium.
c) Explain loss tangent and its importance.
Q10. Derive the wave equations (Helmholtz’s equations) for any general medium. Also, get the
paramaters for a good conducting medium(with approximation).

Q1.a) Draw the equivalent circuit diagram for a transmission line. Explain the primary and
secondary constants of the line.

b) Show that for any transmission line 𝑍0 = √𝑍𝑖𝑛𝑠𝑐 𝑍𝑖𝑛𝑜𝑐

Q2. a)Explain how the transmission line act as different circuit elements at different lengths under
short circuit and open circuit conditions.
b) Establish the relationship between reflection coefficient (R) and standing wave ratio (S) for a
transmission line. If maximum and minimum voltages on a line are 4 V and 2 V respectively,
calculate the VSWR of the line.
Q3. Write short notes on: a) Smith chart b)losses in transmission lines c) various types of
transmission lines and their applications.
Q4.a) Discuss the principle of quarter wave transformer for matching a transmission line with
characteristic impedance Z0 to a load ZL.
b) A quarter wave transformer is used to match load of 200Ω to source of 500Ω at operating
frequency of 200 MHz. Determine the line characteristic impedance and quarter wave
transformer length. (Ans: Z0=316 Ω ,length=0.375 m)
c) Derive the expression for reflection coefficient in terms of line impedances. Determine the
respective values of reflection coefficient and standing wave ratio when the line is
i) Open at load ii) Shorted at load iii) Perfectly matched to load
Q5. State the necessary conditions for a lossless and distortion less transmission line. A
transmission line with no distortion has parameters z0=50 Ω, α=0.020 dB/m, v =0.6 v0. Find
primary constants R, L, C, G and wavelength λ at 0.1 GHz.
Q6.a) Derive the expression for input impedance of a transmission line (ideal case). Find the
input impedance for a 75 Ω lossless line of length 0.1λ, when the line is short. Also, find the
input impedance for the same 75 Ω lossless line of length 0.1λ, when the line is open.
(Ans: Zin when S/C =j54.3 Ω, Zin when O/C= -j103.2 Ω)
b) Show that for a lossless transmission line the input impedance of a line repeat over every λ/2
Q7. A lossless transmission line is of 30 m long, has Z0= 50 Ω and ZL= 60+j40 Ω. It operates
with frequency of 2 MHz and has velocity v = 0.6 v0 .Determine the following line parameters:
a) Reflection coefficient b)Standing wave ratio c)Input impedance d)Load admittance
(Ans: R==0.35 with angle 560 , S=2.08, Zin= (23.9 +j1.35)Ω , load admittance YL=1/ZL Ω-1)


Q1.a) Compare between transmission lines and waveguide.Mention the losses in a waveguide.
b) What is cut off frequency? Calculate the cut off frequency of a rectangular waveguide of
dimensions 3 cm x 1.5 cm.
c) Explain about rectangular cavity resonator in brief. What is Q factor?
Q2.a) Explain about antenna radiation pattern, HPBW, BWFN and lobes. Explain the terms
directive gain and antenna aperture. What is the relationship between them? (Ae= (λ2/4Π) D )
b) Explain radiation resistance and efficiency of antenna.
c) Write a short note on current element.
Q3. Derive the expression for electric and magnetic field for a Hertzian dipole antenna.
Q4.a) Why a hollow rectangular waveguide does not support TEM mode? Explain.
b) When a wave of 6 GHz propagates in parallel conducting plates separated by 3 cm, determine
the group velocity and phase velocity of the wave for dominant mode.
c) What is meant by dominant mode and degenerate modes?
Q5.a) Derive the field equations for TE mode in a rectangular waveguide.What is the dominant
mode for TE and TM?
b) A rectangular waveguide with dimensions of (3x2) cm operates at a frequency of 10 GHz.
Calculate the parameters fc , λc, λ, λg, βg , vp of dominant TE10 mode.
(Ans: fc= 5 GHz, λc=6 cm, λ= 3cm , λg=3.464 cm, βg=1.81 rad/cm, vp=3.4 x108 m/s)
Q6.a) Define the various modes in a waveguide. Explain why TM10 and TM01 modes are not
possible in a rectangular waveguide?
b) Write short notes on : i) Antenna applications ii) Half wave dipole iii) Hertzian dipole .

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