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Painitan, Catherine Manuel BSMB 1D NSTP

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Activity 1

Define what is: 1) Leader

2) Leadership

Direction: write your answer in the box provided below (use another sheet of paper if necessary).


-Help them selves and others to do the right things they set direction, build on inspiring vision
and create something new. while leaders set the direction, they must also use manegement skill to
guide their people to the right destination in a smooth and efficient way.


-means different things to different people around the world, and different things in different
situation. For Example it could relate to community leadership, RELIGIOUS LEADLEADERSHPOLITICAL

Activity 2

Direction: Explain the following. Write your answer in the space provided or you can use separate sheet
of paper.

1. Shared leadership

Individuals will not function as a team if they are brought together simply to “rubber stamp” decisions
made by the team’s formal leader or others not in the team- The development and cohesion of a occur
only if there is a feeling of shared leadership among all team members.

2. Combative Behavior

Team members express conflict through the use of threats, attacks, and outright in fighting.

3. How are dictators different from facilitators in terms of decision-making?:

skills and techniques underpin most aspects of management. The art of good decision-making id
complex, encompassing a wide range of personal and interpersonal skills such as fact-finding logical
thinking, analytical ability, sensitivity to others, creativity, and assertiveness.

Direction: Fill-in the blank. Write your answer on the space provided before the number.

Authoritarian approach 1. Leaders assume the authority to make decisions alone and to pass them
down the line for implementation.

Youth Organization 2. Is a collection of teams composed of young people.

Democratic approach 3. The responsibility for decision-making between the leader and members of the

Plop 4. The group makes a decision by not making a decision. This means “not to decide” is to decide.
Someone makes a suggestion, but it is dropped like a stone into a pond, and no one pays any attention
to it at all.

One-person Decision 5. This is quickly made, but later when the decision-maker depends on free or
Voluntary support from others to implement it, he/she might find himself/herself carrying it out alone.

Handclasp 6. One person makes a suggestion another says, “What a marvelous idea” and without
further discussion the matter is decided. These decisions are more frequent than one thinks, and often
pass unnoticed at the time, but resentment comes to the surface later.

Operational decision 7. This is concerned with how the different functions of the organization such as
marketing, production, finance, etc. will contribute to its strategic plan.

Strategic decision 8. The decision at this level is likely concerned with the scope of the organization’s

Routine decision 9. This is an ordinary decision on a wide range of issues. The decisions are left to one
person, usually the leader.

Urgent decision 10. This is a decision intended for some problems that occur suddenly and may cause
serious consequences if not dealt with urgency.

Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. These decisions are not consciously organized as those of the clique, but a few powerful personalities
dominate the group, often unconsciously, and then later they wonder why the others are apathetic.

a. the decision making b. the minority

c. the leader d. all of the these

2. The art of good _________ is complex, encompassing a wide range of personal and interpersonal skills
such as fact-finding logical thinking, analytical ability, sensitivity to others, creativity, and assertiveness

a. decision-making b. authoritarian leader

c. complex decision d. good decision

3. The responsibility for decision-making between the leader and members of the team.

a. democratic approach b. autocratic approach

c. member approach d. all of these

4. Some groups aim at unanimous decisions. These are good, if genuine, but they are rarely achieved
completely on important issues. Unanimous agreement is sometimes assumed, when some members
have not felt free to disagree and have kept silent.

a. one person decision b. good citizenship decision

c. silent consensus d. one person consensus

5. This is concerned with how the different functions of the organization such as marketing, production,
finance, etc. will contribute to its strategic plan.

a. one person decision b. good citizenship decision

c. operational decision d. group decision

6. The following are the factors which Help in Decision-making. EXCEPT?

a. Clear goal

b. Conflicting loyalties

c. Clear understanding of who is responsible for the decision

d. Effective way of testing different suggestions offered

7. These decisions are more frequent than one thinks, and often pass unnoticed at the time, but
resentment comes to the surface later.
a. evaluating options b. final decision

c. handclasp d. accepting suggestions

8. ________ is define as having or showing realization, participation in, commitment to, and knowledge
of the development of one’s values.

