Near-ground growth offers lowstatured plants many benefi ts
but also exposes them to the risk
... more Near-ground growth offers lowstatured plants many benefi ts but also exposes them to the risk of being overtopped and losing access to sunlight. Plant community development is often portrayed as a process of serial dominance by successively taller species, but here we describe a mechanism by which a low-growing rosette species alters community spatial structure. Elephantopus elatus (Asteraceae), an herbaceous savanna plant with low-growing leaves that emerge radially from a central bud, pushes neighboring plants away and thereby avoids being overtopped. Active pushing is possible because the leaves have stout petioles that are basally anchored rather than attached to fl exible twigs or stems. This growthmediated leaf pushing introduces a novel example of active plant interactions that is likely important for other rosette plants.
colonizes and rapidly dies. The upper end of sapling mortality and growth distributions in Americ... more colonizes and rapidly dies. The upper end of sapling mortality and growth distributions in America is set by gap specialists: C. obtusifolia at BCI (12 % yearj1 mortality, 14 % yearj1 growth), C. sciadophylla at Yasuni (5.0% yearj1 mortality, 6.3 % yearj1 growth), and C. monostachya at La Planada (8.8 % yearj1 mortality, 8.2 % yearj1 growth). Diverse South-east Asian forests lacked species with such high rates (27). The most diverse tropical forests are the least diverse demographically. It remains plau-sible that demographic niches are packed more tightly in some forests than others, but this seems unlikely, because packing should depend only on population size and turnover, which do not vary much. Moreover, the successional-niche hypothesis is not favored by the strong peak in demographic rates near 1 to 2 % yearj1; if demographic niches were crucial, then rates ought to be spread evenly over the entire range (28). Instead, the similarity in demography of many species suggests tra...
colonizes and rapidly dies. The upper end of sapling mortality and growth distributions in Americ... more colonizes and rapidly dies. The upper end of sapling mortality and growth distributions in America is set by gap specialists: C. obtusifolia at BCI (12 % yearj1 mortality, 14 % yearj1 growth), C. sciadophylla at Yasuni (5.0% yearj1 mortality, 6.3 % yearj1 growth), and C. monostachya at La Planada (8.8 % yearj1 mortality, 8.2 % yearj1 growth). Diverse South-east Asian forests lacked species with such high rates (27). The most diverse tropical forests are the least diverse demographically. It remains plau-sible that demographic niches are packed more tightly in some forests than others, but this seems unlikely, because packing should depend only on population size and turnover, which do not vary much. Moreover, the successional-niche hypothesis is not favored by the strong peak in demographic rates near 1 to 2 % yearj1; if demographic niches were crucial, then rates ought to be spread evenly over the entire range (28). Instead, the similarity in demography of many species suggests tra...
HARDIANSYAH G, RUSLANDI, HIDAYAT D, NUGRAHA A, MAHARDI M & PUTZ FE .2015. Clear bole lengths and ... more HARDIANSYAH G, RUSLANDI, HIDAYAT D, NUGRAHA A, MAHARDI M & PUTZ FE .2015. Clear bole lengths and crown characteristics of line-planted and naturally-regenerated Shorea leprosula trees: a case study from Kalimantan, Indonesia. Shorea leprosula seedlings planted at 5-m intervals along 3-m wide cleared lines at 20-m intervals through twice-logged forests in Kalimantan grew rapidly in dbh (diameter at 1.3 m) but at age 14–15 years, had branch-free stems that averaged 11% shorter than those of naturally-regenerated trees of the same dbh (20–40 cm). There was no relationship between clear bole length and terrain slope or current crown exposure. If low branches continue to be maintained until the harvest (planned at 25 years), commercial timber yields will be lower than predicted from allometrical relationships calculated using data from naturally-regenerated trees. Even if low branches on the planted trees are shed before harvest, log values will be reduced due to the presence of large kn...
... PUB TYPE: Book (ISBN 0874747147 ). VOLUME/EDITION: PAGES (INTRO/BODY): x,. SUBJECT(S): Latin ... more ... PUB TYPE: Book (ISBN 0874747147 ). VOLUME/EDITION: PAGES (INTRO/BODY): x,. SUBJECT(S): Latin America in art; Exoticism in art; Art, American; Art, Modern; 19th century; United States. DISCIPLINE: No discipline assigned. LC NUMBER: N8214.5.U6 M3 1989. HTTP: ...
