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    • Marketing Strategy
The issue of climate change has attracted increasing business attention in the past decade. Whereas companies initially aimed primarily at influencing the policy debate, corporate strategies increasingly include economic responses.... more
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      Information SystemsMarketingClimate ChangeMarketing Strategy
This paper identifi es the technological and commercial foundations of the new category of online applications commonly described as Web 2.0 or Social Media. It examines the relevance of Web 2.0 for Marketing Strategy and for Direct... more
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      MarketingDigital MediaSocial MediaDirect Marketing
This volume has been prepared under the auspices of the project entitled, ‘Competition Reforms in Key Markets for Enhancing Social & Economic Welfare in Developing Countries’ (CREW Project). This project was implemented by CUTS in four... more
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      EntrepreneurshipMarketingEntrepreneurial EconomicsDesign
Turismul în România a suferit schimbări considerabile în procesul de tranziţie spre economia de piaţă. Aceste modificări, însoţite de soluţiile neadecvate adoptate de autorităţi, au determinat o situaţie discordantă între ceea ce prezintă... more
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      MarketingTourism MarketingTourism ManagementSocial Marketing
Geomarketing allows geographical units to be defined with a certain degree of homogeneity in terms of tourists' preferences, behaviours, needs, expectations, purchase and consumption patterns and analogous attitudes. The result is a... more
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      ManagementMarketingEconomicsTourism Studies
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      MarketingAdvertisingMarketing StrategyStrategic Marketing
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      Strategy (Military Science)Project ManagementStrategic StudiesStrategic Management
Review by Capital Magazine of HR Marketing Book
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      Human Resource ManagementMarketing StrategyInnovation & Change ManagementHr and Marketing
Apple Inc is the global leading American multinational that focuses in manufacturing, designing and also selling of iPad tablets, iPhone, Mcbook computers, ecosystem among other technology enabled products. This makes Apple to be among... more
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      MarketingTourism MarketingInternational BusinessServices Marketing and Management
It seems logical that performance is maximized when a business produces a creative marketing strategy and achieves marketing strategy implementation effectiveness. However, cultural tensions and resource competition may make it difficult,... more
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      MarketingPerformanceMarketing StrategyBusiness and Management
Quality of life (QOL) has become a central issue of concern in peoples’ lives and the research on this topic has largely increased in the past decades. However, some studies on QOL only adopted objective indicators and QOL research is... more
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      BusinessMarketingTourism StudiesTourism Marketing
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This dissertation analyzes the postfeminist tendencies and biopolitics in contemporary media practices by considering the pop culture exemplar, the Kardashian-Jenner family. This dissertation received First Class Honors from Trinity... more
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      MarketingSociologyCultural StudiesMedia Sociology
Questo ebook sulla SEO ha lo scopo di approfondimento sul tema senza presunzione. L’obiettivo dell’ebook gratuito è quello di aggiornarlo con nuove storie ed esempi sullaSEO che spiegano sempre meglio l’efficienza della metodologia in... more
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      MarketingInternational MarketingMarketing StrategySearch Engine Optimization
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      ManagementStrategic ManagementStrategy (Business)Marketing Strategy
This case study examines Zara’s current retail strategy and digital transformation. It details Zara’s current in-store and eCommerce retail strategy, the impact of digital on the retail environment and customer experience, and the growth... more
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      BusinessMarketingInternational BusinessDigital Business Models
Financial Analysis Report on Barratt Developments PLC  and  Taylor Wimpey PLC on the basis of Annual Report 2015
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      International BusinessConsumer BehaviorMarketing Strategy
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    • Marketing Strategy
Make Rain is a business book that helps salespeople, professionals and entrepreneurs sell more in a shorter space of time. The book looks at the mindset and practice of Rainmakers, the top 20 percent of individuals who seem to bring in... more
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      Personal DevelopmentCoaching and Personal DevelopmentMarketing StrategyExecutive Coaching
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      BusinessMarketingBusiness AdministrationBusiness Ethics
As Edgar Degas said: “Art is not what you see, but what you make others see”. It means that the more you can transform your view of art from abstract things into physical things, the larger the enhancement for people who appreciated... more
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      International MarketingMarketing ResearchMarketing Strategy
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      MarketingSocial MediaMarketing StrategyBranding
Ninth Edition
J. Paul Peter
University of Wisconsin, Madison

Jerry C. Olson
Pennsylvania State University
Olson Zaltman Associates
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      MarketingTourism MarketingConsumers & ConsumptionSocial Marketing
Questo ebook sulla lead generation ha lo scopo di approfondimento sul tema senza presunzione. L’obiettivo dell’ebook gratuito è quello di aggiornarlo con nuove storie ed esempi sulla lead generation che spiegano sempre meglio l’efficienza... more
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      Services Marketing and ManagementMarketing StrategyMarketing CommunicationsGlobal Marketing
Hello TRIBE, In this post I’ll show you everything you need to know to start your own Affiliate Marketing Strategy from ZERO to HERO! In 7easy and clear steps! As you all know, every single day I do my best, to answer each one of you and... more
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      BusinessCareer Guidance CounselingStrategy (Business)Marketing Strategy
Questo ebook sul piano di marketing ha lo scopo di approfondimento sul tema senza presunzione. L’obiettivo dell’ebook gratuito è quello di aggiornarlo con nuove storie ed esempi sul piano di marketing che spiegano sempre meglio... more
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      MarketingInternational MarketingMarketing StrategyMarketing Management
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      MarketingTourism MarketingGlobalizationGlobal Governance
The study and practice of marketing have broadened considerably, from an emphasis on marketing as a functional management issue, to a wider focus on the strategic role of marketing in overall corporate strategy (e.g., Kotler, 2000;... more
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      MarketingGlobalizationInternational StudiesLocalization
A marketing plan may be part of an overall business plan. Solid marketing strategy is the foundation of a well-written marketing plan. While a marketing plan contains a list of actions, a marketing plan without a sound strategic... more
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      ManagementMarketingInternational MarketingMarketing Research
ABSTRACT Academic Marketing is on the rise in Germany. So is Social Media Marketing. In this paper we present a concept for academic marketing based on a social media marketing strategy developed and implemented at the Environmental... more
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      SociologyComputer ScienceSocial MediaMarketing Strategy
Este documento es la traducción libre del documento "8 Critical App Engagement Metrics" que permite identificar algunas métricas para las aplicaciones móviles.
