Recent papers in Adaptation
Ceramium tenuicorne (Kützing) Waern is a red alga that is widely distributed in the brackish Baltic Sea. We studied the growth response of Ceramium to low salinity and nutrient enrichment, using isolades from two regions of the Baltic Sea... more
The town of Augusta, 300km south of Perth in Western Australia, was settled in May 1830 and represents the first regional settlement of the British Swan River Colony outside of the Swan River area that was settled in 1829. One of many New... more
Numerosi prodotti di importazione arricchiscono sempre più spesso l’offerta dei media italiani, tv compresa: in questo modo, nel nostro Paese approdano contenuti che non sono pensati e realizzati appositamente per il pubblico nazionale,... more
Trabajo de análisis sobre la adaptación dirigida por Joe Wright, con Kiera Knightle en el papel de Anna.
Most critics of contemporary literature have reached a consensus that what was once called " postmodernism " is over and that its signature modes—metafiction and irony—are on the wane. This is not the case, however, with videogames. In... more
How might television aesthetics characterise the 'medium' or 'art form' or television? From a perspective inspired by analytic philosophical aesthetics, this paper disputes the commonplace practice of referring to television as a... more
Escrito argumentativo - reflexivo relacionado con la evolución de la melanina como estrategia de adaptación humana.
The aim of this study was to determine morphological and functional changes of the elbow extensor muscles in response to a 12-week self-perceived maximal resistance training (MRT). Twenty-one healthy sedentary young men were engaged in... more
In this paper we introduce a new algorithm for simplification of polygonal meshes. It generates a variable resolution structure called hierarchical 4-K mesh. This structure is a powerful representation for non-uniform level of detail... more
SUMMARYVarious management approaches have been proposed to address the alarming depletion of marine coastal resources. Prominent among them are community-based management and the establishment of marine protected areas (MPAs). The overall... more
This paper describes two case studies of demand-side water management in the Okanagan region of southern British Columbia, Canada. The case studies reveal important lessons about how local context shapes the process of adaptation; in... more
Ce travail présente une partie des étapes de la validation de l'échelle fonctionnelle de Copenhague pour l'évaluation des cervicalgies. Méthodes.-Réinterprétation, a posteriori, des données d'un essai thérapeutique sur la cervicalgie. Les... more
Integrated Assessment Models (IAMS) have helped us over the past decade to understand the interactions between the environment and the economy in the context of climate change.
In order to solve the controller overload problem caused by high requirement of do mestic air t raffic, an adaptive airspace sectorization method is proposed. The concerned airspace is div ided into grids, and the distribution of air... more
Instead of considering fi lm and television adaptations in the context of the source texts they are adapting, this essay proposes another context for their reception and analysis: the genre of adaptation itself. Focusing on the Hollywood... more
Arctic communities are recently reporting warmer and shorter winters, which have implications for the ice season and, consequently, on the access to local territories and resources by members of these communities. These climatic shifts... more
Introduction 379 2 Principles of adaptation 380 2.1 Phenotypic and genotypic adaptation 380 2.2 Functional and morphological adaptation 380 2.3 Adaptation theory 381 2.4 Physiological forcing functions 382 3 Adaptation to cold 383 3.1 An... more
The metabolic responses to repeated cycles of temperature change, alternating 24 h at -16 and +3"C, wer': compared for a freeze-tolerant (Eurosta soliduginis) vs a freeze-avoiding (Epiblema scudderiuna) insect. The two species differed... more
The income-generating activities in the Middle Drâa valley are strongly based on water use and land resources. Nevertheless, labor migration and tourism increasingly help to diversify the sources of income for farm and pastoral... more
Essays articulate a specific perspective on a topic of broad interest to scientists.
This report documents the program and the outcomes of Dagstuhl Seminar 11481 “Models@run.time”. Research on models@run.time seeks to extend the applicability of models and abstractions to the runtime environment, with the goal of... more
The scientific literature contains numerous descriptions of observed and potential effects of global climate change on species and ecosystems. In response to anticipated effects of climate change, conservation organizations and government... more
We have measured the spread of contrast adaptation across the dimension of spatial frequency. Threshold elevation was tightly tuned to the adapting spatial frequency but became much broader as test contrast was increased. This means that,... more
The International Cooperative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Acidification of Rivers and Lakes (ICP-Water) started in 1987. The main aim of the programme is to establish degree and geographical extent of acidification of... more
Introduction 379 2 Principles of adaptation 380 2.1 Phenotypic and genotypic adaptation 380 2.2 Functional and morphological adaptation 380 2.3 Adaptation theory 381 2.4 Physiological forcing functions 382 3 Adaptation to cold 383 3.1 An... more
Juvenile Atlantic halibut (40.5±9.1g mean initial body mass±SD) were reared at five different levels of oxygen availability (57%, 84%, 100%, 120%, and 150% of air saturation) for 94days. The availability of oxygen significantly affected... more
In addition to answering Hutchinson's question ''Why are there so many species?'', we need to understand why certain species are found only under certain environmental conditions and not others. Trait-based approaches are being... more
A discussion of social science and sustainability concepts, frameworks and methodologies. Sustainability policies shape the ways that society and the economy interact with the environment, natural resources and ecosystems, and address... more
The role of phenotypic plasticity in evolution has historically been a contentious issue because of debate over whether plasticity shields genotypes from selection or generates novel opportunities for selection to act. Because plasticity... more
Recently, we have shown that lipread speech can recalibrate auditory speech identification when there is a conflict between the auditory and visual information . Visual recalibration of auditory speech identification: a McGurk... more
The evidence for structuring of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and brown trout (Salmo trutta) into distinct reproductive populations and for genetic differentiation and local adaptation is compelling. The effect of genetic variation among... more
Two different Calanus finmarchicus (Gunnerus) cohorts originating from 60°N (Bergen) and 69°N (Tromsø) were investigated in equal environmental conditions to study their different physiological responses to the same environment. A... more
Medical decision protocols constitute theories for health-care decision making that are applicable for “standard” medical cases but have to be adapted for the other cases. This holds in particular for the breast cancer treatment protocol... more
In the coastal area, 28% people of total population lives where 16% of total rice of Bangladesh is being produced. Although arable land is decreasing, modern technologies help to increase food production. However, impacts of inappropriate... more
This paper analyzes the functional implications of stem tilting and pseudocephalium orientation in the giant columnar cactus Cephalocereus columna-trajani. This species shows a consistent northern orientation of its pseudocephalium (a... more
Policy measures regarding adaptation to climate change include efforts to adjust socio-economic and ecologic systems. Colombia has undertaken various measures in terms of climate change mitigation and adaptation since becoming a party of... more
Drawing on field-based interviews with the Jawoyn people, we found that these indigenous people categorize water buffalo ( Bubalus bubalis) as an important food source (tucker), view horses ( Equus caballus) as bush pets, and consider... more
This book addresses the motif of literary twinship from the Shakespearean age until today. Twins have all too often been discussed as mere footnotes to the allegedly more nuanced motif of the doppelganger, or as a kind of 'embarrassing'... more
Proceso de aculturación y adaptación del inmigrante: características individuales y redes sociales
This article proposes a specific structuralist methodology that may help organize the analysis of the relationship between literature and cinema. Through the instance of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s short story “The Curious Case of Benjamin... more
Too intensive training may lead to overreaching or overtraining. To study whether quantitative needle electromyography (QEMG) is more sensitive to detect training (mal)adaptation than muscle enzyme activities, 12 standardbred geldings... more