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Sociology of Risk

1,242 papers
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The sociology of risk examines how societies perceive, manage, and respond to risks, including social, economic, and environmental factors. It explores the social constructions of risk, the distribution of risk among different groups, and the implications for policy and behavior in the context of uncertainty and potential harm.
Mer kataritza-Zuzenbideko komisioa trafiko juridiko ekonomikoan erabili ohi den oinarrizko instituzio eredugarria dugu. Negozio juridiko hori gauzatzeko komisioemailearen enkargua komisio-hartzaileak hirugarren batekin egin behar duela... more
Шемякина, О. Д. Микробиологическая опасность и социальные инициативы: чума в Москве 1770-1772 гг / О. Д. Шемякина // Вестник Университета Дмитрия Пожарского. – 2021. – № 1(21). – С. 115-125 Статья посвящена влиянию патогенной... more
Research on violence against journalists in Mexico has highlighted characteristics that increase the risk of attacks. Nevertheless, there are gaps that need attention. Through surveys of journalists in Mexico and analyzing 18 types of... more
The surrounding reality brings all kinds of threats and situations in which we ask ourselves questions about the success of projects or whether the plans developed will be able to be implemented. This reality is treated as a security... more
The integration of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles into fixed-income investing has gained momentum, yet investors remain hesitant due to behavioral biases, regulatory uncertainties, liquidity constraints, and market... more
A la suite d'une catastrophe, les populations victimes, sont les premiers maillons de secours et de solidarité, notamment à travers les volontaires spontanés. L'objectif de cet article est d'éclaircir les modalités de prise en compte des... more
HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or... more
Cet article prend pour point de départ les généalogies de l’enfance de Michel Foucault disséminées dans son œuvre et complexifiées par les études foucaldiennes contemporaines, en particulier les recherches féministes de Silvia Federici... more
Prison data collection is a labyrinthine infrastructure. This article engages with debates around the political potentials and limitations of transparency as a form of "accountability," specifically as it relates to carceral management... more
Wir fühlen, dass selbst, wenn alle möglichen wissenschaftlichen Fragen beantwortet sind, unsere Lebensprobleme noch gar nicht berührt sind. Freilich bleibt dann eben keine Frage mehr; und eben dies ist die Antwort". (L Wittgenstein:... more
Aide suisse contre le sida. Lausanne : Institut universitaire de médecine sociale et préventive (Raisons de santé, 142) Remerciements : Nous tenons à remercier vivement tous les établissements (liste en annexe) dans lesquels l'enquête... more
Artículo de acceso abierto distribuido bajo una Licencia Creative Commons Atribución 4.0 Internacional (CC-BY 4.0). / Open access article under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC-BY 4.0). Resumen: En los últimos... more
estu honetan, lehenbizi, Nazioarteko Harremanetan nagusi den segurtasunari buruzko ikuspegiaren ezaugarri nagusiak aurkeztuko ditut, laburki. Ikuspegi hori errealismoak —hau da, diziplina horretako joera nagusiak (mainstream)— defendatu... more
ISBN: 978-625-6957-22-0
xii Les causes en sont potentiellement multiples et, sur ce point, la psychologie sociale a produit un grand nombre de résultats passionnants, notamment à partir de l'étude de petits groupes qui montrent à quelles conditions la fidélité... more
Peter Illner'in Felaketler ve Toplumsal Yeniden Üretim (2020) adlı, yüz altmış sayfalık kitabında kriz anında yapılan müdahalelerin nasıl planlandığını ve bu süreçte değersizleştirilen yaşamların kırılganlıklarını ele aldığı analiz,... more
Existing research on how international insurance demand varies with income is largely driven by cross-sectional variation post-1970. Drawing on newly collected historical long-run data on life insurance premiums starting as early as 1850... more
Bu çalışma, bir ilişki türü olarak uluslararası ilişkilerde (Uİ) sınırlar ve sınır duvarlarını Uluslararası İlişkiler (Uİ) disiplininin belki de en bilindik kuramı Realizm çerçevesinde ele almaktadır. Sınır Çalışmaları (SÇ), Uİ’ye nazaran... more
Colombia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Egypt, Turkey, and South Africa (CIVETS) have shaped their foreign economic policies in line with the Washington Consensus and have implemented strategies to attract foreign investment as a possible way out... more
The authoritarian regime in Iran has invested heavily in digital surveillance to identify and silence voices of dissent. Key institutions have emerged to develop new legal precedence, new technologies and new mechanisms of detection to... more
Colombia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Egypt, Turkey, and South Africa (CIVETS) have shaped their foreign economic policies in line with the Washington Consensus and have implemented strategies to attract foreign investment as a possible way out... more
In the 1960s, Gela, located in southern Sicily, became the home of a petrochemical plant, which created a new sense of modernity, and triggered a process of urbanization. Nevertheless, the resulting pollution and deregulated urban... more
