Relevance Theory
Recent papers in Relevance Theory
Misunderstandings are one of the outcomes of unsuccessful communications. It occurs when the addressee does not realize that the interpretation he derived from an utterance was not the one intended by the speaker. In this paper,... more
The present paper aims to present legal language in the relevance-theoretic perspective. The focus is on the English legal texts. The basic research question behind the analysis is whether relevance theory, being a psychologist theory of... more
At around four years of age several intellectual changes take place. Two changes that appear to be specifically related are concerned with the understanding of mental states: 'Theory of Mind' (ToM) and self control (Executive Function,... more
This paper explores the effects of deregulation and globalization on the dominant mode of corporate governance in Swedish public firms. The effects are multidimensional-the direction of change in corporate governance cannot be determined... more
The purpose of this paper is to determine the effects of usage of sequential teaching method on the academic achievement and retention level of students. Three student groups of biology students in University “Goce Delcev”, Faculty of... more
This paper sets out to reasess some relevance-theoretic analyses of the English modals, in particular Walton (1988), , and Berbeira Gardón (1996a), and show how a unified treatment of modal verbs is possible within the framework of... more
Este trabajo es una réplica a la resella de nuestro libro Los verbos modales ingleses EstudIO semántlco-pragmat¡co, realizada por la Ora Carretero Lapeyre (este volumen). Carretero destaca dl\·ersos aspectos problemáticos de nuestro... more
We propose Bayesian inference in hazard regression models where the baseline hazard is unknown, covariate effects are possibly agevarying (non-proportional), and there is multiplicative frailty with arbitrary distribution. Our framework... more
Why structure is usually represented iconically in visual images? A relevantist answer
Even though pun translation has been subject to several discussions over many years, studies in pun translation as part of audiovisual translation (AVT) are limited to only the last four decades due the gradual advancements in translation... more
use of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, angiotensinreceptor blockers, and calcium-channel blockers, as well as vasodilating β-blockers. arterial stiffness will undoubtedly contribute to cardiovascular assessment and management in... more
Visual and multimodal discourse becomes an ever-more popular object of research. This is a welcome development, since the proliferation of communication that is not (exclusively) verbal makes the need for an academic discipline focusing... more
With focus on Facebook, this paper contributes to the scholarly discussion that draws from Marxist concepts to examine “labour relations” between social media organizations as capitalist enterprises and users as both free labour and... more
This paper argues that positing a Theory of Mind and mind-reading abilities in particular is necessary in order to be able to account for the development and possible impairments of communication in normally developing children and... more
A few years ago I proposed a new 'cognitive-pragmatic' approach to understanding simultaneous interpretation , which has, gratifyingly, been acknowledged in several reviews, including one in these pages (Target 13:1, 2001: 177-183). The... more
Background: The analysis of discourse has now become common-place but the focus continues to be on discrete aspects or levels of discourse processing. Although this has provided the necessary groundwork, investigating the relationships... more
Relevance and irrelevance, it is argued, is constitutive to our access to “information objects” on three interconnected levels: (1) access to the information object itself, (2) the information gained from it, (3) the use of that... more
Health organizations have started to become more market-driven. Therefore, it is important for health organizations to analyse the competitive dynamics of their industrial structure. However, relevant theories and models have mainly been... more
Four domains of relationship have been highlighted as the cornerstones of relationship-centered health care. Of these, clinician-patient relationships have been most thoroughly studied, with a rich empirical literature illuminating... more
In this paper, I suggest a theoretical approach to the production and interpretation of phatic utterances aimed at complementing other previous accounts. These argue that utterances are normally interpreted as phatic either because of... more
Abstract The analysis takes up the conjunction of semiotics and cybernetics as a problem in theory construction in the human sciences. From a philosophical per- spective, this is also the ontological problem of communicology: the... more
We present the implementation of optimal control into the open source simulation package SIMPSON for development and optimization of nuclear magnetic resonance experiments for a wide range of applications, including liquid-and solid-state... more
A health education program toward smoking prevention was developed, based on four relevant theories (Social Cognitive Theory, Theory of Planned Behavior, Health Belief Model and Persuasion Theory). For the assessment of the program, 8... more
These lecture notes codify extensive recent research on economic forecasting. When a forecast- ing model coincides with the mechanism generating the data (DGP) in an unchanging world, the theory of economic forecasting is well developed.... more
Seeking to learn more about the interpreter’s profession and highlight useful information on improving the professional interpreter’s performance, the theme “Conference Interpreting Strategies” was selected for this paper. While reading... more
Oversupply of information, irrelevance, and repetition in political and administrative text and talk have received considerable scholarly attention, but the tendency to date has been to analyse these phenomena separately. In this article,... more
For the past few decades, relevance theory has been a significant area of study within the fields of pragmatics and semantics. It proposed a new line of thinking about communication; it took into consideration the cognitive aspect of... more
This chapter offers a way of understanding the effects of poetic images (metaphorical or literal). It employs and extends the notion of ‘emergent properties’, as well as relevance theory’s account of how communicative acts can ‘show’ as... more
The notion of schema has been given a major role by Recanati within his conception of primary pragmatic processes, conceived as a type of associative process. I intend to show that Recanati’s considerations on schemata may challenge the... more
Sustainable development is prompting a re-assessment of innovation and technological change. This review paper contributes three things towards this re-assessment activity. First, it considers how the history of innovation studies for... more
Kapitel aus einer Einführung in die Linguistik. Hier werden in leicht verständlicher Form die Begriffe "Implikatur" und "Inferenz" beschrieben und in einer Theorie des Sprachgebrauchs und des Sprachwandels verortet.
This paper aims to contribute to the burgeoning area of investigation into cinematic discourse with special attention devoted to the discrepancies in the comprehension process which is consequent upon the level of perception of humorous... more
This dissertation explores the use of catchphrase in communication, mainly within the framework of Relevance Theory developed by Sperber and Wilson (1995). I argue that some of the catchphrases, and the variant “snowclones”, can present... more
In the digital environment, memes embody a distinct type of implied humorous meaning as they are formed under the interaction of two different semiotic modes. The aim of this study is to investigate how the humorous content of memes is... more
The present paper explores the contextual effects involved in the processing of the cognitivemechanisms used to achieve humor in interaction. We argue that the use of ostensive stimuli(Sperber and Wilson, 1988) emphasize the speaker’s... more
This paper extends the notion of presupposition to inferences providing grounds for relevance or meaningfulness; it is claimed that such presuppositions get accommodated quite in the same way as presuppositions proper, and that they have... more
Durante un almuerzo en el que se sirvió un bacalao delicioso, al retirar la fuente del mismo, se produjo el siguiente intercambio entre la madre y uno de sus hijos, estudiante universitario que cursaba sus estudios en otra ciudad 1 :
Abstract The objective of this study is to contribute to a better understanding of the negotiation of meaning between the participants of a bilingual interpreter-mediated interaction by analysing the effects of the verbalization of the... more
El déficit cognitivo es una de las causas de fracaso escolar o en los casos más graves de la necesidad de una educación especial. Las distintas soluciones que se proponen en los países europeos pueden ser insuficientes o incluso vaciarse... more