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Museum Management

569 papers
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Museum Management is the discipline focused on the administration and operation of museums, encompassing strategic planning, collections management, exhibition development, visitor engagement, and financial sustainability. It aims to enhance the educational and cultural value of museums while ensuring their preservation and accessibility to the public.
La ricerca “25 anni al museo – Come Abbonamento Musei ha sostenuto i consumi culturali in Piemonte, Lombardia, e Valle d’Aosta dal 1998 ad oggi” si è occupata di analizzare l’andamento dei consumi culturali e l’impatto dell’Abbonamento... more
The tourism industry is one that supports the economy of a country. In establishing sustainable synergies in the tourism industry, museums are one of the attractions that can support the tourism industry. To maintain the existence of the... more
Not to be cited. Translated by Annissa Maulina Gultom in 2025 from Buku 3: Penyajian Koleksi, Modul Bimbingan Teknis Bidang Permuseuman Tingkat Dasar, Direktorat Pelestarian Cagar Budaya dan Permuseuman, Direktorat Jendral Kenudayaan,... more
How do cities engage in diplomacy? Existing theory, which is typically based on the study of big cities, notes that cities usually act in global politics by forming networks and coalitions with other cities and NGOs, leveraging their... more
Objectives: This study explores sustainable tourism practices in living museum management, focusing on strategies that enhance visitor engagement while ensuring heritage preservation and contributing to sustainable development. It aims to... more
O artigo realiza um relato de experiência das atividades de apoio ao salvamento de acervos museais e arquivísticos alagados na cidade de Porto Alegre em 2024, que foram realizadas por estudantes extensionistas vinculados a três projetos... more
Conceptual Photography Work Ideas. Traditional games have begun to be forgotten by children. Childhood is a momentum that does not escape the excitement and the developing process where what is gained when a child is very influential to... more
Repositórios digitais são fundamentais na museologia contemporânea, pois ampliam o alcance e a interatividade do público com as coleções, transcendendo as limitações físicas e temporais dos espaços museológicos... more
ASHRAE's indoor climate design classes for general museums, galleries, archives and libraries are well known: AA (most strict), A, B, C and D (least strict). Museum staff often select class AA, presuming to gain the best overall... more
Günümüzde fiziksel ürünlerin ötesinde, onunla birlikte verilen hizmet ve kullanıcının bu hizmetle birlikte yaşadığı deneyim önem kazanmakta, dolaysıyla kullanıcı odaklı tasarım anlayışı ön plana çıkmaktadır. Bu gelişmelere bağlı olarak... more
RESUMO Objetivo: Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar as estratégias de acessibilidade implementadas pelo Museu de Arqueologia Regional (MAR), evidenciando como essas ações podem ampliar o acesso ao patrimônio cultural e servir como... more
21. yüzyılda insanüstü hız ve toplumsal yaşama etkileri, kısa sürede büyüyen ve değişe yerleşimler, kent mimarisinin ömrünü kısaltmakta, beraberinde kent kimliği, kültürü ve tarihi bu hıza ayak uyduramayıp zarar görmektedir. Mimarlık... more
There is a tendency in Romanian historiography that neglects the political context of the postwar era, especially when it comes to legislative framework of the organization and functioning of museums during communism. In Romanian... more
El presente Trabajo de Fin de Grado versará sobre la política de exposiciones temporales de la Fundación Juan March, con el objetivo principal de dar a conocer un método de trabajo basado en las “exposiciones de tesis”, aquellas que, sin... more
O artigo objetiva refletir as características do público que visitam os museus na cidade do Recife e reconhecer a importância da disciplina de estudo de público para os estudantes de graduação em museologia e áreas afins. O estudo foi... more
Contribución para el Debate de revista PH 113 (octubre, 2024) : Universidad, museo y patrimonio ¿un ámbito cultural inexplorado o aún infravalorado?
