Assignment 2 Sem1 2024-25
Assignment 2 Sem1 2024-25
Assignment 2 Sem1 2024-25
Q1. (a) A particle of mass 0.1 Kg undergoes SHM of amplitude 1m and period 0.2s. Calculate
the maximum value of Force acting on it.
(b) Derive velocity and Energy in SHM. Also, give a graphical representation of it.
(c) A particle is vibrating in simple harmonic motion with an amplitude of 4cm. At what
displacement from the equilibrium position is its energy half potential and half kinetic?
Q2.(a) Write Maxwell’s equations in differential and integral form. Discuss the physical
significance of each equation
Show that the equation of continuity 𝑑𝑖𝑣 𝐽 + = 0 is contained in Maxwell’s equations.
(b) What must be the value of b so that the vector field p represented by p = i(3x + by - 2z) + j(2x
+ y – 2bz) + k(4bx – 3bz) is a solenoidal field?
Q3. (a) Show that Ampere’s law is inconsistent in time-varying fields. How did Maxwell modify
Ampere’s law to make it consistent under all conditions? Find the expression for displacement
current and discuss its physical significance. In what sense is displacement current a current?
(b) Derive the Poynting theorem. Give the physical significance of each term involved.
Q4. (a) Deduce the plane electromagnetic wave equation in free space Prove the orthogonality
of electric field, magnetic field, and propagation vectors.
(b) Find the magnitude of Electric field vector E for a plane wave in free space, if the magnitude
of magnetic field vector H is 2A/m.
Q5(a)Calculate the value of the Poynting vector for a 60W bulb placed at a distance of 0.5m from
(b) Calculate the skin depth for 3 MHz electromagnetic wave through copper. (Given
conductivity 6 107 mho / m, 4 107 Henry / m .
i) The speed of the wave ii) the intrinsic impedance of the medium
iii)The peak magnetic field intensity (H 0 ), iv) the peak Poynting vector S (z,t).