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This thesis attempts to identify and analyze the causes of disasters affecting Haiti repeatedly on the assumption that the current situation in Haiti stems from its socially disastrous situation. It follows the hypothesis that the... more
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      Disaster StudiesDisaster ManagementDisaster risk reduction
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      Urban PlanningUrbanismInternational Humanitarian LawDisaster Management
In March 2020, COVID-19 appeared in the State of Maryland, resulting in strict stayat-home orders and the shutting down of physical business operations. These restrictions directly impacted College Park Academy (CPA), a public charter... more
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      Qualitative ResearchOnline and Distance EducationCommunity of InquiryDisaster risk reduction
Paradigma penanggulangan bencana sudah beralih dari paradigma bantuan darurat menuju ke paradigma mitigasi/preventif dan sekaligus juga paradigma pembangunan karena setiap upaya pencegahan dan mitigasi hingga rehabilitasi dan... more
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      Disaster risk managementDisaster risk reduction
Gambaran dan Kondisi Tata Ruang Jabodetabekpunjur dalam Perspektif Kajian Bencana dan berbagai kemungkinan analisisnya menggunakan GIS. Individual Report, selengkapnya dan keterkaitan dengan policy analyst di link berikut ini :... more
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      Geo-spatial analysis with GIS and GPSSpatial planningDisaster risk reductionGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
This booklet is an illustrated compilation of good practices and technical provisions with regard to sustainability, durability and resilience, identified within local building cultures of zones exposed to various constraints and types of... more
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      BusinessVernacular ArchitectureEmergency ShelterDisaster Preparedness
The mitigation of deaths and injuries is of primary concern to all disaster prevention efforts. It is to the specific causes of deaths and injuries that we must look for fundamental guidance in disaster risk reduction and public... more
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      Disaster ResponseEarthquakeEarthquakesDisaster risk reduction
In real world everything is an object which represents particular classes. Every object can be fully described by its attributes. Any real world dataset contains large number of attributes and objects. Classifiers give poor performance... more
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      Machine LearningData MiningPoverty Reduction StrategiesGreenhouse gas emissions reduction policies
Nepal has a complicated geophysical structure that is prone to various kinds of disasters. Nepal ranks the most disaster-prone country in the world and has experienced several natural calamities, causing high property and life losses.... more
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      Disaster StudiesDisaster risk managementDisaster ManagementDisaster Response
This paper examines humanitarian assistance practices to understand how approaches followed by various actors address-or fail to address-social vulnerability to disasters. This question is addressed through a study of humanitarian... more
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      Disaster risk managementPakistanFaith Based OrganizationsHumanitarian Intervention
A common practice uses funny and cute internet memes to describe natural hazards, such as hurricanes, to the general public. Emergency managers create an industry lacking credibility and seriousness when they use unrealistic and comedic... more
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      Science CommunicationDisaster StudiesDisaster risk managementCrisis communication and management
This study will examine various forms of literature to provide insight into the accessibility of Emergency Management (EM) resources to First Nations on-reserve communities and attempt to make comparisons to non Indigenous communities and... more
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      Disaster risk managementEmergency ManagementFirst Nations of CanadaDisaster risk reduction
This study evaluates the effectiveness of inter-organizational collaboration in response to the Army Public School (APS) Shootings that happened on December 16th, 2014 in the city Peshawar, Pakistan. After reviewing the major changes in... more
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    • Disaster risk reduction
Disasters have been increasing through-out time, both natural and man-made, and it’s agreed upon, that disaster can gravely affect communities and countries if they are not prepared for them. One major part of this preparedness is in the... more
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      NursingDisaster MedicineMass Disaster Preparedness/ManagementDisaster Preparedness
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      Disaster risk managementDisaster ManagementDireito AmbientalDisaster risk reduction
This research focuses on disaster education and the Indonesian government's reports on the implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA) 2005-2015. This research also underlies the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction... more
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      Emergency ManagementDisaster risk reduction
Science ouverte/Open science : Regards croisés sur la transmission de la science, ses engagements, ses innovations et ses risques
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      Climate ChangeCollective IntelligenceCommunity ResilienceClimate variability
Assessment of disaster resilience using an index is often a key element of natural hazard management and planning. Many assessments have been undertaken worldwide. Emerging from these are a set of seven common properties that should be... more
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      SociologyFlood Risk ManagementResilienceDisaster risk management
Children, young people and parents from communities affected by the February 2009 bushfires in Victoria, Australia, were interviewed four to five years post-fires as part of the Beyond Bushfires research study. Participant-guided mobile... more
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    • Disaster risk reduction
Regionally, nationally and globally, threats to life, property and resources from wildfire are growing. Changing climate conditions, growth of vulnerable communities into high-hazard areas, and limited governmental and financial resources... more
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      Community ResilienceFire EcologyFire ProtectionFire Behaviour
Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the "Content") contained in the publications on our platform. However, Taylor & Francis, our agents, and our licensors make no representations or... more
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      Human GeographyAnthropologyParticipatory ResearchCommunity Engagement & Participation
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      Social AnthropologyMethodologyDisaster risk reductionDisaster History
If citing, it is advised that you check and use the publisher's definitive version for pagination, volume/issue, and date of publication details. And where the final published version is provided on the Research Portal, if citing you are... more
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    • Disaster risk reduction
Building resilience to disasters has become a strategic goal of many risk reduction programs across the globe. This is because resilience ensures that communities develop capacities which prevent or minimise loses to disasters. In view of... more
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      GeographyDisaster risk reductionDisaster Resilience