... Numerous measures have been proposed to improve forest management including, among other reco... more ... Numerous measures have been proposed to improve forest management including, among other recommendations, full commercial tree censuses, improved road planning, liana cutting on harvestable trees, seed tree retention, higher harvest diameter limits and liberation of ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 2013
Changes in climate and land use that interact synergistically to increase fire frequencies and in... more Changes in climate and land use that interact synergistically to increase fire frequencies and intensities in tropical regions are predicted to drive forests to new grass-dominated stable states. To reveal the mechanisms for such a transition, we established 50 ha plots in a transitional forest in the southwestern Brazilian Amazon to different fire treatments (unburned, burned annually (B1 yr ) or at 3-year intervals (B3 yr )). Over an 8-year period since the commencement of these treatments, we documented: (i) the annual rate of pasture and native grass invasion in response to increasing fire frequency; (ii) the establishment of Brachiaria decumbens (an African C 4 grass) as a function of decreasing canopy cover and (iii) the effects of grass fine fuel on fire intensity. Grasses invaded approximately 200 m from the edge into the interiors of burned plots (B1 yr : 4.31 ha; B3 yr : 4.96 ha) but invaded less than 10 m into the unburned plot (0.33 ha). The probability of B. decumbens e...
colonizes and rapidly dies. The upper end of sapling mortality and growth distributions in Americ... more colonizes and rapidly dies. The upper end of sapling mortality and growth distributions in America is set by gap specialists: C. obtusifolia at BCI (12 % yearj1 mortality, 14 % yearj1 growth), C. sciadophylla at Yasuni (5.0% yearj1 mortality, 6.3 % yearj1 growth), and C. monostachya at La Planada (8.8 % yearj1 mortality, 8.2 % yearj1 growth). Diverse South-east Asian forests lacked species with such high rates (27). The most diverse tropical forests are the least diverse demographically. It remains plau-sible that demographic niches are packed more tightly in some forests than others, but this seems unlikely, because packing should depend only on population size and turnover, which do not vary much. Moreover, the successional-niche hypothesis is not favored by the strong peak in demographic rates near 1 to 2 % yearj1; if demographic niches were crucial, then rates ought to be spread evenly over the entire range (28). Instead, the similarity in demography of many species suggests tra...
SUMMARY After more than 20 years and substantial investments of time and money, Forest Stewardshi... more SUMMARY After more than 20 years and substantial investments of time and money, Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification of tropical forest management is due for a stringent impact evaluation. For any social, ecological, and economic outcomes to be attributed to FSC certification, rival explanations need to be ruled out. We recognize that different types of knowledge about FSC impacts derived from information gathered through a range of methods can satisfy the evidence-needs of different stakeholders. But this paper describes a roadmap based on rigorous methods to assess whether FSC certification delivers on its expected outcomes and the underlying mechanisms through which changes can be attributable to FSC. To this end, background studies that provide contextual knowledge related to implementation of FSC certification are proposed to account for any positive self-selection biases and to capture the temporal dynamics of certification including changes in the sociopolitical and...
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, a... more JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact
... Beberapa jenis pepanjat bergantung dari segi biomekanikal kepada tumbuhan pepanjat yang lain ... more ... Beberapa jenis pepanjat bergantung dari segi biomekanikal kepada tumbuhan pepanjat yang lain yang menghasilkan warisan penjajahan pepanjat yang berturut ... in eastern Sabah, Malaysia (9782 km -, state commercial forest, latitude 5° 0'N, longitude 117° 30'E, ca200 m ...
Inevitably an international training workshop requires an enormous organizational effort. This is... more Inevitably an international training workshop requires an enormous organizational effort. This is especially true when the participants come from many different countries for which the host country has a variety of visa requirements and in which airline scheduling may be difficult. We want particularly to recognize the efforts of Ms. Lia Wan, CIFOR Travel and Conference Coordinator, and Mrs. Nani Djoko, CIFOR Research Division Secretary. Also, the assistance of Mr. Yahyah Sampurna, CIFOR computer services technician, was essential for the smooth operation of the computer-based instruction and lab exercises. We are also grateful to the entire staff of CIFOR's Administration and Finance Division for their hard work in arranging payments and requisitions, often on short notice. For serving as a field laboratory and providing us a place to stay and do our research in East Kalimantan we want to thank the staff and officers of PT. ITCI (International Timber Corporation Indonesia). Finally, of course, we want to recognize the outstanding contributions of the workshop instructors (Appendix 1), many of whom prepared written lecture notes and exercise materials. Without their expertise and enthusiasm the course would not have been possible.
