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Airbnb’s remarkable growth is applauded, but there is certainly room for expansion in the Korean market. In this study, the authors conducted a background analysis of Airbnb, studying the strengths and weaknesses of the firm and devising... more
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      MarketingTourism StudiesTourism MarketingInternational Business
In the current context of globalization, firms have concentrated their efforts on the development of international brands. As a result, international brand portfolios have been restructured, and many successful local brands have been... more
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      MarketingGlobalizationInternational MarketingBranding
There are more types of borders today than ever before in history. Borders of all kinds define every aspect of social life in the twenty-first century. From the biometric data that divides the smallest aspects of our bodies to the aerial... more
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      Critical TheoryEuropean HistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
Turismul în România a suferit schimbări considerabile în procesul de tranziţie spre economia de piaţă. Aceste modificări, însoţite de soluţiile neadecvate adoptate de autorităţi, au determinat o situaţie discordantă între ceea ce prezintă... more
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      MarketingTourism MarketingTourism ManagementSocial Marketing
Geomarketing allows geographical units to be defined with a certain degree of homogeneity in terms of tourists' preferences, behaviours, needs, expectations, purchase and consumption patterns and analogous attitudes. The result is a... more
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      ManagementMarketingEconomicsTourism Studies
The focus of this paper is to apply sensory branding to the case of Lego. Henceforth, the thesis question for my paper is the following: To what extent does Lego use sensory branding and what should the company do in the future in terms... more
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      BusinessMarketingBrand ManagementEarly Childhood Education
Research alignment is a relatively new concept with dissertations and research projects. Most researchers and dissertation chairs are not familiar with it. To achieve research alignment is very important and must be taught to novice and... more
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      EntrepreneurshipMarketingApplied StatisticsSocial Media
International marketing’s commitment to a technical and universalizing approach to solving managerial problems has meant that researchers have adopted an ethnocentric approach to branding. This is becoming problematic as the global... more
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      International MarketingConsumer Culture TheoryBranding
With increasing rates of forest depletion worldwide, increasingly the question is being asked: Can markets play a role in mitigating the deleterious environmental and social impacts of forestry activities? The Forest Stewardship Council... more
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      Ecological EconomicsInternational MarketingApplied EconomicsSocial impact
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Marketing is one of the most essential components in business. The prosperity of the business is dependent on how well it survives in the selling of its products or service. It is this that makes marketing an imperative... more
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    • International Marketing
Quality of life (QOL) has become a central issue of concern in peoples’ lives and the research on this topic has largely increased in the past decades. However, some studies on QOL only adopted objective indicators and QOL research is... more
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      BusinessMarketingTourism StudiesTourism Marketing
Questo ebook sulla SEO ha lo scopo di approfondimento sul tema senza presunzione. L’obiettivo dell’ebook gratuito è quello di aggiornarlo con nuove storie ed esempi sullaSEO che spiegano sempre meglio l’efficienza della metodologia in... more
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      MarketingInternational MarketingMarketing StrategySearch Engine Optimization
This paper is all  about managing a successful business project on
Implementing CSR activities of restaurant will get a complete idea of how to run a successful CSR activity of a restaurant company.
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      Tourism MarketingServices Marketing and ManagementInternational MarketingMarketing Management
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      BusinessMarketingBusiness AdministrationBusiness Ethics
As Edgar Degas said: “Art is not what you see, but what you make others see”. It means that the more you can transform your view of art from abstract things into physical things, the larger the enhancement for people who appreciated... more
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      International MarketingMarketing ResearchMarketing Strategy
Hər hansı marketinq problemi ilə bağlı olaraq informasiyanın toplanması analizi və şərhi prosesi Marketinq Tədqiqatları adlanır.
