Q1. State and Explain the Boundary conditions for medium separating :
Dielectric- Dielectric and Conductor – Dielectric
Q2. Three field quantities are given by
P = 5ax – az
Q = 4ax – ay + az
R = 5ay + az
Determine (P+Q) X (P-Q), P X (QXR) and component P along Q
Q5. Explain the term Curl of a vector and hence derive the Stokes Theorem
Q6. Explain the term Divergence of a vector field and hence derive the
Divergence Theorem. Determine the Divergence of the vector field A= YZ ax
+ 4XY ay + Y az at a given point ( 1,-2,3)
Q16. State ohms law in EM field and prove the equation for ohms law J = 6
E, where J is conduction current density in amp per meter square
,6(Sigma) is the conductivity and E is electric field strength in volt
per meter.
Q17. A uniform plane wave of 50 Hz propagating through Copper conductor
having σ = 6.8 X 107 mho/m, εr = 1, µr = 1. Find (i) attenuation
constant,(ii) phase constant, (iii) propagation constant, (iv) intrinsic
impedance,(v) wavelength and (vi) phase velocity.
Q18. Given the circular plate parallel capacitor with radius of 5 cm
where thedistance of separation between the plates is 2cm and connected
to a battery of 200 Volt. Find the value of capacitor and the energy
stored in the capacitor.
Q19. Derive the equation for the uniform EM plane waves for the free
Q20. State and Verify Divergence Theorem
Q21. Derive an current continuity equation for time varying field
Q22. State Biot-Savart Law and explain its use in determining the
magnetic field around a current-carrying conductor.
Q23. State the continuity equation for electric current and its
significance inelectromagnetism.
Q24. State and explain the basic Maxwell’s Equations in its point and
integral form with their proper significance
Q25. Define and explain the boundary conditions for electromagnetic
fields at the interface of two different materials.
Q26. Explain some applications of Transmission lines
Q27. What is smith chart? Write the procedure to find the impedance from
thegiven admittance using smith chart and List the applications of smith
Q28. Explain the law of reflection for plane waves. Write down the
mathematical expression that represents the law of reflection.
Q29. Explain Linear, circular & Elliptical polarization in details.