Adaptation to Climate Change
Recent papers in Adaptation to Climate Change
‘Boom and bust’ rainfall is one challenge as weather patterns change. The other is how to produce more potable water through processes such as desalination without raising carbon emissions. Too much, too little, and never quite enough –... more
This article examines the ways in which Shakespeare and his contemporaries registered an extraordinary sensitivity to climatic conditions in England during the Little Ice Age (c. 1350-1850)--a period of longer winters, shorter growing... more
This paper describes the impact of using Critical Participatory Action Research (CPAR) to enhance a campus-community partnership. The key stakeholders, who are also the participants, share how learning from the reflective journals,... more
Background: The burning of fossil fuels is the main cause of rising CO 2 levels of the atmosphere. This will probably result in climate change. Another consequence is ocean acidification. Although these consequences are not yet proven... more
The geographical location of Bangladesh makes it one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change. Climate-induced phenomena mainly affect the south-central region of Bangladesh (Laxmipur district) where they have begun to occur... more
As countries integrate climate-smart agriculture (CSA) into their sector policies and international climate change commitments, there is an increased need for coherent strategies for monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of CSA. Based on a... more
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions: climate mitigation Explores climate mitigation, one of the main planks of climate action. It explores how emissions are measured in three Scopes, and how museums can measure and reduce emissions across... more
Climate change is a reality. It is happening and posing adverse impacts globally as well as on Pakistan. To effectively respond to this ubiquitous threat, Pakistan formulated the National Climate Change Policy (NCCP) in 2012 and... more
Human CO2 emissions may drive the Earth into a next greenhouse state. They can be mitigated by accelerating weathering of natural rock under the uptake of CO2. We disprove the paradigm that olivine weathering in nature would be a slow... more
This essay will explore the nature of the Paris Agreement and look at how it affects developing countries. It will also seek to look at whether the agreement has been adequate enough in addressing the concerns of the poorer nations or... more
Dukuh Tapak merupakan suatu RW di Kelurahan Tugurejo yang berlokasi di Utara Kota Semarang. Dukuh ini mengalami kondisi sebagaimana wilayah pesisir lain di Kota Semarang, yaitu lahan yang terkena dampak rob dan abrasi. Rob sebagai suatu... more
The negative effects of climate change disproportionately impact Pacific Island nations. Although Pacific Nations contribute the least to climate change compared to other nations, they are the most impacted by rising sea levels. These... more
Too many "scientists" and laypeople alike Nasa/NOAA's climate change models and their Earth's Energy Budget have become articles of doctrine and religious fervor. Yet other scientists, who adhere to the scientific methods, attempt to... more
Biomass production in different forms plays important role in carbon sequestration in trees. In the present investigation aboveground and belowground carbon sequestration potential of Albizia lebbeik from nine sectors of Aurangabad city... more
Norton-Smith, Kathryn; Lynn, Kathy; Chief, Karletta; Cozzetto, Karen; Donatuto, Jamie; Hiza Redsteer, Margaret; Kruger, Linda E.; Maldonado, Julie; Viles, Carson; Whyte, Kyle P. 2016. Climate change and indigenous peoples: a synthesis of... more
In this paper I track 3D printed bacterially-infused materials in which microbes live and reproduce — selected and nurtured — to carryout biochemically-controlled tasks intended to mitigate the ravages of climate change. As architecture... more
This survey is entitled "Hydro-meteorological Disaster Risk Reduction: Lessons Learned for Resilient Adaptation to a Changing Climate." It was undertaken with the assumption that all humanitarian varying degrees to donor and aid... more
Climate change is increasingly challenging the ability of millions of people to sustain livelihoods as the places where they live become uninhabitable. The relocation of populations as individuals, households, and communities within... more
Although Nepal's contribution to green house gas emission is negligible, the negative impacts of climate change induced effects has been clearly noticed like increasing rainfall intensity with decreasing frequency, increasing incidence of... more
The current and projected impacts of climate change make understanding the environmental and social vulnerability of coastal communities and the planning of adaptations important international goals and national policy initiatives. Yet,... more
The impacts of climate variability and change impinge upon different lives and livelihoods within agrarian populations in complex ways. While academic, donor, and implementer efforts to understand and act on this complexity have been... more
O.P. Nieuwenhuyse, P.M.M.G. Akkermans, J. van der Plicht, A. Russell & A. Kaneda (2016). In: P. Biehl & O.P. Nieuwenhuyse (eds.). Climate and cultural change in prehistoric Europe and the Near East. Buffalo, NY: State University of New... more
While there is an increasing attention of migration within the climate change debate, vulnerability of already moving populations are most often ignored. This study presents agricultural labor migration as a key phenomenon in the study of... more
Growing scientific evidence suggests that human-induced climate change will bring about large-scale environmental changes such as sea-level rise and coastal flooding, extreme weather events and agricultural disruptions. The speed and... more
El objetivo de este trabajo fue el de caracterizar por medio de estaciones automática de la red hidrográfica del Ecuador proyectando el comportamiento de diferentes cuenca tomando la iniciativa de mi parte como técnico y exponiendo a mi... more
Adaptation to climate change and variability has recently become a subject of increasing importance in climate change research with an objective to reduce the vulnerability of climate sensitive people. The present study was designed to... more
The document describes urgent and immediate actions needed for Kiribati to adapt to the adverse impact of climate change. The process involved in determining these actions was the NAPA process which includes consultations, scientific... more
This study set out to examine the factors affecting sustainability of urban public water points in Uganda with a case study of Fort Portal Municipal Council, Kabarole district. Objectives of the study were to examine the effect of: policy... more
Handbook based on a a systemic step-by-step methodology to support cities in the definition of their Plans for urban transtions to successful adaptation.
Climate change threatens to cause the largest refugee crisis in human history. Millions of people, largely in Africa and Asia, might be forced to leave their homes to seek refuge in other places or countries over the course of the... more
This book “Agroforestry: Theory and Practices” (ISBN-Hard Bound: 9788172338664 & ISBN-Paper Back: 9788172338671) is one of the finest books on agroforestry that offers a global review of the basic approaches, tools and technologies,... more
Forced displacement and resettlement is a pervasive challenge being contemplated across the social sciences. Scholarly literature, however, often fails to engage complexities of power in understanding socio-environmental interactions in... more
Els camins, i especialment els antics camins tradicionals i amb ferm de terra, han estat habitualment absents de la planificació i la gestió municipal, més enllà de les necessitats puntuals de la mobilitat motoritzada. Això és... more
The article deals with the problem of the accommodation of eco-migrants as well as the creation of better living conditions for them. Eco-migrants are regarded as population affected by natural disasters and relevantly forced to leave... more
Common plastic production and use have become one of the driving forces behind climate change due to unprecedented world pollution of land and sea. The culminating production of plastic is an estimated 7.8 billion tonnes as of 2015 (Our... more
Climate change is regarded as one of our times greatest environmental, social and economic challenges. The impacts of climate change on natural ecosystems, human society and economics are potentially severe, making it one of the most... more