Recent papers in Irony
Je tiens à remercier les organismes suivants pour leur soutien financier : le Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines du Canada (programme de bourses d'études supérieures) et le Fonds québécois de la recherche sur la société et la... more
Most critics of contemporary literature have reached a consensus that what was once called " postmodernism " is over and that its signature modes—metafiction and irony—are on the wane. This is not the case, however, with videogames. In... more
شیعر و پەخشان وەک هەموو هونەرەکانی دیکە بۆ پەیوەندی لەگەڵ بەردەنگی خۆیان پێویستیان بە چەند کەرەستەیەک هەیە؛ یەکێک لەم کەرەستانە، درکەیە. هەر لە کۆنەوە پسپۆڕانی ئەدەبی ئاماژەیان بە کارتێکەریی درکە لەسەر شێوازی ئاخافتنی ئاسایی و شیعر کردووە... more
Punk. The sound of the streets, the music of protest, the shouts and screams of the disadvantaged and oppressed, the anguished howl of the underdog, the unclean and the unworthy. Political, agitational, provocative, subversive, awkward,... more
The category of sabi is one of the most distinctive forms of Japanese aesthetics. A spiritual love for age, solitude and melancholia, it is central to practices like tea ceremony and haikai poetry: however, a formal description of its... more
Ironic language is typically more difficult to process and interpret than a literal equivalent, hence is assumed to serve several social and emotional functions not achieved by literal communication (such as politeness or introducing... more
The aim of the paper is to analyze the Hegelian interpretation of the notion of “irony” in the light of its evolution thorough the Berlin courses and in a comparison with the edition of the Ästhetik published by Hotho. The analysis of the... more
Hip-hop has long been considered political: as Chuck D. famously observed "rap music is the CNN of the ghetto". Moving beyond clearly political themes, slogans, and acts of alterity at the heart of Hip-Hop, this essay employs the work of... more
The chief aim of this essay is to posit a well-known Mesopotamian royal and divine epithet, ušumgallu "great dragon," as the source behind Ezekiel's enigmatic description of Pharaoh in 29.3, hattannīn haggādôl, "the great dragon." This... more
The Magical Ironist. On "Shamanic Disease" by Jacek Hugo-Bader The purpose of this paper is to analyze Jacek Hugo-Bader's novel reportage "Shamanic Disease" ("Szamańska choroba") understood as a blend of reportage and the conventions of... more
Este artículo de reflexión, derivado de una tesis sobre la enseñanza de la comprensión de textos argumentativos irónicos, aborda, a la luz del interaccionismo sociodiscursivo, la posible arquitectura textual carnavalizada que se desprende... more
We report an eye-tracking study in which we investigate the on-line processing of written irony. Specifically, participants’ eye movements were recorded while they read sentences which were either intended ironically, or non-ironically,... more
Kierkegaard Az irónia fogalmáról című doktori disszertációjának sokszor idézett záró passzusában röviden elemzi a humor jelenségét, elhatárolva azt az értekezés tárgyát adó iróniától. A humor fogalmát a szkepszishez, a bűnösséghez, az... more
In her series of short stories, entitled Héroïnes, Claude Cahun offers a re-reading of several key female figures such as Sappho, Salmacis, Judith, Salome and Eve and thus re-interprets and rewrites their stories under the sign of the... more
Definitional issues aside, Dylan's responses were clearly ironic. The most obvious indicators were how quickly, when pressed, Dylan changed his initial answer to the equally arbitrary 142, and how he took literally a question meant... more
The Bengali ‘obscene’ (aślīl) poetry of the Hungry Generation is heavily pregnant with ‘dirty’ sexual imagery. In particular, the poem “Prachanda Baidyutik Chutar” and its English translation “Stark Electric Jesus” (1964) by the... more
This chapter focuses on the series' array of narrative contexts invoking domestic irony, or, in other words, mobilizing a critique of suburban domesticity, in terms of such general aspects as courtship, marriage, and child-rearing.
On the often overlooked irony in Jorge Luis Borges’ “The Library of Babel” (which is not the exhaustion of possible expression) and “Pierre Menard, Author of the Quixote” (which is not a death-of-the-author-birth-of-the-reader allegory).... more
Soren Kierkegaard Lucinda-kritikájának elemzéséből kiindulva azt vizsgálom meg, hogy miben különbözött Schlegel és Kierkegaard iróniával kapcsolatos trópus-használata, milyen metaforák mentén határolódott el a dán filozófus német... more
CONTENTS October 17th, 2011 [pages 6-15] I Persecution and the Art of Writing or Towards a Hermeneutics of Suspicion from interpretation of the meaning between lines to explanation of the transcendental effect of forms 1. ‘PERSECUTION’:... more
While an emerging group of scholars has made productive inroads investigating emotion’s role in politics, the way in which scholars face these emotions remains an issue in need of updated study. While no article can provide definitive... more
The paper discusses the relation between Luigi Pirandello's L'umorismo and Umberto Eco's and Richard Rorty's diverging versions of irony. The article highlights genealogical, as well as rhizomatic relations between modernist humour and... more
The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) now spans dozens of films, TV shows, and web series, dating back to 2008’s Iron Man. The enormous success of that film provided a sort of template that Marvel has followed almost to the letter in most... more
The types of irony and how they function in the New Testament.
André Gide was among the French intellectuals who, in the beginning of the 20 th century, attempted a completely new approach to the Greek myth. A typical example of his work is Thésée, a novel where he practically de-mystifies the... more
Chapter 7 in: Gregor Thuswaldner/Dan Russ (ads.), The Hermeneutics of Hell: Visions and Representations of the Devil in World Literature, New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2017, pp. 115-142. See
Anlässlich des 15-jährigen Bestehens des kelten römer museums manching startete am 2. Juni 2021 das Quiz »Professor von Eulenschnurz – Jäger des verworrenen Quatsches«. Die Besucherinnen und Besucher hatten Gelgenheit, bis zum 12.... more
Vorversion des publizierten Aufsatzes
Η παρούσα μελέτη προτείνει την διαλεκτική σχέση μεταξύ της πιεροτικής και της προφητικής ποιητικής στην ποίηση και την πεζογραφία του Ρώμου Φιλύρα. Συνεπώς, η ανάγνωση αυτή εισηγείται μια νέα θεώρηση του έργου του Φιλύρα, το οποίο στις... more