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Risk and Vulnerability

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Risk and Vulnerability refers to the study of potential threats and the susceptibility of individuals, communities, or systems to harm or loss. It encompasses the assessment of hazards, the analysis of exposure and sensitivity, and the evaluation of adaptive capacities to mitigate adverse impacts.
This article explores the role of IT audits in strengthening cybersecurity for Bulk Electric Systems (BES). Focusing on compliance with NERC Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) standards, it highlights how IT audits enhance access... more
The oil and gas industry is a prime target for cyberattacks due to the critical infrastructure it controls and the high value of its data. This paper explores the evolving landscape of cyber threats facing the industry, including... more
The popularity in the use of the term 'social capital' has evoked wide debate across academic disciplines. With the help of various theoretical viewpoints on social capital, this article aims to provide insights on important social and... more
 We present the first empirical study that tests the nexus among poverty, vulnerability and resilience.  Our results suggest that high vulnerability does not necessarily imply low resilience.  We also develop a state-and-transition... more
o direito, perpé-tuo e sem limites geográficos, de arquivar e publicar esta dissertação através de exemplares impressos reproduzidos em papel ou de forma digital, ou por qualquer outro meio conhecido ou que venha a ser inventado, e de a... more
Una visión sobre la respuesta de las instituciones venezolanas ante los desastres socionaturales de acuerdo con las condiciones existentes en Venezuela en el año 2015
El espacio público del Centro Histórico de Puebla (CHP) se caracteriza por su riqueza arquitectónica y su papel central en la vida cultural y social de la ciudad. Las áreas comunes o zonas de acceso abierto, presentes en diferentes formas... more
This research explores the function of the Daily Sun, a popular South African tabloid newspaper in order to combat misinformation, disinformation and fake news during the general election in 2024. The social responsibility theory serves... more
The purpose of writing this article is to describe what added challenges people like us who are living with chronic pain are experiencing during the COVID-19 pandemic. We explore what this challenging time means to us and how it affects... more
The purpose of writing this article is to describe what added challenges people like us who are living with chronic pain are experiencing during the COVID-19 pandemic. We explore what this challenging time means to us and how it affects... more
Despite recognizing several ways consumers respond to perceived systemic risk scenarios, prior research emphasizes a general trend toward the privatization of risk, in which individual consumers are responsibilized for managing systemic... more
El área de estudio se encuentra ubicada en la porción sur del Estado de Chiapas, en la Sierra Madre de Chiapas en altitudes que van de los 450 a los 3,000 m.s.n.m. Ocupando parcialmente los Municipios de Jaltenango La Paz (Angel A. Albino... more
Las Áreas Naturales Protegidas (ANP's) constituyen porciones terrestres o acuáticas del territorio nacional, representativas de diversos ecosistemas y de su biodiversidad, en donde el ambiente original no ha sido esencialmente alterado... more
The critical nature of the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) environment demands stringent measures to protect architectural designs and build documents that support Bulk Electric System (BES) operations. This paper... more
Change management plays a pivotal role in safeguarding cybersecurity within production environments, where the stakes for operational integrity, security and compliance are exceptionally high. These environments often consist of... more
Los riesgos derivados de los efectos de la erosión y de los fenómenos hidrometeorológicos en la Sierra Madre y costa de Chiapas son muy altos y cada vez más frecuentes; es posible que se deben principalmente a aumentos en la temperatura... more
This paper is a well-deserved tribute to a distinguished Venezuelan geologist who, during her active professional years in the Venezuelan oil industry, stood out for her high technical qualifications; her devote work within the Venezuelan... more
A la suite d'une catastrophe, les populations victimes, sont les premiers maillons de secours et de solidarité, notamment à travers les volontaires spontanés. L'objectif de cet article est d'éclaircir les modalités de prise en compte des... more
HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or... more
Los simulacros permiten completar el proceso de planificación de un evento antes de su celebración, además de coor­dinar y formar al equipo integrante. Los datos de la investigación fueron recopilados en un periodo de prepandemia, cuando... more