a. self-management b. holistic approach

c. awareness d. behavior

9. The step that most directly controls our success or failure is our ________, what do we do or do not

a. behavior b. self-awareness

c. action d. all of these

10. Every action we take is first filtered through our ________?

a. behavior b. feeling

c. belief d. attitude

11. Through our determination and attitudes we create our feelings, direct our actions, and influence us
to do well or poorly, success or fail.

a. feelings b. faith

c. belief d. love

12. We believe what we are __________ to believe. Our conditioning from the day we born has created,
reinforced, and nearly permanently cemented most of what we believe about ourselves and what we
believe about most of what goes on around us?

a. programming b. believe

c. faith d. discipline

13. ________ It is derived from the Latin word valere, which means to be worth or to be strong.

a. value b. valid

c. behavior d. all of these

14. Having or showing realization, perception, or knowledge, be your own best and believe in yourself,
so that you can become the person you want to be?

a. self-analysis b. awareness
c. achievements d. self-concept

15. _________ means daring to attempt difficult things that are good. It is the strength not to follow the
crowd, to say no and mean it, and influence other by it?

a. behavior b. generosity

c. courage d. all of these

16. Is the reality felt at the level of the head, what is it?

a. the “being” b. the “one-self

c. the “I” d. the “body”

17. _________ means individual and personal caring that goes beneath and beyond loyalty and respect.

a. love b. respect

c. honest d. faith

18. The __________ is the subject of education: he/she is a human person learning and being taught.

a. self-image b. human person

c. values development d. all of these

19. These are persons or groups that one considers as important and are thus given the right to
influence oneself.

a. the others b. the individual

c. the human person d. the being

20. It is the mainspring or a motivating force in the human person.

a. the others b. the individual

c. the human person d. the being

21. Honesty must be practiced with other individuals, with institutions with society, and within oneself.
The inner strength and confidence are bred by exacting truthfulness trustworthiness and integrity.

a. love b. respect

c. honesty d. discipline

22. This means daring to attempt difficult things that are good. It is the strength not to follow the crowd,
to say no and mean it, and influence others by it. It means being true to one’s convictions and following
good impulses even when they are unpopular or inconvenient. It means bolds to be outgoing and

a. courage b. belief

c. faith d. discipline

23. This means respect for life, property, parents, elders, nature, and the beliefs and rights of others. It
refers to courtesy, politeness, and manners. It means self-respect and the avoidance of self-criticism.

a. love b. respect

c. honesty d. discipline

24. These depend on a person’s internal traits and characteristics such as intellectual and emotional

a. experiences b. discipline

c. influences d. all of these

25. These refer to obedience to law and fairness in work and play. These involve an understanding of the
natural consequences and the law of the harvest.

a. justice and mercy b. kindness and friendship

c. justice and friendship d. kindness and mercy

26. It means individual and personal caring that goes beneath and beyond loyalty and respect.
a. love b. respect

c. honesty d. discipline

27. These refer to a person’s individuality, awareness, and development of personal gifts and
uniqueness. One must take responsibility for one’s own actions. The tendency to blame others for
difficulties must be overcome. One must have a commitment to personal excellence.

a. self-discipline and moderation b. self-reliance and potential

c. justice and friendship d. none of theses

28. The group makes a decision by not making a decision. This means “not to decide” is to decide.
Someone makes a suggestion, but it is dropped like a stone into a pond, and no one pays any attention
to it at all.

a. the leader b. the plop

c. the clique d. the minority

29. In big groups, this is often the most effective way to make a decision. However, one may lose the
interest or the loyalty of the minority who voted against a decision, especially if they feel their point of
view has not been heard.

a. the majority vote b. the minority vote

c. wise voter d. right to vote

30. The following sentence or are the difficulties in decision-making. EXCEPT?

a. Fear of consequences

b. Conflicting loyalties

c. personal conflict

d. Hidden agenda

e. Blundering methods

f. Inadequate leadership

g. Clash of interests
31. This is an agreement, often involving compromise or the combination of various possibilities, after all
opinions have been heard. Disagreements and minority viewpoints are discussed fully. It takes time and
care to build a climate in which all feel free to express themselves.