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      Marketing ResearchMarketing StrategyMarketing Management
Research process on content management in small and medium enterprises in the Region of Murcia.
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      MarketingEducationCultural TourismMarketing Strategy
Mobile marketing is set to make a big impact in Australia. However, experience from the use of email for marketing purposes demonstrates that there are a number of pitfalls that companies can fall into and which consumers react badly to.... more
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      Mobile CommerceMarketing StrategyMobile phoneUser Acceptance
Secondary markets in the Information Technology (IT) industry, where used or refurbished equipment is traded, have been growing steadily. For Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) in this industry, the importance of secondary markets... more
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      Information TechnologyManagement ScienceMarketing StrategyCompetitive advantage
Marketing strategies addressing underserved African American wine customers' needs that also positively impact producers' and retailers' clientele was the impetus for this exploratory, qualitative paper. African Americans demonstrate a... more
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      HospitalityMarketing StrategyQualitative
Storytelling has become the hot topic in marketing for many reasons. Truly successful marketers however try not to just build their brands around stories but imbue and elevate them through myths. In the course of the past four years, the... more
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      MarketingMythologyBrand ManagementStrategic Brand Management
This experiment examines the effect of option choice framing on short-term regret from actions and inactions, using 124 Singaporean and 96 Thai working adults who add options to a base model (additive framing) or delete options from a... more
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      Marketing StrategyMultidisciplinaryRegret
Building on theoretical and empirical foundations in the consumer complaint behavior (CCB) literature, this study investigates outcomes and responsibilities for consumer complaints made to a governmental third-party organization. Using a... more
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      BusinessContent AnalysisMarketing StrategyMultidisciplinary
A number of writers have suggested that when men dominate numerically in an industry, women in that industry experience pressure to alter their leadership style, which in turn impacts on their mental health. These assertions, based... more
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      MarketingNew Product DevelopmentMarketing StrategyBusiness and Management
PurposeThis research investigated wine tourism development and marketing in southwest Michigan, a longtime viticultural, but emerging wine tourism region. The aims involved discovering the motivations, expectations, and successes of... more
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      BusinessMarketingMarketing StrategyTourism
This paper explores the internationalization process of the Italian SMEs, and aims to investigate their behaviour in the international contexts to ultimately outline general models able to optimize their peculiarities.
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      International DevelopmentMarketing StrategyEmpirical StudyGeneric model
We examined three approaches to research in marketing: exploratory hypotheses, dominant hypothesis, and competing hypotheses. Our review of empirical studies on scientific methodology suggests that the use of a single dominant hypothesis... more
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      BusinessMarketingResearchMarketing Strategy
Purpose-The purpose of this paper is to deepen our understanding of customers' actual internet banking behaviour by combining the construct of technology readiness with the technology acceptance model and demographics, such as age and... more
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      MarketingTechnology AcceptanceInternet BankingMarketing Strategy
Abstract: Purpose: The ever increase effect of commercialization and fast paced working has affected on the working style and efficiency of every organization. Nurses are considered as one of the most respectable and demanding profession... more
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    • Marketing Strategy
The advent of the Internet is leading a re-evaluation of existing business practice as the m ethods em ployed in a non-vir tual world m ay not necessar ily be as effective in a virtual environm ent. The present paper exam ines the... more
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      MarketingVirtual WorldsMarketing StrategyStrategic Marketing
We designed and ran an experiment to test how often people's choices are reversed by others' recommendations when facing different levels of confirmation and conformity pressures. In our experiment participants were first asked to provide... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceHuman Computer InteractionConsumer Behavior
A research report submitted to the Faculty of Commerce, Law and Management, University of the Witwatersrand, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Management in the field of Strategic Marketing Johannesburg... more
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      BusinessStrategic ManagementManagement of InnovationMarketing Research
This paper will attempt to introduce – the term and concept of green marketing; about the importance green marketing; examine some reason that make the organization interested to adopt green marketing philosophy; it also highlight some... more
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      BusinessMarketingGreen MarketingMarketing Strategy