In the 1960s, Gela, located in southern Sicily, became the home of a petrochemical plant, which created a new sense of modernity, and triggered a process of urbanization. Nevertheless, the resulting pollution and deregulated urban... more
El objetivo de este artículo es analizar las resistencias abiertas y encubiertas de las y los periodistas. A partir de la tipología de la resistencia de Hollander y Einwohner (2004), así como trabajo de campo en una de las capitales del... more
Were one to trust the experts of "the risk soci ety," and the count less vol umes that take risk as their object, one might con clude that we have lost sight of dan ger. How secure is the dis tinc tion? This essay reg is ters the dis cur... more
The unequal balance of power between women and men, which has its roots in gender norms, contributes to both male and female vulnerability to HIVand sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Yet most HIVprevention activities target only... more
Face aux risques sanitaires et aux réponses institutionnelles qui leur sont apportées, nous voyons se développer une mise en question de l'expertise scientifique et une revendication de la participation des citoyens aux décisions qui... more
Journée d'étude internationale organisée par Cour de France.fr en collaboration avec la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme Paris Nord et le programme interuniversitaire « Formes du savoir de 1400 à 1750 » (Maison des Sciences de l'Homme... more
Background: This study explores how cannabis has been accommodated over the last 18 years in the social world of an online forum in Poland. It considers users who operate in the context of unhurried normalization and restrictive policy... more
Le cadrage des problèmes sanitaires Face aux risques sanitaires et aux réponses institutionnelles qui leur sont apportées, nous voyons se développer une mise en question de l'expertise scientifique et une revendication de la participation... more
Ze względu na powszechność i wielorakość zastosowań wykorzystuje się wiele definicji ryzyka, przy czym problemy z definiowaniem ryzyka w zarządzaniu wynikają zarówno z uwarunkowań ogólnych, jak i specyficznych. Jednocześnie można... more
Egun, hainbat zientzialarik diote Lurra muga estratigrafiko berri bat zeharkatzen ari dela. Arroketan arrasto bereizgarria utz dezaketen eraldaketa sakonak gertatzen ari dira, eta, oraingoan, besteetan ez bezala, gizakia da aldaketa... more
Abstract. The paper is devoted to the issues of using new criminological and criminology-like terms. The analysis of research publications allowed the authors to select and systematize a number of concepts described in recent... more
L’elaboration du calcul des probabilites s’est effectuee en etroite liaison avec des preoccupations d’ordre juridique. Son emergence est solidaire de transformations profondes dans le champ juridique, marquees notamment par la... more
Risulta estremamente difficile costruire una società complessa, fondata sulla necessità del consenso e del coinvolgimento e che rlchiede quindi lo studio dell'accettabilità sociale e delle sue dinamiche, se non partendo da riflessioni... more
In the last few decades, the worsening of the global climate crisis has constituted new challenges for environmental and social sciences, especially in the mobilization of theoretical-methodological approaches capable of explaining the... more
Jauregi eta Kapera multzoa sendotzeko prozesu konplexuak arkitekturaren, ingeniaritzaren, ondarearen eta arkeologiaren esparruetatik arazo oso konplexuei irtenbide tekniko zehatzak emango zizkieten pertsonen lehiaketa behar izan du.... more
Waste has become urgent ecological problem in the contemporary world, and its care, concern and commitment for all countries. In accordance with economic development and increased consumption, Croatia also has recorded steady growth of... more
This paper examines the dispute about scientific knowledge, which surrounds the so-called Biotechnological Agrarian Model in Argentina. The most important element of this model that differs from conventional agriculture for the topic of... more
A political ecology of the ecological transition. Data democracy and civic monitoring of the Recovery and Resilience National Plan The topic of the essay is the role of civic monitoring in ecological transition policies, deepening its... more
Article on the Basque Government's promise to provide 7,000 social rental homes in 4 years.
Non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) is a genomic technology used to predict the chance of a foetus having a genetic condition. Despite the immediacy of this technology’s integration into clinical practice, there is a dearth of evidence... more
Que la religión es un hecho concomitante al mundo moderno y que, lejos de desaparecer, se ha transformado y ocupado nuevos espacios sociales es una creencia de lugar común en las ciencias sociales. Sin embargo, la asunción ciega de esta... more
In order to provide information on, and to identify factors associated with, risk-taking behaviours and adverse experience among ecstasy users, data were collected by way of focus groups involving 42 participants, all of whom had used... more
Understanding what constitutes dangerous climate change is of critical importance for future concerted action . To date separate scientific and policy discourses have proceeded with competing and somewhat arbitrary definitions of danger... more