Legacy vulnerability management paradigms are demonstrably insufficient in addressing the burgeoning volume and intricacy of software vulnerabilities. This discourse delves into the transformative potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI)... more
Laboratorio dell'ISPF, XXI, 2024 1. I linguaggi specialistici e i referenti Nella società globale la rapidità della comunicazione e la reversibilità fra i testi codificati nei canali scritto e parlato (da scrittura a oralità e viceversa,... more
Diante de mercados mais dinâmicos estreitam-se os ganhos marginais de publico consumidor entre empresas concorrentes. Este cenario incentiva estudos sobre estrategias inovadoras para ganhos de lideranca. Desse modo, uma vez que a gestao... more
Em um cenario global, as empresas estao encontrando a necessidade de serem cada vez mais ageis e organizadas, buscando a formalizacao e aprimoramento na conducao de seus projetos. Este artigo tem como objetivo, investigar as contribuicoes... more
Bu makale “sandviç nesli” diye adlandırılan literatürü gözden geçirir, ilgili teorileri ve araştırmayı kapsar. Çalışmada, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’ nde yaşayan göçmen ailelerinden oluşan orta erişkin dönemdeki belli bir grup içindeki... more
In high-motorisation, car-dependent countries, transport affordability is intimately linked to the price of oil derived motor fuels, which may become increasingly volatile in the future due to global oil price movements and environmental... more
Livestock holders experience increased food insecurity because of climate change. We argue that development programs, public health specialists, and practitioners must critically examine gendered impacts of climate change to improve food... more
L'intensificaton des mouvements de population et le dtveloppement des moyens de transport rapides ont fait du sida une maladie pandemique (Gallo 1987). Dire que le sida se propage au rythme accdlCr6 des deplacements humains est donc une... more
Cet article prend pour point de départ les généalogies de l’enfance de Michel Foucault disséminées dans son œuvre et complexifiées par les études foucaldiennes contemporaines, en particulier les recherches féministes de Silvia Federici... more
Se presenta un marco analítico del espacio interseccional entre tecnociencias y humanidades a partir de la crítica del arco moderno iluminista racionalista de la filosofía de la ciencia y un método de observación de conversaciones entre... more
1. Introduction The investigation of land cover and land use changes has been important since ancient eras and these changes mainly occur in two ways: the first types of these changes take place by the means of natural factors such as... more
This book addresses disaster and disaster risk reduction (DRR) practices, constraints and capacity in the context of coastal Bangladesh. Located in the lower riparian of the Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh has to face frequent disasters such as... more
1. Introduction The main aim of this research is to study the relationship between the variable of land price and building density in the first zone of Tabriz megalopolis so that a proper understanding of the study of building density,... more
This article analyzes how the earthquake predictions of the Austrian Rudolf Falb (1838–1903) circulated in South America. Specifically, it focuses on the repercussions that he had on the Ecuadorian scientific circuit, an aspect that until... more
Background Understanding the risk perception, attitude and vulnerability to Corona Virus infection among community dwellers is important in designing appropriate behavioral change communication programs necessary to stop the spread of... more
This dissertation deals with the concept of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI), with a focus on Public Engagement as one of its main dimensions and the roles identified within. By undertaking a broad review of the related... more
El 27 de febrero de 2010 la costa de Chile central fue afectada por terremoto Mw=8.8 el cual generó un tsunami de magnitud 4 que asoló principalmente bahías pequeñas en un tramo costero de 800 km. Unas 484 personas perdieron la vida. En... more
Exploring the problems of developing different districts, in terms of city prosperity, has been recently considered in urban planning discussions, but it is under-researched and unknown in Iran. Introducing city prosperity as a new... more
Carabobo is located In the north central region of the country, and both its capital, the city of Valencia, and its 14 municipalities, they are very close to the tectonic fault of La Victoria, which is a fault trace from San... more
El trabajo que presentamos pretende reflexionar sobre diversas metodologías existentes para la desagregación de datos censales, desde las zonas de adquisición de la información a las celdas de una cuadrícula raster. La definición de un... more