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      ManagementMarketingTourism MarketingResearch Methodology
Ninth Edition
J. Paul Peter
University of Wisconsin, Madison

Jerry C. Olson
Pennsylvania State University
Olson Zaltman Associates
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      MarketingTourism MarketingConsumers & ConsumptionSocial Marketing
Questo ebook sul piano di marketing ha lo scopo di approfondimento sul tema senza presunzione. L’obiettivo dell’ebook gratuito è quello di aggiornarlo con nuove storie ed esempi sul piano di marketing che spiegano sempre meglio... more
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      MarketingInternational MarketingMarketing StrategyMarketing Management
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    • International Marketing
The study and practice of marketing have broadened considerably, from an emphasis on marketing as a functional management issue, to a wider focus on the strategic role of marketing in overall corporate strategy (e.g., Kotler, 2000;... more
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      MarketingGlobalizationInternational StudiesLocalization
A marketing plan may be part of an overall business plan. Solid marketing strategy is the foundation of a well-written marketing plan. While a marketing plan contains a list of actions, a marketing plan without a sound strategic... more
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      ManagementMarketingInternational MarketingMarketing Research
This article investigates the markup pricing behaviour of U.S. exporters of agricultural products. Agricultural products studied are feed, flour, frozen potatoes, frozen orange juice, five categories of beef, five categories of pork, and... more
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      EconomicsInternational RelationsInternational TradeInternational Marketing
What determines a country's ability to compete in international markets? What fosters the global competitiveness of its firms? And in the European context, have key elements of the EU strategy such as EMU and enlargement helped or... more
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      Eastern EuropeEuropean integrationEuropean UnionInternational Marketing
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    • International Marketing
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      International MarketingEconomic CrisisCropping PatternAsian Financial Crisis
Khaya senegalensis (Desr.) A. Juss. (African mahogany or dry-zone mahogany) has long been an important multipurpose tree in its natural range in Africa. It is valued for a wide range of non-timber traditional use products. It also... more
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      International TradeSri LankaInternational MarketingSeed production
This study thoroughly elaborates on the influence of COO on consumer’s perception towards hospitality products, precisely on sanitary products. Country of origin encompass products imported from Italy and China solely. The main focus is... more
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      MarketingConsumer BehaviorInternational MarketingJordan
This paper studies how financial globalization affects debt structure in emerging markets. We find that by accessing international markets firms increase their long-term debt and extend their debt maturity. In contrast, long-term debt... more
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      Development EconomicsEmerging EconomiesFinancial LiberalizationInternational Marketing The rise in the population of the eldest demographics poses challenges as well as opportunities, as although the over-55s are the most knowledgeable when it comes to the... more
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      MarketingBusiness EthicsTourism MarketingCorporate Social Responsibility
The concept of "principled negotiation", developed by Fisher and Ury in "Getting to Yes", is one of the most influential approaches in current negotiation theory. However, it is important to recognize three critical academic issues about... more
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      Social PsychologyChinese PhilosophyInternational NegotiationInternational Marketing
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      International StudiesInternational BusinessMerchandisingInternational Marketing
Purpose–Increasing turnover of frontline staff in call centres is detrimental to the delivery of quality service to customers. This paper aims to present the context for the rapid growth of the business process outsourcing (BPO) sector in... more
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      BusinessMarketingHuman Resource ManagementInternational Marketing
This paper examines whether poor and vulnerable groups in society share in the benefits of a foreseen economic expansion in the demand for fruit, vegetables and flowers from consumers at home and abroad. Primary survey data is collected... more
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      International MarketingVietnamFood SecurityValue Creation
The globalization has brought many things, in particular it allowed local markets to be really opened to the world. The borders between countries are not a problem anymore, especially in case of international trade and marketing.... more
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      MarketingInternational MarketingTurkeyMarketing Research
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      Decision MakingInternational MarketingApplied EconomicsWorld Economy
Tourism in China has rapidly developed since the adoption of open-door economic reform policy in 1978. There is still little understanding about the role played by the Chinese government in the development of tourism. This paper... more
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      MarketingTourism StudiesTourism ManagementInternational Marketing
In recent years the scale and scope of retailer internationalisation activity has grown markedly, mainly through increasing levels of cross‐border merger and acquisition activity. This has been particularly prevalent among companies... more
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      International BusinessInternational MarketingUnited KingdomInvestment Banking
The study aims to explore the owner-managers' attitudes and opinions towards branding and brand management in small and medium enterprises across Dubai, UAE. The study also explores the causes that are acting as barriers to brand... more
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      International MarketingBrandingGlobal Business
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      International MarketingAquatic PlantsORNAMENTAL FISH AQUACULTUREAquarium Fish
In international business, competitiveness is the crux of success, which means every effort has to be made to reduce the cost of production and marketing. Every single penny saved matters a lot and adds to an exporter’s global... more
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      BusinessEconomicsInternational Tax LawInternational Business
The purpose of this study is to investigate the consumers' preferences towards various automobile brands in Turkey. Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) algorithm known as ALSCAL and a number of other complementary techniques (PREFMAP and... more
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      Multidimensional ScalingInternational MarketingÇok Boyutlu Ölçekleme
The starting point of the present paper is the idea that to define a regional development policy which should effectively respond to the new challenges of the future, in particular to the globalisation of the economy and the acceleration... more
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      Local DevelopmentInternational MarketingRegional developmentTechnological Innovation
A paper by Simone Pasquazzi for "Quaderno Sism 2017 Economic Warfare"
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      International EconomicsFrench HistoryIntelligenceInternational Trade
Purpose -The paper assesses the extent to which China's comparative advantage in manufacturing has shifted towards higher-tech sectors between 1987 and 2005 and proposes possible explanations for the shift. Design/methodology/approach... more
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      International MarketingChinaQuantitative analysisCompetitive advantage
Banking regulation
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      Critical TheoryAmerican LiteratureBusinessOrganizational Behavior
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      MarketingPower SystemsGlobalizationSocial Marketing