In 13 ha of virgin dipterocarp forest of Sungai Tekam Forest Reserve, Pahang (Peninsular Malaysia... more In 13 ha of virgin dipterocarp forest of Sungai Tekam Forest Reserve, Pahang (Peninsular Malaysia), there were an average of 376 climbers/ha 2 cm dbh (diameter at 1.3 m from the ground). Cutting of climbers before logging reduced the number of trees pulled down ...
The experiences of a community group in Florida that sponsored a campaign to curb local expansion... more The experiences of a community group in Florida that sponsored a campaign to curb local expansion of Sapium sebijerum (tallow tree), an invasive exotic tree, may be useful for other exotic species control programs. Success of the tallow replacement program was due, in part, to a partnership formed with the nursery industry. Convincing the public that not all trees are environmentally beneficial and enlisting public participation in the campaign were major challenges. Assistance came in the unexpected form of several vitriolic letters to the editor of the local newspaper in which the sponsors of the program were condemned for believing that they had the right to determine the fate of a tree, even an invasive exotic. The published exchange of letters was beneficial insofar as it kept the issue of exotics prominently in the public eye.
Near-ground growth offers lowstatured plants many benefi ts
but also exposes them to the risk
... more Near-ground growth offers lowstatured plants many benefi ts but also exposes them to the risk of being overtopped and losing access to sunlight. Plant community development is often portrayed as a process of serial dominance by successively taller species, but here we describe a mechanism by which a low-growing rosette species alters community spatial structure. Elephantopus elatus (Asteraceae), an herbaceous savanna plant with low-growing leaves that emerge radially from a central bud, pushes neighboring plants away and thereby avoids being overtopped. Active pushing is possible because the leaves have stout petioles that are basally anchored rather than attached to fl exible twigs or stems. This growthmediated leaf pushing introduces a novel example of active plant interactions that is likely important for other rosette plants.
colonizes and rapidly dies. The upper end of sapling mortality and growth distributions in Americ... more colonizes and rapidly dies. The upper end of sapling mortality and growth distributions in America is set by gap specialists: C. obtusifolia at BCI (12 % yearj1 mortality, 14 % yearj1 growth), C. sciadophylla at Yasuni (5.0% yearj1 mortality, 6.3 % yearj1 growth), and C. monostachya at La Planada (8.8 % yearj1 mortality, 8.2 % yearj1 growth). Diverse South-east Asian forests lacked species with such high rates (27). The most diverse tropical forests are the least diverse demographically. It remains plau-sible that demographic niches are packed more tightly in some forests than others, but this seems unlikely, because packing should depend only on population size and turnover, which do not vary much. Moreover, the successional-niche hypothesis is not favored by the strong peak in demographic rates near 1 to 2 % yearj1; if demographic niches were crucial, then rates ought to be spread evenly over the entire range (28). Instead, the similarity in demography of many species suggests tra...
colonizes and rapidly dies. The upper end of sapling mortality and growth distributions in Americ... more colonizes and rapidly dies. The upper end of sapling mortality and growth distributions in America is set by gap specialists: C. obtusifolia at BCI (12 % yearj1 mortality, 14 % yearj1 growth), C. sciadophylla at Yasuni (5.0% yearj1 mortality, 6.3 % yearj1 growth), and C. monostachya at La Planada (8.8 % yearj1 mortality, 8.2 % yearj1 growth). Diverse South-east Asian forests lacked species with such high rates (27). The most diverse tropical forests are the least diverse demographically. It remains plau-sible that demographic niches are packed more tightly in some forests than others, but this seems unlikely, because packing should depend only on population size and turnover, which do not vary much. Moreover, the successional-niche hypothesis is not favored by the strong peak in demographic rates near 1 to 2 % yearj1; if demographic niches were crucial, then rates ought to be spread evenly over the entire range (28). Instead, the similarity in demography of many species suggests tra...