a. self-decision b. the consensus

c. sharing ideas d. all of these

32. The responsibility for decision-making between the leader and members of the team.

a. autocratic approach b. political approach

c. democratic approach d. authoritarian approac

33. Every group has to make decisions and the way in which these decisions are made will affect deeply
the commitment of the members to the life and work of the group. When a group cannot make
decisions, the members become very frustrated. Most groups need some skills to practice decision-
making so that all the members discover and learn what helps and what hinders good decision-making.

a. involvement in decision b. accept the decision

c. sharing decision d. all of these

34. A healthy team has a well-articulated corporate and team Purpose, usually phrased as a vision
statement, mission statement, or values statement. The team members have a common understanding
of this purpose. They willingly commit their energy to achieve this purpose and frequently take time to
recall, review, and relive it.

a. purpose b. aim

c. ambition d. goal

35. In a healthy team, the members continually ask themselves whether the team is enacting the
specific role needed to achieve its purpose. The members seek to enact the optimal role for the moment
with the understanding that its role may change over time.

a. function b. responsibility

c. role d. action
36. In a healthy team, the members understand the team’s strategy and use it to guide day-to-day
activities. The members ask what new things they should do and what things they should stop doing in
order to achieve the team’s purpose.

a. plan b. tactics

c. policy d. strategy

37. In a healthy team, the members are aware of what processes or systems of operation are used to
produce results. They know which processes need attention and improvement. They take conscious
effort to frequently improve and update these processes.

a. process b. deliberation

c. involvement d. improvement

38. A healthy team has members who have the required expertise and knowledge to implement the
team’s strategy and achieve its purpose. The team members feel well-utilized and valued. Each team
member understands his/her individual contribution to the team and the team members empower
themselves to act for the team when necessary.

a. individual b. people

c. group d. team

39. A healthy team solicits _________on its behaviour and performance from key stakeholders, who
might include customers, suppliers, managers and other teams.

a. accept b. collect

c. acquire d. feedback

40. A healthy team intentionally manages its critical relationships with external people or environment
in order to build needed relationships and enhance existing ones. They do not isolate themselves as
independent islands.

a. interface b. communicate

c. dialogue d. all of these

41. This is quickly made, but later when the decision-maker depends on free or voluntary support from
others to implement it, he/she might find himself/herself carrying it out alone.

a. one person-decision b. self-decision

c. actual decision d. none of these

42. This decision is made by a small group who Plans beforehand to get their way. Because they are
better organized than those who disagree, they are Successful on the immediate issue, hut they bring a
spirit of rivalry rather than cooperation into the group.

a. the majority b. the clique

c. the cooperation d. the routine

43. Leaders assume the authority to make decisions alone and to pass them down the line for

a. autocratic approach b. political approach

c. democratic approach d. authoritarian approach

44. This is concerned with how the different functions of the organization such as marketing,
production, finance, etc. will contribute to its strategic plan.

a. strategic decision b. operational decision

c. right decision d. all of these

45. The decision at this level is likely concerned with the scope of the organization’s activities.

a. strategic decision b. operational decision

c. right decision d. all of these

46. This is an ordinary decision on a wide range of issues. The decisions are left to one person, usually
the leader.
a. consolidated decision b. routine decision

c. false decision d. consultative decision

47. This is a decision intended for some problems that occur suddenly and may cause serious
consequences if not dealt with urgency.

a. objective decision b. fast decision

c. urgent decision d. self-decision

48. This decision must be taken when a difficulty has emerged and there is no obvious solution. Experts
from outside the team may be called to give advice.

a. wrong decision b. problematic decision

c. false decision d. all of these

49. This is a decision that involves those who are affected by the results of the decision. Consulting other
people from outside the organization means inviting others to serve as consultants.

a. consolidated decision b. routine decision

c. false decision d. consultative decision

50. These refer to family, employment, country, church, school, and other organizations and institutions.
These means reliability and consistency in doing what one says a person will do.

a. loyalty and dependability b. respect and loyalty

c. courage and determination d. all of these

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