The experience of the Pedernales earthquake on April 16, 2016, identified the need to know the components of the State in terms of possible natural threats. How to exploit the resources of these components and distribute them in... more
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      Disaster risk managementRisk and VulnerabilityDisaster ManagementFuerzas Armadas
Most risk management activity in the healthcare sector is retrospective, based on learning from experience. This is feasible where the risks are routine, but emergency operations plans (EOP) guide the response to events that are both high... more
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      Criminal LawEmergency MedicineEthicsOrganizational Change
The purpose of this evaluation is to help potential donors to take the decision whether or not to help to fund the "Community-Based Disaster Risk Reduction in particular vulnerable communities in North East Sri Lanka: Mulliyaweli East and... more
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      Project ManagementCommunity ResilienceDisaster risk managementMonitoring And Evaluation
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    • Disaster risk reduction
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      ArchaeologyNear Eastern ArchaeologyNear Eastern StudiesCultural Heritage
Abstrak Sejarah tsunami yang melanda Kuala Muda, Kedah pada 2004 telah memberikan impak negatif kepada penduduk setempat antaranya kematian, kehilangan harta benda serta trauma. Jumlah kematian akibat tsunami yang direkodkan pada tahun... more
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      Program EvaluationGeographyHuman GeographyDisaster Studies
Abstract The human efforts to be prepared better for the future challenges of natural hazards go back ages. There are several trends which suggest that mega-disasters occurring more frequently in the future. So, there is no way than... more
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      Strategic ForesightDisaster risk managementForesightFutures Studies
As climate change focuses more frequent and intense disasters on vulnerable communities across the globe, mitigation and response resources need to be allocated more efficiently and equitably. Vulnerability assessments require time,... more
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      PovertyRisk and VulnerabilityDisaster risk reductionSendai framework for disaster risk reduction
There was a missed opportunity for implementing important disaster preparedness measures following an earthquake prediction that was announced as an alarm in mid-2001. This intermediate-term middle-range prediction was the initiation of a... more
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      Emergency ManagementForecastDisaster risk reductionEarthquake Prediction
The economic and social impacts of natural disasters are increasing throughout the world, particularly in developing countries. Essential economic and social developments are repeatedly experiencing setbacks due to the effects of large... more
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      Flood Risk ManagementDisaster StudiesDisaster risk managementBusiness Continuity Planning
A growing awareness of the value of indigenous knowledge has prompted calls for its use within disaster risk reduction. The use of indigenous knowledge alongside scientific knowledge is increasingly advocated but there is as yet no... more
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      Papua New GuineaMultidisciplinarySmall Island Developing StatesDisasters
"The main objective of this paper is to make a Preliminary risk management plan using the Environmental risk map of the greater city of Cairo demonstrating the most high-risk administrative areas in the city, supported by field evidence... more
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      Disaster risk managementEgyptClimate Change Adaptation And Mitigation StrategiesEarly Warning System
This article argues that, while emergencies and disasters are distressing for most people and may result in mental disorders for a substantial minority of affected persons at some time in the following months and years, there are personal... more
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      Community ResilienceDisaster StudiesResilienceDisaster risk reduction
Boossabong P. (2017) Floods and Food in the City: Lessons from Collaborative Governance Within the Policy Network on Urban Agriculture in Bangkok, Thailand. In: Allen A., Griffin L., Johnson C. (eds) Environmental Justice and Urban... more
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      GovernanceDisaster risk reductionUrban Agriculture and Food SecurityPublic Policy
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      PsychologyEarth SciencesHydrologyFlood Risk Management
The January 12 earthquake in Haiti offered a stark reminder of the extent to which the countries of Central America and the Caribbean are vulnerable to a range of natural hazards, including earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, tsunamis,... more
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    • Disaster risk reduction
In a natural disaster scenario, a vital part of the humanitarian mandate relates to the reconstruction of the affected built environment. In the aftermath of recent natural disasters, NGOs have become increasingly involved in the... more
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      Community ResilienceConstruction ManagementDisaster risk managementConstruction Project Management
Most successful search and rescue is performed by neighbors and household members during the first 24 hours after an earthquake, before professional responders arrive on the scene. Many spontaneous responders become casualties in the... more
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      Structural EngineeringStructural SafetyCommunity Based Disaster ManagementDisaster risk reduction
This study was conducted to determine the extent of participation among citizens of Cotabato City, Philippines in terms of disaster risk reduction and management (DRRM) based on the IAP2 Spectrum of Public Participation’s five... more
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      Public ParticipationDisaster risk reductionENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT
The paper discusses how the current climate change debate influences the way in which development is conceptualised, negotiated and implemented. The objective of the article is to explore some of the underlying controversies that... more
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      Climate Change AdaptationDisaster risk reduction
Las Fuerzas Armadas, cumpliendo su misión constitucional y circunscritas al marco legal del Estado Ecuatoriano, se constituyen en la institución ejecutora de las políticas de seguridad y defensa que el Estado planifica. Por lo tanto, su... more
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      Disaster risk managementRisk and VulnerabilityDisaster ManagementFuerzas Armadas
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      Sociology of DisasterCommunity PsychologyViolenceMental Health
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      Risk and VulnerabilityRisk ManagementDisaster ManagementVulnerability
Critical incidents often result in amplified social solidarity among the members of a traumatized community. Some argue this solidarity accelerates recovery and supportive social environments decrease the likelihood of PTSD and other... more
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      Community PsychologySociology of ViolenceViolenceCommunity Resilience
Tomando experiencias extranjeras como referente, dentro de las campañas orientadas a preparar a la población, empezó a difundirse dentro de las orientaciones de actuación segura durante un terremoto, la indicación “Agáchate, Cúbrete y... more
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      Disaster risk managementDisaster ManagementDisaster risk reduction