HARDIANSYAH G, RUSLANDI, HIDAYAT D, NUGRAHA A, MAHARDI M & PUTZ FE .2015. Clear bole lengths and ... more HARDIANSYAH G, RUSLANDI, HIDAYAT D, NUGRAHA A, MAHARDI M & PUTZ FE .2015. Clear bole lengths and crown characteristics of line-planted and naturally-regenerated Shorea leprosula trees: a case study from Kalimantan, Indonesia. Shorea leprosula seedlings planted at 5-m intervals along 3-m wide cleared lines at 20-m intervals through twice-logged forests in Kalimantan grew rapidly in dbh (diameter at 1.3 m) but at age 14–15 years, had branch-free stems that averaged 11% shorter than those of naturally-regenerated trees of the same dbh (20–40 cm). There was no relationship between clear bole length and terrain slope or current crown exposure. If low branches continue to be maintained until the harvest (planned at 25 years), commercial timber yields will be lower than predicted from allometrical relationships calculated using data from naturally-regenerated trees. Even if low branches on the planted trees are shed before harvest, log values will be reduced due to the presence of large kn...
... PUB TYPE: Book (ISBN 0874747147 ). VOLUME/EDITION: PAGES (INTRO/BODY): x,. SUBJECT(S): Latin ... more ... PUB TYPE: Book (ISBN 0874747147 ). VOLUME/EDITION: PAGES (INTRO/BODY): x,. SUBJECT(S): Latin America in art; Exoticism in art; Art, American; Art, Modern; 19th century; United States. DISCIPLINE: No discipline assigned. LC NUMBER: N8214.5.U6 M3 1989. HTTP: ...
... Numerous measures have been proposed to improve forest management including, among other reco... more ... Numerous measures have been proposed to improve forest management including, among other recommendations, full commercial tree censuses, improved road planning, liana cutting on harvestable trees, seed tree retention, higher harvest diameter limits and liberation of ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 2013
Changes in climate and land use that interact synergistically to increase fire frequencies and in... more Changes in climate and land use that interact synergistically to increase fire frequencies and intensities in tropical regions are predicted to drive forests to new grass-dominated stable states. To reveal the mechanisms for such a transition, we established 50 ha plots in a transitional forest in the southwestern Brazilian Amazon to different fire treatments (unburned, burned annually (B1 yr ) or at 3-year intervals (B3 yr )). Over an 8-year period since the commencement of these treatments, we documented: (i) the annual rate of pasture and native grass invasion in response to increasing fire frequency; (ii) the establishment of Brachiaria decumbens (an African C 4 grass) as a function of decreasing canopy cover and (iii) the effects of grass fine fuel on fire intensity. Grasses invaded approximately 200 m from the edge into the interiors of burned plots (B1 yr : 4.31 ha; B3 yr : 4.96 ha) but invaded less than 10 m into the unburned plot (0.33 ha). The probability of B. decumbens e...
colonizes and rapidly dies. The upper end of sapling mortality and growth distributions in Americ... more colonizes and rapidly dies. The upper end of sapling mortality and growth distributions in America is set by gap specialists: C. obtusifolia at BCI (12 % yearj1 mortality, 14 % yearj1 growth), C. sciadophylla at Yasuni (5.0% yearj1 mortality, 6.3 % yearj1 growth), and C. monostachya at La Planada (8.8 % yearj1 mortality, 8.2 % yearj1 growth). Diverse South-east Asian forests lacked species with such high rates (27). The most diverse tropical forests are the least diverse demographically. It remains plau-sible that demographic niches are packed more tightly in some forests than others, but this seems unlikely, because packing should depend only on population size and turnover, which do not vary much. Moreover, the successional-niche hypothesis is not favored by the strong peak in demographic rates near 1 to 2 % yearj1; if demographic niches were crucial, then rates ought to be spread evenly over the entire range (28). Instead, the similarity in demography of many species suggests tra...
SUMMARY After more than 20 years and substantial investments of time and money, Forest Stewardshi... more SUMMARY After more than 20 years and substantial investments of time and money, Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification of tropical forest management is due for a stringent impact evaluation. For any social, ecological, and economic outcomes to be attributed to FSC certification, rival explanations need to be ruled out. We recognize that different types of knowledge about FSC impacts derived from information gathered through a range of methods can satisfy the evidence-needs of different stakeholders. But this paper describes a roadmap based on rigorous methods to assess whether FSC certification delivers on its expected outcomes and the underlying mechanisms through which changes can be attributable to FSC. To this end, background studies that provide contextual knowledge related to implementation of FSC certification are proposed to account for any positive self-selection biases and to capture the temporal dynamics of certification including changes in the sociopolitical and...
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, a... more JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact
... Beberapa jenis pepanjat bergantung dari segi biomekanikal kepada tumbuhan pepanjat yang lain ... more ... Beberapa jenis pepanjat bergantung dari segi biomekanikal kepada tumbuhan pepanjat yang lain yang menghasilkan warisan penjajahan pepanjat yang berturut ... in eastern Sabah, Malaysia (9782 km -, state commercial forest, latitude 5° 0'N, longitude 117° 30'E, ca200 m ...