DOI to the publisher's website. • The final author version and the galley proof are versions of the publication after peer review. • The final published version features the final layout of the paper including the volume, issue and page... more
The culture of design, using the tools of visual communication, of product and strategic design, starts a virtuous cycle between product and territory. The reported cases are about experiences of projects developed in the Mediterranean... more
by Yunci Cai and 
1 more
Museum International is delighted to present this Open Edition that converges around the theme ’Re-imagining the Museum’, bringing forth a wide range of perspectives that critically reflect on contemporary museum issues and practices. As... more
Dissertação apresentada a provas públicas para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Museologia, orientada pela Professora Doutora Patricia Silva Dorneles e Co-orientada pelo Professor Doutor Mário Caneva de Magalhães Moutinho.
“Small” museums constitute one of the largest groups among Czech museums. This phenomenon corresponds to the situation in culturally developed countries with a longer museum tradition. The purpose of this article is to present “small”... more
Un breve repaso a la historia del Museo de la Universidad de Valladolid y algunas consideraciones personales sobre su gestión.
This book explores museum crises. Through an investigation into the experience of the Imperial War Museum during the Second World War era, 1933-1950, it considers how crises disrupt museums and the contrasting defensive and revolutionary... more
El siguiente artículo resume los componentes teóricos y metodológicos tratados como bases para confeccionar una estrategia de Marketing Relacional en el Museo del Ron Havana Club en La Habana, Cuba. La investigación está orientada a... more
With the museum functions updated in 2019 by the International Council of Museums (ICOM), it is seen that the museum of our age has more inclusive responsibilities. In addition to being a polyphonic environment for critical dialogues... more
O projeto visa propor concepções de mediação da informação em museus, sob a perspectiva da apropriação social da informação entre o autor (museu) e o leitor (visitante) a partir do design da informação dos textos das exposições.
الخطة الإستراتيجية للمكتبة: يمكن نشر الخطة الإستراتيجية للمكتبة على جميع العاملين من خلال ورقة واحدة يمكن أن تطوى داخل قلم ويتم وضع القلم داخل جيب كل موظف بحيث إذا استشكل عليه أمر، استخرج الخطة الإستراتيجية من القلم الموجود بداخل سترته،... more
TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas. MuseologiaO presente trabalho aborda o conceito e questões relativas à acessibilidade em espaços museais, partindo dos pressupostos da Nova... more
ChatGPTのような大規模な言語モデルはさまざまなことに使用できますが、新しいバージョンの信頼性の向上は、社会全体にとって重要な知識の使用の実践を再編成する可能性もあります。... more
This article explores different institutional approaches to exhibiting and maintaining living, plantbased sculptures, and installation art. By studying the creation and management of artworks by Gilberto Esparza, Michael Wang, Precious... more
Ilia Rabinovich (1965) s-a născut la Chişinău (Moldova). În 1973 a emigrat cu părinţii în Israel. Din 1998 până în 2000 a participat la programul postuniversitar al Academiei din Amsterdam „Rijksakademie” şi de atunci se află cu traiul în... more
In Ecuador, its history and culture are crucial for the population identity and a major attraction for visitors to the country. Museums are main centers hosting all the cultural richness, traditions and customs of the nation which have... more
Compartilhamos o presente documento de orientação que tem o objetivo de apresentar perspectivas transformativas da acessibilidade, fornecendo subsídios teóricos, técnicos e legais às instituições museológicas e profissionais de museus... more
For many people, museums are institutions that exist solely to preserve in time and ensure the conditions for keeping alive the memory of its citizens regarding the historical elements that characterize the past of a society. As... more
The recent explosion of social media and data analytics provides museums with new challenges and opportunities to develop enhanced knowledge and establish more effective strategies for visitor relationship management and service quality.... more
Des symptomes des changements en cours dans le monde du benevolat apparaissent regulierement. De toutes parts, on s’inquiete de la difficulte de recruter des benevoles et de renouveler les effectifs du benevolat. Des TLM, dits Toujours... more
A musealização é um termo recorrentemen-te utilizado para abordar os processos de agenciamento e de preservação de objetos e de obras de arte. Neste artigo, busca-se desenvolver a noção de musealização,... more
Creating social stories to make a university museum accessible is not only a necessary service that every museum (including university museums) must offer to visitors on the autism spectrum. It can also be an excellent training... more