Inevitably an international training workshop requires an enormous organizational effort. This is... more Inevitably an international training workshop requires an enormous organizational effort. This is especially true when the participants come from many different countries for which the host country has a variety of visa requirements and in which airline scheduling may be difficult. We want particularly to recognize the efforts of Ms. Lia Wan, CIFOR Travel and Conference Coordinator, and Mrs. Nani Djoko, CIFOR Research Division Secretary. Also, the assistance of Mr. Yahyah Sampurna, CIFOR computer services technician, was essential for the smooth operation of the computer-based instruction and lab exercises. We are also grateful to the entire staff of CIFOR's Administration and Finance Division for their hard work in arranging payments and requisitions, often on short notice. For serving as a field laboratory and providing us a place to stay and do our research in East Kalimantan we want to thank the staff and officers of PT. ITCI (International Timber Corporation Indonesia). Finally, of course, we want to recognize the outstanding contributions of the workshop instructors (Appendix 1), many of whom prepared written lecture notes and exercise materials. Without their expertise and enthusiasm the course would not have been possible.
In 13 ha of virgin dipterocarp forest of Sungai Tekam Forest Reserve, Pahang (Peninsular Malaysia... more In 13 ha of virgin dipterocarp forest of Sungai Tekam Forest Reserve, Pahang (Peninsular Malaysia), there were an average of 376 climbers/ha 2 cm dbh (diameter at 1.3 m from the ground). Cutting of climbers before logging reduced the number of trees pulled down ...
The experiences of a community group in Florida that sponsored a campaign to curb local expansion... more The experiences of a community group in Florida that sponsored a campaign to curb local expansion of Sapium sebijerum (tallow tree), an invasive exotic tree, may be useful for other exotic species control programs. Success of the tallow replacement program was due, in part, to a partnership formed with the nursery industry. Convincing the public that not all trees are environmentally beneficial and enlisting public participation in the campaign were major challenges. Assistance came in the unexpected form of several vitriolic letters to the editor of the local newspaper in which the sponsors of the program were condemned for believing that they had the right to determine the fate of a tree, even an invasive exotic. The published exchange of letters was beneficial insofar as it kept the issue of exotics prominently in the public eye.
ABSTRACT In their response to our recent article (Putz et al. 2012), Kormos and Zimmerman (K&... more ABSTRACT In their response to our recent article (Putz et al. 2012), Kormos and Zimmerman (K&Z) do not take issue with the result of our meta-analysis of more than 100 published studies that biodiversity and carbon stocks are mostly retained in selectively logged tropical forests.
Most tropical forests outside protected areas have been or will be selectively logged so it is es... more Most tropical forests outside protected areas have been or will be selectively logged so it is essential to maximize the conservation values of partially harvested areas. Here we examine the extent to which these forests sustain timber production, retain species, and conserve carbon stocks. We then describe some improvements in tropical forestry and how their implementation can be promoted.
Papers by Francis Putz
but also exposes them to the risk
of being overtopped and losing
access to sunlight. Plant community
development is often portrayed
as a process of serial dominance
by successively taller species, but
here we describe a mechanism by
which a low-growing rosette species
alters community spatial structure.
Elephantopus elatus (Asteraceae),
an herbaceous savanna plant with
low-growing leaves that emerge
radially from a central bud, pushes
neighboring plants away and thereby
avoids being overtopped. Active
pushing is possible because the leaves
have stout petioles that are basally
anchored rather than attached to
fl exible twigs or stems. This growthmediated leaf pushing introduces
a novel example of active plant
interactions that is likely important for
other rosette plants.
but also exposes them to the risk
of being overtopped and losing
access to sunlight. Plant community
development is often portrayed
as a process of serial dominance
by successively taller species, but
here we describe a mechanism by
which a low-growing rosette species
alters community spatial structure.
Elephantopus elatus (Asteraceae),
an herbaceous savanna plant with
low-growing leaves that emerge
radially from a central bud, pushes
neighboring plants away and thereby
avoids being overtopped. Active
pushing is possible because the leaves
have stout petioles that are basally
anchored rather than attached to
fl exible twigs or stems. This growthmediated leaf pushing introduces
a novel example of active plant
interactions that is likely important for
other rosette plants.